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1647 [1609]

Queene Mary. Disputation of Doct. Ridley Byshop of London at Oxforde.

Marginalia1554. Aprill.wordes at your handes.

West. All is quyet. Go to the Argumentes Maister Doctour.

Ryd. I haue not many moe thynges to say.

West. You vtter blasphemyes with a most impudent face: leaue of (I say) and get you to the Argument.

It maintayneth monstrous miracles without necessitie.
All the rest that foloweth was not read, because the Prolocutour made post hast vnto the argumentes.
It forceth men to mainteyne many monstrous miracles without all necessity & authority of Gods word. For at the commyng of this presence of the body and flesh of Christ, they thrust away the substaūce of bread, and affirme that the accidentes remayne without any subiect, and in the steede therof, they place Christes body without his qualities and true maner of a body. And if the Sacrament be reserued so long vntil it moulde, and wormes breede therof, some say that the substaūce of bread miraculously returneth agayne, and some deny it. Other some affirme that the reall body of Christ goeth downe into the stomacke of the receiuers, & doth there abyde so long onely as they shall continue to bee good: but an other sort hold that the body of Christ is caryed into heauen so soone as the formes of bread bee brused with the teeth. O workes of miracles. Truly, and most truly I see that fulfilled in these men, wherof S. Paul prophecied. 2. Thessal. 2. Because they haue not receyued the loue of the truth, that they myght be saued, God shall send them strong delusions that they should beleue lyes, and all be damned which haue not beleued the truth. This grosse presence hath brought forth that fond phantasie of MarginaliaBy this deuise of concomitance, the Papistes imagine as much to be receaued vnder one kinde as both.concomitaunce, wherby is broken at this day, and abrogated the commaundement of the Lord for the distributyng of the Lordes cup to the laytie.

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It geueth occasion to heretickes.
It geueth occasion to heretickes to maynteyne and defend theyr errours: as to Martion, which sayd that Christ had but a phantasticall body: and to Eutiches which wickedly confounded the two natures in Christ.

It falsifieth the sayinges of the olde Doctors.
Finally, it falsifieth the sayinges of the godly fathers and the Catholicke faith of the Church, which Vigilius a Martyr and graue writer sayth was taught of the Apostles, confirmed with the bloud of Martyrs, and was cōtinually maynteyned by the faithfull, vntill his tyme. By the sayings of the fathers, I meane of Iustine, Irenee, Tertullian, Origene, Eusebius, Emisene, Athanasius, Cyrill, Epiphanius, Hierome, Chrysostome, Augustine, Vigilius, Fulgētius, Bertram, and others most auncient fathers. All those places, as I am sure I haue read makyng for my purpose, so am I well assured that I could shew the same, if I myght haue the vse of myne owne bookes: Which I will take on me to do, euen vpon the perill of my lyfe, and the losse of all that I may lose in this world.

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But now (my brethrē) thinke not, because I disallow that presence which this first proposition maynteineth (as a presence which I taked to be forged, phantasticall, and besides the authority of Gods word, pernitiously brought into the Church by the Romanistes) MarginaliaThe true presence of Christes body in the Supper not denied.that I therefore go about to take away the true presence of Christes body in hys Supper rightly and duely ministred, which is grounded vppon the word of God, and made more playne by the Commentaries of the faythfull fathers. They that thinke so of me, the Lord knoweth how farre they are deceyued. And to make the same euident vnto you, I will in few wordes declare what true presence of Christes body in the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper I hold and affirme with the worde of God, and the auncient fathers.

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MarginaliaThe fayth and confession of D. Ridley, in affirming the true presence in the Sacrament.I say and confesse with the Euangelist Luke and with the Apostle Paul, that the bread on the which thankes are geuen, is the body of Christ in the remembraunce of hym and of hys death, to be set forth perpetually of the faythfull vntill his commyng.

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I say and confesse the bread which we breake, to be the Cōmunion and partakyng of Christes body, with the auncient and faythfull fathers.

I say and beleue that there is not onely a signification of Christes body set forth by the Sacrament, but

also that therewith is geuen to the godly and faythfull, MarginaliaThe grace of life & immortalitie geuē with the Sacrament to the faythfull.the grace of Christes body, that is, the foode of lyfe and immortality. And this I hold with Cyprian.

I say also wyth MarginaliaLyfe eaten. August.S. Augustine, that we eate lyfe, and we drynke lyfe: wyth MarginaliaThe Lord felt in grace. Emiss.Emisene, that we feele the Lord to be present in grace: wyth MarginaliaCelestiall foode receaued Athanas.Athanasius, that wee receyue celestiall foode whych commeth from aboue: the propertye of naturall communion, wyth MarginaliaThe Propertie of natural cōmuniō receaued. Hilar.Hillarius: the nature of flesh and benediction whych geueth lyfe in bread and wyne, wyth Cyrill: and wyth the same Cyrill, MarginaliaThe vertue of Christes flesh. Cyrill.the vertue of the very flesh of Christ, lyfe and grace of hys body, the property of the onely begotten, that is to say, life, as he hym self in playn wordes expoūdeth it.

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I confesse also wyth MarginaliaThe mysticall aduent of Christ. Basil.Basill, that we receyue the mystical Aduent and commyng of Christ, grace, and the vertue of hys very nature: the Sacrament of his very flesh, wyth MarginaliaThe Sacrament of hys very flesh. Ambros.Ambrose: the body by grace, wyth MarginaliaThe body by grace. Epiphan.Epiphanius: spirituall flesh, but not that whych was crucified, wyth MarginaliaSpirituall flesh, but not that which was crucified. Hierom.Hierome: Grace flowing into a sacrifice, and the grace of the spirite, wyth MarginaliaGrace flowing into a sacrifice. Chrysost.Chrysostome: grace and inuisible verity, grace and societie of the members of Christes body, with MarginaliaGrace and inuisible veritie. August.Augustine.

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Finallye, wyth Bertram (whych was the last of all these) I confesse that Christes body is in the Sacramēt in thys respect: namely (as he writeth) because there is in it the spirite of Christ, that is, MarginaliaThe power of Gods word feeding the soule. Bertram.the power of the word of God, whych not onely feedeth the soule, but also cleanseth it. Out of these I suppose it may clearely appeare vnto all men, how farre we are from that opinion whereof some go about falsly to sclaunder vs to the world, MarginaliaThe Protestantes falsely belyed to teach nothyng but a figure in the Sacrament.saying we teach that the godly and faythfull should receyue nothyng els at the Lords table, but a figure of the body of Christ.

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¶ The second proposition.

After the consecration there remayneth no substance of bread and wyne, neyther any other substance, then the substance of God and man.

¶ The aunswere.

MarginaliaAunswere to the 2 proposition.THe second conclusion is manifestly false, directly against the word of god, the nature of the sacramēt, and the most euident testimonies of the godly fathers: and it is the rotten foundation of the other two conclusions propounded by you,MarginaliaThe 2. proposition of transubstantiation denyed. both of the fyrst, and of the thyrd. I wyll not therefore now tarye vpon any further explication of this aunswer, being contented with that whych is already added afore to the aunswere of the fyrst proposition.

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¶ The fyrst argument for the confirmation of thys aunswere.

MarginaliaConfirmation of hys aunswere.IT is very playne by the word of God, that Christ dyd geue bread vnto his Disciples, and called it hys body:

But the substance of bread is an other maner of substance, then is the substance of Christes body God & mā:

Therefore the conclusion is false.

The second parte of myne argument is playne, and the fyrst is proued thus:

¶ The second argument.

That whych Christ did take, on the which he gaue
thankes, and the whych he brake, he gaue to hys Disci
ples, and called it hys body:
But he toke bread, gaue thākes on bread, and brake
Ergo the fyrst part is true. And it is confirmed wyth
the autorities of the Fathers, Irene, Tertullian, Origene,
Cyprian, Epiphanius, Hierom, Augustine, Theodoret, Cyril,
Rabanus and Bede. Whose places I will take vpon me
to shew most manifest in this behalfe, if I may be suffe-
red to haue my bookes, as my request is.

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Bread is the body of Christ:

Ergo it is bread.

* Marginalia* The rule of Logick is this. A propositione de tertio adiacante, ad eam quæ est de secundo, cū verbo recto significāte existentiā, valet consequentiæ affirmatiuè. &c.A tertio adiacante ad secundum adiacens cum verbi substantiui pura copula.

¶ The third argument.

As the bread of the Lordes table is Christes natu-
rall body, so is it his mysticall body.
