Thematic Divisions in Preface
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A Table of the names of the Martyrs.
Friderike Danuille.1052I. Iohn Denly.1865K. Maureanda.1
French Martyrs.1029  Iohn Esch a frier.1005KAtherin Ortegia.1046Mauricius Secenate.10
Frier Beuerage.1441IAcobus Bouelius.1073Iohn Englishe.1034Katherin Allein.2163Maurice Blanc.10
Frier Iohn Kelow.1442Iames1864Iohn Flesch.1033Katherine Cauches.2127Maxima.1
Fructuosus.105Iames Auston.2208Iohn Fortune.2099Katherine Knight, otherwyse Maximinus.1
  Iames Ashlye.2247Iohn Floyd.2235called Katheren Tinly.2257Maximus.89. 128. 1
  Iames Banham.1168Iohn Fishcocke.2167Katherine Hut.2091Menas a souldier.226. 1
G. Iames Brewster.944Iohn Frainton.2259Katherine Hamelton.1117Mennas.1
  Iames Boulerau.1034Iohn Forman.2134Katherine Romaine.1064Meniatus. 
GAbriell Berandinus. Iames Bouchebecke.1033Iohn Frith.1108. 1174Katherine the virgine.132Mercuria. 
Gaddiabes Byshop.137Iames Cowbard1032Iohn Frankishe.1852Kerbye.1411Metra. 
Gaius Byshop.106Iames Faber.1028Iohn Gurway.1884  Metrodorius. 
Galeazius Trecius.1068Iames Founleson.1443Iohn Glouer1891L. Mentz citezens.36. 5
Garret Iames Gore.1960Iohn Godeau.1036  Milles.1
Geffrey variala.1090Iames Hunter.1443Iohn Goose.849LAdy Yong.927Micheloctus Serra.10
Geffrey Varagle sometyme a Iames Morden.917. 964Iohn Gwyn.2117Lansdale a hosier.110Milizius. 
Monke.1056Iames Morton.1382Iohn Holiday.2235Laurence.101. 102Miltiades B.133. 1
George Scherrer.1019Iames Morice.2171Iohn Hurst.2253Laurence Gheste.918Mocius B.1
George Tardiffe an embro- Iames Pauane.1029Iohn Horne.2139Laurence Pernam.2095Mother Tree.21
broderer.1049Iames Raueleson.1443Iohn Hullier.2086. 2196Laurence Saunders.1664Modestus.1
Georgius.117. 128Iames Treuise.1843Iohn Hoke.2140Leocandia.117Moses. 
George a Scriuener.1010Iames the brother of þe Lord. Iohn Harepoole.2986Leonardus de Prato.1034  
George Wisehart.1445 53Iohn Hamond.2089Leonard Keyser.1017N. 
George of Hala a Saxō prea- Iames þe brother of Iohn.52Iohn Halingdale.2222Leonard Galmard.1036NArcissus. 
cher.1016Iames Tutty.1884Iohn Husse.701. 740Leonides, the father of Ori- Nathalia. 
George Carpenter.1017. ofIane Valesques.1065Iohn Hugleyn.1016gene.79. 128Nemesion. 
Emeryng.1010Ianuarius.117. 129Iohn Hooper B. of Glocester Lion Cawch.2095Nereus. 
George Marsh.1738Iewe that was christened and  1674Lord Cobham762Nestabius.1
George Kyng.1868martyred.1107Iohn Harte.2139Lucius B. of Rome.96Nestor. 
George Tankeruile.1868Ignatius.58Iohn Ioyer and hys seruant. Lucius Emperor.467Nichanor one of the vij. D 
George Catmer.1884Ingenius.90 1037Lucius.68. 128cons with. 200. other m 
George Ambrose.2074Ioan de Poix.1030Iohn Iohnson.2202Lucianus.111, 117tyred. 
George Bradbridge.1884Ioan du Becke.1030Iohn Kurde.2217Lucia a virgine.117. 133Nicholas a French man.10
George Roper.1960Ioannes de Cadurco, Bachi- Iohn Laurence.1720Lucia a widowe.117Nicholas a scriuener.10
George Searles.2095ler of the ciuill law.1029Iohn Lesseis.1420Ludouicus þe Emperor.467Nicholas B. of Mirorus. 
Germanicus.59Ioannes Aloisius a preacher. Iohn Lambert.1284Ludouicus Marsacus.1040Nicholas Burton.2
Germanus.89 1071Iohn Launder.1860Lxxxviij. persons in one daye, Nicholas Beliman.1
Germinianus.117Ioannes Putte, or de Puteo, Iohn Lefe a prentice.1805with one butchers knife.107Nicholas Canon of Eye.7
Getulus.68surnamed Medicus.1036Iohn Maunderell.2073  Nicholas Cene.10
Giles of Brusels.1021Ioane Threnchfeld.1879Iohn Mathestone.1033M. Nicholas Chamberleyn.17
Gilotus Viuer and Amie hys Ioane Lashforde, alias War- Iohn Mace.2089MAares.137Nicholas Cliuet.10
wife.1028reyn.1868Iohn Malo.1028Maccus Moriau.1036Nicholas du Chesne.10
Glouer.298Ioane Boughton.866Iohn Noyes.2218Machar.89Nicholas du Rouseau.10
Glicerus.129Ioane Beach.2086Iohn Newman.2136. 1865Malchus.91. 103Nicholas Eucenas or Dri 
Gordius a Centurion.126Ioane Waste.2137Iohn Oswalde.2035Mappolicus.94der.10
Gorgonius.110. 111Ioannes Seineca.397Iohn Porceau.1028Marcella.80Nicholas Finall.2
Godfridus Hamelle a Tay- Ioannes B.137Iohn Pistorius.1019Marcellianus.192Nicholas Gurlaye.14
lor.1028Ioannes Diazius.1024Iohn Piquere.1033Marcellinus.129. 127Nicholas Hall.18
Gregorius Spolitaneus.117Ioannes de Poliaco.487Iohn Pointet a surgean.1029Marcellus.68. 133Nicholas Herford. 
Gregory Byshop of Arme- Ioane Catmer.2032Iohn Porter.1381Marcellus B.117Nicholas Naile a shoma 
nia.123Ioane Canel.2074Iohn Philpot.2011. 2154.Marcus.127 10
Gregory Parke.1960Ioane Soale.2032 1961Marcus Arethusius.138Nicholas of Ienuille a  
Groues wife.2171Ioachim Abbas. Iohn Rogers.1656Mardarius.111maker.10
Gulielmus. Ioannes de Castilione.487Iogn Routh.2995Mareas Bishop.137Nicholas of Antwerpe.10
Guillemine Gilbert.2127Ioane Hornes.2091Iohn Rough.2225Margareta.117Nicholas Paule.10
Gurias.128Ioane Manning.2165Iohn Scotus (not hee that Margaret Ellis.2091Nicholas Pardue.2
  Ioane Bradbridge.2165was called Duns.)192Margaret Hide.2159Nicholas Peke.1
H. Ioane Trunchfield.2072Iohn Spencer.2089Margaret Mearing.2225Nicholas Ridley, B. of L 
  Iohn Alcock.2243Iohn Seraphin.1034Magery Polley.1859don.18
HAukyns a Shoemaker. Iohn Almaricke racked too Iohn Slade.2240Margery Morice.2171Nicholas Sartorius.10
 1107death.1056Iohn Stilman.940Margery Austoo.2208Nicholas Sheterden.18
Hayiabalus.487Iohn Apprice.2090Iohn Scriuener.964Marinus.106Nicholas Thiessen.1
Henry Flemmyng.1020Iohn Adams.1420Iohn Sympson.1754Maria a virgine.1022Nicholas van Poule.1
Henry Forest.1116Iohn an Heardman.858Iohn Taffignon & Ione hys Maria Beucadella.1030Nicholas White.2
Henry Hutinote.1033Iohn Archer.2140wife.1034Marian wife of one Adrian a Nichomachus. 
Henry Laurence.1867Iohn Aileworth.1862Iohn the Euangelist.56tayler.1023Nichostratus with hys w 
Henry Adlington.2095Iohn Ardeley.1754Iohn Tewsbury.1065Marke the Euangelist.52 127
Henry Dauid.2249Iohn Anetthord.858John Tudson.2014. 2029Marke Burges.2259Nilus. 
Henry Ponde.2235Iohn Badbye.621Iohn Thomas.2031Martiall Alba.1037Nobilis. 
Henry Poille of Giberron. Iohn Baker.2259Iohn Went.2014. 2029Martine Gouyn.1030Norman Gurlay or Gurl 
 1029Kohn Bandouinus.1033Iohn Wickliffe.51. 543Martine Hoeurbloc fishmon-  1
Henry Ramsey.2159Iohn Bertrand.1047Iohn Warne.1750ger.1022  
Henry Sutphen.1006Iohn Brodell.1056Iohn Wade.1864Martinianus.91O. 
Henry Voes.1005Iohn Brisebar.1033Iohn Webbe.1959Martyrs. xx. thousand burnte OCtauian Blondel.1
Henry Wye.2095Iohn Burges a Marchant. Iohn Zischa.786together in one church.111Odul Gemet.10
Heliades.66 1029Iobita66Martyrs that suffred in Ger- Olympiades 
Heraclides.80Iohn Beuerly preacher698Ioyce Lewes.2141. 2206manye.1019Oliuer Richardine.18
Heron.80. 90Iohn Brewster.929Ireneus B. of Lyons.80Martyres in Fraunce.1029Orestes. 
Hermes a Magistrate.58Iohn Bent.1172Irene.111Martyres in Spaine.1060Origens father. 
Hermes with his whole hous- Iohn Bretenay.1034Isaac.137Martyres in Italy.1065  
hold.63Iohn Bradford. Isabell Foster.2014Martyres in the vally of Lu-   
Hermilus.135Iohn Bland.1843Isabell Strada.1065cerne.1087P. 
Hesichius.111Iohn Bradbridge.2165Ischirion.90Martyres in the vally of An- PAchimius. 
Hiacincthus.104Iohn Cornon.1030Isidorus.90grogne.1087Palmerius.8
Hierome.128Iohn Cardmaker.1749Italian Martyrs.1065Martyres of Perouse.1087Pamachius with his w 
Hierome of Prage.754Iohn Clarke.2140. 1010Iudas Thadcus.52Martyres of S. Martines in and children, to the num 
Hireneus.92Iohn Castellane.1010Iulius.124Piedmont.1087of. xlij. 
Hirenea.117Iohn Claydon curryer.757Iulius Palmer.2117Martyres at Couentry.1106Pamphilus B. of Cesaria. 
Hippolitus.92. 86Iohn Corneford.2253Iulian vanden Swerd.1028Martyres by Douer Court.Pancratius.  
Higinus.78Iohn Cooke a sawyer.2247Iulius a Senator of Rome,  1173Panthaleon.117.
Homfrey Middleton.1852Iohn de Brucke & his wyfe. beaten to death with codgels Mathew the Apostle.53Paris Pauier a lawyer.10
Horinisdas Byshop.137 1022 77Mathew Palmer841Patrike Hamelton Abbot  
Hostius otherwise called Ge- Iohn de Carquingam. Iulianus le ville poyntmaker. Mathew Bradbridge.2154Ferme, of the king of S 
orge.1027Iohn Denye.2092 1042Mathew Richarbye.2235bloud.1
Hubert Cheriet, alias Burre Iohn Deuenish.2231Iulianus.89Mathew Verneill.1056Papas. 
a Tayler.1035Iohn de Cazes.1047Iuliana.117. 133Mathew Dimonesus, mar- Papilus. 
Hughe Latimer1895Iohn Deriffall.2095Iulitta.132chant.1040Pastor. 
Hugh Lauerocke.2090Iohn Diazius slaine by hys Iustus.117. 66Mathias the Apostle.53Patricke Pakingham.18
Hugh Foxe.2231owne brother.1024Iustinus.58Matthias Weibell.1019Paule.50.
Hugonius Grauier.1037Iohn Dauid.2249Iustina.133Maturus.69Paul the Apostle beheaded 
    Iustus Imbsberger.1021    