Thematic Divisions in Book 11
1. The Martyrdom of Rogers 2. The Martyrdom of Saunders 3. Saunders' Letters 4. Hooper's Martyrdom 5. Hooper's Letters 6. Rowland Taylor's Martyrdom 7. Becket's Image and other events 8. Miles Coverdale and the Denmark Letters 9. Bonner and Reconciliation 10. Judge Hales 11. The Martyrdom of Thomas Tomkins 12. The Martyrdom of William Hunter 13. The Martyrdom of Higbed and Causton 14. The Martyrdom of Pigot, Knight and Laurence 15. Robert Farrar's Martyrdom 16. The Martyrdom of Rawlins/Rowland White17. The Restoration of Abbey Lands and other events in Spring 155518. The Providential Death of the Parson of Arundel 19. The Martyrdom of John Awcocke 20. The Martyrdom of George Marsh 21. The Letters of George Marsh 22. The Martyrdom of William Flower 23. The Martyrdom of Cardmaker and Warne 24. Letters of Warne and Cardmaker 25. The Martyrdom of Ardley and Simpson 26. John Tooly 27. The Examination of Robert Bromley [nb This is part of the Tooly affair]28. The Martyrdom of Thomas Haukes 29. Letters of Haukes 30. The Martyrdom of Thomas Watts 31. Mary's False Pregnancy32. Censorship Proclamation 33. Our Lady' Psalter 34. Martyrdom of Osmund, Bamford, Osborne and Chamberlain35. The Martyrdom of John Bradford 36. Bradford's Letters 37. William Minge 38. James Trevisam 39. The Martyrdom of John Bland 40. The Martyrdom of Frankesh, Middleton and Sheterden 41. Sheterden's Letters 42. Examinations of Hall, Wade and Polley 43. Martyrdom of Christopher Wade 44. Martyrdom of Carver and Launder 45. Martyrdom of Thomas Iveson 46. John Aleworth 47. Martyrdom of James Abbes 48. Martyrdom of Denley, Newman and Pacingham 49. Richard Hooke 50. Martyrdom of William Coker, et al 51. Martyrdom of George Tankerfield, et al 52. Martyrdom and Letters of Robert Smith 53. Martyrdom of Harwood and Fust 54. Martyrdom of William Haile 55. George King, Thomas Leyes and John Wade 56. William Andrew 57. Martyrdom of Robert Samuel 58. Samuel's Letters 59. William Allen 60. Martyrdom of Roger Coo 61. Martyrdom of Thomas Cobb 62. Martyrdom of Catmer, Streater, Burwood, Brodbridge, Tutty 63. Martyrdom of Hayward and Goreway 64. Martyrdom and Letters of Robert Glover 65. Cornelius Bungey 66. John and William Glover 67. Martyrdom of Wolsey and Pigot 68. Life and Character of Nicholas Ridley 69. Ridley's Letters 70. Life of Hugh Latimer 71. Latimer's Letters 72. Ridley and Latimer Re-examined and Executed73. More Letters of Ridley 74. Life and Death of Stephen Gardiner 75. Martyrdom of Webb, Roper and Park 76. William Wiseman 77. James Gore 78. Examinations and Martyrdom of John Philpot 79. Philpot's Letters 80. Martyrdom of Thomas Whittle, Barlett Green, et al 81. Letters of Thomas Wittle 82. Life of Bartlett Green 83. Letters of Bartlett Green 84. Thomas Browne 85. John Tudson 86. John Went 87. Isobel Foster 88. Joan Lashford 89. Five Canterbury Martyrs 90. Life and Martyrdom of Cranmer 91. Letters of Cranmer 92. Martyrdom of Agnes Potten and Joan Trunchfield 93. Persecution in Salisbury Maundrell, Coberly and Spicer 94. William Tyms, et al 95. Letters of Tyms 96. The Norfolk Supplication 97. Martyrdom of John Harpole and Joan Beach 98. John Hullier 99. Hullier's Letters 100. Christopher Lister and five other martyrs 101. Hugh Lauerocke and John Apprice 102. Katherine Hut, Elizabeth Thacknell, et al 103. Thomas Drury and Thomas Croker 104. Thomas Spicer, John Deny and Edmund Poole 105. Persecution of Winson and Mendlesam 106. Gregory Crow 107. William Slech 108. Avington Read, et al 109. Wood and Miles 110. Adherall and Clement 111. A Merchant's Servant Executed at Leicester 112. Thirteen Burnt at Stratford-le-Bow113. Persecution in Lichfield 114. Hunt, Norrice, Parret 115. Martyrdom of Bernard, Lawson and Foster 116. Examinations of John Fortune117. John Careless 118. Letters of John Careless 119. Martyrdom of Julius Palmer 120. Agnes Wardall 121. Peter Moone and his wife 122. Guernsey Martyrdoms 123. Dungate, Foreman and Tree 124. Martyrdom of Thomas More125. Examination of John Jackson126. Examination of John Newman 127. Martyrdom of Joan Waste 128. Martyrdom of Edward Sharpe 129. Four Burnt at Mayfield at Sussex 130. John Horne and a woman 131. William Dangerfield 132. Northampton Shoemaker 133. Prisoners Starved at Canterbury 134. More Persecution at Lichfield
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Queene Mary. Tyms, Drakes, Tho. Spurge, Rich. Spurge, Cauell, Ambrose, Martyrs.

Marginalia1556. Aprill.of euen now.

Syr, quoth Tyms, you haue not well applied your similitude: MarginaliaThe answere of Tyms to the Hunters similitude.for I prayse God, I haue not red Scriptures vnprofitably: but God I thanke him, hath reueled vnto me so much as I doubt not is sufficient for my saluation.

MarginaliaB. Boners reason.Then sayd the Bishop: you brag much of knowledge and yet you know nothyng, you speake much of Scripture and you know not what Scripture is. I pray thee tell me: How knowest thou that thyng to be the worde of God which thou callest Scripture.

MarginaliaRobert Drakes answereth.To this aunswered Rob. Drakes, that he did know it to be the word of God, for that it doth shew vnto thē their saluation in CHRIST, and doth reuoke and call backe all men from wicked lyfe, vnto a pure and vndefiled conuersation.

MarginaliaBoner replyeth.The Bishop replied, that the heathen writers, haue taught the preceptes of good liuyng, aswell as the Scripture, and yet their writynges are not esteemed to bee Gods word.

MarginaliaTyms answereth to Boner.To this aunswered Tyms saying: the olde Testament beareth witnes of those thinges which are written in the new, for (quoth he) there is nothyng taught in the new Testament, but it was foreshewed in the law and Prophetes.

MarginaliaBoner deniyng the principles of diuinity.I will deny all, quoth the Byshop, I will deny all: what sayest thou then? Then Rob. Drakes alledged a sentence in Latin out of þe Prophet Esay in þe 59. chap. of his Prophesie: MarginaliaEsay. 59.Spiritus meus qui est in te. &c.  

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Bonner, citing Isaiah, 59. 21.
Foxe text Latin

Spiritus meus qui est in te. &c.

Foxe text translation

My spirite which is in thee. etc.

Actual text of Isaiah, 59. 21. (Vulgate)

spiritus meus qui est in te

[Accurate citation.]

My spirite which is in thee, and my wordes which I haue put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of the mouth of thy seede, nor out of the mouth of the seede of thy seede, from hence foorth euen for euer: meanyng therby to proue that he which had the spirite of God, could therby discerne and iudge truly which was Gods word: but before he could explicate his minde, he was interrupted by the Byshop, who spake vnto Doct. Pendleton, saying:

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MarginaliaB. Boner calleth for more helpe.Master Doctour I pray you say somwhat vnto these folkes that may do them some good. MarginaliaD. Pendleton studieth for talke.Then Doct. Pendleton as he leaned neare vnto þe Bishop, couered hys face with both his handes, to þe end he might the more quietly deuise what to say, but other talke was presently ministred, so that for that tyme he sayd nothyng.

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And thus much William Alesbury  

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William Aylesbury was a correspondent of John Careless, the martyr (see ECL 260, fo. 36r and Letters of the Martyrs, pp. 616-18.

witnes hereof, being therat present, so farre as he heard, hath faithfully recorded and reported. What more was spoken and there sayd (for they made not yet an ende a good whyle after) because hee departed then out of the house, hee doth not know, nor dyd not heare.

Then the Byshop after this and such like cōmunication thus passed betwene them, proceeding at length in forme of law, caused both his Articles and aunsweres to þe same, there and then to be openly red: the summe of which his confession recorded & left by his one hand wrytyng tended to this effect, as followeth.

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¶ The Articles for the which William Tims of Hokley in Essex was condemned in the Cōsistory in Paules the. xxviij. day of March, with his aunswers and confession vpon the same.

MarginaliaArticles aunswered by Will. Tyms.FIrst I did truly confesse and beleue that I was baptised into the true Catholicke church of CHRIST: for when I was baptised there was the element and the word of God, according to CHRISTES institution. MarginaliaHis Baptisme by his godfathers.And my godfathers and godmother did promise for me that I should forsake the deuill and all hys workes, and that I should kepe Gods commaundementes, and beleue all the Articles of the christen fayth: the which I do beleue at thys day, and with God shelpe, I trust to do whyle I lyue: for it was not the wickednes of the minister that made the Sacrament of none effect. &c.

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MarginaliaOnly 2. sacraments.Item, I confessed two Sacramentes, and but two in CHRISTES true church: that is, the Sacramēt of baptisme and the sacrament of the body and bloud of CHRIST, and that CHRIST is present with his Sacraments as it pleaseth hym.

MarginaliaThe true visible church.Item, I confessed that CHRIST hath a visible church wherein the word of God is truely preached and the sacramentes truely ministred.

Item, I confessed the Sea of Rome to bee as the late Bishop of Winchester hath written in his bookes MarginaliaWinchesters booke De obedientia.De vera Obedientia, to the which I sayd vnto the Byshop of London, that hee had made a godly Preface: and also Iohn Bale hath playnely declared in hys booke called the Image of both churches, euen so much as I beleue thereof.

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MarginaliaThe Masse blasphemous.Item, I confessed the Masse to be blasphemy to Christes death and Passion.

MarginaliaSacrament of the altar an Idoll.Item, I confessed that in the Sacrament of the altar CHRIST is not present neyther spiritually nor corporally, but as they vse it, it is an abominable Idole.

Last of all, I confessed the Byshop of London to bee myne Ordinary.

After this the Bishop falling to entreatyng and persuasions, earnestly exhorted him to reuoke his heresies (as he termed them) and to reforme him selfe vnto the Church of Rome, and not to sticke so much to the lyterall sense of the Scriptures, but to vse the interpretation of the old fathers.

To which Tyms aunswered: I will not reforme my selfe therunto. And I thanke God of this day: for I trust hee will turne your cursinges into blessinges.

And furthermore asking this question, he sayd: and what haue you to maynteine the reall presence of CHRIST in the Sacrament, but onely the bare letter?

We haue (quoth the Byshop) the Catholicke church.

No sayd Tymes, MarginaliaThe Popes haue the Popishe Church of Rome for you, for which you bee periured and forsworne. MarginaliaThe Sea of Rome, þe Sea of Antichrist.And the Sea of Rome is the sea of Antichrist: and therefore to that Church I will not conforme my selfe, nor once consent vnto it.

Then the Byshop seyng his constant boldnes to be vnmoueable, proceedyng to his condemnation, MarginaliaSentence red agaynst Will. Tyms.pronounced the sentence definitue vppon him, and gaue hym ouer vnto the secular power.

¶ The condemnation of Robert Drakes.

MarginaliaThe aunswere of Robert Drakes.After, callyng for Rob. Drakes, hee vsed towardes him the lyke maner of exhortatiō that he did before. To whom Drakes sayd: as for your Church of Rome, I vtterly defie and deny it, with all the workes therof, euen as I deny the deuill and all his workes.

The Bishop thē vsing his accustomed order of law, with his lyke exhortations, MarginaliaSentence geuen agaynst last gaue hym the like blessyng that Tyms had, and so charged the Sheriffe with him.

¶ The condemnation of Thomas Spurge and of the other 3. Martyrs.

MarginaliaThe answere of Tho. Spurge.Thomas Spurge beyng next demaūded if he would returne to the Catholicke Church, sayd as followeth: as for your Church of Rome, I do vtterly deny it: but to the true Catholicke church I am content to returne and continue in the same, wherof I beleue the Church of Rome to be no part or member. Then in fine, callyng the rest in their courses, and vpon the liked demaūdes receiuyng the lyke aunsweres, MarginaliaSentence geuen against Tho. Spurge, Rich. Spurge, Cauell, Ambrose.the sayd Byshop gaue vnto ech of them their seuerall iudgementes, and so riddyng his bloudy handes, committed them vnto the custody of the Sheriffes of Londō, who sent them vnto Newgate, whether they went all most ioyfully, abidyng there the Lordes good tyme, wherin they should seale this their faith with the sheedyng of their bloud: MarginaliaThe Martyrdome of the 6. Martyrs. An. 1556. Aprill. 14.which they most stoutly and willyngly performed the xiiij. day of Aprill,  

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The correct date is 24 April and is only found in 1563. A printing error caused it to be rendered as 14 April in the 1570 and subsequent editions.

as before is mentioned.

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Letters of William Tyms.  
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William Tyms's Letters

One letter of Tyms' appeared out of sequence in the 1563 edition (pp. 1512-13). This letter was never reprinted and none of Tyms' letters were printed in the Letters of the Martyrs. All other letters of Tyms first appeared in the 1570 edition and were reprintedwithout change.

¶ To his faythfull Sister in the Lord parishner in the towne of Hockly, named Agnes Glascocke.  
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This letter was written on 20 March 1556 while Tyms was held in Bonner's London palace just prior to his condemnation.

MarginaliaA letter of Will. Tyms to Agnes Glascoke.THe grace, mercy, and peace of God our Father thorow IESVS CHRIST our Lorde and onely Sauiour, wyth the swete comfort of hys holy and myghty spirite, to the performaunce of hys wyll, to your euerlasting comfort, be with you my deare sister Glascocke, both now and euermore, Amen.

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My most deare and entierly beloued sister, yea mother I may right well call you for the motherly care
