Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry the. 2. VValdenses. Jncidencies in the reigne of K. Henr. Actes and Monum. of the Church.

lenniter damnatorum, publiceq̀ punitorum tam fortiter figillatam. &c. That is: who is such a straunger, þt knoweth not the condēnation of Valdēses the heretikes, done and past so many yeares ago: so famous, so publike, folowed vpon with so great labours, expēses, and trauaile of the faithfull, and sealed with so many deathes of these infidels, so solemly beyng condemned and openly punished. MarginaliaAntechrist with whom he first began hys persecution.Wherby we may see persecutiō to be no new thing in the church of Christ, when Antichrist so long before (300. yeres) began to rage agaynst these Valdenses. In Bohemia likewise after that, the same called by þe name of Thaborites (as Silui9 recordeth) suffered no litle trouble. But neuer persecution was stirred vp agaynst them or any other people more terrible, then was in these latter yeares in Fraunce, by the French king. an. MDxlv. which lamentable story is described in Sledan: and here after in the proces of this booke, as we come to the order of yeares, shall be set forth (by the grace of Christ) more at large. MarginaliaAn horrible murther of Christes holy martyrs.In the whiche persecution is declared in one towne Cabriera to be slaine by the Captayne of Satan (Minerius) eight hūdreth persōs at once, without respect of wemen or children of any age: Of whom, xl. wemen (and most of thē greate with child, thrust into a barne & the windowes kept with pykes, and so fire set to them) were all consumed. Besides, in a caue not far from the towne Mussium, to the number of. xxv. persons wt smoke and fire were the same time destroyed: MarginaliaMinerius an horrible persecutor.At Merindolū, the same tyrant (seyng all the rest were fled awaye, finding one yong man) caused hym to be tyed to an Oliue tree, & to be destroyed with tormentes most cruelly: with much other persecutiō as may appeare hereafter, in þe hystory translated out of Sledan into Englishe.

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MarginaliaA Glouer suffered martirdom in Cheron.But to returne agayne to heygher tymes frō whence we digressed. Besides that, Reinerius (aboue mentioned) speaketh of one in the towne Cheron, a glouer, whiche was brought in his tyme to execution, & suffered. There is also an olde monument of proces, Marginalia443. brought to examinatiō.
An. 1391.
wherin appeareth CCCCxliij. brought to examination in Pomerania, Marchia, and places there about; about the yeare of our Lord. MCCCXCi.

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And thus much touchyng the originall, doctrine & the lamentable persecutions of the Valdenses: who (as is declared) first begā about þe time of this king Henry þe 2.

¶ Other incidencies happening in the raygne of thys Henry the second.  
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Other incidents of Henry II's reign

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

MarginaliaIncidencies in the reigne of K. Henry the. 2.COncerning the first origine of Waldenses, sprynging in the dayes of this kyng, is sufficiently hetherto declared. Now remayneth in lyke order of tyme, to story also such other incidencies, as chaunced vnder the raygne of the sayd kyng, not vnworthy to be obserued, keeping the order of tyme, so neare as we may, and as autors doe geue vnto vs.

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MarginaliaBecket a dissoluer of mariages.Mary the daughter of king Stephā (being þe Abbesse of Ramessey) was maryed in thys kynges dayes to Mathew Earle of Bolon, which mariage Thomas Becket dyd worke agaynst and did dissolue: by reason whereof he procured hym great displeasure wyth the said Earle. &c. an. 1161. ex Chronico Bibliothecæ Cariensis.

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MarginaliaTwo children crucified by the Iewes.The same yeare a certayne chylde was crucified of the Iewes in the towne of Glocester, an. 116I. Iornalens. After the same maner the wycked Iewes had crucified an other chylde before in the citye of Norwyche, in the dayes of king Stephan, an. 1145.

A collection was gathered through all England and Fraunce (ij. pence of euery pound) for the succour of the East Christians agaynst the Turkes. an. 1167. ex eodē.MarginaliaBabilon vtterly destroyed.

Babilon was taken, and destroyed, and neuer since repayred, by Almaricus kyng of Hierusalem. an. 1170. Ex vetusto manuscripto exemplari historiæ Cariensis.

An. 1173. almost all England was diseased wyth the cough, ex vetusto Chron acephalo. About whych yearealso Wylliam kyng of Scots was taken in battail, and imprisoned in England.

MarginaliaThe holy crosse taken with the citie of Ierusalem, by the Saracēs.Great warre happened in Palestina: where in, the citye Ierusalem wyth the crosse and the kyng of the city, and other of the temple was taken of the Saracenes, & most part of the Christians there eyther slayne or taken. MarginaliaPersecution of the Turke agaynst the christiansCruell murther and slaughter there was vsed by the Turke, who caused all the chiefe of the Christians to be brought forth and beheaded before hys face. In somuch that Pope Vrbanus the third, for sorow dyed: and Gregory the eight next pope after him, liued not. 2. moneths. Then in the dayes of pope Clement. 3. (newes and sorow growing dayly for the losse of Palestina, and destructiō of the Christians) kyng Henry of England, and Philyp the French kyng, the Duke of Burgundie, the Earle of Flaunders, the Earle of Campania, with diuers other Christian princes, wyth a generall consent: MarginaliaA viage agaynst the Turkes.vpon Saint Georges daye, tooke the marke of the crosse vpon thē, promising together to take their viage into the holy lād. MarginaliaHow the differēce of the crosses first came in among christen princesAt which tyme þe stories say, the kyng of England receaued first the red crosse, the Fench kyng tooke the whyte crosse, the Earle of Flaunders the greene crosse, and so other princes diuerslye, diuers coulours: thereby to bee discerned euery one by hys proper crosse. But king Henry (after þe three yeares were expired, in which he promised to performe hys viage) sent to the Pope for further delay of hys promise, offering for the same to exact three Monasteries. Which thyng he thus performed: MarginaliaThe kinges promise fulfilled to the popeIn the church of Waltham he thrust out the secular priestes, & set in Monkes for them. Secondlye, he repayred agayne and brought in the Nunnes of Amesbury, which before were excluded for their incontinent lyfe. And thus performed he hys promyse made before to þe Pope. an. 1173.

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MarginaliaKing of Scots doing homage to the king of EnglandThe kyng of Scots dyd his homage & allegeaunce to the kyng of England and to hys sonne, as to their chiefe lordes: promisyng that all the earles & Barons of Scotland should do the lyke wyth their posteritie. MarginaliaThe church of Scotland ordered by the church of Yorke.Item, all the bishops and abbots of the church of Scotland promised subiection and submission to the archbishop of Yorke an. 1175. Nic. Triuet.

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MarginaliaMurtherers could not be punished by the popes decrees.The custome was in this realme, that if any had killed any clerke or priest: he was not to be punished wyth the temporall sword, but onely excommunicate and sent to Rome for the popes grace and absolution. Which custome in the dayes of this kyng began first to be altered by the procurement of Richard archbishop of Caunterbury, an. 1176. Triuet.

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MarginaliaLondon bridge of stone.London bridge first beganne to be made of stone by one Peter priest of Colechurch. an. 1176. Ex chron cuius initium: In diebus sanctis. regis Edouardi, &c. ex Bibliot. Cariensi.

MarginaliaS. William of Paris.S. William of Paris was slayne of the Iewes on maundy thursday, wherfore the Iewes were burned, & he counted a sainct, an. 1177.

MarginaliaIreland subdued to England.Ireland subdued to the crowne of England by this kyng, an. 1177. ex varijs chron.MarginaliaPilgrimage to Caunterbury sprāg by a lyeng vision.

Vnder the raigne of the said king Henry, about the 25. yere of his reigne, Ludouicus the French kyng (by þe vision of T. Becket, appearyng to hym in hys dreame, & promisyng to hym the recouery of his sonne if he would resort to hym at Canterbury) made his iorney into england to visite S. Thomas at Cant. with Philip Erle of Flaunders: where he offred a ryche cuppe of Gold, with other pretious iewels, and a C. vessels of wyne yearelye to be geuen to the couent of the church of Cant. notwithstandyng the sayd Phillip in his returne from England takyng his iourney to Paris, to visit S. Denis, in the same his pilgrimage was striken wyth such cold, that he fel into a palsey, and was benommed of the right side of his body, MarginaliaA iuste reward for an idolatrous 1178. Iornalensis & alij.

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Stephanus episcopus redomonsis, was wont to make many rimes, and gaudishe prose, to delite the eares of þe
