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1664 [1626]

Quene Mary. Disputation of M. Latymer at Oxford.

MarginaliaAn. 1554. Aprill. Ergo it is very bloud.

Lat. We drincke bloud, so as appertayneth to vs to dryncke to our comfort, in sacramentall wyne. We drinke bloud sacramentally: he gaue vs hys bloud to drinke spiritually: he went about to shew, that as certaynly as we drinke wyne, so certaynly we drinke hys bloud spiritually.

West. Do not you seeme to be a papist, which do bring in new wordes, not found in the scripture? Wher finde you that [Sacramētaliter] sacramētally, in Gods booke?

Lat. It is necessarily gathered vpon scripture.

West. The old Testament doth forbyd the tastyng of bloud: but the new doth commaund it.

Lat. It is true, not as touching the thing, but as touching the maner thereof.

West. Heare ye people, this is the argument.

MarginaliaArgument not formall.That which was forbydden in the old Testament, is commaunded in the new.

To drinke bloud was forbidden in the old Testamēt, and commaunded in the new:

Ergo, it is very bloud that we drinke in the new.

☞ This argument, because the Maior thereof is not vniuersall, its not formall, and may well be retorted against Weston, thus:

MarginaliaD. Westons argument retorted agaynst hym selfe.Ce-
No naturall or morall thing forbidden materially in the
old Testament, is commaunded in the new.
To drinke mans naturall bloud, is forbyd materially in
the old Testament:
Ergo to drinke mans naturall bloud materially, is not
commaunded in the new.

Lat. MarginaliaAunswere.It is commaunded spiritually to be dronken. I graunt it is bloud dronken in the new Testament: but we receaue it spiritually.

Pie. It was not forbidden spiritually in the old law.

Lat. The substaunce of bloud is dronken: but not in one maner.

Pie. It doth not requyre the same maner of drinking.

Lat. It is the same thing, not the same maner. I haue no more to say.

West. Here Weston cited the place of MarginaliaChrysostome.Chrystome, of Iudas treason: O Iudæ dementia. Ille cum Iudæis triginta denarijs Paciscebatur, vt Christum venderet, & Christus ei sanguinem, quem vendidit offrebat. That is: O the madnes of Iudas. He made bargaine with the Iewes for thirty pence, to sel Christ: & Christ offered him his bloud which he sold.

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Lat. I graunt he offered to Iudas his bloud, which he sold: but in a sacrament.

West. Because ye can defend your Doctors no better, ye shall see how worshipfull men you hang vppon: and one that hath bene of your minde, shal dispute with you. Maister Cartwright, MarginaliaDoct. Cartwryght vrged to dispute. I pray you dispute.

Cart. Reuerent father, because it is geuē me in commaundement to dispute wyth you, I wyll do it gladly. But first vnderstād ere we go any further, that I was in the same errour that you are in: MarginaliaCartwryght returning to hys old errour agayne.but I am sory for it, and doe confesse my selfe to haue erred. I acknowledge mine offence, and I wish and desire god that you also may repent with me.

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Lat. Will you geue me leaue to tell, what hath caused maister Doctor here to recant? MarginaliaArgumentū a pœna legis. Durum, & difficile.It is pæna legis. the payne of the law, which hath brought you backe, and conuerted you, and many moe: the which letteth many to cōfesse God. And this is a great argument: there are few here can dissolue it.

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Cart. That is not my cause: but I wyl make you this short argument, by which I was conuerted from mine errours.

MarginaliaArgum. a destructione cōsequētis, ad destructionem antecedentis.If the true body of Christ be not really in the sacrament, all the whole church hath erred from the Apostels tyme.

But Christ would not suffer his church to erre:

Ergo, it is the true body of Christ.

Lat. The popish church hath erred, and doth erre. I thincke for the space of sixe or seuen hundreth yeares, MarginaliaNo mention made of any eating, but spiritually in the church, for the space of 700. yeares.there was no mention made of any eating but spiritually: for before these fiue hundreth yeares, the Church did euer confesse a spirituall manducation. But the Ro-

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mish church begat the errour of trāsubstantiation. My Lorde of Canterburies booke handleth that very well, and by him I could aunswere you, if I had him.

Cart. Linus and all the rest doe confesse the body of Christ to be in the sacrament: and saint Augustine also vpon the. 98. Psalme, vpon this place: Adorate scabellum pedum. &c. graunteth it to be worshipped.

Lat. We doe worship Christ in the heauens, and we do worship him in the sacrament: but the massing worship is not to be vsed.

Smith. Do you thinke that Cyrill was of the auncient church?

Lat. I do thinke so.

Smith. He sayth, that Christ dwelleth in vs corporally: MarginaliaCyrillus in Ioan. Lib. 10. cap. 13. These be Cyrils wordes, of the mysticall benediction.

Lat. That [* corporally] hath an other vnderstanding, then you do grosly take it.

* Cyrill sayth that Christ dwelleth corporally in vs: but hee sayth not that Christ dwelleth corporally in the bread. Which dwelling of Christ in vs, is, as our dwelling is also in Christ, not locall or corporall, but spiritual, and heauenly. [Corporally] therefore is to be taken here in the same sense, as S. Paule sayth, the fulnes of diuinity to dwell in Christ corporally, that is, not lightly nor accidentally, but perfectly and substantially, with all his vertue and power. &c. And so dwelleth Chrst corporally in vs also.

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Smith. Here Smith repeateth these wordes of Cyril. Per communionem corporis Christi, habitat in nobis Christus corporaliter. That is: By the communicating of the body of Christ, Christ dwelleth in vs corporally.

Lat. The solution of this is in my Lord of Canterburies booke.

Smith. Cyrill was no Papist, and yet these bee hys wordes: Christ dwelleth in vs corporally, but you say he dwelleth in vs spiritually.

Lat. I say both: that he dwelleth in vs both corporally and spiritually, according to his meaning: spiritually by fayth, & corporally by taking our flesh vpon hym. For I remember I haue read this in my Lord of Canterburies booke.

West. MarginaliaThe immodest behauiour of thys Iacke scorner to be noted.For because your learning is let out to ferme, and shut vp in my Lord of Canterburies booke: I will recite vnto you a place of S. Ambros, De apparatione ad Missam, where he sayth: Videmus principem Sacerdotem ad nos venientē, & offerentem sanguinem. &c. That is: We see the chiefe priest comming vnto vs, and offering bloud. &c.

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Likewyse both MarginaliaAugust in Psal. 38.Augustine in the. 38. Psal. & MarginaliaChrysost. De incomprehensibi Dei natura.Chrysostome, concernyng the incomprehensible nature of God, Tomo. 3. say: Non solum homines. &c.

Lat. I am not ashamed to acknowledge my ignorāce: and these testimonies are more then I can beare away

West. Then you must leaue some behind you for lacke of cariage.

Lat. But for MarginaliaChrysost. full of figuratiue speeches, and Emphaticall loquutions.Chrysostome, hee hath many figuratiue speeches, and Emphaticall loquutions, in many places, as in that which you haue now recited: but hee sayth not, for the quicke and the dead: he taketh the celebration for the sacrifice.

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West. You shall heare MarginaliaChrysost. in Act. cap. 9.Chrysostome againe, vpon the ix. chapter of the Actes. Quid dicis? Hostia in manibus sacerdotis. &c. He doth not call it a cup of wyne.

Lat. Ye haue myne aunswere there with you in a paper: and yet he calleth it not propiciatorium sacrificium. i. A propitiatory sacrifice.

West. You shal heare it to be so: and I bring an other place of Chrysostome out of þe same treatise: Non temerè ab Apostolis est institutum. &c.

Lat. He is to precious a thing for vs to offer: he offereth hym selfe.

West. Here in an other place of MarginaliaChrysost. ad populū Antioch. Hom. 69.Chrysostome to the people of Antioch, Hom. 69. and also ad Philippēses, he sayth: There should bee a memory and sacrifice for the dead.

Lat. I do say that þe holy Cōmuniō beareth the name of a sacrifice, because it is a sacrifice memoratiue.
