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1624 [1562]

Quene Mary. Queene Maryes Articles. A prescript to the Aldermen.

MarginaliaAn. 1554. March.of any such our lawes as by our doinges, of that is in the sayd articles contained, might any wyse greeue you, what so euer be threatned in any such case. And therfore we straightly charge and commaund you, and your sayd Officers to procede to the execution of the said articles, without all tract and delay, as ye wil answer to the contrary. Geuen vnder our signet at our Palace of Westminster the. MarginaliaMarch 3.3. day of March the fyrst yere of our raigne.

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¶ Articles sent from the Quene vnto the Ordinary and by hym and his Officers by her commaundement to be put in execution, in the whole dioces.


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The Articles

Many of the references concern the changes in religious practice and to the priesthood enjoined by Mary; the language is neutral for the most part (see 'Prouision for priestes which renounce their wiues' and the eight glosses following), even to the point of using the term 'Catholicke' ('Prouision for Catholicke scholemaisters'), a term it is surprising to see Foxe relinquishing to the other side. A series of glosses in all editions ('Ecclesiasticall lawes of K. Henry renued', 'The kinges authoritie geueth place to the popes authoritie', and 'The supremacy of the king repealed') are more charged, marking the transition between the king's authority and the pope's (thus combining nostalgia for the dead king(s) and hostility to the papal incursion). A 1563 reference to 'sacramentaries' ('Sacramentaries excluded from ecclesiasticall promotions') is later dropped, perhaps because it concedes too much to the anti-protestant language of catholics.

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MarginaliaArticles of Q. Mary.FIrst, that euery Bishop and his Officers, wyth al other hauing ecclesiasticall iurisdiction, shall wyth all speede and diligence, and al maner of waies to them possible, put in execution all such Canons and ecclesiasticall lawes, MarginaliaEcclesiasticall lawes of K. Henry reuiued. heretofore in the time of Kyng Henry. VIII. vsed within this Realme of England, and the dominions of the same, not being directly and expressely contrarye to the lawes and statutes of this Realme.

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MarginaliaThe kinges authoritie geueth place to the Popes authoritie.Item, that no bishop or any his Officer or other person aforesaid, hereafter in any of their ecclesiasticall wrytinges, in processe or other extraiudiciall actes, doe vse to put in this clause or sentence, Regia autoritate fulcitus.

Item, that no bishop or any his officers, or other person aforesayd, do hereafter exact or demaunde in the admission of any person to any ecclesiastical promotion, order, or office, MarginaliaThe supremacie of the king repealed.any oth touching the primacie or succession, as of late in few yeares passed hath bene accustomed and vsed.

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Item, that euery Bishop and his Officers, with al other persons aforesaid, haue a vigilant eye, and vse speciall diligence and foresight, that no person be admitted or receaued to any ecclesiasticall function, benefice or office, being a sacramentary, infected or defamed with anye notable kinde of heresie, or other great crime: And that the sayd Bishop do stay, and cause to be stayd, as much as lyeth in him, that benefices and ecclesiasticall promotions do not notably decay or take hinderaunce by passing or confirming of vnreasonable leases.

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Item, that euery Bishop and all other persons aforesayd, do diligently trauaile MarginaliaFor punishing of heresies, as they call them.for the repressing of heresies and notable crimes, especially in the Clergy, duely correcting and punishing the same.

Item, that euery Byshop, and all the other persons aforesayd, do likewise trauayle for the condemnyng and repressyng of corrupt and naughty opinions, vnlawfull bookes, ballades and other pernicious and hurtfull deuices engendryng hatred amongest the people, and discorde amongest the same: And that Scholemaisters, Preachers, and teachers do exercise and vse their offices & dueties without teachyng, preachyng, or settyng forth any euill & corrupt doctrine, and that doyng the cōtrary, they may be by the Byshop and hys sayd officers punished and remoued.

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Item, that euery Byshop and all the other persons aforesayd, procedyng summarily & with all celeritie and speede, MarginaliaAgaynst Priestes mariage. may, & shall depriue or declare depriued, & amoue, accordyng to their learnyng and discretion, all such persons from theyr benefices and ecclesiasticall promotions, who contrary to the state of theyr order and the laudable custome of the Church, haue maried and vsed wemen as their wiues, or otherwyse notably and sclaunderously disordered or abused them selues: sequestring also, during the sayd processe, the fruites and profits of the sayd benefices and Ecclesiasticall promotions.

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Item, that the sayd Byshop and all other persons aforesayd, do vse more lenitie and clemency with such as haue maried, whose wiues be dead, then with other, whose wemen do yet remaine aliue. And likewise such Priestes, MarginaliaProuision for Priests which renounce their with the consentes of their wiues or wemē openly in the presence of the Byshop do professe to abstaine, to be vsed þe more fauourably. In which case after penaunce effectually done, the Byshop accordyng to his discretion and wisedome may vpon iust consideratiō receiue and admit thē agayne to their former administration, so it be not in the same place, appointyng them such a portion to liue vpon, to be payd out of their benefice whereof they be depriued, by discretion of the sayd Byshop or his officer as he shall thinke may be spared of the sayd benefice.

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MarginaliaMaried Priestes diuorced both from wife and benefice.Item, that euery Byshop and all other persons aforesayd, do foresee that they suffer not any religious mā, hauyng solēnly professed chastitie, to cōtinue with his woman or wife, but that all such persons, after depriuation

of their benefice or Ecclesiasticall promotion, be also diuorsed euery one from his sayd woman, and due punishment otherwise taken for the offence therin.

Item, that euery Byshop and all other persons aforesayd, do take order and direction with the Parishioners of euery benefice where Priestes do want, MarginaliaProuision for want of repayre to the next Parish for Diuine seruice, or to appoint for a cōuenient tyme, till other better prouision may be made, one Curate to serue, Alternis vicibus  

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Mary ordered that, where necessary, one curate should serve 'alternis vicibus' (1563, p. 925; 1570, p. 1586); in the 1576 edition this was misprinted as 'alienis vicibus' (1576, p. 1354), a mistake which was repeated in the 1583 edition (p. 1414). Once again, careless typography in the 1576 edition was uncorrected in that of 1583.

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in diuers Parishes, and to allot to the sayd Curate for his labour some portion of the benefice that he so serueth.

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MarginaliaProcessiōs in Latin.Item, that all and all maner of processions of the Church be vsed, frequented, and continued after the old order of the Church in the Latine tounge.

MarginaliaHoly daies and fasting dayes.Item, that all such holy dayes and fastyng dayes be obserued and kept, as were obserued and kept in the latter tyme of kyng Henry the eight.

MarginaliaCeremonies restored.Item, that the laudable and honest ceremonies which were wont to be vsed, frequented, and obserued in the Church, be also hereafter frequented, vsed, and obserued.

Item, that children be Christened by the Priest, and confirmed by the Byshop as heretofore hath bene accustomed and vsed.

Item, touchyng such persons as were heretofore promoted to any MarginaliaOrders.orders after the new sort and fashion of orders, consideryng they were not ordered in very deede, the Byshop of the Dioces findyng otherwise sufficiencie and habilitie in those men, may supply that thyng which wanted in them before, and then accordyng to his discretion admitte them to minister.

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Item, that by the Byshop of the Dioces a vniforme doctrine be set forth by Homelies, or otherwise for the good instruction and teachyng of all people: MarginaliaComming to diuine seruice. And that the sayd Byshop and other persons aforesayd, do compell þe Parishioners to come to their seuerall Churches, and there deuoutly to heare diuine seruice, as of reason they ought.

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MarginaliaProuision for Catholicke scholmaisters.Item, that they examine all Scholemaisters and teachers of children, & findyng them suspect, in any wyse to remoue them, & place Catholicke men in their rowmes, with a speciall commaundement to instruct their children, so as they may be able to aunswere the Priest at the Masse, and so helpe the Priest to Masse, as hath bene accustomed.

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Item, that the sayd Byshop and all other the persons aforesayd, haue such regard, respect, and consideration of and for the settyng forth of the premisses with all kynde of vertue, godly liuyng, and good example, with repressyng also and keepyng vnder of vice and vnthriftines, as they and euerich of them may bee seene to fauour the restitution of true Religion, and also to make an honest accompt and reckening of their office and cure, to the honor of God, our good contētation, and the profite of this our Realme, and dominions of the same.

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A lyke prescript also with Articles, was sent from the sayd Queene Mary to the Lord Maior of London, the fourth day of March,MarginaliaMarch. 4. in the yeare aboue said,  

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A passage following the order in the 1563 edition (1563, p. 926), which reads 'About the same yeare and time when Doct. Bonner set forth this prescript or monitory' was retained in subsequent editions (1570, p. 1587; 1576, p. 1354; 1583, p. 1425) even though the prescript itself had been deleted.

which Lord Maior vpon the same directed his commuandement to the Aldermē, euery one seuerally in his ward, conteynyng as foloweth.  
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The mandate of the Lord Mayor to the aldermen of London to ensure that all householders kept their households in order during the Easter season was added to the 1570 edition (see textual variant 29). According to Susan Brigden, no copy of the mayor's order survives among the London municipal records (Susan Brigden, London and the Reformation [Oxford, 1989] p. 348 n 177). It is doubtful that Foxe transcribed the order from municipal records; in any case, they were a source he rarely exploited. Instead he probably printed a copy of the order which someone had retained from Mary's reign and sent to him.

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¶ By the Lord Maior.

MarginaliaA prescript from the L. Maior to the Aldermen.ON the Queene our most gracious and most benigne soueraigne Ladyes behalf, we most straitly charge & commaūde you, that ye the sayd Aldermen, faile not personally to call before your own person in such place with in your sayd warde as to you shall seme most conueniēt and meete vpon Wednesday next commyng, which shalbe the vij. day of this present moneth, at vij. of the clocke in the mornyng of the same day, all and euery the householders both poore & rich of your sayd ward, & then and there, openly & playnly for your owne discharge & for the eschewing of þe perils þt to you might otherwise be iustly imputed & layd, do not onely straitly admonishe, charge, and commaunde in the Queene our sayd soueraigne Ladyes name and behalfe, all and euery the sayd householders, that both in their owne persons, and also their wiues, children, & seruauntes beyng of the age of xij. yeares and vpwardes, and euery of them, do at all and euery tyme and tymes from hence forth, and namely at the holy time of Easter now approching, honestly, quietly, obediently, and Catholickly vse and behaue them selues like good and faithfull Christian people in all and euery

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