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1656 [1618]

Quene Mary. Disputation of Doct. Ridley late Byshop of Lond. at Oxford.

MarginaliaAn. 1554. But he gaue it by a reall, effectuall, and spirituall communication.

MarginaliaD. Glinne disputeth.After this, Doctour Glinne began to reason, who (notwithstādyng maister Ridley had alwayes takē hym for hys old frend) made a very cōtumelious preface agaynst hym. This Preface maister Ridley therfore did the more take to hart, because it proceded frō hym. Howbeit he thought that Doctour Glinnes mynde was to serue the turne. MarginaliaDoct. Glinne Bysh. Ridleys olde frend desireth hym of pardon.For afterward he came to the house wherein maister Ridley was kept, and as farre as maister Ridley could call to remembraūce, before Doctor Young and Doctor Oglethorp he desired him to pardon his wordes. MarginaliaBish. Ridley forgeueth D. Glinne.The which maister Ridley did euen from the very hart, and wished earnestly, that God would giue, not onely to hym, but vnto all other, the true and euident knowledge of Gods Euangelicall sincerity, that all offences put a part, they beyng perfectly and fully reconciled, might agree and meete together in the house of the heauenly father.

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Glin. I see that you elude or shift away all Scriptures and fathers. I will go to worke with you after an other sort.

Christ hath here his Church knowen in earth, of which you were once a child, although now you speake contumeliously of the Sacramentes.

Ryd. MarginaliaBysh. Ridley purgeth hym selfe agaynst D. Glinne.This is a greuous contumely, that you call me a shifter away of the Scriptures, and of the Doctours. As touchyng the Sacramentes, I neuer yet spake contumeliously of them. I graunt that Christ hath here his Church in earth: but that Church did euer receiue and acknowledge the Eucharist to bee a Sacrament of the body of Christ, and not the body of Christ really, but the body of Christ by grace.

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Glin. Then I aske this question, whether the Catholicke Church hath euer or at any tyme ben idolatrous?

Ryd. The Church is the piller and stay of truth, that neuer yet hath bene idolatrous, in respect of the whole: but peraduenture in respect of some part therof, which sometymes may be seduced by euill Pastors & through ignoraunce.

Glin. *Marginalia* This argument hauing the Minor a negatiue, neither is formable in the third figure, neyther doth it conclude rightly but should conclude thus: Ergo, to worship the flesh of Christ in the Eucharist is no Idolatry. That Church euer hath worshypped the flesh of Christ in the Eucharist.

But the Church hath neuer bene idolatrous:

Ergo, it hath alwayes iudged the flesh of Christ to bee in the Eucharist.

Ryd. And I also worshyp Christ in the Sacrament: but not because he is included in the Sacrament: lyke as I worship Christ also in the Scriptures, not because he is really included in them. Notwithstandyng I say that the body of Christ is present in the Sacrament: but yet Sacramētally and spiritually, accordyng to hys grace geuyng lyfe, and in that respect, really, that is, accordyng to his benediction geuyng lyfe.

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MarginaliaSumptum ab autographo Ridlei manu descripto.☞ Furthermore I knowledge gladly the true body of Christ to be in the Lordes Supper, in such sorte as the Church of Christ (which is the spouse of Christ, and is taught of the holy Ghost, and guyded by Gods word) doth acknowledge the same. But þe true church of Christ doth acknowledge a presence of Christes body in the Lordes Supper to bee communicated to the godly by grace and spiritually, as I haue often shewed, and by a Sacramentall signification, but not by the corporall presence of the body of hys flesh.

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Glin. MarginaliaAugust. cōtra Faustum Lib. 20. Cap. 13.Austen contra Faustum. lib. 20. cap. 13. Non nulli propter panem & calicem, Cererem & Bacchum nos colere existimabant. &c. i. Some there were which thought vs in stede of bread and of the cup, to worship Ceres & Bacchus.

Vpon this place I gather that there was an adoration of the Sacrament among the fathers. And Erasmus in a Epistle to þe brethren of low Germanie,sayth that the worshyppyng of the Sacrament was before Austen and Cyprian.

Ryd. We do handle the signes reuerently: but we worshyp the Sacrament as a Sacrament: not as the thyng signified by the Sacrament.

Glin. What is the symbole or Sacrament?

Ryd. Bread.

Glin. Ergo, we worshyp bread.

Ryd. There is a deceipt in this word [Adoramus]. We worshyp the symboles when reuerently we han-

dle them. We MarginaliaEquiuocation of this word worship, distincted.worshyp Christ where souer we perceiue his benefites. But we vnderstande hys benefite to be greatest in the Sacrament.

Glin. So I may fall down before the bench here, and worshyp Christ: and if any man aske me what I do, I may aunswere I worshyp Christ.

Ryd. MarginaliaWe worship Christ in the Eucharist: but we worship not the Eucharist for Christ.We adore and worship Christ in the Eucharist. And if you meane the externall Sacrament, I say, that also is to be worshypped as a Sacrament.

Glin. So was the fayth of the primatiue Church.

Ryd. Would to God we would all folow the fayth of that Church.

Glin. Thinke you that Christ hath now his church?

Ryd. I do so.

Glin. But all the Church adoreth Christ, verely and really in the Sacrament.

Ryd. You know your self that the East Church would not acknowledge trāsubstantiation, as it appeareth in the MarginaliaThys Councell of Florence was but of late yeares in the time of the Coūcell of Basill.Councell of Florence.

Cole. That is false. For in the same they did acknowledge transubstantiation, although they would not entreat of that matter, for that they had not in their commission so to do.

Ryd. Nay, they would determine nothing of that matter, when the Article was propunded vnto them.

Cole. It was not because they did not acknowledge the same, but because they had no commission so to do.

Curtop. Reuerend Syr, I will proue and declare, that the body of Christ is truly and really in the Eucharist: and whereas the holy fathers, both of the West & East Church haue written, both many thynges and no lesse manifest of the same matter, yet I will bryng forth onely MarginaliaChrysost. in Cap. 10. Cor. 1. Hom. 24.Chrysostome. The place is in cap. 10. Corinth. 1. Homel. 24.

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*Marginalia* The Maior should be thus: What soeuer dyd flow frō the side of Christ, is in the cup. &c. or els the argument being in the 2. figure, is affirmatiue and false. That which is in the cuppe, is the same that flowed from the side of Christ.

But true and pure bloud dyd flow from the side of Christ:

Ergo, hys true and pure bloud is in the cuppe.

Ryd. It is hys true bloud which is in the Chalice (I graunt) and the same which sprang from the syde of Christ. But how? It is bloud in dede, but not after the same maner, after which maner it sprang from his side. For here is the bloud, but by the way of a Sacrament.

MarginaliaWherfore and how the bread is called the body, and the cup the bloud.Agayne, I say, lyke as the bread of the Sacrament and of thankes geuyng is called the body of Christ geuen for vs: so the cuppe of the Lord is called the bloud which sprang from the side of Christ. But that sacramental bread is called the body, because it is the Sacrament of hys body: euen so lykewise the cuppe is called the bloud also, which flowed out of Christes side, because it is the Sacrament of that bloud which flowed out of hys side, instituted of the Lord hym selfe for our singuler commoditie, namely for our spiritual nourishment, lyke as Baptisme is ordeyned in water to our spirituall regeneration.

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Cur. The Sacrament of the bloud is not the bloud.

Rid. The sacrament of the bloud, is the bloud, and that is attributed to the Sacrament, which is spoken of the thing of the sacrament.

West. Here Weston repeateth Curtoppes argument in Englysh.

* Marginalia* Thys argument cōcludeth not directly, and being in the 2. figure, affirmatiue, it is not formall.That whych is in the Chalice, is the same which flowed out of Christes syde.

But there came out very bloud:

Ergo there is very bloud in the Chalice.

Ryd. The bloud of Christ is in the Chalice in deede, but not in real presence, but by grace & in a sacrament.

West. That is very well. Then we haue bloud in the Chalice.

Rid. It is true, but by grace and in a sacrament.

Here the people hissed at him.

Rid. O my Maisters, I take thys for no iudgement: I wyll stand to Gods iudgement.

Wat. Good Syr, I haue determined to haue respect
