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1636 [1598]

Quene Mary. Disputation of Doct. Cranmer Archbishop of Cant. in Oxforde.

MarginaliaAn. 1554. Aprill.matter of the Sacrament we receaue by fayth.

West. When Christ sayd, eate ye, whether ment he by the mouth or by fayth?

Cran. He ment that we should receaue the body by fayth, the bread by the mouth.

MarginaliaA grosse saying.West. Nay, the body by the mouth.

Cran. That I deny.

West. I proue it out of Chrysostome, writyng vpō the fifty Psalme.

MarginaliaChrysostome alleaged by D. Weston.Erubescit fieri nutrix, quæ facta est mater. Christus autem non ita ipse nutritor est noster: ideo pro cibo carne propria nos pascit, & pro potu suum sanguinem nobis propinauit.MarginaliaChrysost. in Psal 50. Item, Hom. 83. in 26. cap. Math. Item in. 26. cap. Mathæi, Homel. 83. Non enim sufficit ipsi hominem fieri, flagellis interim cædi: sed nos secum in vnam, vt ita dicam, massam reducit: ne id fide solum, sed reipsa nos corpus suum efficit? That is.

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She that is a mother, shameth sometime to play the Nourse. But Christ our Nurse doth not so play with vs. Therefore in steede of meate he feedeth vs wyth his own flesh, & in stede of drinke he fedeth vs with his own bloud. Likewise vpon the. 26. chap. of Mathew, the. 83. homely he sayth: For it shall not be enough for him to become man, and in the meane whyle to be whipped: but he doth bring vs into one masse or lumpe with him selfe (as I may so call it) and maketh vs hys body, not by fayth alone, but also in very deede.

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Cran. I graunt: We make one nature with Christ. But that to be done with mouth, we deny.

MarginaliaChrysostome alleaged by D. Weston. Homelia 29. in Epist. 2. Cor. cap. 13.West. Chrisost. 2. Cor. cap. 13. Homel. 29. hath these wordes: Non vulgarem honorem consequutum est os nostrum, accipiens corpus dominicum. I. No litle honor is geuen to our mouth, receauyng the body of the Lord.

Cran. This I say, that Christ entreth into vs both by our eares, and by our eyes. With our mouth we receaue þe body of Christ, and teare it with out teeth, that is to say, the Sacrament of the body of Christ. MarginaliaThe words of Chrysostome expounded.Wherfore I say and affirme, that the vertue of the Sacramēt is much: and therfore Chrysostome many tymes speaketh of Sacramentes no otherwise, then of Christ him self, as I could proue if I might haue liberty to speake, by many places of Chrisostome, where he speaketh of the Sacrament of the body of Christ.

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MarginaliaDoct. Cole denyeth the sacrament to be a Sacrament of the body of Christ, but only a Sacramēt of the congregation that is, of the mysticall body of Christ.With þe which word of the Sacrament of þe body. &c.  

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Foxe added the phrase 'with the which word of the sacrament of the body' to the 1570 edition (1570, p. 1598; 1576, p. 1363; 1583, p. 1434). Probably Foxe did this for explanatory purposes in order to show exactly at what Henry Cole was taking offence.

Doct. Cole being hyghly offended, denyed it to be the Sacrament of the body of Christ, saue onely of the mysticall body, which is the Church.

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Cran. And why should we doubt to call it the Sacrament of the body of Christ offered vpon the Crosse, seyng both Christ and the auncient Fathers do so call it?

Cole. How gather you that of Chrisostome?

Cranmer. Chysostome declareth hym selfe. Lib. 3. De Sacerdotio cap. 3. MarginaliaChrysostome alleaged by D. Cranmer.O miraculum, O Dei in nos beneuolētia, qui sursum sedet ad dexteram patris, sacrificij tamen tempore hominum manibus continetur, traditurq̀ lambere cupientibus eum: Fit autem id nullis præstigijs, sed apertis & circumspicientibus circumstantium omniū oculis. That is:

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MarginaliaChrysost. Lib. 3. De Sacerdotio Cap. 3.O miracle, O the good will of God towardes vs, which sitteth aboue at the right hand of the father, and is holden in mens handes at the sacrifice tyme, and is geuē to feede vpō, to them that are desirous of hym. And that is brought to passe by no subtiltie or craft, but with the open and beholdyng eyes of all the standers by.

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Thus ye heare Christ is seene here in earth euery day, is touched, is torne with the teeth, that our toung is red with his bloud: which no man hauing any iudgement wyll say or thinke to be spoken with out trope or figure.

West. What miracle is it, if it be not his body: and if he speake onely of the Sacrament, as though it were hys body?

MarginaliaChrysostome alleaged by D. Weston.But harken what Chrysostome sayth. Homel. 24. MarginaliaChrysost. Hom. 24.

Quod summo honore dignum est, id tibi in terra ostendo. Nam quemadmodum in regijs non parietes, non lectus aureus, sed regum corpus in throno sedens omnium præstantissimum est: ita quoq̀ in cœlis regiū corpus, quod nunc in terra proponitur. Non Angelos, non Archangelos, non cœlos cœlorum, sed ipsum horum omnium Dominum tibi ostēdo. Animaduertis quonam pacto quod omnium maximū est atq̀

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præcipuum in terra, non conspicaris tantum sed tangis, neq̀solum tangis sed comedis, atq̀ eo accepto domum redis. Absterge igitur ab omni sorde animam tuam. That is to say:

I shew forth that thyng on the earth vnto thee, which is worthy the greatest honor. For lyke as in þe Palace of kynges, neither the walles nor the sumptuous bed but the body of kynges sittyng vnder the cloth of estate and royall seate of Maiesty, is of all thynges els the most excellent: so is in lyke maner the kynges body in heauen, which is now set before vs on earth. I shewe thee neither Aungels, nor Archaungels, nor the heauens of heauens, but the very Lord and maister of all these thyngs. Thou perceauest after what sorte thou doest not onely behold, but touchest, and not onely touchest but eatest that which on the earth is the greatest and chiefest thyng of all other: and when thou hast receaued the same, thou goest home: Wherfore clense thy soule frō all vncleannes.

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Vpon this, I conclude that the body of Christ is shewed vs vpon the earth.

MarginaliaHow the body of Christ is shewed vs vpon the earth.Cran. What? vpon the earth? no man seeth Christ vpon the earth? He is seene with the eyes of our mynd, with fayth and spirite.

West. I pray you what is it that seemeth worthy hyghest honour on the earth? Is it the Sacrament, or els the body of Christ?

Cran. Chrisostome speaketh of the Sacrament, & the body of Christ is shewed forth in the Sacrament.

West. Ergo, then the Sacrament is worthy greatest honour.

Cran. I deny the Argument.

West. That thyng is shewed forth, & is now in the earth [ostēditur et *Marginalia* Thys worde [est] is not in Chrysost. est] which is worthy highest honor.

But, onely the body of Christ is worthy hyghest honour?

Ergo, the body of Christ is now on the earth.MarginaliaThys argument of Weston standyng onely vpon affyrmatiues in the second figure, hath no perfect forme in Logicke.

Cran. I aunswere, the body of Christ to be on the earth, but so as in a Sacrament, and as the holy Ghost is in the water of Baptisme.

West. Chrysostome sayth [ostendo] I shew forth, which noteth a substaunce to be present.

Cran. That is to be vnderstanded Sacramentally.

West. He sayth [ostendo in terra] I shewe forth on the earth, declaryng also the place where.

MarginaliaDoctor Cranmer aunswereth to the place of Chrysost. how Christ is shewed forth on the earth, not bodily but in a Sacrament, that is, Sacramētally and figuratiuely.Cran. That is to be vnderstand figuratiuely.

West. He is shewed forth and is now on the earth &c. as before.

Cran. Your Maior and conclusion are all one.

West. But the Maior is true: Ergo, the conclusion also is true.

That thing is on the earth, which is worthy of most hygh honour.

But no figure is worthy of hyghest honour:

Ergo, that which is on the earth is no figure.

Cran. I aunswere, that is true Sacramentally.

☞ Here Weston crieth to him that he should aunswer to one part, bidding hym repeate his words. Which whē he went about to do, such was the noyse and crying out in the Schole, that his mylde voyce could not be heard. For when he went about to declare to the people how the Prolocutor did not well english the wordes of Chrysostome, MarginaliaWeston falsifieth the wordes of Chrysost. vsyng for ostenditur in terra, he is shewed forth on the earth, est in terra, he is on the earth, wheras Chrysostome hath not [ est] nor any such word of being on the earth, but onely of shewing, as the grace of the holy Ghost in Baptismo ostenditur. i. is shewed foorth in Baptisme: and oftentimes did inculcate this worde ostenditur: then the Prolocutor stretching forth his hand, set on the rude people to cry out at hym, fylling all the schole wyth hissyng, clapping of handes, and noyse, calling him indoctum, imperitum, impudentem. i. vnlearned, vnskilfull, impudent. MarginaliaVnreuerend wordes vsed in the Schole against D. Cranmer. Which impudent and reprochfull wordes this reuerend man most paciently and meekely did abyde, as one that had bene inured with the suffring of such like reproches. And whē the Prolocutor not yet satisfied with this rude and vnsemely demeanor, dyd vrge and call vpon him to aunswer the argument, then he bad the Notary repeate hys wordes agayne.

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Notar. That which is worthy most high honor, here I shew forth to thee in earth.
