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1550 [1550]

K. Edward. 6. The fourth Action or Seßion against Edm. Boner Bishop of London.

MarginaliaAn. 1549.therwise, aunswere then ye haue done, and that ye haue already sufficiently aunswered (with many such like delayes) so as we can by no meanes induce you to confesse plainly what you did, yea or nay: therefore I say, to the intent we may come to the truth, we haue dilated the matter more at large, and haue drawē out other Articles wherunto you shalbe sworne, and then I trust you wil dally with vs no more as you haue done. For although you make your aunsweres in writyng, yet you shalbe examined by vs and make your aūsweres by mouth to the same Articles, or els you shall do worse. In dede I do not (as I said) discōmend your Protestations and termes of law, if it were in a young Proctour that would helpe his clientes cause: but in you it may not be suffered so to vse the kynges Commissioners.

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MarginaliaNew Articles & Iniunctions ministred to Boner.Then did the delegates minister vnto him certeine new Articles and Iniunctions, and did there onerate him with a corporall oth in forme of lawe to make a full and true aunswere therunto. The Bishop notwithstādyng, still (accordyng to his wonted maner) vnder his former Protestation protested of the nullitie and inualiditie of those Articles, Iniunctions, and processe, desiryng also a copie therof, with a competent tyme to aunswere therunto. MarginaliaBoner agayn assigned the next day to appeare.To whom othe Iudges decreed a copie, commaundyng him to come to his examination to the Archb. the next day at viij. of the clocke before noone.

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MarginaliaNew witnesses agaynst Boner.Then þe Cōmissioners did receaue for witnes, vpon those new Articles now ministred vnto þe Byshop, Sir Ioh. Mason, Sir Tho. Chalenor knightes, M. Williā Cicill, Armygel Wade, & Williā Hunnynges Clerkes to the kinges Maiesties Counsaile, whom they onerated with a corporall oth in the presence of the Bishop, who still protested of the nullitie of their receiuyng and swearyng, obiectyng agaynst them and their sayinges: and therewith repeatyng his Interrogatories already ministred, sayd he had mo to minister by to morow at viij. of the clocke.

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MarginaliaBoners information against Maister W. Latimer preacher.The same day and tyme likewise the Bishop exhibited vnto the Commissioners an information, or rather cauillation agaynst William Latimer, for that he, notwithstandyng that he had in all his talke pretended the great tranquilitie of this Realme, which was greatly impeached and hindered whē that any the kynges subiectes should thinke that his Maiestie hath not as full power and authoritie royall in his minoritie as when his Maiestie came to perfect age, or should thinke that his subiectes were not bounde to obey the same, yet hath of late there in open audiēce reported, that he hath heard with hys eares diuers persons vnreuerently speake of the kynges Maiestie saying: tushe the kyng is but a babe or child, what lawes cā he make? or what can he do in his minoritie? let him haue a tost and butter or bread and milke, and that is more meter for him then to make lawes or statutes to bynd vs to obey thē: we are not bound to obey till hee be past his minoritie, and come to his full and perfecte age: with the hearyng of whiche woordes the Bishop also charged the Commissioners, and that bycause Latymer at the recitall of the same in their presence, was neither by them controled, nor yet caused to bryng forth the same persons, but was let passe in silence, sauyng that he the sayd Bishop did speake agaynst him in that behalfe, MarginaliaW. Latimer impeached of Boner for cōcealing of treason.saying that he would detect hym, bycause that, as it appeared hee had of long tyme concealed the wordes and not opened the same in such place and to such persons as hee ought to haue done, but had kept the persons and sayinges of them secret, either not takyng the matter of such importaunce as he pretended, or els thereby vnfaithfully behauyng him selfe towardes his Prince, and therfore was worthy with his ayders, fauourers, & counsellers to be punished.

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MarginaliaA new terme assigned to Boner to appeare.These vayne cauillations ended, the Commissioners for that day finished their Session, assignyng the Bishop to appeare in that same place againe vpō Mon-day then next folowyng, betwene the houres of vj. and ix. in þe forenoone, then & there to shew a final cause why he should not be declared pro confesso. And so deliuering hym a copie of the Articles, they departed: the contentes wherof ensue.

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¶ Articles and positions geuen by the kinges Commissioners to the bishop of London, to be aunswered by him ioyntly and seuerally in euery poynt the second time.

Articles agaynst Boner ministred the second tyme.
THat ye were sent for to the L. Protectors grace and the rest of the Counsaile, and came thether into the Court at Westminster the. x. of August, or some other day of the same moneth.

Marginalia2.Item, that at the same tyme the Lorde Protector and diuers other of the kinges Maiesties priuye Counsayle, sytting in counsell, ye were called in, and there the sayd Lord Protector did on the kinges Maiesties behalfe declare vnto you diuers faults and abuses the which were founde in you, and gaue you strayte charge to amende them, adding and threatning that els you shoulde be otherwyse looked vnto.

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Marginalia3.Item, that the said Lord Protectors grace did declare vnto you for better admonition and amendemēt of you, that ye should haue frō þe kinges maiestie by his aduise & the rest of the priuy Counsail, certaine articles & iniunctions to obserue and folow geuen you in writing.

Marginalia4.Item, that there and then the sayd Lorde Protector commaunded Syr Thomas Smyth knight, Secretary to the kings Maiestye, to reade a certaine proper booke of Iniunctions & articles vnto you, the said Secretary stādyng at the Counsail tables ende, and you standing by, and hearing the same.

Marginalia5.Item, that the sayd Lorde Protector there and then wylled to bee refourmed certaine thinges in the sayde booke of Iniunctions, as where ye were appoynted to preache sooner, at your request it was appoynted vnto you to preach the Sonday three weekes after the date of the sayd writing.

Marginalia6.Item, that in the sayd articles the Lorde Protectors grace found fault because an article or commaundement vnto you set forth and declared of the kinges Maiesties authority now in his younge age, of hys lawes and statutes in the same time was omitted, and therefore eyther immediately before you came into the Counsel chāber, or you being present and standing by, commaunded the sayd Secretary Smith to put it in writing & annexe it to the rest of the articles.

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Marginalia7.Item, that the sayd Secretarye Smith, then and there did immediately vpon commaundement, write into the sayd booke or paper, wherin the rest of the articles were wrytten, the sayd article: videlicet, you shall also set forth in your sermon, that the autoritie of our royall power is (as of truth it is) of no lesse authoritye and force in thys our younge age, then was of anye of our Predecessors, though the same were muche elder, as maye appeare by example of Iosias and other yoūg kings in the scripture, and therefore all our Subiectes to be no lesse bounde to the obedience of our preceptes, lawes, and statutes, then if we were of. 30. or. 40. yeares of age.

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Marginalia8.Item, that the Lorde Protector did so deliuer you the booke or paper, willing fyrst the sayd Secretarye Smith to amend all thinges as he had appointed.

Marginalia9.Item, that ye then and there dyd promise to the Lord Protectors grace, that ye would obserue and fulfill all in the sayd Iniunctions and articles conteined.

Marginalia10.Item, that all thinges in the sayde booke, put in and mencioned by the sayd Secretary Smith, and the same so read vnto you by hym, and you fyrst agreing that al that was by him so written, was by the Lord Protectors appointment, the sayde booke was so deliuered vnto you then and there by the said Secretary Smith in the Counsayle Chamber.

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Marginalia11.Item, that you haue the sayde booke in your possession, or els know where it is, the true copy whereof in effect is annexed to these articles.

Marginalia12.Item, that ye were commaunded in the sayd Iniunctions to preach the sonday. iij. weekes after the deliuery thereof at Paules, and there to intreate vpon certaine articles, as is specified in the sayd booke of Iniunctions, and especially the sayde article beginning: Ye shall also set forth, and ending. 30. or. 40. yeares of age.

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Marginalia13.Item, that for the accomplishment of part of the sayd Iniunctions and commaundement, you did preach the
