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1552 [1552]

K. Edward. 6. The 5. Seßion or appearaunce of Boner before the Commißioners.

MarginaliaAn. 1549.ners, and that I haue bene and am as sturdy, wilful, and disobedient, as may be in your iudgement and opinion, mayntaining and vpholding the rebels and theyr opinions, and that I shall aunswer by mouth or els smart and do worse, or els ye wyll sende me to the Tower, there to syt and be ioyned with Kette and Humfrey Arundell the Rebels: ouer and besides diuers other threateninges and comminatorye wordes by you pronounced and vttered vnseemely, and farre vnmete to procede out of the mouth of you that are in such roume and place as ye be in.

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And moreouer increasyng your malice, euil wyll, and grudge borne agaynst me, ye haue amōgest other things vntruly surmised, written, alledged, and sayd, that a certaine booke of Articles and Iniunctions by the Lorde Protectors Grace in the full counsayle after a certayne prescribed fashion and fourme in the denunciation, commission & articles, which de facto were induced, brought in and obiected against me, was deliuered vnto me: MarginaliaHere Boner most proudly shameth not to belye the kings Secretary and one of his Maiesties Counsaile, charging hym with altering, & adding vnto the Coūsailes Iniunctions.and moreouer of an euyll wyll and vngodly intent and purpose contrary to the truth, ye haue wythdrawen, added, altered, and qualified diuers thinges in the same, otherwyse then they were spoken or done, and yet ye are not ashamed to alledge, wryte, and saye that all is true, and one consonant and agreable in all poyntes wyth the other, where in deede it is not so. And ye haue further de facto against the lawe, and agaynst the commission to you directed, and agaynst my iust and lawfull allegations and sayinges, proceeded vnlawfully and vniustly agaynst me, many things attempting and doing agaynst me vnlawfully and vniustly, as appeareth in the actes of thys matter, to the which I doo refer me so far foorth as they make for me, and be expedient by me and for me to be alledged and referred vnto your selfe also vnlawfully and vniustly de facto with your Colleagues, the whych without you had begon the sayde matters, proceeding, where by the law ye so ought not to haue done in deede, but abstayned therefrom, as heretofore sondrye tymes I haue alledged, appearing in the actes of thys Court, do vpon these iust and reasonable causes, MarginaliaThe Popes lawes termed by the name of the kings Ecclesiasticall lawes.according to the order of the kinges Maiesties ecclesiasticall lawes, refuse, decline, and recuse, you the sayd Syr Thomas Smith as an vncompetent, vnmete, and suspect Iudge against me in this behalfe, and decline your pretensed iurisdictiō in thys matter for causes aforesayd, desiring nothing but iustice, and offering my selfe prompt and ready to proue them so far as I am bound, and according to the order of the kings Maiesties ecclesiasticall lawes of this realme in this behalf, as time, place, and otherwyse shal require.

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MarginaliaThe replye of Secretary Smyth to Boners allegations.This recusatiō ended, þe Secretary told him playne, that that notwithstandyng hee woulde procede in his Commission and would be still his iudge vntil he were otherwise inhibited: and sayd vnto him farther: My Lord, whereas you say in your recusation that I sayd, that you did like theeues, murtherers, and traitours, in dede I sayd it, and may and will so say agayne, since we perceaue it by your doynges.

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MarginaliaBoner.Wherunto the Bishop in a great and stoute rage replied, saying: Well Syr, bycause you sit here by vertue of the kynges Commission, and for that ye be Secretary to his Maiestie and also one of his highnes Coūsell, I must and do honour and reuerence you: but as you be but Syr Thomas Smith, and say as ye haue sayd, MarginaliaBoner in a pelting chafe agaynst Syr Thomas Smyth.that I do like theeues, murtherers, and traitours, I say ye lye vppon me, and in that case I defie you: and do what ye can to me, I feare you not, and therfore quod facis fac citius.

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MarginaliaThe Archbyshop.Wherat the Archbishop with the other Commissioners sayd vnto him, that for such his vnreuerent behauiour he was worthy imprisonment.

MarginaliaBoner.Then the Bishop in more madde fury then before, sayd agayne vnto them: A Gods name ye may do de facto, send me whether ye will, and I must obey you, and so will, except ye send me to the deuill, for thether I will not go * Marginalia* I pray God ye go not for your selfe.for you. Three things I haue (to witte) a small portion of goodes, a poore carcas, and mine own soule: the two first ye may take (thoughe vniustly) to you, but as for my soule ye get not, quia anima mea in manibus meis semper.

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MarginaliaSecretary Smyth.Well, sayd then the Secretary, ye shall know thatthere is a kyng.

MarginaliaBoner.Yea Syr (sayd the Byshop) but that is not you, neither, I am sure, will you take it vpon you.

MarginaliaSecretary Smyth.No Syr, sayd agayne the Secretary, but we will make you know who it is: and with that the Commissioners commaunded the Byshop and all the rest to departe the chamber vntill they called for him agayne.

Now, in the meane while that the Commissioners were in consultatiō, the Bishop with Gilbert Bourne his Chapleyn, Robert Warnington his Commissary, and Robert Iohnson his Register were tarying in a quadrant voide place before the doore of the same chāber. Where the Bishop leanyng at a cupboard, and seyng his Chapleyns very sad, sayd vnto them in effect as foloweth. MarginaliaBoners talke to his Chapleins in the quadrant place before the chamber of presence at Lambeth.Syrs, what meane you? Why shewe you your selues to be so sad and heauy in mynde, as appeareth to me by your outward gestures & countenaūces? I would wishe you, yea and I require you to be as mery as I am (laying therewith his hand vpon his brest) for afore God I am not sad nor heauy, but mery and of good comfort, & am right glad & ioyfull of this my trouble, which is for Gods cause: and it greueth me nothing at all. But the great matter that greueth me, and perceth my hart, is for that this Hooper and such other vyle heretickes and beastes be suffered and lycenced to preach at Paules Crosse, & in other places within my Dioces and cure, most detestably preachyng and railyng at the blessed Sacrament of the aulter, and denying the veritie and presence of Christes true body & bloud to bee there, & so infecteth & betrayeth my flocke. But I say it is there in very deede, and in that opinion I will lyue and dye, & am ready to suffer death for the same. Wherfore ye beyng Christen men, I do require you, and also charge and commaunde you in the name of God and on his behalfe, as you will aunswere hym for the cōtrary, MarginaliaHere Boners obedient hart bursteth out.that ye go to the Maior of London and to his brethren the Aldermen, praying and also requiryng them earnestly in Gods name and myne and for mine owne discharge on that behalfe, that from henceforth, MarginaliaBoners Popishe message & charge to the lord Maior and Aldermen.when any such detestable and abominable preachers (and especially those which hold opinion agaynst the blessed Sacrament of the aulter) do come to preach vnto them, they forthwith depart out of their presence and doe not heare them, lest that they tarying with such preachers, should not onely hurte them selues in receauyng their poisoned doctrine, but also geue a visage to the incouragement of others, which thereby mought take an occasion to thinke and beleue that their erroneous and damnable doctrine is true and good: and this eftsoones I require and commaunde you to doo.

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And then turnyng him selfe about and beholdyng two of the Archbyshops Gentlemen, which in the same place kept the chāber doore where the Commissioners were in cōsultatiō, and perceauyng that they had heard all his talke, hee spake vnto them also and sayd: MarginaliaBoners triflyng charge to two of the Archbyshops gentlemen.And Syrs, ye be my Lord of Canterburies Gentlemen, I know ye very well: and therefore I also require and charge you in Gods behalf & in his name, that ye do the like for your partes in places where ye shall chaunce to see & heare such corrupt & erroneous preachers, & also aduertise my Lord your maister of the same, & of these my sayinges that I haue nowe spokē here before you, as ye are Christē men, and shall aunswere before God for the contrarie.

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With this the Commissioners called for the Bishop agayne. Who did read vnto them an instrument cōteinyng a prouocation to the kyng, which he made in maner and forme here folowyng.

¶ The first appellation intimated by Edmond Boner Byshop of London.

MarginaliaBoner appealeth to the king because he could not to the pope.IN the name of God, Amen. It shall appeare to all mē by this publicke instrumēt, that the yeare of our Lord 1549. the xx. day of Septēber, the third yeare of the reigne
