Thematic Divisions in Preface
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A Table of the names of the Martyrs.
Paule B. of Neocesaria wyth Renocatus.83Symon Chananeus.52Thomas Hawkes.1758William Layton.1292
xl. other.123Rhays.80Symon a Deacon.52Thomas Hauerel.1884William Lowicke.2152
Paule Crowe.790Richard Bayfield.1161Symon Zelotes.52Thomas Hayward.1884William Mainarde.2171
Paulus B.137Richard Crashfield.2204Symeon Byshop of Ierusa- Thomas Iueson.1862William Mount.2202
Pegasuis.135Richard Conyer.1867lem. He was. Cxx. yeares Thomas Loseby.2159William Mozant.2161
Pelcus B. in Egipt.111Richard Daye.2234old and was crucified.56Thomas Leys.1868William Melius.1075
Perotine Massey & hir childe. Richard Feurus a Goldsmith Symon Ioyne.2089Thomas Man.941William Michant.1034
 2127 1043Simon Miller.2197Thomas Martir.941. 946William Mynge.1843
Peregrinus.76Richard Gibson.2222Simphorianus.117Thomas Milles.2095William Neele an Austen fry- 
Perpetua.83Richard Houeden.789Simphorissa and her seuen Tho. Moore a seruaunt.2134er.1040
Perseuall.1020Richard Hunne.930children.66. 67. &c.Thomas Mantarde.1059William Nicole.2231
Peter Arondeau, a seller of Richard Lush.2196Syrinius.129Thomas Osmund.1777William Ockam.485
mercerie ware.1059Richard Nichols.2089Simon Laloe a spectacle ma- Thomas Osborne.1777William Pigot.1720
Peter the Apostle.50Richard Rothe.2208ker.1040Thomas Rhedon.970William Prowting.2154
Peter B. of Alexandria, a va- Richard Sharpe.2252Symon Mareschall & Ioane Thomas Read.2095. 2197William Purcas.2202
liant martyr.111. 117Richard Spurge.2072hys wife.1034Thomas Rauensdale.2139William Pikes.2240
Peter Burley.1023Richard Turnyng Baker. Sophia with her three chil- Thomas Spurge.2074William Sawtrye.617
Peter Burdon.1056 757. 758dren.66Thomas Spicer.2092William Sweting.929. 944
Peter Clarke.1032Richard Wiche.830Spanish Martyrs.1060Thomas Stephens.2154William Sparrow2222
Peter Chapot correcter to a Richard Woodman.2171Stephanus Bishop of Rome Thomas Sanpaulinus.1036William Semam.2232
Printer.1033Richard Wright.1867 96Thomas Tomkins.1712William Styre.1867
Peter du Val shomaker1042Richard Yoman.2243Sephanus Mangenus.1033Thomas Thirtell.2159William Taylor.781
Peter Denochyius a Clarke. Robert Barnes.1364Stephanus Peloquinus. Thomas White.2014William Tilsley.943. 917
 1041Robert Cousin.943 1037Thomas Whittell.2018William Tyndall.1224
Peter Flisteden.1018Robert Debnam of Estber- Stephen Brune a husband Thomas Whoode.2095William Tyms.2074
Peter Gabart a Solliciter of gholt.1172man.1030Thomas Wattes.1769William White.784. 785
processes.1052Robert Drakes.2074Stephen Burlet.1030Tiberius.85William Waterer.2154
Peter Gaudet, sometime kni- Robert Diues.2240Stephen Cotton.2240Tiburtius.85. 127William Wiseman.1960
ght of the Rhodes.1030Robert Foster.1442Stephen de la Forde Mar- Timotheus.117William Wolsey.1893
Peter Miocius.1023Robert Farrer Bishop of S. chaunt.1029Tirannion.110. 111Wilsons wife.2167
Peter Naushere.1037Dauids.1721Stephen Granet Carpenter. Tomasin Awood.2171Wrigham a glouer.1107
Peter of Phrigia.88Robert Glouer.1888 1040Trapwell.1172Wolfgan Schurch.1015
Peter Rosseau.1047Robert Harison.1453Steuen Gratwike.2161Trabula sawne in sonder.136  
Peter Serre first a Priest & Robert Hatchets.1107Stephen Harwood.1868Tranquilinus and his wyfe. X. 
afterward a Shomaker. Robert Kyng.1171Stephen Kyng a Notary.  127Xistus B. of Rome.201
 1041Robert Lambe.1443 1041Triphon.91  
Peter Spenglyer.1212Robert Lawson.2098Stephen Kempe.2154Troglinus.127Z. 
Petrus Bergerius.1037Robert Milles.2240Stephen Knight.1720Two aged womē buried quick Zenobius Bishop of Sydon. 
Petrus Ioannes a minorite. Ro. Miles alias Plūmer2247Stephen Polliot.1034 1020 110
 404Robert Pigot.1893Stephen the first ringleader Two hundred made away by Ienon. 90. 104. and then thou- 
Petrus Scriba1037Robert Samuell.1878of the Martyrs.52sundry meanes.1022sand other, suffred Martyr- 
Petronille Apleby.2165Robert Smith.1868Stephen Wight.2240Two Monks of S. Austens dome together.66
Peter the Apostles wife.55Robert Stroter.1884Stratonicus.135house in Rome.1070  
Phileas.111Robert Silkeb.1107Suenes.137Two old men, the grandfather   
Philebert Hamelin first a Robert Spicer2073Sulpitius.65and his Neece.1096To helpe the vnlearned,
priest, after a Printer.1048Robert Southam.2233  Two virgines.1026we haue thought it good to setforthe the
Philemon.111. 117. 128Robert Testwood.1388T. Two women, the mother and plaine numbers with Cypers in Al-
Philip the Apostle.53Rochus a grauer of Images. TAurin Grauelle a Law- her daughter.1096gorisme, whereby they might vn-
Philippus.104 1062yer.1051  derstande the Numbers
Phillip Homfrey.2249Rogacianus.95. 117Taylor of Paris.1035V. the better.
Phillip Cene an Apothecarye Robert Acton knight.698Tecla.133VAlerianus.65. 851. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11
and Iames hys compani- Roger Bernard.2098Telesphorus B. of Rome. Valentine Freese and his j. ij. iij. iiij. v. vj. vij. viij. ix. x. xj
on.1048Roger Clerke.1411 77wife.116812. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18
Phillip de Lomes.1051Roger Coo.1883Thaddeus the Apostle.52Verianus.92xij. xiij. xiiij. xv. xvj. xvij. xviij
Phillip Little.1033Roger Holland.2235Tharatus.100Vecius Epagathus.69 
Phocas Byshop of Pontus. Romas.137Theodora. 69. 91 and 270. Victor. 68. 82. 105. 111.114.19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25
 65Romanus.124Martyrs at one tyme.117 117xix. xx. xxj. xxij. xxiij. xxiiij. xxv.
Photinus.70Rose Allin.2202Theodorus.111. 66Victorianus.117 
Pionius.67Rowland Tayler.1692Theodorus B. of Tyre.123.Victorinus.10526. 27. 28. 29. 30.
Plutarche.80Roy an English Frier.1168 128. 135. 138Vincentius.76. 111. 128xxvj. xxvij. xxviij. xxix. xxx.
Policarpus.58S. Theodolus.58. 63Vitalis.89. 128 
Polichronius. SAbinus.117. 137.Theodota.127Vitus.11731. 32. 33. 34. 35.
Pomponius Algerius student Sabina.58. 66. 63. 111Theodosia.117Vstazares an Ennuche and xxxj. xxxij. xxxiij. xxxiiij. xxxv.
in Padua.1070Sabores.137Theoctiste.127scholemaister to the kynges  
Ponticus.72Sagaris.65Theophilus.89. 90. 117sonne of Persia.13536. 37. 38. 39. 40
Pontianus.68Saint Edmund.186Thirsus.128Vrbanus B. of Rome.85xxxvj. xxxvij. xxxviij. xxxix. xl.
Pontius.104Saintinus Niuet.1033Thomas the Apostle.52Vrsula a virgine.122 
Potentianus.76Samonas.128Thomas Aninghton.2095  41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47.
Potamiena.80Saphira.63Thomas Askyn.2117W. xlj. xlij. xliij. xliiij. xlv. xlvj. xlvij
Prestes wife burnt at Exeter Sanctus.69. 70Thomas Bagley.790WAlter Mill.1451 
 2252Satyrus.83Thomas Barnard.917. 1382Walter Apleby.216548. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55
Priest in Hungary.1025Saturninus.83Thomas Benet.1180. 1183Weldrew Carlier.1028xlviij. xlix. l. lj. lij. liij. liiij. lv.
Priest of Germany hys eyes Seargrius.95Thomas Bilney.1134Wendelmuta a widow.1018 
put out.1024Sebastian Lieutenaunt to Thomas Brown.2014. 2029William Anderson.144356. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62.
Primitiuus.68. 69Dioclesian.127Thomas Bowyer.2095William Allyn.1883lvj. lvij. lviij. lix. lx. lxj. lxij.
Priscus.102. 103Secunda.103Thomas Benolde.2202William Andrew.187863. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.
Primus.117Secundianus.92Thomas Benbridge.2243William Alencon bookeseller. lxiij. lxiiij. lxv. lxvj. lxvij. lxviij
Probus.110Secundulus.83Thomas Bemon.2253 104269. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.
Procopius.128Sennas.95Thomas Bonde shoe maker. William Bongeour.2202lxix. lxx. lxj. lxxij. lxxiij. lxxiiij.
Prothus.104Septimus.129 1107William Branford.177775. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.
Ptolomeus.68. 90Seraphion.89Thomas Chase.943. 918William Burgate.2259lxxv lxxvj lxvij lxxviij xllix lxxx
Publius Bish. of Athenes58Seraphia a virgine.65Thomas Causton.1716William Carder.145381. 82. 83. 84. 85
Pusices.135. 136Seraphia.66Thomas Cranmer Archb. of William Coberley.2073lxxxj. lxxxij. lxxxiij. lxxxiiij. lxxxv
Q. Serenius Plutarchus bro- Canterburye.2033William Coker.1867 
QVinta.89ther.80Thomas Croker.2092William de Weuer.230886. 87. 88. 89
Quirinus.63. 117Serena the Emperour Dio- Thomas Carman.2232William Flower.1746lxxxvj. lxxxvij. lxxxviij. lxxxix.
Quiritus and Iulia clesianus wife.111Thomas Cooke.2243William Foster.214090. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96
his mother.85Sergius.128Thomas Drowey.2092William Gardiner.1541xc. xci. xcij. xciij. xciiij. xcv. xcvi
Quirilius a noble man.85Serophia.58Thomas Dongate.2134William Glouer.1891 
R. Seruilianus.65Thomas Forret.1442William Hunter.171297. 98. 99. 100. 110. 120
RAufe Iackson.2095Siluanus Byshop in Pheni- Thomas Fust.1868William Hallywell.2095xcvij. xcviij. xcix. C. Cx. Cxx
Raufe Allerton.2208cia.117Thomas Garet.1364William Hay.2154. 
Raulins White a Fisher- Symeō the nephew of Christ. Thomas Galbergne.1043William Harris.2234130. 140. 150. 160. 170. 180
man.1726 66Thomas Harding.1117William Hooke.1867cxxx. cxl. cl. clx. clxx. clxxx
Renet.917Symeon Archbyshop of Se- Thomas Hale.2252William Hooper.1867190. 200. 210. 220. 230. 240.
Renate Poyet.1037leucia.135. 136Thomas Hytten.1334William Hoker.2259cxc. cc. ccx. ccxx. ccxxx. ccxl
Receiuer of Nauntes.1029Siluanus Bishop of Emissa. Thomas Higbed.1716William Hale.1868250. 260. 270. 280. 290
Rene Ceau racked to death.  110. 177Thomas Harland.2095William Hussen an Aptheca- ccl. cclx. cclxx. cclxxx. ccxc.
 1056Simmetrius.67Thomas Hudson.2154. 2232rie.1032300. 400. 500. 1000.
Reynold Eastlander.2235Simplicius.185. 18Thomas Honorate.1033William Ierome.1364ccc. cccc. D. M. &c. 
C. iij.