Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K W. Conquerour. Lanfrancus. K William Conquerour. Lanfrancus.

Angliæ minus iuste fugauerāt: sic ipsi duplici persecutione. &c. Like as the Englishmen did subdue þe Britons (whō God proposed, for their deseruings, to exterminate) and them vniustly did dispossesse of their land: so they should likewise be subdued and scourged with a double persecution, first by the Danes and after by the Normans. &c. Moreouer to these iniuries & iniquities done & wrought by the English men hitherto recited, let vs adde also the cruell vilanie of this nation in murderyng and tithyng of the Innocent Normans before: MarginaliaEnglishmē iustly scourged for their vniust crueltye agaynst the Normands.who commyng as straungers with Alfred and lawfull heyre of the crowne, were despitefully put to death. Whiche semeth to me no litle cause, why the Lord (whose doyngs be alwayes iust and right) did suffer the Normans so to preuaile. By the commyng in of the whiche Normans, and by their quarell vnto the realme, MarginaliaThree thinges in thys conquest to be noted.
Gods iust iudgemēt.
Lacke of succession.
Foren mariage.
three things we may note & learne. First to consider & learne the righteous retribution and wrath of God from heauē vpon all iniquitie & vnrightuous dealing of men. Secōdly we may therby note, what it is for princes to leaue no issue or sure successiō behynd them. Thirdly, what daungers often do chaunce to realmes publique by forein mariage with other princes. &c.

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A councel holden at Winchester
In the same fourth yeare of this kyng, betwene Easter and Whitsontyde: was holden a solemne councel at Winchester of þe clergie of England. At the which councel were present two cardinals, sent from pope Alexander. 2. Peter, and Iohn. MarginaliaMight ouer commeth ryght.In this councel the kyng beyng there him self present, were deposed diuers bishops, abbots, & priours (by the meanes of the kyng) without any euident cause: to thentent his Normans might be preferred to the rule of the churche, as he had preferred hys knightes before to the rule of the temporaltie, therby to stand in more suretie of the land. MarginaliaStigandus archb. of Cant. depriued, and the causes why?Amongst whom also Stigandus archbishop of Cant. was put downe, for iij. causes agaynst him pretended.

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The first was, for that he had holdē wrongfully that bishoprike,while Robert the archbishop (aboue mentioned pag. 217 was lyuing.

The second was, for that he had receaued the palle of Benedict byshop of Rome þe fiueth of that name. Which Benedict, for byeng his popedome, had bene deposed, as is shewed before.

The third cause, for that he occupied the sayd palle without licēce and lefull autoritie of the court of Rome.

MarginaliaFayre connutinance not to be trusted.Then Stigādus well proued the beneuolēce of kyng William. For where before, the kyng semed in frendly countenaunce to make much of hym, and did vnto hym great reuerence: then he chaunged all his mildenes into sternes, & excused him selfe by the bishop of Romes autoritie: So that in the end Stigandus was depriued of his dignitie and kept in Winchester, as a prisoner duryng his lyfe. MarginaliaA couetous byshop.This Stigādus is noted for a man so couetous and sparyng, that when he would take nothyng of hys owne, and swaryng that he had not a peny, yet by a key fastened about his necke was found great treasours of hys vnder the ground.

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MarginaliaThomas made arch. of Yorke.At þe same tyme was preferred to the archbishoprike of Yorke, Thomas a Normand, and chanon of Baion.

MarginaliaLanfrancus an Italian, archb. of Cant.At which tyme also Lancfrancus abbote of Cadomonencie (a Lombard, and Italian borne) was sent for and made archbishop of Cant. betwen which two archbishops about there consecration, first began a contention for geuyng and takyng the othe of obedience, but that contention was at that tyme apeaced by the kyng. And Thomas contented to subscribe to the archbishop of Cant. obedience.

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MarginaliaThe minster of Yorke builded.After thys it folowed within short space, that the sayd Lanckfrancus and Thomas archbishop of Yorke, who first builded the minster of Yorke, and gaue possessions therunto: came to Rome with Remigius byshop of Dorcester, for their palles, as þe maner was: without which, no archbishop nor byshop could be confirmed, although their election were neuer so lawfull. This palle must beasked no where but of the pope, or his assignes, and that within. iij. monethes: also it must be asked not feintly but mightly: Dist. C. cap. prisca: Which, as it was a chargeable thing to other nations (especially such as were farre from Rome( so it was no smal gaine to the Romish sea, so as they did order it: MarginaliaThe geuing of the palle.
Dist. 100. Cap. Prisca.
for although at the beginning the palle was geuen without money, accordyng to the decree. Dist. C. or for litell, as percase in thys time of Lanfrank: MarginaliaDist. 100. cap Nouit.yet in proces of yeres it grew to such excesse, that where þe bishoprike of Mentz was wōt to geue to Rome but x. M. florence: afterward it arose so, that he that asked to haue his confirmation, could not obtayne it, with out. cxx. thousād. MarginaliaEx lib. graua minūnationis Germanicæ.And from thence it exceced, to xxv. thousande, and at length to xxvii. thousand florences: which summe MarginaliaIacobus archb. of Mentes.Iacobus archbishop of Mentz was prest to pay, a litell before the councel of Basill: in so much þt the sayd Iacobus, at hys departyng (which was within foure yeres after, sayd, þt his death did not so much greue him, as to remēber his poore subiectes, which shoulde bee constreined, to pay so terrible a fine, for the popes palle. MarginaliaEneas Siluius writeth to be 50 bishopricks in Germanye.Now by this, what did rise to the pope in whole Germany conteinyng in it aboue L. bishoprikes, it may be easely coniectured. Lanfrancus thus commyng to Rome, with þe other. ij. bishops: he for the estimation of his learning, obtained of Alexāder. ij. palles, one of honor, þe other of loue. Itē, he obteined for the other, ij. bishops also their confirmation. At whiche tyme, they beyng there present before Alexander: the controuersy began first to be moued (or rather renued) for þe primacy betwixt þe. ij. metropolitanes, that is betwixt the archbishop of Canturbury, & archbishop of Yorke, whether of them should haue preeminence aboue the other: For Canterbury chalenged to him self prerogatiue and the primacy, ouer whole Britany, and Ireland: þe which contention continued a long season, betwixt these. ii. churches, and was often renued in the dayes of diuers kynges after this: as in the reign of Henry the first, betwixt Thurstinus of Yorke, and Radolphus of Canterbury. And agayne in the xxvij yeare of the sayd king, at his second coronation: for Radolphus would not suffer the first coronation to stand, because it was done by the bishop of Yorke, without his assent. Also in the reigne of Henry þe second, where Alexander pope made a letter decretall betwixt these ij. metropolitanes, for bearyng the cros. an. M. CLix. Also an other tyme, in þe reigne of þe sayd kyng, betwixt Richard of Canterbury, & Roger of Yorke: again about þe yeare of the Lord. M. Clxx. when Thomas Becket, hearyng þe kyng to be crowned of Robert B. of Yorke: complayned therof greuousl to pope Alexander the third. Item an other tyme. an. M. Clxxvi. Betwixt Richard, and the said Roger, whether of thē should sit on the Cardinal Hugo, in his councel at London. Moreouer in the begynnyng of the reigne of king Richard. an. M. Cxc. betwixt Baldwinus of Canterbury, and Godfridus of Yorke. &c.

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Now to procede in the story hereof. After this question was brought as is sayd, to þe popes presence (he not disposed to decise the matter) sent them home vnto England, there to haue their cause determined. Wherupon they speading them selues from Rome, to England an. M. lxx. & the vi. yere (as is said) of this William: brought the matter before the king and the clergy, at Windsore. Where as Lāfrāk first alledgyng for himself, brought in, from the time of Austen, to the tyme of Bede (whiche was about. C. xl. yeares) howe that the byshop of Cant. had euer the primacie ouer the whole land of Britanie, & Ireland: how he kept his councels diuers tymes within the presincts of Yorke: how he did cal & cite þe bishops of Yorke therto: wherof some he did constitute, some he did excommunicate, and some he did remoue: besides also he alledged diuers priuileges graūted by princes and prelates to the primacie of that sea. &c.

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To this Thomas Archbyshop of Yorke replyeth a-
