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1623 [1561]

Queene Mary. Letters of Boner, and of Q. Mary for alteration of religion.
In historiam Ianæ. I. F.

Marginalia1554. February.
Tu, quibus ista legas incertum est lector, ocellis:
Ipse equidem siccis scribere non potui.

De Iana, D. Laurentij Humfredi decastichon.

Iana iacet sæuo non æquæ vulnere mortis,
Nobilis ingenio, sanguine, martyrio.
Ingenium latijs ornauit fœmina musis,
Fœmina virgineo tota dicata choro.
Sanguine clara fuit, regali stirpe creata,
Ipsaq; Reginæ nobilitata throno.
Bis Graia est, pulchrè Graijs nutrita camænis,
Et prisco Graiûm sanguine creta ducum.
Bis Martyr, sacræ fidei verissima testis:
Atque vacans regni crimine, Iana iacet.

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Thus the. MarginaliaFebruary 12.xij. day of February (as I sayd) was beheaded the Lady Iane, & with her also the Lord Gylforde her husband,MarginaliaLady Iane and Lord Gilforde Dudley beheaded. one of the Duke of Northumberlandes sonnes, two innocentes in comparison of them that sat vpon them. For they did but ignorantly accepe that which the others had wyllingly deuised, & by open proclamation consented to take from others and giue to them.  

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The brief accounts of the executions of Jane Grey and her husband, Guildford Dudley (with the memorable phrase that they were innocents by comparison with their judges) are reprinted from Crowley's chronicle (cf. Crowley, Epitome, sig. Ffff3v with 1563, p. 923; 1570, p. 1585; 1576, p. 1352; 1583, p. 1423).

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Touching the condemnation of this lady Iane, here is to be noted, MarginaliaA wonderful example vppon Morgan the Iudge who gaue sentence agaynst the lady Iane.that the Iudge Morgan who gaue the sentence of condemnation against her, shortly after hee had condemned her, fell mad, and in hys rauing cryed out continually to haue the Lady Iane taken away from him, and so ended hys lyfe.  

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The account of Justice Morgan's providential punishment for condemning Jane Grey first appeared in 1563, p. 1704 (in an appendix devoted to divine chastisement of sinners). This version of the story was reprinted in 1570, p. 1704; 1576, p. 1990; and 1583, p. 2099. The version of the story added to the narrative of Jane Grey in the edition of 1570 (see textual variant 26) is substantially the same account, but with different wording.

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And not long after the death of the Lady Iane, vpon the. MarginaliaFebru. 21.xxj. of the same moneth was Henry Duke of Suffolke her father also beheaded at the Tower Hyll,MarginaliaHenry Duke of Suffolke beheaded. the iiij. day after his condemnation: about which tyme also were condemned for this conspiracie many Gentlemē and Yeomen, whereof some were executed at London, and some in the countrey. In the number of whom was also MarginaliaL. Thomas Gray apprehended and executed.Lorde Thomas Gray, brother to the sayd Duke, beyng apprehended not long after in North Wales, & executed for þe same.  

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The brief account of the executions of Suffolk and his brother, Thomas Grey, are reprinted from Crowley's chronicle (cf. Crowley, Epitome, sig. Ffff3v with 1563, p. 923; 1570, p. 1585; 1576, p. 1352; 1583, p. 1423). A much fuller account of Suffolk's execution, from a different source, will be given much later in Book 10.

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Syr Nicholas Throgmorton very hardly escaped, as ye shall heare (the Lorde willing) in an other place.

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MarginaliaFebru. 24.The. xxiiij. of the same moneth, the yeare of our lord 1554. Boner bishop of London sent downe a commission, directed to all the Curates and Pastors of hys dioces, for the taking of the names of such as would not come the Lent followyng to auricular confession, and to the receiuing at Easter: the copie of which monition here followeth.

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¶ A monition of Boner bishop of Lōdon, sent down to all and singular Curates of his dioces, for the certifying of the names of such as would not come in Lent to confession and receiuing at Easter.  
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Block 10: Bonner's Monition

Bonner's order to his curates to report the names of all those who did not confess during Lent or receive the eucharist at Easter is printed from Bonner's register (cf. Guildhall MS 9531/12, fol. 341r with 1563, p. 923; 1570, p. 1585; 1576, pp. 1352-53; 1583, p. 1423). It is yet another example of Foxe's quarrying of the London episcopal registers before the publication of the 1563 edition. There is a curious discrepancy; Foxe gives the date of the document as 23 February in all his editions, but it is 24 February on the original document.

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MarginaliaA monition of Boner Byshop of London to all Ministers of hys Dioces.EDmund by the permission of God, bishop of London to all Parsons, Vicars, Curates and Ministers of the Church, within the Citie and dioces of London, sendeth grace, peace, and mercy, in our Lorde euerlastyng. For as much as by the order of the Ecclesiasticall lawes and constitutions of this realme, and the laudable vsage and custome of the whole catholike church, by many hūdreth yeares agone, duely and deuoutly obserued & kept, all faythfull people being of lawfull age and discretion, are boūd once in þe yeare at least (except reasonable cause excuse them) to be confessed to their own proper Curate, and to receaue the sacrament of the aultar, with due preparation and deuotion: and for as much also as we bee credibly informed, that sundry euill disposed and vndeuout persons, geuen to sensual pleasures and carnal appetites, following the lustes of their body, & neglecting vtterly the health of their soules, do forbeare to come to confessionMarginaliaComming to confession. according to the sayd vsage, and to receaue the Sacrament of the aultar accordingly, geuing therby pernicious and euyll example to the yonger sort to neglect and contemne the same: we mynding the reformation hereof for our own discharge, and desirous of good order to be kept, and good example to be geuen: do wyl, and commaund you by vertue hereof, that immediately vpon the receipt of this our commaundement, ye and euery ech of you within your cure and charge, doe vse all

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your diligence and dexteritie to declare the same, straitly charging and commaunding all your parishioners, being of lawfull age and discretion, to come before Easter next comming, to confession, according to the sayd ordinaunce and vsage, and with due preparation and deuotion MarginaliaReceauing the Sacrament of the receaue the sayd sacrament of the aultar, and that ye do note the names of all such as be not confessed vnto you & do not receaue of you the sayd Sacrament, certifying vs or our Chauncellor or Commissarie, thereof before the sixt day of Aprill next ensuing the date hereof: so that we knowing therby who did not come to confessiō, and receauing the Sacrament accordingly, may procede against them, as being persons culpable, and transgressours of the sayd ecclesiasticall lawe and vsage: Further also certifying vs or our said Chauncelour or Commissary, before the day aforesayd, whether ye haue your altars set vp, chalice, booke, vestimentes, and all thinges necessary for Masse, & the administration of Sacramēts and sacramentals, with procession and all other diuine seruice prepared and in readines, according to the order of the catholike church, & the vertuous and godly example of the Queenes Maiestye: and if ye so haue not, ye then with the church wardens, cause the same to be prouided for, signifying by whose fault and negligence the same wante or fault hath proceded, and generally of the not comming of your parishioners to Church, vndue walking, talking, or vsing of them selues there vnreueuerently in the time of diuine seruice, and of al other opē faultes and misdemeanors, not omitting thus to do and certify as before, as you wyll answere vpō your peril for the contrary. Geuen at London the. xxiij. of February in the yeare of our Lord. 1554.

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The next moneth folowing, which was the moneth of March, and the. iiij. day of the sayd moneth, there was a letter sent from the Queene to Boner bishop of London, with certayne articles also annexed, to be put in speedy execution, containing as here followeth.

¶ Articles sent frō the Quene to the bishop of London, by him and his Officers at her commaundement to be put in spedy execution, with her letter to the sayd B. before prefixed  
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Blocks 11 and 12: Mary's Articles

Queen Mary's articles to her bishops, instructing them how to deal with heresy, married clergy and re-establishing the ceremonies and practices of the Catholic church, and her accompanying letter to Bonner, are printed by Foxe from Bonner's register (cf. Guildhall MS 9531/12, fol. 342r-v with 1563, pp. 924-25; 1570, pp. 1585-86; 1576, pp. 1353-54; 1583, pp. 1423-24). Once again, Foxe misdated this document; the letter is dated 4 March but Foxe dates it 3 March.

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MarginaliaA letter of Q. Mary to Byshop Boner.RIght reuerend Father in God, right truly & welbeloued, we greete you well. And whereas heretofore in the time of the late raigne of our most dearest brother king Edward the syxt, whose soule God pardon, diuers notable crimes, excesses, and faultes, with sundry kindes of heresies, symony, adultery, and other enormities haue bene committed within this our Realme and other our dominions, MarginaliaCauses declared.the same continuing yet hetherto in like disorder since the beginning of our reigne, without any correction or reformation at all, and the people both of the Laity and also of the Clergye, and chiefly of the Clergy haue bene geuen to much insolencie and vngodly rule, greatly to the displeasure of almightye God, and very much to our regret and euill contentation, and to no litle slaunder of other christen realmes, and in maner to the subuersion and cleane defacing of thys our Realme: and remembring our duety to almighty God to be, to foresee (as much as in vs may be) that all vertue and godly liuing should be embraced, florish, & increase, and therewith also, that all vice and vngodly behauiour should bee banished and put away, or at the least wayes (so nygh as might be) so brideled and kept vnder, that godlynes and honesty might haue the ouer hand: vnderstanding by very credible report & publike fame, to our no small heauynes and discomfort, that within your dioces, aswel in not exempted as exempted places, the like disorder and euill behauiour hath bene done and vsed, like also to continue and increase vnlesse due prouision be had and made to reforme the same, which earnestly in very deede we do minde and intend to the vttermost all the wayes we can possible, trusting of Gods furtherance and helpe in that behalfe: for these causes, & other most iust consideratiōs vs mouing, we send vnto you certayn articles of such special matter, as among other thinges be most necessary to be now put in execution by you and your officers, extending to the end by vs desired, and the reformation aforesayd, wherein ye shall be charged with our special commaundement, by these our letters, to the entent you and your officers may the more earnestly and boldly procede therunto without feare of any presumption to be noted on your part, or daunger to be incurred

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