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1535 [1535]

K. Edvvard. 6. The Kinges aunswere or instruction to the rebelles of Deuonshyre.
Marginalia1549.¶ A message sent by the kinges Maiestie, to certayne of hys people assembled in Deuonshire.

MarginaliaThe aunswere of the kyng to the Articles of the rebelles in Deuonshyre.ALthough knowledge hath bene geuen to vs & our dearest Vncle Edward Duke of Somerset, Gouernor of our person, and Protector of all our Realmes, Dominions and Subiectes, and to the rest of our priuy Counsayle, of diuerse assembles made by you which ought of dutye to be our louing Subiectes, against all order, law, and otherwise then euer any louing or kinde Subiects hath attempted against their naturall and liege souerain Lord: yet we haue thought it meete at this verye fyrst time, not to condemne or reiect you, as we might iustly doo, but to vse you as our Subiectes, thinking that the deuill hath not that power in you, to make you of naturall borne English men, so sodainly become enemies to your owne natiue Countrey, or of our Subiectes, to make you Traitors, or vnder pretence to relieue your selues, to destroye your selues, your wiues, Chyldren, landes, houses, and all other commodities of thys your life. This we say, we trust, that although ye be by ignorance seduced, ye will not be vpon knowledge obstinate. And though some emongest you (as euer there is some cockle amongest good corne) forget God, neglect theyr Prince, esteeme not the state of the Realme, but as careles desperate men, delight in sedition, tumult & warres: Yet neuertheles, the greater part of you wyll heare the voyce of vs your naturall Prince, and will by wysdome and counsell, be warned and cease your euyls in the beginning, whose endes wyll be euen by almightye Gods order, your own destructiō. Wherfore, as to you our subiectes by ignorance seduced, we speake, and bee content to vse our princely authority like a Father to hys Children for this time, to admonish you of your faultes, not to punish them: to put you in remembrance of your du-duties, not to auenge your forgetfulnes.

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MarginaliaVnlawfull assembles.First, your disorder to rise in multitudes, to assemble your selues against other our louing subiectes, to array your selues to the warre, who amongest you all can aunswer for the same to almighty God charging you to obey vs in all thinges? Or how can any Englishe good hart aunswer vs, our lawes, and the rest of our very louing and faythfull Subiectes, who in dede by theyr obedience, make our honor, estate, and degree?

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MarginaliaThe kings name abused.Ye vse our name in your writinges, and abuse the same against our self. What iniury herein doo you vs, to call those which loue vs, to your euyll purposes, by the authoritie of our name? God hath made vs your King by his ordinaunce and prouidence, by our bloud and inheritance, by lawfull succession and our coronation: but not to this end, as you vse our name. We are your most naturall soueraigne Lord and King, Edward the. VI. to rule you, to preserue you, to saue you from all your outward enemies, to see our lawes well ministred, euerye man to haue his own, to suppresse disordered people, to correct Traitors, Theeues, Pirates, Robbers, and such like, yea, to keepe our Realmes from other Princes, frō the malice of the Scots, of Frenchmen, of the Byshop of Rome. Thus good Subiectes our name is wrytten, thus it is honoured and obeyed, thys maiestie it hath by Gods ordinaunce, not by mans. So that of thys your offence we cānot write to much: And yet doubt not, but this is inough from a Prince to all reasonable people, from a Kyng to all kynde harted and louing Subiects, from a puissant king of England, to euery naturall Englysh man.

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MarginaliaTheir falseYour pretences, which you say moueth you to doo thus, and wherewyth ye seeke to excuse this disorder, we assure you, be either all false, or so vayne that wee doubt not but after ye shall hereby vnderstand the truth thereof, ye wyll all with one noyse knowledge your selues ignorantly lead, and by errour seduced, and if there be any that wyll not, assure you the same be rancke Traytors, enemies of our crowne, seditious people, heretiks, Papists, or such as care not what cause they seke to prouoke an insurrection, so they may do it, nor in deede can waxe so rich with their owne labours and wyth peace, as they can do with spoyles, wyth warres, wyth robberies, and suche lyke, yea, with the spoyle of your owne goods, with þe liuing of your labours, the sweate of your bodies, the foode of your own housholdes, wiues, chyldren. Such they be, as for a time vse pleasaunt perswasions to you, and in the ende wyll cut your throtes for your own goodes.

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You bee borne in hande, that your childre, though necessitye chaunce, shall not be Christened, but vpon theholy dayes. How false this is, learne you of vs. Our booke which we haue set forth by the free consent of our whole Parliament in the English tounge, teacheth you the contrary euen in the fyrst leafe, yea the first side of the fyrst leafe of that part whych entreateth of Babtisme. Good Subiectes (for to others we speake not) looke, & be not deceiued. They which haue put this false opinion into your eares, they meane not the Christening of children, but the destruction of you our christened Subiects. Bee thys knowen vnto you, our honor is so much, that we may not be found faultie of our worde. MarginaliaThe false surmise of the rebelles touching Baptisme, refuted.Proue it, if by our lawes ye may not Christen your children vpon necessitye euery day or houre in the weeke, then myght you be offended: but seing you may do it, howe can you beleue them which teach you the contrary? What thinke you they meane in the rest, which moue you to breake your obedience agaynst vs your King and soueraigne, vpon these so false tales and perswasions in so euident a matter? Therefore you all which wyll knowledge vs your soueraigne Lord, and which wyll heare the voyce of vs your naturall King, may easely perceiue howe ye be deceiued, and how subtelly traitors and Papists with their falsehode seeke to atchieue and bring their purpose to passe with your helpe. Euery traytor wyll be glad to dissemble his treason and feede it secretly, euerye Papist his Poperye and nourishe it inwardly, and in the ende make you our Subiectes partakers of treason and Popery, which in the beginning was pretended a common wealth and holines.

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And howe are you seduced by them, whych put in your heades the blessed Sacrament of Christes bodye shoulde not differ from other common bread? If our Lawes, Proclamations, and Statutes bee all to the contrary, why shall any priuate man perswade you agaynst them? Wee doe our selfe in our owne hart, our Counsell in all their profession, our lawes and statutes in all purposes, our good Subiectes in al theyr doings, most highly esteme that Sacrament, and vse the communion thereof to our most comfort. We make so much difference thereof from other common bread, that we thinke no profyte of other breade, but to mayntayne our bodies. But of this blessed bread we take very fode of our soules to euerlasting lyfe. How thinke you good Subiectes, shall not we, being your Prince, your Lord, your King by Gods appoyntmēt, with truth more preuaile, then certayn euyll persons with open falshode? Shall any seditious person perswade you, that the Sacrament is despised, which is by our lawes, by our selfe, by our Counsail, by all our good Subiectes, esteemed, vsed, participated, and daylye receiued? MarginaliaThe false surmise of the rebels touching the Sacramēt of the Lordes Supper resolued.If euer ye were seduced, if euer deceiued, if euer Traitors were beleued, if euer Papists poysoned good subiectes, it is nowe. It is not the christening of children, not the reuerence of the Sacrament, not the health of your soules that they shote at, good subiectes. It is sedition, it is high treason, it is your destruction they seeke, how craftely, how piteously, how cnnningly so euer they do it. With one rule iudge ye the ende, which of force must come of your purposes. Almightye God forbiddeth vpon payne of euerlastyng damnation, disobenience to vs your King: and in hys place we rule in earth. If we should be slowe, would God erre? If you offence be towardes God, thyncke you it pardoned without repentaunce? Is Gods iudgement mutable? Your payne is damnation, Your Iudge is incorruptible, your fault is most euident.

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Likewyse are ye euill enformed in diuers other Articles, as for confirmatiō of your children, for the Masse, for the maner of your seruice of Mattins and Euēsong. What soeuer is therein ordered, hath bene long debated and consulted by many learned Bishops, Doctors, and other men of great learning, in this Realme concluded: in nothing so much labour and tyme spent of late tyme, nothing so fully ended.

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Mattins and seruice in Englishe.
As for the seruice in the English toung, hath manifest reasons for it. And yet perchaunce seemeth to you a new seruice, and in deede is none other but the old. The selfe same wordes in English which were in Latin, sauing a few thinges taken out, so fonde that it had beene a shame to haue heard them in Englishe, as all they can iudge which list to report the truth. The difference is, we meant godly, that you our Subiectes should vnderstand in English, being your naturall Countrey toung, that which was heretofore spoken in Latin, then seruing onely for them which vnderstood latin, & now for all you which be borne English. How can this with reason offend any reasonable man, that he shall vnderstand what

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