Thematic Divisions in Book 12
1. Exhumations of Bucer and Phagius along with Peter Martyr's Wife2. Pole's Visitation Articles for Kent3. Ten Martyrs Burnt at Canterbury4. The 'Bloody Commission'5. Twenty-two Prisoners from Colchester6. Five Burnt at Smithfield7. Stephen Gratwick and others8. Edmund Allen and other martyrs9. Alice Benden and other martyrs10. Examinations of Matthew Plaise11. Richard Woodman and nine other martyrs12. Ambrose13. Richard Lush14. Edmund Allen15. The Martyrdom of Simon Miller and Elizabeth Cooper16. Rose Allin and nine other Colchester Martyrs17. John Thurston18. George Eagles19. Richard Crashfield20. Fryer and George Eagles' sister21. Joyce Lewes22. Rafe Allerton and others23. Agnes Bongeor and Margaret Thurston24. John Kurde25. John Noyes26. Cicelye Ormes27. Persecution at Lichfield28. Persecution at Chichester29. Thomas Spurdance30. Hallingdale, Sparrow and Gibson31. John Rough and Margaret Mearing32. Cuthbert Simson33. William Nicholl34. Seaman, Carman and Hudson35. Three at Colchester36. A Royal Proclamation37. Roger Holland and other Islington martyrs38. Stephen Cotton and other martyrs39. Scourging of Thomas Hinshaw40. Scourging of John Milles41. Richard Yeoman42. John Alcocke43. Thomas Benbridge44. Four at St Edmondsbury45. Alexander Gouch and Alice Driver46. Three at Bury47. A Poor Woman of Exeter48. Priest's Wife of Exeter49. The Final Five Martyrs50. John Hunt and Richard White51. John Fetty52. Nicholas Burton53. John Fronton54. Another Martyrdom in Spain55. Baker and Burgate56. Burges and Hoker57. The Scourged: Introduction58. Richard Wilmot and Thomas Fairfax59. Thomas Greene60. Bartlett Greene and Cotton61. Steven Cotton's Letter62. James Harris63. Robert Williams64. Bonner's Beating of Boys65. A Beggar of Salisbury66. Providences: Introduction67. William Living68. The Miraculously Preserved69. Edward Grew70. William Browne71. Elizabeth Young72. Elizabeth Lawson73. Christenmas and Wattes74. John Glover75. Dabney76. Alexander Wimshurst77. Bosom's wife78. Lady Knevet79. John Davis80. Anne Lacy81. Crosman's wife82. Congregation at Stoke in Suffolk83. Congregation of London84. Englishmen at Calais85. Edward Benet86. Jeffrey Hurst87. William Wood88. Simon Grinaeus89. The Duchess of Suffolk90. Thomas Horton 91. Thomas Sprat92. John Cornet93. Thomas Bryce94. Gertrude Crockhey95. William Mauldon96. Robert Horneby97. Mistress Sandes98. Tome 6 Life and Preservation of the Lady Elizabeth99. The Unprosperous Queen Mary100. Punishments of Persecutors101. Foreign Examples102. A Letter to Henry II of France103. The Death of Henry II and others104. Admonition to the Reader
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Queene Mary. X. Martyrs condemned at Colchester.

Marginalia1557. August.Marginalia3. W. Purcas cōdemned.W. Purcas of Bocking sayd, that when he receaued the sacrament, he receaued bread in an holy vse, that preacheth the remembrance that Christ died for him. To this he stoode, & against other their popishe matters: and so also had sentence red against him.

Marginalia4. Agnes Siluerside cōdemned.Agnes Siluerside, aliâs Smith, sayd: that she loued no consecration. For the bread & wine is rather worse, then better therby, she sayd. Thys good olde womā answered thē with such sound iudgement & boldnes, to euery thing they asked her, that it reioyced the hartes of many, and specially to see the pacience in such a reuerent olde age, against the tauntes and checkes of her enemies. To thys she also stoode, and had sentence red against her in like maner.

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Marginalia5. Helene Ewring cōdemned.Helene Ewring aunswered the like in effecte as the other did, clearely denying all the lawes set forth by the Pope, with her whole hart. Thys good woman was somewhat thicke of hearing, but yet quicke in vnderstanding the Lordes matters (his name therefore be praysed). Against her also there was sentence red.

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Marginalia6. Elizabeth Folkes cōdemned.Elizabeth Folkes the younge maiden, being examined whether she beleued the presence of Christes body to be in the sacrament substantially and really, or no: MarginaliaA substantiall lie. A reall lie.aunswered, that she beleued that it was a substantiall lie, and a reall lie. At which wordes the priestes and others chafed very much, and asked her againe whether after the consecration there remained not the body of Christ in the Sacrament. And she aunswered, that before consecration and after, it is but bread, and that man blesseth without Gods worde, is cursed and abominable by the worde. &c. Then they examined her of confession to the priest, of going to Church to heare Masse, of the authoritie of the Bishop of Rome. &c. Vnto all which she aunswered, that she would neither vse nor frequent none of them all, by the grace of God, but vtterly did detest and abhorre them from the bottome of her hart, and all such lyke trumperye.

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Then red they the sentence of condemnation against her. In which time MarginaliaD. Chadsey wept.D. Chadsey wept, that þe teares trickled downe his cheekes. So the sentence being red, she kneeled downe on both her knees, lifting vp her handes and eyes vnto heauen, with feruent prayer in an audible voyce, praysing God þt euer she was borne to see that most blessed and happy day,MarginaliaElizabeth Folkes prayseth God at her condemnation. that the Lorde would count her worthy to suffer for the testimonie of Christ: and Lorde, sayd she (if it be thy will) forgeue them that thus haue done agaynst me, for they know not what they doe.MarginaliaElizabeth Folkes prayeth for her enemies. Then rising vp, she exhorted all those on the Bench to repentance, especially those who brought her to prison, as Robert Maynard the Bailiffe, and such like: which MarginaliaSleeping Maynard.Maynard commonly when he sat in iudgement vpon life and death, would sit sleeping on the Bench many times: so carefull was his minde on his office. Further she willed halting Gospellers to beware of bloud, for that would cry for vengeance. &c. And in the end she tolde them all, laying her hand on the barre, if they did not repent their wicked doinges therin, that vndoubtedly þe very barre shoulde be a witnes against them at the day of iudgement, that they had there that day shed innocent bloud.

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This Elizabeth Folkes the day before she was cōdemned, was examined onely vpon this article, whether she beleued that there was a Catholicke Church of Christ, or no. Vnto which she aunswered, yea. Then was she immediatly (by Boswells meanes the Scribe) deliuered vnto her Vncle Hoult of the same towne of Chichester, to keepe: who caried her home vnto hys house, and she being there, might haue departed thēce many tymes, if she had woulde:MarginaliaElizabeth Folkes might haue eschaped, and would not. for there was meanes offred to conuey her away. But she hearing that some doubted that she had yelded to the Pope (although it was most vntrue) would in no wise content her selfe, but wept, and was in such anguishe of minde, and terrour of conscience, that (no remedie) she would to the Papistes againe, for any perswasion that could bee,

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and comming before them at Cosins house at þe white Hart in Colchester,  

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Richard Cosin was the owner of the White Hart tavern in Colchester. Cosin was an outspoken catholic who would be fined £10 for 'blasphemy' in 1560 and who would be arrested in 1562 for praising the duc de Guise and hoping for the restoration of catholicism in England. (Mark Byford, 'The Price of Protestantism: Assessing the Impact of Religious Change in Elizabethan Essex: the Cases of Heydon and Colchester, 1538-1594' [Unpublished D. Phil. thesis, Oxford University, 1988], pp. 158-62).

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she was at vtter defiance with them and their doctrine: and so had, as ye haue heard, in the end, a Papisticall reward, as the rest of her brethren had.

¶ The Lordes faythfull prisoners in Colchester Castell.

Marginalia1. W. Munt condemned.WIlliam Munt of Muchbentley in Essex, of the age of lxj. yeares, sayd: that the Sacramēt of the altar was an abominable Idoll, and that if he should obserue any part of their popishe procedinges, he should displease God, and bring hys curse vpon hym, & therefore for feare of his vengeance he durst not do it. This good father was examined of many thinges, but God be thanked, he stoode to the truth, and in the end therefore had sentence of condemnation red against him.

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Marginalia2. Ioh. Iohnson condemned.Iohn Iohnson of Thorpe in Essex, widower, of the age of xxxiiij. yeares, was examined as þe rest, and made aunswere in such sort, as the Papistes counted hym none of theirs, and therfore cōdemned hym with their bloudy sentence, as they had done the rest before. This Iohn Iohnson affirmed that in the receauing of the sacrament, according to Christes institution, he receaueth the body of Christ spiritually. &c.

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Marginalia3. Alice Munt condemned.Alice Munt, the wife of the sayd William Munt, of the age of xlj. yeares, being also examined as the rest, sayd and confirmed the same in effecte as her husband did, and was therfore also condemned by their bloudy sentence in like maner.

Marginalia4. Rose Allin.Rose Allin maide, the daughter of the sayd Alice Munt, of the age of xx. yeares, being examined of auricular confession, of going to Church to heare Masse, of the Popishe seuen Sacramentes. &c. MarginaliaRose Allins aunsweres.aunswered stoutly, that they stanke in the face of God, and she durst not haue to doe with them for her life, neither was she (she sayd) any member of theirs: for they were the members of Antichrist, and so should haue (if they repented not) the reward of Antichrist. Being asked further what she could say of the Sea of the Byshop of Rome, whether she would obey hys authoritie, or no: she aunswered boldly that she was none of his. As for hys Sea (quoth she) it is for Crowes, Kites, Owles, & Rauens to swimme in, such as you be: for by the grace of God I shall not swimme in that Sea, while I liue, neither will I haue anythyng to do therwith. MarginaliaRose Allin condemned.Then red they the sentence of condemnation agaynst her, and so sent her vnto prison againe vnto the rest, where she song with great ioye, to the wonder of many.

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Thus these poore condemned lambes, being deliuered into the handes of the secular power, were cōmitted againe euery one vnto the prison from whence they came, where they remayned with much ioy and great comfort (in continuall reading & inuocating the name of God) euer looking & expecting the happy day of their dissolution. In which tyme the cruell Papistes left not their mischieuous attemptes agaynst them (although they would seeme now to haue no more to do with thē) for bloudy Boner, whose throte neuer cried ho, shortly after got a writte for the burning of the foresaid x. good creatures, and to shew the more diligence in the cause, he sent hys owne trustie man downe with it, named Edward Cosin, and with him also hys letter for the furtheraunce of the matter, the xxx. day of Iuly, the next moneth after the condemnation. The writte  

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I.e., the writ from the lord chancellor authorizing the execution.

being thus receaued of the sayd Bailiffes, and they hauing then no leysure thereaboutes, appoynted the day of the execution thereof, to bee the ij. day of August next following. And because the faithfull soules were in two seuerall prisons, as the Castell was for the countrey, and Mote Hall for the towne, therefore it was agreed among them, that they in Mote Hall should be burnt in the forenoone, and those at the Castell, by the Shrieffe of the Shiere, in the afternoone, as here thou mayest see

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