Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry the first. Anselmus. K. Henry the first. Anselmus.

In the story of William Rufus before, was declared howe Anselmus archbishop of Cant. departyng out of the realme, went vnto the pope. Who after the death of kyng William was sent for agayn by the foresaid king Henry, and so returned agayne, & was at the councel of the kyng at Westminster: MarginaliaThe king ordayned & inuested bishops without the pope.whereas the kyng in the presence of the Lordes as well temporall, as spirituall ordeyned and inuested ij. bishops, Roger bishop of Salisbury, and Roger bishop of Hereford. Duryng whiche parliament or councel of the king, Anselmus in his cōuocatiō deposed and displaced diuers abbates and other prelates, from their rowmes & dignities: eyther for that they lawfully came not by them, or vprightly did not administer the same.

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MarginaliaHerbert bishop of Norwyge diuorsing hys priestes from their wiues had much a do.After this councel: and the other before set forth by Anselmus, Herbert byshop of Noryge, had much a do with the priestes of hys dioces. For they would neither leaue their wyues, nor yet gyue ouer their benefices. Wherupon, he wrote to Anselme the archbishop for coūsaile, what was to be done therin. MarginaliaAnselmus cruell and fierce agaīst maryed priestes.
Ex epist. Ansel. 176
Whiche Anselme required hym (as he did other mo the same tyme, by wrytyng) to perswade the people of Norfolke & Southfolke: that as they professed Christianitie, they should subdue thē as rebelles agaynst the churche, and vtterly to dryue both them and their wiues out of the countrey: placyng monkes in their rowmes, as by the Epistles of the sayd Anselme doth appeare. Wherof certayne percels shall hereafter (by the grace of Christ) ensue, for the better euidence of this and the other his actes aboue recited.

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The lyke busines also had Gerarde the Archbishop of Yorke, in depriuing þe priestes of his prouince from their wiues: which thing with all his excommunications and thundrings he could hardly bring about. Vppon this ruffelyng of Anselme with maryed priests, were riming verses made to helpe the matter withall, when reason could not serue. Which verses for the follye therof, I thought here to annexe.

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MarginaliaVersus male feriati, ex biblio. Ramsey.
O male viuentes versus audite sequentes,
Vxores vestras, quas odit summa potestas:
Linquite propter eum, tenuit qui morte trophæum,
Quod si non facitis, inferna claustra petetis.
Christi sponsa iubet, ne presbyter ille ministret:
Qui tenet vxorem, domini quia perdit amorem.
Contradicentem fore dicimus insipientem,
Non ex rancore loquor hæc, potius sed amore.

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A strife betwene king Hnery and Anselme the archb. of Cant.
About the end of the iij. yeare of this kyng, whyche was the computation of our Lord. 1103 a variaunce fel betwene king Henry and Anselme: the occasion wherof was this. Ye heard a little before how Hēry the foresaid kyng had of his own autoritie inuested ij. bishoppes, one Roger which was his chaūcelour, B. of Salisbury: and an other Roger bishop of Hereford. Besides thē dyuers others also he inuested, & diuers other like things toke he vpon hym in the ecclesiastical state, which he might lawfully do, gods word allowyng wel the same: but bicause it was restrained by þe bishop of Rome for hym so to do: this Anselme swelled, fretted, and waxed so madde, that he would neither consent to it, neither yet confirme thē, nor communicate or talke frendly with them, whom the kyng had instituted and inuested: but opprobriously called them abortiues, or children of destruction: disdainfully rebuking the gentle kyng as a defyler of religion and polluter of their holy ceremonies: as witnesseth Polydorus. With this vncomely outrage the kyng was much displeased (as he might full wel) and required Gerard the archbishop of Yorke, (as he ought hym allegeaunce) to consecrate them: who wythout delay so dyd, wel performyng the same, MarginaliaClifford B. of Wint. refuseth to be cōsecrate by the archbyshop of Yorke.sauyng that one Williā Gifford to whom the king had geuē the bishoprike of Winchester, refused to take his consecration by the handes of the archbishop of Yorke. For the which cause the kyngworthely with hym offended, depriued him both of bishoprike and goods, and banished him the realme.

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MarginaliaA strife betwene K. Hēry and Anselmus archbyshop of Cant.
Ex Guli. lib. 8 De Gestis.
Moreouer, the kyng required of Anselmus the archbishop of Cant. to do vnto him homage after the manner of his auncetors, as witnesseth Guiliel. de gestis pontif. Angl. Also, it was asked of the said Anselme, whether þt he would be wt the king in geuing inuestures, as Lācfrancus his predecessor was with his father. To whom Anselme sayd, that he promised not in any tyme, that he would enter into this order, to keepe the law or custome of your father, as Lancfrankus did. Moreouer, as concerning homage to be done to the king, that he refused: alledging the censures of the popes excommunication: MarginaliaActes of the Romaine coūcel agaynst lay men to geue any spirituall promotions.who in his councel of Rome a little before, had geuen forth open sentence of excommunication, vpon all such laye persons (what soeuer they were) that shoulde from henceforth conferre or geue any spirituall promotions: also vpon them that receaued them at their handes, eyther yet should consecrate any such receauers. MarginaliaNo spirituall person to be vnder subiect to any lay personage.Moreouer, he accursed all them, þt for benefices or other ecclesiasticall promocions, shoulde subiect themselues vnder the homage or seruice of any great man, king, Prince, Duke, or Earle of the layetye. For it was vnseemelye (sayde the Pope) and a thing verye execrable: that the handes which were conuerted into so high woorking, as was graunted to no angell (that is, to create him wyth their crosses, which created all, & to offer vp the same before þe sight of þe father, for þe saluatiō of þe whole world) shoulde be brought to such a slauery, as to be subiect to those filthy handes, which both day & night are poluted wt shameful touchings, robberies, & bloudshed. &c. MarginaliaEx Iornalēsis bibliothecæ historia.This decree of pope Vrban, Anselmus alledging for himself: denyed to subiect himselfe to the kings homage: fearing (as he sayd) the popes excommunication. MarginaliaMessengers sent to Rome. Anselme refuseth to do homage to hys kyng.Vpon this, messengers were sent to Rome on both partes, vnto þe pope (then Paschalis) who stoutly standing to the steps and determinations of Vrbane his predecessor, would in no case yelde to the kinges inuesting.

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MarginaliaEx Math. Paris.In the meane time, whyle there was long disputacion on both sides for inuesting: the nobles of the realme contended, that inuestinges did belong to the kings dignitie: wherfore the king callyng for Anselmus agayne, requyred him either to doe homage to hym, or els to voyde hys kingdome. MarginaliaEx Guliel. lib. j. de gestis pont. Aug.To whom Anselmus replying agayne, requyred the popes letters to be brought foorth: and according to the tenor thereof, so the matter to bee decised. For now the messengers were returned from Rome with the popes answer, altogether bearing with Anselmus. MarginaliaThe king hath nothing to do with the Pope his letters.Then sayd the king: what haue I to do with the popes letters. I wyll not forgo the liberties of my kingdome for any pope. Thus the contention continuing betwene them, Anselmus sayth he woulde not out of the realme, but depart home to his church: and there see who would offer him any violence: and so did. Not long after, message came from the king to Anselme, requesting him after a gētle sorte, to repayre to the kings presence agayn, to set an end of the controuersy began: wherunto Anselme graunted and came. MarginaliaMessengers sēt again to Rome.Thē were new ambassadours sent agayne to the pope, that he woulde something qualifie and moderate (or rather abolish) the straitnes of the Romayne decree before mentioned. On the part of Anselmus went ij. monkes, Baldwinus & Alexander: On the kings behalf were sent. ij. bishops Robert B. of Lichfield, and Herbert B. of Noryge, wyth þe kinges letters written vnto the Pope, conteynyng in forme as followeth.

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Patri venerabili Paschali summo pontifici, Henricus dei gratia Rex Anglorum, Salutem. Promotioni vestræ in sedem sanctæ Romanæ ecclesiæ plurimum congaudeo peteus vt amicitia quæ patri meo cum antecessoribus vestris fuit, inter uos quoq̀ illibata permaneat. Vnde, vt dilectio & benignitas a me videatur sumere initium, beneficium

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