Thematic Divisions in Book 11
1. The Martyrdom of Rogers 2. The Martyrdom of Saunders 3. Saunders' Letters 4. Hooper's Martyrdom 5. Hooper's Letters 6. Rowland Taylor's Martyrdom 7. Becket's Image and other events 8. Miles Coverdale and the Denmark Letters 9. Bonner and Reconciliation 10. Judge Hales 11. The Martyrdom of Thomas Tomkins 12. The Martyrdom of William Hunter 13. The Martyrdom of Higbed and Causton 14. The Martyrdom of Pigot, Knight and Laurence 15. Robert Farrar's Martyrdom 16. The Martyrdom of Rawlins/Rowland White17. The Restoration of Abbey Lands and other events in Spring 155518. The Providential Death of the Parson of Arundel 19. The Martyrdom of John Awcocke 20. The Martyrdom of George Marsh 21. The Letters of George Marsh 22. The Martyrdom of William Flower 23. The Martyrdom of Cardmaker and Warne 24. Letters of Warne and Cardmaker 25. The Martyrdom of Ardley and Simpson 26. John Tooly 27. The Examination of Robert Bromley [nb This is part of the Tooly affair]28. The Martyrdom of Thomas Haukes 29. Letters of Haukes 30. The Martyrdom of Thomas Watts 31. Mary's False Pregnancy32. Censorship Proclamation 33. Our Lady' Psalter 34. Martyrdom of Osmund, Bamford, Osborne and Chamberlain35. The Martyrdom of John Bradford 36. Bradford's Letters 37. William Minge 38. James Trevisam 39. The Martyrdom of John Bland 40. The Martyrdom of Frankesh, Middleton and Sheterden 41. Sheterden's Letters 42. Examinations of Hall, Wade and Polley 43. Martyrdom of Christopher Wade 44. Martyrdom of Carver and Launder 45. Martyrdom of Thomas Iveson 46. John Aleworth 47. Martyrdom of James Abbes 48. Martyrdom of Denley, Newman and Pacingham 49. Richard Hooke 50. Martyrdom of William Coker, et al 51. Martyrdom of George Tankerfield, et al 52. Martyrdom and Letters of Robert Smith 53. Martyrdom of Harwood and Fust 54. Martyrdom of William Haile 55. George King, Thomas Leyes and John Wade 56. William Andrew 57. Martyrdom of Robert Samuel 58. Samuel's Letters 59. William Allen 60. Martyrdom of Roger Coo 61. Martyrdom of Thomas Cobb 62. Martyrdom of Catmer, Streater, Burwood, Brodbridge, Tutty 63. Martyrdom of Hayward and Goreway 64. Martyrdom and Letters of Robert Glover 65. Cornelius Bungey 66. John and William Glover 67. Martyrdom of Wolsey and Pigot 68. Life and Character of Nicholas Ridley 69. Ridley's Letters 70. Life of Hugh Latimer 71. Latimer's Letters 72. Ridley and Latimer Re-examined and Executed73. More Letters of Ridley 74. Life and Death of Stephen Gardiner 75. Martyrdom of Webb, Roper and Park 76. William Wiseman 77. James Gore 78. Examinations and Martyrdom of John Philpot 79. Philpot's Letters 80. Martyrdom of Thomas Whittle, Barlett Green, et al 81. Letters of Thomas Wittle 82. Life of Bartlett Green 83. Letters of Bartlett Green 84. Thomas Browne 85. John Tudson 86. John Went 87. Isobel Foster 88. Joan Lashford 89. Five Canterbury Martyrs 90. Life and Martyrdom of Cranmer 91. Letters of Cranmer 92. Martyrdom of Agnes Potten and Joan Trunchfield 93. Persecution in Salisbury Maundrell, Coberly and Spicer 94. William Tyms, et al 95. Letters of Tyms 96. The Norfolk Supplication 97. Martyrdom of John Harpole and Joan Beach 98. John Hullier 99. Hullier's Letters 100. Christopher Lister and five other martyrs 101. Hugh Lauerocke and John Apprice 102. Katherine Hut, Elizabeth Thacknell, et al 103. Thomas Drury and Thomas Croker 104. Thomas Spicer, John Deny and Edmund Poole 105. Persecution of Winson and Mendlesam 106. Gregory Crow 107. William Slech 108. Avington Read, et al 109. Wood and Miles 110. Adherall and Clement 111. A Merchant's Servant Executed at Leicester 112. Thirteen Burnt at Stratford-le-Bow113. Persecution in Lichfield 114. Hunt, Norrice, Parret 115. Martyrdom of Bernard, Lawson and Foster 116. Examinations of John Fortune117. John Careless 118. Letters of John Careless 119. Martyrdom of Julius Palmer 120. Agnes Wardall 121. Peter Moone and his wife 122. Guernsey Martyrdoms 123. Dungate, Foreman and Tree 124. Martyrdom of Thomas More125. Examination of John Jackson126. Examination of John Newman 127. Martyrdom of Joan Waste 128. Martyrdom of Edward Sharpe 129. Four Burnt at Mayfield at Sussex 130. John Horne and a woman 131. William Dangerfield 132. Northampton Shoemaker 133. Prisoners Starved at Canterbury 134. More Persecution at Lichfield
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1807 [1806]

Quene Mary Godly Letters of Thomas Haukes, Martyr.

MarginaliaAn. 1555. Iune.all maner of riches (as sayth the Prophet.)  

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If Haukes is quoting a biblical verse here it is unclear which one he is quoting.

Therfore I am bold in bondes (as entierly desiryng your euerlastyng health and felicity) to warne you, and most hartely desire you to watch & pray: for your estate is daungerous, and requireth continuall prayer. MarginaliaThe hyer in dignity, the nearer to daunger.For on the hye moūtaines doth not grow most plenty of grasse, neither are the hyest trees farthest from daunger, but seldome sure, and alwayes shaken of euery winde that bloweth. Such a deceitfull thyng (sayth our Sauiour) is honour and riches, that without grace it choketh vp the good seede sowen on his creatures, and blindeth so their seyng, that they go gropyng at noone day in darknes: it maketh a man thincke him selfe somewhat, that is nothyng at all. For though for our honour we esteme our selues and stand in our owne light, yet when we shall stand before the liuyng God, there shalbe no respect of persons. Marginalia
Prouerb. 11.
Riches helpe not before God.
For riches helpeth not in the day of vengeaūce: neither can we make the Lord partiall for money. But as ye haue ministred vnto the Saintes, so shal ye receiue the reward, which I am fully persuaded and assured shalbe plenteously poured vppon you all, for the great goodnes shewed vnto the seruaūtes of the lyuing God. And I most hartely besech almighty God to poure forth a plenteous reward vppon you for the same, and that he will assist you with his holy spirite in all your doynges, that ye may grow (as you haue begon) vnto such a perfection as may be to Gods honour, your owne saluatiō, and the strengthenyng of the weake members of Christ. MarginaliaGods elect alwayes beare the sclaūder in this world.For though the world rage, and blaspheme the elect people of God, ye know that it did so vnto Christ, his Apostles, and to all that were in the primatiue Church, and shalbe to the worldes end.

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Therfore, beleue in the light, while ye haue it, lest it be taken away from you, if you shal seeme to neglect the great mercy of God that hath ben opened vnto you, and your hartes cōsented vnto it that it is the very and onely truth pronounced by Gods onely sonne Iesus Christ by the good will of our heauenly father. Therfore I say in the bowels of my Lord Iesus Christ, sticke fast vnto it: let it neuer departe out of your hartes and conuersatiō, that you with vs and we with you, at the great day beyng one flocke, as we haue one shepheard, may rise to the lyfe immortall, through Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour, Amen.

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Yours in hym that lyueth for euer
Thomas Haukes.

Here followeth an other letter of Thomas Haukes sent to his wyfe after hys condemnation, being prisoner in Newgate: the copy wherof is this.

¶ The copy of Thomas Haukes letter to his wyfe.  
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This letter first appears in the 1563 edition. It is not reprinted in the Letters of the Martyrs, but it is reprinted in each subsequent edition of the Acts and Monuments.

MarginaliaA letter of Tho. Haukes vnto his wife.GRace be wyth you, and peace from God the father, and from our Lord Iesus Christ, which gaue hym selfe for our synnes, to delyuer vs from this present euyll world, through the good wyll of God our father, to whō be prayse for euer and euer, Amen.

My deare yokefellow in the Lord, for as much as the Lord hath not onely called me to worke in his vinyeard, but hath also fulfylled hys good worke in me (I trust to his glory, and to the comfort of al those that looke for his comming) I thought it my duty (deare yokefellow) to wryte vnto you some lessons out of Gods booke: and if you wyll direct your selfe thereafter, doubt not of it, but God, who refuseth none that wyll come to hym wyth their whole hart, will assist you with hys holy spirit, and direct you in all hys wayes, to hys honour and glory, who graunt it for his mercies sake, Amen.

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MarginaliaLessons or instructions to his wife.Fyrst I exhort you to feare God, to serue and honour hys holy name, to loue hym wyth al your hart, soule and mynde, to beleue faythfully all hys promises, to lay sure hold vpon them, that in all your troubles what so euer they are, ye may runne strayght to the great mercy of God, and he wyll bryng you forth of them. Keepe you wythin hys wynges: then shall ye be sure that neyther deuyll, flesh, nor hell shall be able to hurt you.

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But take heede: If ye wyll not keepe hys holy preceptes and lawes, and to the vttermost of your power, call for the helpe of God to walke in the same, but wyll leaue them and runne to all abominations with the wicked world, and do as they do, then bee sure to haue your part with the wicked world in the burning lake that neuer shall be quenched. Therefore MarginaliaHe exhorteth her to beware of Idolatry.beware of Idolatrye, which doth most of all styncke before the face of almighty God, and was of all good men most detested from the be

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ginning of the world. For the which, what kingdomes, nations and Realmes God hath punished wyth most terrible plages,MarginaliaIdolatry punished of God. with fire, brimstone, hunger, sweard, and pestilence. &c. to the vtter subuersion of them, it is manifestly to be seene through the whole Bible. Yea his own peculiar people, whom hee had done so much for, when they fell from hym, and went and serued other Gods, contrary to hys commaundement, he vtterly destroyed, and rooted them out from of the earth: and as many as dyed in that damnable state (not repenting their abominable euyll) he threw thē into þe pyt of hell. Againe, how he hath preserued those that abhorre superstition and Idolatry, and that haue onely taken hold vpon God wyth their whole hart, to serue him, to loue hym, to feare him &c. it is most manyfestly to be seene euē frō þe beginning, out of what great daungers he hath euer delyuered thē: yea, when all hope of deliueraunce was past as touching theyr expectation, euen then in the syght of all his enemies would he worke hys godly wyll and purpose, to the vtter amazing and destruction of all those that were hys manifest enemies.

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Further, MarginaliaExhortation to prayer.I exhort you in the bowels of Christ, that you wyll exercise and be stedfast in prayer: for prayer is the onely meane to pearce the heauens, to obtaine at the hand of God, what so euer we desyre, so that it bee asked in fayth. Oh what notable things do we reade in scriptures that hath bene obtayned through feruent prayer? We are commaunded to call vpon hym for helpe, ayde, & succour in necessities and troubles, and he hath promised to helpe vs. Agayne, they that wyll not call vpon hym wyth theyr whole hart, MarginaliaPraying to God and not to creatures.but vpon other dead creatures, in whom there is no helpe (for there was none founde worthy to open the booke, but onely the Lambe Christ which was kylled for our synnes)  

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The imagery in this passage is derived from Revalation 20: 12-15.

I say, who that wyll refuse hys helpe, must euen by the terrible iudgement of God, come vtterly to confusion: as it hath, and is dayly manifest to be seene. And whatsoeuer you desire of God in your prayer, aske it for Iesus Christes sake, for whom and in whom God hath promised to geue vs all things necessary. And though that which ye aske, come not by and by at the fyrst and second calling, MarginaliaTo cōtinue in prayer, and to pray in the name only of Christ.yet continue styll knocking, and hee wyll at the length open hys treasures of mercy, so that ye shall bee sure to obtayne: for he hath so promised if ye continue in fayth, hoping surely in hym. These former lessons, wyth all such instructions as I haue tolde you by mouth, I do wysh that ye woulde most earnestly learne: and then I doubt not, but God, who is the geuer of all grace, wyll assist you in all your doings that ye may be foūd worthy of his kingdome, which is prepared through Christ.

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Further, where it hath pleased God to sende vs chyldren, my desyre is that they may bee brought vp in the feare of God, and in hys lawes. MarginaliaCare for his childrē.And this is to certifye you, that ye deliuer in anye wyse my eldest Sonne vnto MarginaliaHe meaneth M. Clement Throgmorton, who desired to haue the bringing vp of hys childe.Maister Throgmorton, who vpon hys good wyll hath promysed me to bring hym vp according to my desyre, and (I trust) as God hath put into hys hart. See therfore that ye delyuer hym in any wise, without delay: and as for the other, if ye shall seeme to bee burthened wyth hym (which I thinke nature wyll not suffer) my desire is that it be brought vp in the feare of God, to the vttermost of your endeuour, with some honest man that hath the feare of God before hys eyes, and let vs geue thanks vnto God which hath geuen them vs, beseeching hym that they may be coūted worthy to be of that flocke, that shall stand on the ryght hande of the Maiestye of God, when he shall iudge the world, Amen.

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Yet once again I warne you, that ye cōtinue in feruēt prayer, as I sayd before: then shall you be sure, that God euen of hys own mercy, according as he hath promised, wyll be an husband vnto you, and prouide better for you then I was euer able to do: yea, he wil cause al men that feare hym, to pitye you, to helpe you, succour you in all your necessities, so that if any wyl do you wrong, he wil be auenged on hym. Moreouer, I wysh you MarginaliaKeeping of good kepe cōpanye with those, of whom ye may learne to come to a more perfect knowledge in God: and I doubt not but God wyl prouide that such wyll be glad to receiue you, if you shall professe and go forward in hys truth.

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Finallye and to make an ende, I desyre you that ye MarginaliaExhortation to take heede whome she marieth, and that she mary in the Lord.take heede wyth whom ye couple your self. See that he be a man that feareth God, loueth hys lawes, and wyll walke in the same to the vttermost of hys power: such a one as cā be content to loue you, & to care for you. Take heede he be no brawler, no dronkard, no wycked person, not geuē to filthynes, no worldling, no dicer nor carder:

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In fine,