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1573 [1573]

K. Edvvard. 6. Winchester sequestred. Articles agaynst Winchester.

Marginalia1550.stice. And for the rest of the Articles he aunswered that after he were past his trial in this first poynt, and were at libertie, then it should appeare what he would do in them: not beyng (as he sayd) reasonable that he should subscribe them in prison.

Of this aunswere when the kyng and his Counsaile had intelligence by the foresayd Maister of the horse, Secretary Peter, the Bishop of London, and M. Godricke who had bene with him, it was agreed that hee should be sent for before the whole Counsaile and peremptorily examined once agayne whether hee would stand at this point or no: which if hee did, then to denounce vnto him the sequestration of his benefice, and consequently the intimation, in case he were not reformed within iij. monethes, as in the day of his apparaunce shall appeare. The tenour and wordes of which Sequestration with the Intimation foloweth.

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¶ The wordes of the Sequestration with the Intimation to the Byshop of Winchester.

MarginaliaThe tenor of the Sequestration read to Winchest.FOr asmuch as the Kynges Maiestie our most gratious soueraigne Lord vnderstandeth, and it is also manifestly knowen and notorious vnto vs, that the clemency and long sufferance of his Maiesty worketh not in you that good effect and humblenes and conformitie that is requisite in a good subiect: and for that your first disobediences, contemptes, and other misbehauiours, for the which you were by his maiesties authoritie iustly committed to warde, haue sithens your sayd committing, daily more and more encreased in you, in such sort as a great sclaunder and offence is thereof risen in many partes of the Realme, whereby also much sclaunder, dissension, trouble, and vnquietnes is very lyke more to ensue if your foresayd offences beyng as as they bee openly knowen, should passe vnpunished: MarginaliaThe causes why thys Sequestration was layd agaynst Winchest.we let you witte that hauing special and expresse Commission and commaūdement from his Maiesty, aswell for your contumacies and contemptes so long continued and yet dayly more encreasing, as also for the exchaūge of the sclaūder and offence of the people, which by your sayd ill demeanours is risen, and for that also the Church of Winchester may bee in the meane tyme prouided of a good minister that may and will see all thynges done and quietly executed accordyng to lawes and common orders of this Realme: and for sondry other great and vrgent causes, MarginaliaWinchest. sequestred from hys Byshopricke.we do by these presentes sequester all the frutes, reuenues, landes and possessions of your Bishoprike of Winchester, and discerne, deme, and iudge the same to be committed to the seueral receipt, collectiō & custody of such person or persons as his Maiesty shall appointe for that purpose. And because your former disobediences & contemptes so long continued, so many tymes doubled, renued and aggrauated, do manifestly declare you to be a person without all hope of recouery and plainely incorrigible: we eftsoones admonishe and require you to obey his Maiestyes sayd commaundement, and that you do declare your selfe by subscription of your hand, both willyng and well contented to accepte, allow, preach and teach to others the sayd Articles, and all such other matters as be or shalbe set foorth by his Maiesties authoritie of supreme head of this Church of England on this side, and within the terme of iij. monethes, wherof we appoynt one moneth for the first monition, one moneth for the secōd monition and warnyng, and one moneth for the third and peremptory monition. MarginaliaIntimatiō geuen to Winchest.Within which tyme as you may yet declare your conformitie, and shall haue paper, penne, and incke when you will call for them for that purpose, so if you wilfully forbeare and refuse to declare your selfe obedient and conformable as is aforesayd, we intimate vnto you that his Maiestie, who like a good gouernour desireth to keepe both his common wealth quyet and to purge the same of euill men (especially ministers) entendeth to procede agaynst you as an incorrigible person and vn-meete minister of this Church, to depriuation of your sayd Byshoprike.

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Neuertheles, vpon diuers good considerations, and specially in hope he might within his time be yet reconciled, it was agreed that the sayd Byshops house and seruaūtes should be mainteined in their present estate, vntill the time that this Intimation should expire, and the matter for the meane time to be kept secret.

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After this sequestration, the sayde bishop was commensed vnto Lambeth before the Archbishop of Cant. and other the Kings Commissioners, by vertue of the Kings speciall letter sent vnto the sayd Commissioners, to witte, MarginaliaThe name of the Commissioners delegate in the cause of St. the Archbishop of Cant. Nich. bishop of London, Thomas bishop of Elye, Henry bishop of Lincolne, Secretary Peter, Syr Iames Hales knight, Doctor Leyson Doctor Olyuer Lawyers, and Iohn Gosnold Esquyre. &c.before them and by them to be examined, by whom were obiected agaynst hym. xix. speciall articles in order and forme here following.

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¶ Articles and positions ministred ioyntly and seuerally obiected to the bishop of Winchester.

Articles ministred agaynst Winchester by the Commissioners.
IN primis, that the kings Maiesty iustly and rightfully is, and by the lawes of God ought to bee the supreme head in earth of the church of England and Irelād, and so is by the Clergy of this Realme in their conuocation, and by the act of Parliament iustly and according to the lawes of God recognised.

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Marginalia2.Item, that his Maiestye as supreme heade of the sayd Churches, hath full power and authoritye to make and set such lawes, Iniunctions and ordinances, for and concerning religion and orders in the sayd churches for the increase of vertue and repressing of all errours, heresies and other enormities and abuses.

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Marginalia3.Item, that al and euery his graces subiectes are boūd by the lawes of God to obey all his highnes sayd lawes, Iniunctions, and procedinges concerning religion and orders in the sayd Churches.

Winchester sworne to the kinges supremacie.
Item, that you Steuen bishop of Winchester haue sworne obedience to his Maiestie, as supreme heade of thys Church of England and also of Ireland.

Marginalia5.Item, that all and euery hys Graces Subiectes that disobey any of hys sayd Maiesties Lawes, Iniunctions, ordinances and procedinges already set forth and published, or hereafter to be set foorth and published, ought worthely to be punished, according to his Graces Ecclesiasticall lawes vsed wythin thys hys realme.

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Winchester after hys oth found disobedient to the king and hys procedinges.
Item, that you the sayde bishop, aswell in the kinges maiesties late visitation wythin your dioces, as at sundry other times haue bene complained vpon, & sundrye informatiōs made against you for your doings, sayings and preachings against sundry Iniunctions, orders and other procedinges of his maiestye set forth for reformation of errors, superstitions and other abuses in religiō.

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Marginalia7.Item, that after and vpon the occasion of those and other many complaintes and informations, you haue bene sundry tymes admonished, commaunded, and enioyned to conforme your selfe, as to your duty appertayneth.

The manifolde trāgressiōs of Winchester worthy of punishment.
Item, that after the premisses, and for that those former admonitions and commaundements notwythstandyng, you dyd yet stil shewe your selfe not conformable, and for that also by your example the people were much animated, and therby occasion of much vnquietnes ministred, you were called before the Kinges Maiesties Counsayl in the moneth of Iune, the second yeare of hys Maiesties raygne, and by them on hys highnes behalfe commaunded to preach a sermon befor hys Maiesty, and therein to declare the iustnes and godlynes of hys maiesties father and hys procedings vpon certayne matters, partly mencioned in certayne articles to you delyuered in writing, and partly otherwyse declared vnto you: The effect wherof was touching þe vsurped authority of the bishop of Rome, & that hys pretensed authority was iustly and godly taken away in thys Realme and other the kings Maiesties dominions: touching the fyrst suppression and taking away of Monasteries, religious houses, pilgrimages, reliques, shrines, and Images, the superstitious going about of S. Nicholas bishop, S. Edmund, S. Katherin, S. Clement and such like: for taking away of Chaunteries, Obites and Colledges: touching halowing of candels, water, ashes, Palme, holy bread, beades, creeping to the crosse, and such lyke: touching the

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