Thematic Divisions in Preface
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Correction of certaine faultes, defectes, and ouersightes in both volumes of this history escaped, and thus to be amended.
Fol.col.lin. Fol.col.lin. Fol.col.lin. 
15  in the title put out, and829145read, Thermopylà.1382140read Image
50114reade xxxiiij.917  for Tylselty, read Tylse-1331141for read
56212for Pertinax. read Nerua.   worth.1379228for S. Katherins, read S.
59165read Antoninus.927217reade Iohn Browne.   Margets.
7826read 40.901142read Thyatira.1338236for si read si
161229for Ros. read Rof.93712read, so is it1304243read: A sermon.
171245for þe same, read that some.994136read, holy ghost1477151for intermitte, read inter-
179216for monethes, read Syredus,9552 read, Frances Funge his   mixt.
   after Fegeldus.   brother140816for Dod, read Tod
184116for soluendi, read consulendi.970260for you shalt lose, read you145015read: had sayd enough
221262after Siricius, put Aluredus.   shall lose   therof.
ibid.265for Egelnodus, read Ethelnothus.1071137read, to dwell in1488260read: reteine
222142for Excester, read Oxford107512for þe valley of Angroigne,14861 read epitaphicum in þe mergēt.
229251read, sit on the right hand   read the coūtrey of Pro-1549251read, and thus the Duke
2241 for Douer, read Doro-   uince   was condemned.
   bernia. i. Cant.1080244read: to dwell1501255after Borne, read: also to
233236read, in the meane time1092228for at, read or   the Archd. of Londō. &c.
278177for Scachanal, read Saccauilla.1025172for 1557. read 1547.1676244read, Geometricall
292110for 260. read 263.1117112for Kinlitgow, read Lith-1743118for which, read with
297218for vnskilfully, read skil-   quow174911put out: for I haue no-
   fully113423read, they burned hym   thing at all to say
26514Gerson sayth, at Nor-1117270read, one William Burton1867218read William Hoke
   hampton.11312 in the title, read Clergimē,1886143read remembrance of
324242for 1292. read 1192.1158132for quoniam, read quinamibid.149read: was sent
301233read, I doubt not.1114214read, exclude197023for Aureliensis, read A-
313127read, on the right hand,1170139read Iames Baynham   quiliensis.
35316for conteyning, read con-1195257read xviij. thousand viij.2009250read: to an other Lady
   tenming.   hundreth2042149for eyes, read his
363343read: in the citie117814put out, that2039258for scorne, read storme
383229read: by his Epistles.ibid.16for being, read is2196  referre the story of Rich.
385221read, in ligabilia non ligantur.ibid.17for bynding, read bindeth   Lush to the yeare. 1556.
406169for the doctrine, read con-ibid.111for his, read their2242130for quæ, read qui
   sonant to the doctrine.1206252read blindnes226227read: Lord Winsor
424240for William, read Adam.1216271read. 1535.228122for wherfore, read therfore
ibid.244for his brother Robert,1259239read, that it is2198116read, vj. in the forenoone,
   read frier Robert.1283  in the title put out, to   and iiij. in the after none.
ibid.247read, by. sixe bishops.ibid.123read: the bread into his2279234read: if he would
488179read, Innocentius the 3.   body2305160for true, read tree
494153for against, read againe1266261read: tame the rebellion228513for Persel, read Perusel
457116for repealed, read repeated.130015for qui, read quia.2117162for Iulius Palmer, read
529144for sonne, read sōnes sonne.132925for Quintio, read Quintino   Iulius Palmer.
6671 in the margent, for prosessis,1334260read, importunitie    
   read processis1335235read sciant    
747129put out, and1339159read, Murtlac    
777211read, Herbipolisibid.28read, itegritas9031 Betwene Corinthus and
ibid.223put out, wherby1117139read, hereticke   Mesena, put in Cen-
821117put out, most shamefull1180255read Benet, alias, Dusgate   chrea. Act. 18.
85222read, by whō he was repul-1294243for an, read and    
   sed in so many battels.1391139for men, read me    
879140for 1408, read 1450.1439147for ἐπιεικια, read ἐπιεικεία    
871139read, Bernardinus        
ibid.21put out: and so the next yere        
   after, this warlike pope        
Certeine Cautions of the Author to the Reader, of thynges to be considered in readyng this story.

AMongest other escapes and ouersightes in the Edition of this story cōmitted, wherof partly we haue admonished thee before, partly also we leaue to thyne owne gentle castigation, gentle reader: certaine other specialities yet remayne, wherof we thought to gyue thee warnyng as foloweth.

☞ First, when mention is made pag. 54. of Peters beyng at Rome and sufferyng at Rome, folowyng certeyne Authors: yet for somuch as other writers there be, and reasons to proue that he was not at Rome, I desire thee therfore that this my affirmation may not preiudice other mens iudgementes, if any see or can say further in that matter.

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☞ Touchyng the story of the Turkes, where as I in folowyng our Christian Authors writyng of the Turkes, haue noted in the pag. 886. Solymannus to be the 12. Turke, after Ottomannus as they do all record: I haue found since by the computation of the Turkes set forth in the Table of theyr owne descent, the sayd Solymannus to be but the. 11. Emperour of the Turkes: and this Solymannus hys sonne which now reigneth, to be but the twelfe. Which I thought here to signifie vnto thee, because of theyr owne Turkish prophecie noted in the pag. 913. lest in construyng of that Prophecy beyng in the same place expounded, thou be deceiued.

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☞ Item. 1427. where M. George Blag is named to be one of the priuie chamber: here is to be noted also that although he were not admitted as one of the priuie chamber yet hys ordinary resort thether and to the kynges presence there, was such, as, although he were not one of them, yet was he so commonly taken.

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☞ Item,