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1659 [1621]

Queene Mary. Disputation of Doct. Ridley late Byshop of Lond. at Oxford.

Marginalia1554. Aprill. as you sayd: but yet ye haue not numbred how many Abbots, Priours, and Friers were in that Councell, who were to the number of 800.

One of the scribes. MarginaliaOne of the Scribes carpeth agaynst B. Ridley.What? will you deny then þe authoritie of that Councell for the multitude of those Priours?

Ryd. No Syr, not so much for that cause, as for that especially, because the doctrine of that Councell agreed not with the word of God, as it may well appeare by the Actes of that Councell which was holden vnder MarginaliaOf thys Innocentius. 3. read before pag. 338.Innocentius the thyrd, a man (if we beleue the hystories) most pernitious to the Church & common wealth of Christ.

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Tres. What? do you not receiue the Councell of Laterane? wherupon he with certain other cried, scribite, scribite, write, write.

Ryd. MarginaliaB. Ridley reiecteth the Councell of Laterane.No Syr, I receiue not that Councell. Scribite & rescribite. Write and wryte agayne.

Tres. Euill men do eate the naturall body of Christ.

Ergo the true & naturall body of Christ is on þe altar.

Ryd. Euill men do eate the very true and naturall body of Christ sacramentally, and no further, as S. Austē sayth: MarginaliaGood men doe eate the very true body of Christ both Sacramētally and spiritually.but good men do eate the very true body both sacramentally and spiritually by grace.

Tres. I proue the contrary by MarginaliaAugust. Lib. 5. cōtra Donatist. cap. 8.S. Austen lib. 5. contra Donatistas. Cap. 8. Sicut enim Iudas cui buccellulam Dominus tradidit, non malum accipiendo, sed male accipiendo peccauit. &c. i. Lyke as Iudas, to whom the Lorde gaue the morsell, dyd offend, not in takyng a thyng that was euill, but in receyuyng it after an euill maner. &c. And a litle after: Quia aliquis non ad salutem manducat, non ideo non est corpus. i. Because some do not eate vnto saluation, it foloweth not therfore that it is not hys body.

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Ryd. It is the body to them, that is, the Sacrament of the body: and Iudas tooke the Sacramēt of the Lord to hys condemnation. Austen hath distincted these things well in an other place, where he sayth: MarginaliaManducare panem Domini, & panem Dominū. August.Panem Domini, & panem Dominum. Mali manducant panem Domini, non panem Dominum: boni autem manducāt & panē Domini, & panem Dominum. i. The bread of the Lord, the bread the Lord. Euill men eate the bread of the Lord, but not bread the Lord. But good men eate both the bread of the Lord, and bread the Lord.

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West. MarginaliaThys Weston spoke in English.Paul sayth the body, and you say the Sacramēt of the body.

Ryd. Paul meaneth so in deede.

Wat. You vnderstand it euill concernyng the signe: for the fathers say that euill men do eate him which descended from heauen.

Ryd. They eate him in deede, but sacramentally. MarginaliaThe olde Doctors do vse many times the Sacrament for the matter of the Sacrament.The fathers vse many tymes the Sacrament, for the matter of the Sacrament, and all that same place maketh agaynst you: and so here he cited the place.

West. I bryng MarginaliaTheophilacte alleaged.Theophilacte which sayth, that Iudas did tast the body of the Lord. Ostendit Dominus crudelitatem Iudæ, qui cum argueretur, nō intellexit, & gustauit carnem Domini. &c. i. The Lord did shewe the cruelty of Iudas, which, when he was rebuked, dyd not vnderstand, and tasted the Lordes flesh. &c.

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Ryd. MarginaliaAunswere.This phrase to Diuines is well knowen, and and vsed of the Doctors. He tasted the flesh of the Lord insensibiliter, insensibly: that is, the Sacrament of the Lordes flesh.

West. MarginaliaChrysost. alleaged.Chrysostome sayth, that the same punishment remayneth to them which receiue the body of the Lord vnworthely, as to them which crucified hym.

Ryd. MarginaliaChrysost. expounded.That is because they defile the Lordes body: for euill men do eate the body of Christ sacramentally, but good men eate both the Sacrament and the matter of the Sacrament.

Wat. You reiect the Councell of Laterane, because (you say) it agreeth not with gods word. What say you then to the Councell of Nice? MarginaliaThe Coūcell of Nice alleaged.The wordes of the Coūcell be these:

Ne humiliter spectemus propositum panem & potum, sed exaltata mente fideliter credamus iacere in illa sacra mē-

sa agnum dei, tollentem peccata mundi, a sacerdotibus sacrificatum. Let vs not looke alow by the ground vpon the bread and the drinke set before vs, but lyftyng vp our mynd, let vs faythfully beleue, there vpon that holy table to lie the lambe of God takyng away the synnes of the world, beyng sacrificed of the Priestes.

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Ryd. That Councell was collected of auncient fathers, and is to me of great authoritie, for it saith: Positum esse panem in altari, & exaltata mente considerandum eum qui in cœlis est. i. That bread is set vppon the Altar, and hauyng our myndes lifted vp, we must consider hym which is in heauen. The wordes of the Councell make for me.

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Wat. [Exaltata mente] with a minde exalted: that is, not as brute beastes at the racke or maunger, hauyng an eye onely vpon the thyng that is set before them. Agnus dei iacet in mensa: the * Marginalia* If the Lambe of God dyd lye really vpon the table, thē why doth the Councell byd vs lift vp our minds, which rather should bid vs let downe our mindes to the Altar. Lambe of God lyeth on the table, sayth the Councell.

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Ryd. The Lambe of God is in heauen, accordyng to the verity of the body: and here he is with vs in a mystery, accordyng to hys power: not corporally.

Wat. But the Lambe of God lyeth on the table.

Ryd. It is a figuratiue speach: for in our mynd we vnderstand him which is heauen.

Wat. But he lieth there. The Greke word is κεῖται.

Ryd. He lieth there, that is, he is there present, not corporally, but he lyeth there by hys operation.

Wat. He lyeth, but hys operation lyeth not.

Ryd. MarginaliaThe place of Nicene Councell expounded.You thynke very grossely of the sittyng or lying of the celestiall Lambe on the table of the lord. For we may not imagine any such sitting or lying on the table, as the reason of man would iudge: but all thinges are here to be vnderstand spiritually. For that heauenly Lambe is (as I confesse) on the table, but by a spiritual presence, by grace, and not after any corporal substance of his flesh taken of the virgine Mary. And in deede the same Canon doth very playnly teach that the bread which is set on the table, is materiall bread, and therfore it (the CanonMarginaliaDe consecrat. Dist. 9. I meane) commaundeth that we should not creepe on the ground in our cogitation, to these thynges which are set before vs, as who should say: what other thynges are they (as much as perteyneth to their true substaūce) then bread and wyne? but rather (sayth the Canon) liftyng vp our myndes into heauen, let vs consider with fayth the Lambe of God, which taketh away the sinnes of the world, sittyng or lying vpon the table. For a lifted vp fayth seeth hym, which sitteth on the right hand of God the father, after the true maner of a body, set by grace on the Lordes table, and takyng away the sinnes of the world. For I thinke you meane not so, as though the Lambe did lye there prostrate with his mēbers spread vpon the table.

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Smyth. MarginaliaAn other place of Nicene Councell alleaged.I bring an other place out of the Councell of Nice. Nullus Apostolorū dixit, hæc est figura corporis Christis. Nullus venerabilium præs byterorum dixit incruentum altaris sacrificium figuram: Ergo, &c. That is: None of þe Apostels sayd, this is a figure of the body of Christ: None of the reuerend Elders sayd, the vnbloudy sacrifice of the aultar to be a figure:

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Ergo you are deceyued.

Ryd. Thys Canon is not in the Coūcel of Nice. For I haue read ouer thys Councell many tymes.

MarginaliaOut of D. Ridleys copie.Then came in an other whom M. Ridley knew not, & said: The vniuersall Church both of þe Grekes & Latines of the East and of the West, haue agreed in the Councell of Florence vniformely in the doctrine of the Sacrament, that in the Sacrament of the altar there is the true and reall body.

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Ryd. I deny the Greke and the East Church to haue agreed either inMarginaliaThe Councell of Florence alleaged. þe Councell at Florence, or at any time els, with the Romish Church in the doctrine of trāsubtiation of bread into the body of Christ. For there was nothyng in the Councell of Florence, wherein the Grekes would agree with the Romanistes: albeit hetherto I confesse it was left free for euery Church to

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