Thematic Divisions in Preface
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¶ The names of the Martyrs in this booke conteined, namely such as haue suffred most terrible Martyrdome for the fayth and hope they had in the redēption of our Lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ, frō the first beheadyng of Iohn Baptist to this present, as well vnder the Iewes as Emperours, and lately vnder the Turke, and last of all vnder the Pope: Albeit not in so ample maner as that the names of all and euery Martyr here were to be required: For such was the tyranny in the time of the x. first persecutions, specially in the last persecution vnder Dioclesian, that xxx. thousand were Martyred in one day, whose names are not expressed, and likewise many thousandes in sondry places were Martyred, whose names neither are in this Table comprehended nor in any other to be numbred. Howbeit to satisfie some part of the readers expectiation, in comprehendyng such as storyes and Registers would giue vs, I haue collected this Table in forme of the Alphabete as foloweth.
A. Andreas.91.88Bartlemew Milen a lame Christopher Browne.2253Edmund.154. 186
  Andrew the Apostle.25.creeple.1029Christina.111Edmund Pole.2092
AAron.124Andrew Hewet.1179Bartlemew a booke binder in Chrisagonus.117Edmund Hierst.2095
Abdas.137Andronicus.110the Valley of S. Martine. Cicile Ormes.2219Edmund Aleyn.2165
Abdiesus. Anne Albright.2031 1088Ciprian.99. 100. 128Edmund Walker.1453
 136Anne Audebert a widow. Basilides.80Cirillus108Edward Sharpe.2138
Abdon.91 1035Basilmus.117Ciriacus.129Eleutherius Byshop in Apu- 
Abedecalaas Anne Askew.1420Basilius Byshop of Amase- Cirinus.133lia, with his mother Anthia. 
 135. 136Anepodistus.135nus.123Claudianus.105 66
Abidus.128Angurius.105Basilla.105Claudius.127. 129. 133Elizabeth Warne.1868
Abiesus.137Anne Potten.1879Bawdewyne.1028Claudius Moncrius.2036Elizabeth Tacknell.2091
Abramius Byshop.137Anicetus Byshop of Rome. Beatrix.117Claudius Paynter a Gold- Elizabeth Peper.2095
Abundus.92. 129 78Beniamin a Deacon.137smith.1030Elizabeth Mannyng.2165
Acesmus.136Anisia.133Bendens wife.2167Claudius Thierry.1036Elizabeth Cooper.2197
Acha.117Anthonia.117Benet Romian, a seller of Clement Bishop of Rome.62Elizabeth Folkes.2202
Achaicus.66Anthony Burward.1884Mercery ware and a dres- Concordius.68Elyn Strike.1443
Achilleus.65. 129Anthonia buried quicke.1020ser of Cozall.1056Concordia.92Elyn Ewrin.2202
Acindimus.135Anthony de Huezuello Ba- Bernard Seguine.1037Collins and his dogge burnt. Emilianus.138
A childe of. viij. yere old whipt cheller of Diuinitie1064Bertrand le Glasse.1028 1291Epipodius.68
that he died therof.2257Anthonius Magne or Mag- Biblides.70Cornelius.93. 94Epidephorius.135
Adam Damplip.1400næus.1041Bicor.137Constantine.91Epimachus.89
Adam Walace.1448Anthony Parson.1389Blandina. 69. cruelly handled Cornelius Bongey.1891Erasmus.117
Adam Foster.2098Anthonius.133of the Ethnickes. 70. her Corona.68Eudoxia.127
Abauctus.129Anthonius.199wonderfull patienee.72Cosmas.117Eugenia.104. 111. 117.
Adolphus Clarebachus.1018Antheas a kyng and xxxvij. Bochres Byshop.137Couentry Martyrs.1106Eugraphus.128
Adrianus.117thousand besides.117Booke bynder with two Bi- Constantine Northman with Eulalia.111. 130
Adrian Lopphen.1028Anternus.86bles about his necke burned. three other.1030Ephenia. 
Adula.111Anthumus.111 1079Couberon a weauer.1033Eusebius Deacon of Alexan- 
Afilonse Perrez Priest of Anterius Byshop of Rome. Bonifacius Byshop and xxx. Cranmer Archb. of Canter- dria.107
Valence.1064 86thousand more martyred at te bury.1002Eusebius.76. 133. 138
Agapes.117Apolonia.89one tyme.117Crescentia.117Eustachius.66
Agape.111Appolonius.76. 111. 129Bossa.105Cressiphon.135Eutichianus Byshop of Rome. 
Agapitus.85Arnoldus de Noua villa.397Bradbridge widow.2167Cucusatus.129 106
Agatha.91. 133Archer a Shomaker.1107Bridget.517Cutbert Simpson.1229Cugenia.105
Agathon.91Alnulphus.86. 256  Cyrus a Phisition in Alexan- Eulogius.105
Agathonica.67Arthenius.129C. dria.127Euelasius.128. 133
Agas.137Arrianus.128    Euenius.58. 63
Agdelas.137Archambant Seraphion a sel- CAcalla a Frier Augustin D. Eulampius.111
Agnes.117. 131ler of Pedlery wares.1048a Doctour some tyme   Euphorisma.65
Agnes Grebill.1453Arnaulde Moniere.1047preacher to the Empe- DAuid Stratō.1442. 1117Eusichius.138
Agnes Smith.2031Ascla.111rour Charles the v.1063Dausas.137  
Agnes Potten.2072Ashdons wife.2171Caius Byshop of Rome.68.Damianus.117F. 
Agnes George.2095Asilas.128 133Dame Leonare de Binero   
Agnes Stanly.2159Asserion.191Calepodius.85after her death burned.1063FAbianus Byshop87. 15. 86
Agnes Siluerside.2202Athanasia.127Calixtus.84Dame Blanch de Biuero. Faustinus.66
Agneour.2215Attalus.69. 72Calocerius.66 1063Faustus.111. 128
Agricola.117. 128Ater.90Calinicus.128Dame Constance de Biuero. Fausta.133
Agrippina.112Audactus.117Canteila a Scholemistres.  1063Father Abraham and W. Wa- 
Anhalus.136Audax.89 129Damian Witroke.1028den.785
Aiuones a Deacon.123Augusta.112Carphorus.129Denis Vayre first a Priest Felicitas with her vij. children. 
Albanus.123Augustin & Marion his wife. Carxus.67and afterward a booke byn-  67. 83
Albinus.117 1026Carcerius with x. thousand der.1043Felicianus.117
Alcibiades.71Auxentus.111more.66Desiderius.117Felix Byshop of Rome.106
Alice Snoth.2253Aymund de Lauoye.1030Castor.127Didius.111 117. 128. 129.
Alexander.63. 68. 70. 89.Azadanes.136Castorius with his wife.117Dionice Burges.2171Festus.117
 102. 103. 2171Azades an Eunuche & Cour- Castulius.127Dionisius.88. 89. 90. 91Forellus.68
Alexander a Phrigian and a tier.ibedemCassianus martyred by hys Dionisius Byshop of Rome Florianus.117
Phisition.71  scholers.129 106Florent Venote.1035
Alexander Canus Priest o- B. Cassulus.117Dionisius de Rieux.1029Fortunatus.129
therwise called Laurentius   Catherina.217. 517Dionise Peloquinus.1037Fraunciscus de Arcatara.487
Crucens.1029BAbilas Byshop of An- Cecilia.85Dioscorus.90Fraunciscanus a couple.487
Alexander Dayken.1028tioch.88Cerealis.68Dirike Caruer.1860Fraunces Bribard Secretary. 
Alexander Gouch.2248Babilas Byshop of Ni- Cesarius.89. 117Dominicus de Bassano.1067 1032
Alexander Lane.2247chomedia.88Charles Faber.1037Domicius.138Fraunces Ciuaur first Secre- 
Alice Potkins.2140Babram.866Cheremon Bishop of Nilus. Domuas.128tary to the French Ambassa- 
Alice Munt.2202Bacchius.128 90Donacianus.117dor in England and after to 
Alice Driuer.2249Barbalmes Byshop.137Chionia.117. 111Donatilla.103the Senate of Geneua.1058
Amancius.68Barbara a noble woman of Child martyred for the test- Dorothe.110. 117Fraunces Clerke.1033
Ammon.90Tuscia.133mony of Christ.125Duncane.1442Fraunces de Riuero Priest. 
Ammonarion.89Barbara a virgine.173Christian George.2234Dunstane Chittendon2140 1063
Ammonius.111Barbara Finall.2167Children martyred.92Didunus.91Fraunces Errein.1064
Amphthalus S. Austens M. Barlaam.127Christopherus.91  Fraunces Rebezies.1052
and guest.124Barmes. Christopher Lister.2089E. Fraunces Thiessen.1022
Anansas.135Bartlemew the Apostle.52Christopher Shomaker.944  Fraunces Warint.1028
Anastatia.117. 111Barthelet Greene.2014.Christopher de Padillo Citi- EDmund Kyng of Bri- Fraunciscus Gamba.1070
Anotalia.89 2023zen of Samorra.1064taine a Saxon.151Fraunciscus san Romanus. 
Andas Byshop.137Bartlemew Hector a booke Christopher Dell.1064Echardus some tyme a  1060
Andoclius.80seller.1047Christopher Wayde.1859Frier.519Friderike Byshop.182