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1672 [1634]

Quene Mary. Thinges done the first yeare of Queene Mary.

ted them. But I trust in the substaunce of the matter we do agree fully, both lead by one spirite of truth, and both walkyng after one rule of Gods word. It is reported that Sergent Morgan MarginaliaThys Iustice Morgan gaue sentence agaynst Lady Iane.the chief Iustice of the cōmon place is gone madde. It is sayd also that Iustice Hales hath recāted, peruerted by Doct. Moreman. Item, that M. Rogers, Doct. Crome, & M. Bradford shall be had to Cābridge,MarginaliaDisputation in Cambridge intēded, wherof read hereafter pag. 1639.and there bee disputed with as we were here, and that the Doctors of Oxford shall goe likewise thether as Cambridge men came hether. When ye haue read myne aunsweres, send them agayne to Austen, except ye will put any thyng to them.I trust the day of our deliuery out of all miseries, and of our entraunce into perpetuall rest, & vnto perpetuall ioy and felicitie draweth nye: the Lord strēgth vs with his mighty spirite of grace. If you haue not to write with, you must make your man your frend. And this bearer deserueth to be rewarded: so he may and will do you pleasure. My man is trusty, but it greueth both hym and me that when I send hym with any thyng to you, your man will not let him come vp to see you, as he may to M. Latymer, and yours to me. I haue a promise to see how my aunsweres were writtē in the scholes, but as yet I cānot come by it. Pray for me I pray you, and so shall I for you. The Lord haue mercy of his Church, and lighten the eyes of the Maiestrates, that Gods extreme plagues light not of this Realme of England.

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Turne or burne.

These disputations being thus discoursed and ended, which were at Oxford in the moneth of Aprill, as is aforesayd: now let vs returne agayne to the prosecuting of our story, touching other thinges likewyse, that happened in other parties of the Realme, in thys tumultuous time of Queene Mary. And because things that happened in that tyme, were so many and diuers, that it is hard to keepe a perfite order in reciting them all: to the entent therefore to inserte thinges left out before, or els to prosecute þe same more at full, we haue thought here a litle to interrupt the order of tyme (albeit not much) returning agayne to the moneth of Iuly the yeare before, videlicet. 1553.  

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Block 24: Political events up to Suffolk's death

The Oxford disputations were the last section of Book 10 that had any basis in the Rerum. All of the remaining narrative in this book was researched and composed in the period 1559 - 1570 from a medley of sources, mostly oral informants, chronicles and official documents. The very nature of these sources meant that Foxe's acquisition of them was relatively unplanned and somewhat chaotic.

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The section on events in the first year of Mary's reign provides a classic example of how the later editions (to say nothing of the Victorian editions) conceal the sources and development of the Acts and Monuments. In every edition there are a few introductory sentences in which Foxe apologises for breaking the chronological order of his narrative to include further material on the first year of Mary's reign (1563, p. 1000; 1570, p. 1634; 1576, p. 1394; 1583, p. 1465). This was because new material reached him during the printing of the 1563 edition which he inserted into the text as he acquired it.

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In the whych moneth of Iuly, I shewed before how the Duke of Northumberland was apprehended by the Garde, and brought to London by the Earle of Arundel and other Lordes and Gentlemen appointed for that purpose on S. Iames day, being the. xxv. day of Iuly, and so to the Tower where they remayned. These be the names of them which were committed to the Tower with the Duke.  
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This material was a list of events about the reimposition of catholicism in Cambridge and London (1563, pp. 1000-01). The source for this was a journal or chronicle, now lost, by a source who was well informed about events in Cambridge. The London material either came from him or was added by Foxe from other sources. (The evidence suggests, however, that there was a single source for the London material; it is noticeable that all the London events take place in the area of Cheapside).

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Almost all of this material was retained in later editions - the exception being which was very probably dropped because it depicted protestants as coming very close to sedition in their opposition to Mary - but this material was broken up and scattered (in chronological order) among new information which was added in the 1570 edition. This information was drawn largely from a London chronicle (or chronicles) now lost. Foxe printed this source en bloc, resulting in a great deal of repetition of events already discussed, irrelevancies (it was simpler to reprint than select and edit this material), inconsistencies (especially in dates) and inaccuracies. Foxe never reworked this material or tried to integrate it with the earlier political narrative in Book 10. This relative neglect, contrasted with the laborious editorial care devoted to the Oxford disputations, clearly demonstrates Foxe's editorial priorities.

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Among the many repetitions is a notice of Gilbert Bourne's Paul's Cross sermon of 13 August 1553 (1570, p. 1634; 1576, p. 1394; 1583, p. 1465). (Incidentally, the date of the sermon is given as 13 August earlier in Foxe - 1570, p. 1570; 1576, p. 1339; 1583, p. 1397 - and as 11 August here. This is one of a number of cases where Foxe reprinted differing dates for events by different sources and never bothered to correct, or apparently even to check, them).

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It is also worth observing that notes in the different editions direct the reader to the account of Bourne's sermon given earlier in Foxe. But in 1583, the note directs the reader to page 1339, which is the correct page in the 1576, not the 1583, edition. (The correct page in the 1583 edition is page 1397). This failure to revise the cross-references is a recurring problem in the 1583 edition.

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Among other repetitions in this section of Book 10 are a description of Mary's proclamation against heretical books (1570, p. 1634; 1576, p. 1395; 1583, p. 1465) already printed in 1563, pp. 903-04; 1570, p. 1570; 1576, p. 1338; 1583, pp. 1408-09, and a new account of the executions of Northumberland, Gates and Palmer (1570, 1634; 1576, p. 1395; 1583, p. 1465) already described in 1563, p. 902; 1570, p. 1569; 1576, p. 1338; 1583, p. 1408. One cause of numerous repetitions was Foxe's introduction of material from the Privy Council Register into the 1583 edition. In many cases, Foxe had already related the incident, drawing it from other sources. Thus, for example, Foxe had a notice of John Bradford, Thomas Becon and Jean Veron being sent to the Tower in 1570, p. 1634; 1576, p. 1394; 1583, p. 1465) when he added another notice of this to 1583, p. 1497 [recte 1409], based on APC IV, p. 321.

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Political Events up to Suffolk's Death

The glosses here are less directly adversarial than they were during the disputations. Many of them describe political events, others deal with arraignments, imprisonments and pardons. The move from the debating chamber has not stopped Foxe's willingness to criticise procedure, though now it is illegality rather than indecorum that he attacks; it is perhaps significant that shortly after the account of the repeal of Edward VI's laws, Foxe reports and highlights the case of a Canterbury priest who repented saying Mass: the implication is perhaps that beyond the law, conscience must be heard. The shift to narrative also encourages Foxe to emphasize some providential signs in the glosses, as with the strange sights preceding Phillip's arrival and the satisfactorily horrible death of the 'murtherer' Thornton. This may be contrasted with the noble and godly death of Suffolk, whose virtuous deportment is cued by a series of glosses. It is worth noting that the last gloss contains further and more accurate information than the text, yet it was not edited into the main text after 1570. Other glosses provide examples of errors.

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MarginaliaThe names of thē that were committed to the Tower with the Duke of Northumberland.First, the Earle of Warwicke, the Earle of Huntington, Lord Ambrose, and Lord Henry Dudley, Lord Hastinges, who was deliuered agayne the same night, Sir Iohn Gates, >Sir Henry Gates, Sir Andrew Dudley, Sir Thomas Palmer, and D. SandesChauncelor of Cambridge.

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The. xxvj. day the Lord Marques of Northāpton, the Bishop of London, Lord Robert Dudley, and Sir Richard Corbet were brought and committed to the Tower.

The. xxvij. day the Lord chiefe Iustice of England, and the Lord Mountacute, chiefe Iustice of the common place, were committed to the Tower.

Vpon the Friday being the. xxviij. of Iuly, the Duke of Suffolke, and Syr Iohn Cheeke were committed to the Tower.

The. xxx. of Iuly, the Lord Russel was committed to the Shiriffe of Londons custody.

The. xxxj. day the Earle of Rutland was committed to the Fleete.

MarginaliaThe Duke of Suffolke deliuered out of the Tower.Vpon the Monday the last of Iuly, the Duke of Suffolke was deliuered out of the Tower agayne.

Vpon Thursday the thyrd of August, the Queene entred into the City of London at Algate, and so to the Tower, where she remayned. vij. dayes, and then remoued to Ritchmond.

Vpon Friday the fourth day, Doctor Day was deliuered out of the Fleete.

Vpon Saterday the. v. day, the Lord Ferries was cō-

mitted to the Tower, and the same day D. BonerMarginaliaBoner set at libertie. was deliuered out of the Marshalsee. The same day at night, Doctor Cockes was committed to the Marshalsee, and one Maister Edward Vnderhill to Newgate. Also the same day D. Tunstall and Ste. Gardiner were deliuered out of the Tower, and Gardiner receaued into the Queenes priuie Counsell, & made Lord Chaūcellour.

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Vpon Sonday the vj. day, Henry Dudley Captaine of the Garde at Guines, which before had bene sent to the French king by hys Cosin the Duke of Northūberland, after the dispatch of his embassage wyth the French king, returned to Guines, and so was taken, and thys day brought to the Tower.

Vpon Monday the. vij. of August, Dirige in LatineMarginaliaDirige in the Tower. was soong wythin the Tower by all the kinges Chappell, and the bishop of Winchester was chief Minister, whereat was present the Queene, and the most part of the Counsell.

Vpon Tuesday the. viij. day of August, the Kynges bodyMarginaliaKyng Edwardes body buryed. was brought to Westminster, and there buryed, where Doct. Day bishop of Chichester preached. The same day a Masse of Requiem was soong wythin the Tower by the bishop of Winchester, who had on hys Myter, and dyd all thinges as in times past was done, at which Masse the Queene was present.

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Vpon Thursday the Duke of Northfolke came forth of þe Tower, wyth whom the Duches of Somerset was also deliuered this Thursday.

Vpon Sonday the. xj. of August, Doctor Bourne preached at Paules Crosse, of the which sermon read before, pag. 1570.

In the weeke following, commaundement was geuen throughout the City, that no Prētises should come to the Sermon, nor weare any knyfe or dagger.

Vpon the Wedensday, being the. xvj. day of August, MarginaliaMaister Bradford with others, committed to the Tower.M. Bradford, M. Becon, and M. Veron, were committed to þe Tower: with whom also M. Sampson should haue ben committed,  

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The very interesting account of Thomas Sampson eluding capture at Elsing's house (1570, p. 1634; 1576, p. 1394; 1583, p. 1465) almost certainly came from an oral source, very probably Sampson himself.

and was sought for the same time in M. Elsynges house in Fleetestreete (where M. Bradford was taken) and because hee was not found, the B. of Winchester fumed lyke a prelate with the messinger.

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Vpō the Friday being the. 18. of August, the Duke of Northumberlād, the Marques of Northampton, and the Earle of Warwicke were arrayned at Westminster, and there the same day condemned, the Duke of Northfolke that day being the hye Iudge.

Vppon Saterday the. xix. of August, Syr Andrew Dudley, Sir Iohn Gates, Syr Henry Gates, and Sir Thomas Palmer were arraigned at Westminster, and condemned the same day, the Lord Marques of Winchester beyng hye Iudge.

Vpon Sonday the xx. of August Doctor WatsonMarginaliaD. Watson preached at Paules Crosse. the bishop of Wnchesters chaplaine preached at Paules Crosse, at whose sermon was present the Marques of Winchester, the Earle of Bedford, the Earle of Penbroke, the Lorde Rich, and. ij. hundreth of the Garde with theyr Halbards, lest the people would haue made any sturre agaynst the Preacher.

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Vpon Monday the. xxj.of August the Duke of Northumberlād, the Marques of Northāpton, Syr Andrew Dudley, Syr Ioh. Gates, and Syr Thomas Palmer heard a Masse within the Tower, and after Masse they all fiue receaued the Sacramēt in one kinde only, as in þe Popish time was vsed. On þe which day also Q. Mary set forth a proclamation, signifying to the people that she could not hyde any longer the religion which she from her infancie had professed. &c. inhibiting in the sayd proclamation printing and preaching, the tenour whereof read before pag. 1570.

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MarginaliaExecution at the Tower hill.Vpon the Tuesday being the. xxij. of August, the Duke of Northumberland, Syr Iohn Gates, & Syr Thomas Palmer, were beheaded at the Tower hill, as before is sayd, pag. 1569. col. 1. The same day certaine noble personages heard Masse with-
