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1572 [1572]

K. Edward. 6. Articles ministred agaynst VVinchester.

MarginaliaAn. 1550.sayd Maister of þe horse and M. Secretary Peter should repayre vnto him agayne, and for the more autentike procedyng with him, they to haue with them a Diuine and a temporall Lawyer, which were the Byshop of London, and Maister Goodricke.

¶ The copie of the Articles last sent to the Byshop of Winchester.

VVHere as I Steuen Bishop of Winchester haue bene suspected as one that dyd not approue or allowe the kinges maiesties procedings in alteration of certein rites in Religion, and was conuented before the kinges highnes Counsaill, and admonished thereof, and hauing certain thinges appointed for me to doe and preach for my declaration, haue not done therein as I ought to do, whereby I haue deserued his maiesties displeasure: I am right sory therfore. MarginaliaWinchester agayne required to submitte him selfe.And to the intent it maye appeare to the world howe lytle I do repyne at his highnes doyngs, which be in religion most godly and to the cōmon wealth most profitable, I do affirme as followeth.

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MarginaliaGood reason and ground in suppressing houses of religion.1. Fyrst, that the late kyng of moste famous memory kyng Henry the eight, our late soueraigne Lorde, iustlye and of good reason and grounde, hath taken awaye and caused to be suppressed and defaced, all monasteries and religious houses and all conuenticles and conuentes of Monkes, Friers, Nonnes, Chanons, Bonhoms, and other persons called religious, and that the same beyng so dissolued, the persones therein bound and professed to obedience to a persone, place, habite, and other supersticious rites and ceremonies, vppon that dissolution and order appoynted by the kinges maiesties authoritie, as supreme head of the church, are clerely released and acquited of those vowes and professions, and at their full libertie as though those vnwittie & supersticious vowes had neuer bene made.

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MarginaliaMariages permitted by Gods lawe, stand good without the Popes dispensation.2. Item, that any person may lawfully marye without any dispensation from the Bishop of Rome or any other man with any person whom it is not prohibited to contract matrimony by the lawe leuiticall.

MarginaliaVowes and going of pilgrimage.3. Item, that the vowing and going of pilgrimaige to Images or to the bones and reliques of any sainctes hath bene supersticiously vsed and cause of much wickednes and Idolatrie, and therfore iustlye abolished by the sayd late king of famous memorie, and the Images and reliques so abused, haue bene of great and godly consideracions defaced and destroyd.

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MarginaliaGadding about with S. Nicholas, &c.4. Item, that the coūterfeyting of S. Nicolas, S. Clement, S. Katherine, and S. Edmonde by Children heretofore brought into the Church, was a mere mockerye & folishnes, and therfore iustly abolished and taken away.

MarginaliaScriptures to be in the vulgare tounge.5. Item, it is conuenient and godly that the scripture of the old Testament and newe, that is the hole Bible, be had in Englishe and published to be read of euery man, and that who soeuer doth repell and dehorte men from the reading therof, doth euell and damnably.

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6. Item, that the sayd late King of iust ground and reason dyd receaue into his handes the authority and disposition of chauntries and such liuinges as were giuen for the maintenaūce of priuate masses, and did well chaunge diuers of them to other vses.

MarginaliaChauntrey Masses well put downe.7. Also the kinges maiestie that now is by the aduise and consent of the Parliament dyd vpon iuste grounde and reason, suppresse, abolish, and take away the sayd chauntryes and such other liuinges as were vsed and occupied for maintenaunce of priuate masses, and masses satisfactory, for the sowles of them which are dead, or finding of obites, lights, or other like things. MarginaliaThe Masse full of abuses and well chaūged to the Cōmunion.The masse that was wont to be sayde of priestes was full of abuses and had very fewe thinges of Christes institution besydes the pistell, gospell, lorders prayer, and the wordes of the lords supper: the rest for the more part were inuented and deuised by Bishops of Rome, and by other men of the same sorte, and therfore iustly taken away by the statutes and lawes of this realme: and the communion which is placed in the stede therof, is very godly and agreable to the Scriptures.

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MarginaliaSacrament in both kindes.8. Item, that it is most conuenient and fit, and accordyng to the first institution, that all Christiā men should receaue the Sacramēt of the body and bloud of Christ in both the kyndes, that is in bread and wyne.

MarginaliaMasse the Popes ordinaunce.9. And the Masse wherin the Priest doth onely receaue, & the other do but looke on, is but the inuention of man and the ordinaunce of the Byshop of Romes Church, nor agreable to Scripture.

MarginaliaThe Sacrament not to be adored.10 Item, that vpon good and Godly considerations, it is ordred in the sayd booke and order, that the Sacramēt should not be lifted vp and shewed to the people to be adored, but to be with godly deuotion receyued as it was first instituted.

MarginaliaAll images abolyshed.11 Item, that it is well, politikely and godly done, that the Kynges Maiestie by Acte of Parliament, hath commaunded all Images which haue stand in Churches or Chappels, to be clearely abolished and defaced, lest here after at any time, they should gyue occasion of Idolatry or be abused, as many of them heretofore haue bene with pilgrimages and such Idolatrous worshippyng.

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MarginaliaMasse bookes, Grailes, &c. defaced.12 And also that for like godly and good considerations by the same authoritie of Parliament, all Masse bookes, Cowchers, Grayles, and other bookes of the seruice in Latine heretofore vsed, should be abolished and defaced, aswel for certeine supersititions in them conteined, as also to auoyde dissension: and that the sayd seruice in the Church shoulde bee through the whole Realme in one vniforme conformitie, and no occasion through those old bookes geuen to the contarie.

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MarginaliaVowed chastitie of Priestes hath no cōmaundement of God.13 That Bishops, Priestes, and deacons haue no cōmaundement of the law of God, either to vow ch or to abstayne continually from Mariage.

14 Item, that all Canons, constitutiōs, lawes positiue and ordinaunces of man, which doe prohibite or forbyd Mariage to any Bishop, Priest, or Deacon, he iustly and vpon godly groundes and considerations, taken away and abolished by authoritie of Parliament.

MarginaliaHomelies to be read in the Church.15 The Homelies lately commaunded and set forth by the Kynges Maiestie, to be read in the Congregation of England, are godly and holesome and do teach such doctrine as ought to be embraced of all men.

MarginaliaThe king booke of order.16 The booke set fourth by the Kynges Maiesty by authority of Parliament conteinyng the forme and maner of makyng and consecrating of Archbyshops, Byshops, Priestes, and Deacons, is godly and in no point contrary to the holesome doctrine of the Gospell, and therefore ought to bee receiued and approued of all the faythfulll members of the Church of England, and namely the ministers of Gods worde, and by them commended to the people.

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MarginaliaOrders of Subdeacon, Benet, & Colet nedeles in the Church.17 That the orders of Subdeacon, Benet, and Colet, and such others as were commonly called Minores ordines, bee not necessary by the worde of God to bee rekened in the Church, and bee iustly lefte out in the sayd booke of orders.

MarginaliaDoctrine of our saluation sufficiently cōteined in the Scripture.18 That the holy Scriptures conteyne sufficiētly all doctrine required of necessitie for eternall saluation through fayth in Iesus Christ, & that nothyng is to be taught as required of necessitie to eternal saluation, but that which may be concluded and proued by the holy Scriptures.

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MarginaliaParaphrases of Erasmus.19 That vpon good and godly considerations it was and is commaunded by the Kynges Maiesties Iniunctions, that the Paraphrases of Erasmus in English should bee set vp in some conueniēt place in euery parish church of this Realme, where as the Parishners may most cōmodiously resorte to read the same.

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20 And because these Articles aforesayd do contein onely such matters as bee already published and openly set forth by the Kynges Maiesties authoritie, by the aduise of hys hyghnes Counsayl for many great and godly cōsiderations, and amongest others for the common tranquilitie and vnitie of the Realme: his maiesties pleasure by the aduise aforesayd is, MarginaliaWinchest. subscribe to these articles.that you the Byshop of Winchester shall not onely affirme these Articles with subscription of your hand: but also declare and professe your selfe well contented, willyng, and ready to publishe and preach the same at such times and places, and before such audience, as to his Maiestie frō tyme to tyme shall seme conuenient and requisite, vppon the payne of incurryng such penalties and punishementes, as for not doyng the same may by his maiesties lawes be inflicted vpon you.

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These Articles, were sent the xv. of Iuly.

The Bishop of Winchester receauing and perusing these Articles, made this aunswere agayne: That first touching the Article of submission, he would in no wise consent, affirmyng as he had done before, that he had neuer offended the Kynges Maiestie in any such sorte, as should giue him cause thus to submit him self: praying earnestly to be brought vnto his triall: wherin he refused þe Kynges mercy and desired nothing * Marginalia* So ye might fortune to haue turned your alte to an halter.but Iu-

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