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1520 [1520]

K. Henry. 8. Appendix. Boners letter to Cloney for the abolishing of Images.

MarginaliaRichard Browne escaped burning by the comming in of queene Elizabeth.dayes of kyng Henry the 7.  

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At his trial in 1511, John Browne stated that he had previously abjured twelve years previously (Kent Heresy Proceedings, 1511-12, ed. Norman Tanner. Kent Records 26 (Maidstone, 1997), p. 48).

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If correct, this would mean Browne had abjured in 1504. But it iscertainly incorrect. At his trial, Browne stated that 'he was abjured bifore my lordMorton, cardinal and archebisshop of Canterbury…xii teares past' (Kent HeresyProceedings, 1511-12, ed. Norman Tanner, Kent Records 26 [Maidstone, 1997],p. 48). This would place his abjuration around 1499. Archbishop Morton died in1500.

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Whose sonne also named Richard Browne, for the lyke cause of Religion was emprisoned at Canterbury likewise in the latter tyme of Queene Mary, & should haue bene burned, with two moe besides him selfe the next day after the death of Queene Mary, but that by the proclaymyng of Queene Elizabeth, they escaped.

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Amongest other Iniunctions and letters of kyng Henry 8. written and set forth for reformation of Religion, he wrote one letter to Edmund Boner for abolishyng of Images, Pilgrimages, Shrines, and other monumentes of Idolatrie. Whiche letter beyng before expressed  

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See 1570, p. 1385; 1576, pp. 1181-2 and 1583, p. 1210.

pag. 1443, we shoulde also haue annexed to the same the letter or Mandate of Boner directed in Latin to Richard Cloney his Sumner apperteynyng to þe due executiō therof. Which letter because we haue omitted before, the defect therof I thought here in this vacant space to supplye. The letter written to Cloney in Latin, thus begynneth.

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¶ Boners letter to Cloney Keeper of the Colehouse,  
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Foxe is being sarcastic in calling Cluney the keeper of Bishop Bonner's coal-house. Cluney was actually Bonner's summoner. The bishop occasionally kept prisoners suspected of heresy detained in his coal house to have them ready to hand for examination.

for the abolishyng of Images.

EDmundus permissione Diuina Lond. Episc. Dilecto nobis in Christo Richardo Cloney literato, MarginaliaThys Cloney coulde neyther vnderstand the Latin nor yet scarse read Englishe, and yet here he is called literatus.Apparitori nostro generali salut. grat. & benedictionem. Cum nos 13. die mensis instantis Octob. circa noctem, literas serenissimi. &c.

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The same in Englishe.

FOr somuch as the 13. day of this present, we haue receaued the letters of our soueraigne Lord, by the grace of God kyng of England. &c. to vs directed, and conteynyng in them the commaundement of hys Maiestie, by vs to bee executed in tenour of wordes whiche MarginaliaHad Boner none to do these weightie thinges but Cloney the Keeper of the Colehouse?here I send vnto you: we therfore willyng and desiryng according as our duetie bindeth vs, to put þe same in execution with all diligence possible accordyng to the effect and tenour therof, do charge and straitly commaunde you by the tenour hereof, in the kynges behalfe & for the fidelitie whiche we haue in you assuredly approued, that you incontinent vpon the receite hereof, do effectually warne all and singular Persons and Vicars of this Citie of Londō and of all our Dioces, that they immediatly vpō the sight and intimation of these present Articles and Interrogatories here vnder written, do cause diligent and effectuall inquisitiō therof to be made, to wytte:

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Whether there be vsed or continued any superstition, hypocrisie or abuse within any their parishes or Cures, contrary to any ordinaunce, Iniunctiō, or commaundement giuen or set foth by the kynges Maiestie or by his authoritie.

Itē, whether they haue in their churches or wtin their Parishes, any Shrines, couerings of Shrines, tables of fayned miracles, Pilgrimages, Images & bones resorted & offered vnto, & other monumētes & thyngs wherwith þe people haue be illuded, or any offering or setting vp of lightes, or candles, other then be permitted by the kynges Maiesties Iniunctions, or whether the said Iniunctions be duely obserued & kept in their Parishes or Cures, or els transgressed and brokē, and in what part. And further, after the sayd inquisition thus by them and euery of them respectiuely beyng made, that you do certifie vs, or our Vicare generall, what is done in the premisses, vppon the Euen of Symon and Iude, or thereabout, vnder the perill thereof folowyng. Dat. 14. die Octob. an. 1541. & nostræ translat. 2.

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The ende of the eight booke.