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1632 [1594]

Quene Mary. Disputation of Doct. Cranmer Archbishop of Cant. in Oxforde.

MarginaliaAn. 1554. Aprill.At which wordes thus pronoūced of þe Prolocutor vnwares, diuers of the learned men there present, consideryng and well waying the wordes by hym vttered, burst out into a great laughter, as though euen in the entraunce of the disputatiōs, he had bewrayed him selfe and his Religion, that termed the opinion of the veritie of Christes body in the Sacrament, a detestable heresie. The rest of his Oratiō tended al to this effect, that it was not lawfull by Gods word to call these questiōs into controuersie: for such as doubted of the wordes of Christ, myght well be thought to doubt both of the truth and power of God. Whereunto Doct. Cranmer desiryng licence, aunswered in this wise.

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MarginaliaD. Cranmers aunswere to the preface.We are assembled (sayth he) to discusse these doubtful controuersies,  

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In 1563 (p. 939), Foxe wrote that Cranmer addressed those present, stating that they were assembled 'to vnfold the plytes and wrinkles of these doubtefull controversyes'. In later editions this became 'to discusse these doubtefulle controversies' (1570, p. 1594; 1576, p. 1360; 1583, p. 1430). Clearly, Foxe changed Cranmer's words to make them more dignified and lofty.

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and to lay them open before the eyes of the world: wherof ye thincke it vnlawfull to dispute. It is in dede no reason (saith he) that we should dispute of that which is determined vppon before the truth bee tried. But if these questions be not called in controuersie, surely myne aunswere then is looked for in vayne. This was the summe and effecte of his aunswere: and thys done, he prepared him self to disputations.

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MarginaliaD. Chadsey.Then Chedsey the first Opponent began in this wise to dispute.Reuerend Maister Doctour, these three conclusions are put forth vnto vs at this present to dispute vpon.

MarginaliaArticles.1 In the Sacrament of the altar is the naturall body of Christ, conceiued of the Virgine Mary, and also hys bloud present really vnder the formes of bread and wyne, by vertue of Gods word pronounced by the Priest.

2 There remaineth no substaunce of bread and wyne after the consecration, nor any other substaunce, but the substaunce of God and man.

3 The lyuely sacrifice of the Church is in the Masse, propitiatory as well for the quicke as the dead.

These be þt conclusions propoūded, wherupon this our present controuersie doth rest. Now to the end we might not doubt how you take the same, you haue already geuen vp vnto vs your opinion therof. I terme it your opinion, in that it disagreeth from the Catholicke fayth. Wherfore thus I argue.

MarginaliaArgument.Ched. Your opinion differreth from the Scripture.

Ergo, You are deceyued.

Cranmer. I deny the antecedent.

Ched. Christ when he instituted hys last Supper, spake to his Disciples: Take, eate, this is my body, which shalbe geuen for you.

But his true body was geuen for vs:

Ergo, hys true body is in the Sacrament.

☞ The right forme of this Argument is thus to bee framed.

MarginaliaArgument.Da-The same which was geuē for vs, is in þe sacramēt.
ri-But his true body was geuen for vs:
j.Ergo, his true body is in the Sacrament.

MarginaliaAunswere.Cran. His true body is truly present to them that truly receiue hym: but spiritually. MarginaliaHow Christes body is present in the Sacrament.And so is it taken after a spirituall sorte. For when he sayd: This is my body, it is all one as if he had sayd, this is the breakyng of my body, this is the sheedyng of my bloud. As oft as you shall do this, it shall put you in remembraunce of the breaking of my body, & the sheedyng of my bloud: that as truely as you receyue this Sacrament, so truly shall you receyue the benefite promysed by receyuyng the same worthely.

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MarginaliaArgument of the authoritie of the Church.Ched. Your opinion differeth from the Church, which sayth, that the true body is in the Sacrament. Ergo, your opinion therin is false.

MarginaliaAunswere.Cran. I say and agree with the Church, that the body of Christ is in the Sacrament effectually, because the Passion of Christ is effectuall.

Ched. Christ, when he spake these wordes: This is my body, spake of the substaunce, not of the effect.

Cran. I graunt he spake of the substance, & not of the

effect after a sort: and yet it is most true that the body of Christ is MarginaliaChristes body effectually, not substancially in the sacrament.effectually in the Sacramēt. But I deny that he is there truly present in bread, or that vnder þe bread is his organicall body. And because it should be to tedious (he sayd) to make discourse of the whole, he deliuered vp there hys opinion therof to D. Weston writtē at large, with answeres to euery one of theyr three propositiōs: which he desired Doct. Weston, sittyng there on hygh, to read openly to the people: which he promised to doe. MarginaliaPapistes false of promise.But it was not the first promise that such Papistes haue broken.

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The copy of this writing, although it were not there read, yet the cōtentes therof here we haue drawen out as foloweth.

¶ An explication of Cranmer vpon the foresayd Conclusions exhibited in wryting.

MarginaliaThe contentes of Cranmers explication geuen vp in writing.CRan. In the assertions of the Church and of Religion, triflyng and new fāgled nouelties of wordes, somuch as may be, are to be eschued, wherof riseth nothyng but cōtention and brawlyng, about wordes, and we must folow somuch as we may, the maner of speakyng of the Scripture.

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MarginaliaHow Christ is really present.In the first conclusion if ye vnderstand by this word [really] reipsa. i. in very deede, & effectually, so Christ by the grace and efficacy of his Passiō is in deede and truly present to all his true and holy members.

But if ye vnderstand by this word [really] Corporaliter. i. Corporally, so that by the body of Christ is vnderstanded a naturall body and MarginaliaOrganicall is called that which is a perfect body, hauing all the members and partes cōplete belonging vnto the same.organicall: so the first propositiō doth vary, not onely from vsuall speach and the phrase of Scripture, but also is cleane contrary to the holy worde of God and Christian profession: when as both the Scripture doth testifie by these woordes, and also the Catholicke Church hath professed from the begynnyng, Christ to haue left the world, and to sit at the ryght hand of the father tyll hee come vnto Iudgement.

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MarginaliaAunswere to the second Conclusion.And lykewise I aunswere to the second question: that is, that it swarueth from the accustomed maner and speach of Scripture.

MarginaliaAunswere to the third Conclusion.The thyrd conclusion, as it is intricate and wrapped in all doubtfull and ambiguous wordes, and differyng also much from the true speach of the Scripture, so as the wordes therof seeme to importe in open sense: it is most MarginaliaThe thyrd Conclusion contumelious against Christ.contumelious agaynst our onely Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus, & a violatyng of hys precious bloud, which vpō the Altar of þe Crosse is þe onely sacrifice and oblation for the sinnes of all mankynd.

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Ched. By this your interpretation which you haue made vpon þe first cōclusion, this I vnderstand: the body of Christ to be in þe Sacrament only by the way of participation: in so much as we communicatyng therof, do participate the grace of Christ: so that you meane hereby onely the effect therof. But our conclusion standeth vpon the substaunce, and not the efficacy onely, which shall appeare by the testimony both of Scriptures, and of all the fathers a thousand yeare after Christ.

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And, first to begyn with the Scripture, let vs consider what is written in Math. 26. Mark. 14. Luke. 22. first to the Corinth. 11. Mathew sayth: MarginaliaMath. 26.As they sat at Supper, Iesus tooke bread. &c. In Marke there is the same sense, although not the same wordes: MarginaliaMar. 14.who also for one part of the Sacrament speaketh more playnly. Iesus taking bread. &c. After the same sense also writeth Luke. 22. MarginaliaLuk. 22.And when Iesus had taken bread. &c. In the mouth of two or three witnesses sayth the Scripture, standeth all truth. Here we haue three witnesses together, that Christ sayd that to be his body which was geuē for many, & that to be his bloud which should be shed for many: wherby is declared the substance & not onely the efficacy of his body.

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Ergo, it is not true that you say there to be, not the substaunce of his body, but the efficacy alone therof.

Cran. Thus you gather vpon myne aunswere, as
