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The Abbeyes and Nunreis founded by the old Saxons.
¶ The conclusion of the storye precedent concerning the. vij kingdomes of thos Saxon kings aboue mencioned.

¶ And thus hast thou (gentle reader) concerning the vij. kingdomes of these Saxons, ruling altogether in England: the course and order of their doinges brieflye described and discoursed vnto thee, in such order, as the matter being so intricate, in such confusion & diuersitie of thinges incident together, would permitte: following especially in thys story hitherto, the line of the Northumberland kings, as the other storyes must followe the line of Westsaxon kinges. The which seuen kingdomes of these said Saxons, after they had vntruely expulsed and chased out the Britaines from their land, lyke as they neuer were in quietnes among them selues, reigning thus together, till the tyme of thys Egbert: so also after the reigne of Egbert, the whole Realme being induced into one regiment, no lesse were they impugned and afflicted by the Danes continuallye from time to time, till the laste conquest of William the Normand. MarginaliaVniust dealings of mē iustly rewardedThus it pleaseth God (euer lightly) to reuēge with bloud, bloudy violence, and the vniuste dealings of men, with iust and like retribution. But of thys let the Christiā reader consider, as Gods grace shall worke in hym. In the meane tyme we, as much as in vs dyd lye, satisfying the parte of an historician, haue thus hitherto set forth and declared concerning these. vij. foresayd kingdomes: first the names and lineall descent of the kinges seuerallye by themselues, as by the table precedent may apeare, then what were the doinges and actes of the same. How first being Paganes they were conuerted to the Christian fayth: what thinges in their tyme happened in þe church: how many of them, of kinges were made monkes: how deuout they were then to holy church and to the church men, and especiallye to the church of Rome. But the church men then were much otherwyse in lyfe, then afterward they declared thēselues to be. Through which deuotion of the said kinges first came in the Peterpence or Romschots in this realme: as by Iue first in hys dominion, then by Offa in hys Lordship, and afterward by Adelwulph brought in and ratified through þe whole realme: where also is to be noted, that by the foresayd kings and Queenes of the sayd Saxons, the most parte of the greatest Abbayes and Nunneries in thys realme were first begonne and builded, as partly the names of some here followe to be seene.

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MarginaliaPaules church.First the Church or Minster of S. Paule in London was founded by Ethelbert King of Kent, and Sigebert King of Essex, about the yeare of our Lord. 604.

MarginaliaThe first aultar and crosse set vp in England.The first crosse and altare within thys realme was first set vp in the North partes in Heuenfield, vpon the occasion of Oswald king of Northumberland, fighting against Cadwalla, where he in the same place set vp the signe of the crosse, kneling and praying there for victory. Polychr. lib. 5. cap. 12. An. 635.

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MarginaliaThe church of Winchester.The Church of Winchester was first begon & foūded by Kingilsus king of Mercians, hauing. 9. myles about it: after finished by hys sonne Kēwalcus, where Wine, of englishe men was first Byshop. An. 636. Guliel. Malmesb. Lib. De gestis pont. Ang.

MarginaliaThe church of Lincoln.The church of Lincolne first founded by Paulinus Byshop. An. 629.

MarginaliaThe church of Westminster.The Church of Westminster began first by a certaine Citizen of London, through þe instigatiō of Ethelbert King of Kent, which before was an ile of thornes. Bed. An. 614.

MarginaliaAbbey of Kouisburgh
The scoles of Cambridge.
The common scholes first erected at Cambrige by Sigebert King of Eastangles. An. 636.

The Abbey of Knouisburgh builded by Furceus the Eremite. An. 637.

MarginaliaMalmesb.The Monasterie of Malmesbery, by one Meldulfus, a Scotte, about the yeare of our Lord. 640. Afterward inlarged by Agilbert Bishop of Wint.

MarginaliaAbbey of Gloceter.The Monasterye in Glocester first builded by Ofricus King of Mercia, as Cestrensis sayth. But as W. Malmesb. writeth, by Vlferus, and Ethelred brethren to Kineburga Abbesse of the same house. An. 679.

MarginaliaMailrose.The Monasterye of Mailrose by the floud of Twide by Aidanus a Scottyshe Byshop.

MarginaliaHeorenton.The Nunnerye of Heorenton, by Heui, who was the fyrste Nunne in Northumberlande. Bede. lib. 4. cap. 1.

MarginaliaHeresey.The Monastery of Hetesey by Oswy king of Northumberland, who also with his daughter Elfred, gaue possessions for. xij. Monasteries in the partes of Northūberland. An. 656.

MarginaliaThe monastery of S. Martin at Douer.The monastery of S. Martin in Douer builded by Whitred kyng of Kent.

MarginaliaLestingey.The Abbey of Lestingey by Ceadda (who we call S. Cedd) through the graunt of Oswald sonne to S. Oswald, kyng of Northumb. An. 651.

This Hilda was first conuerted to the fayth by Paulinus a godly and lerned womā, out of her monasterye came. 5. bishops Dosa, Eatha, Ostford, Ioannes, Wilfride.
The monastery of Whytbye called otherwise Strēhalt by Hilda daughter to the nephew of Edwine kyng of Northumb. An. 657.

MarginaliaHacanos.Itē an other monastery called Hacanos, not far frō the same placed builded by þe sayd Hilda, the same yeare.

MarginaliaAbbington.The Abbey of Abbington builded by Cissa kyng of Southsex. An. 666.

MarginaliaIoanno at Lincolne.Itē an Abbey in the East side of Lincolne called Ioanno. by S. Botulphe: Polychr. lib. 5. ca 16. An. 654.

MarginaliaEly Abbey.The monastery in Ely foūded by Etheldred or Edeldrida, daughter of Anna kyng of Eastangles, & the wife of Elfrid kyng of Northum. An. 674.

MarginaliaChertsey.The monastery of Chertsey in Sounthrey founded by Erkenwald Byshop of London. An. 674. throwne done by the Danes, after reedified by kyng Edgar.

MarginaliaBerkyng.Itē, the Nonery of Berkyng edefied by the sayd Erkenwaldus Bishop of London, about the same tyme.

MarginaliaPeterbrough.The Abbey of Peterbrugh called otherwyse Modehamstede foūded by kyng Ethelwald by kyng of þe Mercians. An. 675.

MarginaliaBardney.Bardney Abbey by Etheldredus kyng of þe Mercians. Anno. 700.

MarginaliaGlastonbery.Glastonbery by Iua kyng of þe Weastsaxons, and after repayred and enriched by kyng Edgar. An. 701.

MarginaliaRamesey.Ramesey in the tyme of kyng Edgar by one Ailwinus a noble man. An. 973. Kyng Edgar builded in hys tyme xl. monasteries who reigned. An. 901.

MarginaliaWinburne.The Nonnery of Winburne builded by Cuthburga sister to Ingilsus kyng Iua his brother. An. 717.

MarginaliaSealesey.The monastery of Sealesey by the Ile of Wyght by Wilfridus Bishop of Yorke. An. 678.

MarginaliaWincombe.The monastery of Wincombe by Kenulfus kyng of þe Mercians. An. 737.

MarginaliaS. Albones.S. Albōs builded by Offa kyng of þe Merciās. An. 755.

MarginaliaEusham.The Abbey of Eushā by Egwinus Bishop. An. 691.

MarginaliaRipon.Ripon in the North by wilfridus Bishop. An. 709.

MarginaliaEchelinghey.The Abbey of Echelinghey, by king Aluredus. An. 891.

MarginaliaS. Chaftesbury.The Nonnery of Shaftesbury by the same Aluredus, the same yeare.

This ye see what monasteries in what tyme began to be founded by the Saxons kynges newly conuerted to þe christen faith, wtin the space of 200. yeares: who, as they semed then to haue a certein zeale and deuotion to Godward, accordyng to the leadyng and teachyng that then was: so it semeth agayne to me, ij. thynges to be wished in these foresaide kynges. MarginaliaTwo things to be wished in them that first builded monkish monasteries.First that they which begā to erecte these monasteries, and Celles, of Monks and Nōnes, to lyue soly and singlely by them selues out of the holy state of matrimonie: had forsene what daunger & what absurde enormities might and also did therof ensue, both publikly to the Churche of Christ, and priuatly to there owne soules. Secōdly, that vnto this their zeale and deuotion had ben ioyned lyke knowledge and doctrine in Christes Gospell, especially in the article of

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