Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry. 2. The life & death of K. H. K. Richard the. 1. crowned. Actes and Monum.

MarginaliaThe king admonished to amende hys life.Angliæ, I finde that thys kyng was sundrye times admonished to reforme and mende hys lyfe. And fyrst by one that was an olde man at the castell of Cardif in Wales, at that tyme of the yeare called Dominica in albis, the eyght day after Easter. Where also, after þt he had heard masse, and was going to take his horse: there stoode a certayne man by hym, somwhat yelowish (hys heare beyng rounded, leane, and il fauoured) hauing on a whyte coate, and being barefoote, looked vppon the king, and spake in thys wyse: Good old king. That done, thus he proceedeth. The kyng saluteth you and his blessed mother, Iohn Baptist, and Peter: MarginaliaSonday to be free frō bying and selling.strayghtlye charging you, that vpon the Sundayes throughout all your dominions ther be no bying and sellyng or other seruile busines (those onely except, which apertayne to the preparation of meate and drinke) whych thing if thou shalt obserue, whatsoeuer thou takest in hand, thou shalt happely finish and bring to passe. Then spake the kyng in French to the knight that helde hys horse by the bridle: Aske of thys chourle whether he dreamed thys or not. And in the meane whyle that the kynght shoulde haue interpreted the kynges words & message, he spake before and said. Whether this be a dreame or not, marke well what day this is: for vnlesse that thou do these thinges, and amende thy lyfe such newes shalt thou heare within these twelue monethes, that will make thee lament & mourne, tyll thy dying day. And when these words wer spoken, the man vanished out of hys sight. And wythin one yeare next after: Henry, Gawfride, and Richard his sonnes, forsooke hym their father & tooke part wyth the French king. The king of Scots, the Earle of Chester, & Erle of Leciter, made an insurrection against þe kyng. Many other premonicions also were geuen to the king, but all these did he litle esteme. MarginaliaThe second & thyrd admonition to the kyng to reforme hys lyfe.The secōd whiche did admonish him was a certain Irish mā, geuīg him certain secrete signes. And thirdly, a certaine knight of Fyndesey, named Philip de Easterby: sayling with hym ouer into Fraunce, declared vnto the kyng in Normandy seuen articles, which he should amend. Which thing if he would do, he should raigne seuē yeres most honorable, and should take the holy crosse from hys enemies: or els he, in the fourth yeare shoulde dye in greate ignomie. MarginaliaSeuē things to be amended.The three first thyngs were those, which he at his coronation sware to obserue (that is) to defende the churche, to mayntayne good lawes, and to condemne no man to death without iudgement. The fourth was, for the restoring of inheritaunce wrongfullye taken. The fift was in doing iustice without reward. The sixt was, of ministers and officers wages and stipends. The seuēth was, of expelling the Iewes, leauing them some money to depart wythall. But the king not amending hys life: there rose vp against him three strong enemies, that is to saye his three sonnes with the French king. MarginaliaThe kings victorie was falsly imputed to the cause of hys pilgrimage.But after that the king (forsoth) had gone a pylgrimage to the martirs tombe, barefoote: Willyam the king of Scots, and the earles of Chester and Lecester, were takē at Alnewyck.

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In the. 35. yeare of hys raygne, being in the Castell of Chiuen in Normandy, he dyed: MarginaliaThe death of K. Hēry the. whose death those that were present, were so gredy of þe spoyle, þt they left þe body of the king naked, and not so much could be found as a cloth to couer it: tyll that a Page comming in, and seyng þe king so ignominiously to lye, threw his cloke vpon his neather partes, wherein (saith the autor) was verified the surname, whych from his youth he bare, being called Henry court Mantil.

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¶ King Rychard.  
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First year of Richard I's reign

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

K. Richard crouned.
IN this yeare of the Lord aboue recited, which was. 1189. king Richard the eldest sonne of Hēry, succedyng his father, entred hys crowne: at which tyme pope Clement sate at Rome, suceeding after Gregory which died a litle before with sorow for the losse of the holy crosse.

During the tyme of whose coronation it befell,MarginaliaThe K. restraint that no Iew shold enter the palace nor church during his coronatiō.that notwithstandyng the kyng the daye before his coronation, and by publique edict commaunded bothe the Iewes and their wyues not to presume eyther to enter the church or els his palace, duryng the solemnization of hys coronation amongst his nobles & Barons: yet (whilest the kyng was at dinner) the chieftaine of the Iewes wyth diuers other of hys Iewish affinitie and superstitious secte, against the kynges prohibition together wyth other prease entred the court gates. Wherat a christian man beyng offended, stroke one of them wyth hys hand or fyste, and bad hym stand further from the court gate as the kyng had geuen in commaundement: whose example others also follwing beyng displeased against the Iewes, offered them such and like contumely. Others also diuers, supposing that the king had so commaunded in deede (as vsing the autority of the king) fell vpon all the Iewes that stoode by wythout the courte gate. And first they bet them but with their fistes: but afterwardes they tooke vp stones and such other thinges, as they could get, and threw at them, and bet them therwyth. And thus driuing them frō the court gates, some of them they wounded, some they slewe, and some they left foredead.

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MarginaliaA Iewe throughe feare was baptisedThere was amongst this number of the Iewes, one whych was called the blessed Iew of Yorke: which was so sore beaten and wounded with the rest, that for feare of his lyfe he sayd he would become a Christian: & was in deede of William the Prior of the church of S. Mary of Yorke baptized: wherby he escaped the great peryl of death he was in, and the persecutors handes. In þe mean while, there was a great rumor spred throughout al the City of London, that the kyng had commaunded to destroy all the Iewes. Wherupon as well the Citizens as innumerable people more beyng assembled to see the kynges coronation: armed them selues and came together. MarginaliaThe Iewes in London slaine and their houses set on fier.The Iewes thus being (for the most part) slain, the rest fled into their houses: where for a time through the the strong and sure building of them, they were defended. But at length, their houses were set on fire, & they destroyed therein.

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These thinges being declared to the king, whilest he with his nobles and Barons were yet at diner: hee sendeth immediately Ranulph de Glanuile, the Lord hygh Stuard of Englande, with diuers other noble men to accompany him: that they might stay and restrain these theyr so bold enterprises of þe Londoners, but all was in vayne. MarginaliaThe small regard of nobilitie had in tumultes and insurrections.For in this so great a tumult, none there was that regarded either what the nobilitie sayd, or els anye whit reuerenced their personages: but rather wt stearne lookes and threatning woordes aduised them and that quickly to depart. Wherupon, they with good deliberation thinking it the best so for to do, departed: the tumult and insurrection continuing tyll the next day. At whych time also the king sending certaine of his officers into the citie, gaue them in commaundement to apprehende and present some suche as were the chiefest of the malefactours: of the which, three were condemned to be hanged, and so were. The one, for that he had robbed a christians house in this tumult: and the other two, for that they fyred the houses, to the great daunger of the City. After this, the king sent for hym, that from a Iew was conuerted to Christianity: and in the presence of those þt saw where he was baptised, the king asked him whether he was become a Christian or not. MarginaliaA new christian reuolteth to an olde Iewe.He answering the king, sayd no: but to the entent he might escape death, he promised to do whatsoeuer the Chrsitians wold haue him. Then the king asking the archishop of Canterburye (other archbishops and bishops being present) what were best to be done with him? MarginaliaAn vnaduized answer of an archb.Vnaduisedly answering sayd: If he wyll not be a man of God, let him be a man of the deuil: and so reuolted he agayne to Iudaisme.

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Then, the king sent his writs to the Shiriffes of eue-

ry coun-