Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Richard 1. Concernyng the strife betwene Baldewyn Archb. and the monkes of Cant.

MarginaliaRichard prepareth toward his iourney.After this, king Richard preparyng to set all things in an order before his goyng, MarginaliaWilliam Byshop of Ely the kynges Chauncelor, & Hugh Byshop of Durham made chief ouerseers of the Realme in the kyngs absence.committed the whole gouernement of the Realme principally to William Byshop of Eley his Chauncelour, and to Hughe Byshop of Durham, whom he ordeined to be chief Iustices of all England in his absence, the one to haue custodie of the Tower, with the ouersight of all other partes of the lād on this side of Humber: the other (which was þe Byshop of Durham) to haue charge vpon all other his dominiōs beyond Humber: MarginaliaWilliam Byshop of Ely made the Popes Legate in England & Scotland.Sēdyng moreouer to pope Clement in the behalfe of the foresayd Williā Byshop of Eley, to be made þe Popes Legate through all Englād & Scotlād, which also was obteined. Thus the Byshop beyng aduaunced in high authoritie, to furnishe the kyng toward his settyng forth, prouideth out of euery Citie in England ij. palfreys and ij. sumpters, and out of euery Abbay, one palfrey, and one sumpter.

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These thynges and other thus set in a stay, the kyng accordyng to his former appoyntment, about the time of Easter, sayled to Fraunce, where the French kyng and he conferryng together, because they could not make ready at that tyme of Easter, concluded to take a lōger day, prorogyng their viage till after midsommer. In which meane tyme the kyng occupying him selfe in redressing and stablishyng such things as further were to be ordered, there determined that Gaufridus and Iohn his brethren should not enter into England in 3. yeares after his departure: Neuerthelesse he released that band afterward to his brother Iohn. MarginaliaCaptaynes & Constables of the kinges nauy appoynted.Then he appointed the Captaines and Constables ouer his nauye, and set lawes to be obserued in his iourney vpon the Seas. But especially his care was to make vnitie and concorde betwene parties that were at variance, and to set them together at one. MarginaliaThe long contention betwen Baldewyne Archbyshop of Canterbury & the monkes of Christes Church.At which tyme the long contention began also to be appeased which so many yeares had continued betwene Baldwinus Archbishop of Cant. and his Monkes of Christes Church.  

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Strife at Canterbury

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

The discourse wherof although it would be somewhat tedious to be set forth at large beyng enough to make a whole tragedie, yet to the intent the age now present may see what great conflictes and disquyetnes, vpon what litle trifles haue bene styrred vp, what litle peace and vnitie hath bene not onely in this Church, but commonly in all other Churches, vnder the Popes Catholicke regiment: I thought it labour not ill bestowed, somewhat to intermedle in openyng to the eyes of the reader the consideration of this matter. MarginaliaArchbishops of Canterburye commōly were wont to worke the kynges of Englād much sorrow.Wherin first is to be vnderstand that the Archbishops of Cant. commonly beyng set vp by the Pope, especially since, time of the Cōquest, haue put the kynges of this land to much sorrow and trouble: as appeared by William Ruffus and Lancfranc, and also Anselme. By Henry 1. and Anselme, kyng Stephen, and Theobalde. Henry 2. and Becket &c. MarginaliaKyngs of Englād euer carefull about the chusing of the Archbyshop, & wherfore.For which the kynges of this land haue vsed the more care and circūspection, to haue such Archbyshops placed in that Sea, as either should stand with them, or at least should not be agaynst them.

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MarginaliaEx Chron. Geruasij.Now to þe purpose of our matter intended. First after Lanfrācus who was Archb. xx. yeares, the Sea stādyng vacāt v. yeares, succeded Anselmus, and sat xvij. yeares. After whō the Sea stādyng vacant iiij. yeares, succeded Radulphus, & continued ix. yeares. Then folowed Williā, who sat * Marginalia* Or xv. as some reken.xij. yeares, & dyed an. 1137. After whō came Theobaldus in þe tyme of kyng Stephē. This Theobaldus being no great fauourer of þe Monkish generatiō, fell out wt Ieremias Prior of the house of Cant. for certeine causes betwene thē: for the which the Archb. takyng stomacke agaynst the Prior would lay the sentence of interdiction agaynst him. MarginaliaIeremie the Prior of Cant. appealeth to pope Innocēt.The Priour seyng that, to saue him selfe, made his appeale to Pope Innocent. MarginaliaIeremie the Prior deposed by the Archb.The Archbyshop prouoked the more by that, deposed him from the Priorshyp, and placed one Walter in his rowme, Ieremias notwithstanding makyng his complaint and appeale to Rome, obteined letters from the Pope to Henry Byshop of Winche-ster beyng the Popes Legate: MarginaliaIeremie restored to his place agayne by þe vertue wherof, he agaynst the hart of the Archbyshop was restored, and Walter displaced. Neuerthelesse the sayd Ieremie, not willing there to continue with displeasure of the Archbyshop, shortly after of his owne accord renounced his Prioritie, & Walter agayne was receaued in hys stede. MarginaliaConcilium Remense. an. 1140.Not long after this folowed the generall Councell of Remes. an. 1140. To the which Councell Theobalde contrary to the commaundement of the kyng, would nedes resort, to shew his obedience to the Pope, wherfore at his returnyng home agayne the king tooke such displeasure with him, that within a while after þe Archbyshop was driuen to voyde the Realme, and flye into Fraunce: where he by censure of interdiction suspended diuers Churches and religious houses which refused to come to the Councell, and also hearyng how the kyng had seised vpon all his goodes, he interdicted likewise all the kynges landes, what soeuer belonged to the crowne, so that the kyng in conclusiō was fayne to compound with him, and fall to agreement, which was about the yeare, 1148. Ex Geruasio.

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After this in the yeare of our Lord. 1151. after the death of Hugh Abbat of S. Austens in Cant. Siluester was elected by the Couent to be their Abbat, in the reigne of kyng Stephen. MarginaliaA friuolous strife betwene Theobalde Archb. and Siluester Abbat of S. Austēs, about the place, in what Church the Abbat should take his consecration.Which Siluester when he came to Theobalde the Archb. to make his profession of subiection vnto him, and to receaue of him consecration: the Archb. was contēted, so that the Abbat would come to Christes Church in Cant. and there make hys professiō. But to this Siluester in no case would graūt, to take his consecration there, but els in any other Church where soeuer the Archb. would, he was contented. Wherunto when the Archb. in no wise would agree, MarginaliaSiluester goeth vp to Rome.Siluester makyng a great bagge of money, went to Rome, where he obteined of the Pope, for money (for what cā not money do at Rome?) letters that the Archb. should consecrate the Abbat, in his own Church of S. Austen, and also not exact of him any profession of canonicall subiection. Wherupon the Archb. was cōpelled against his wil, to come to the Abbates Church, and there at the popes commaundement to consecrate him simply, and without any further profession to be required.

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MarginaliaThe Mōkes of Clhristes Church striue agaynst the monkes of S. Austen in Cāt for the honour of their house.Then Walter Prior of Christes Church in Cant. seyng that, and perceauyng how preiudiciall and derogatorie the example therof would be to the honour and maiestie of their Church, through counsell of his brethren, went thether, and notwithstandyng the doores were straitly watched and kept, yet by meanes he at last gat in. And as he saw the Archb. attyred in his pontificalibus ready to minister consecration to the Abbat, MarginaliaWalter Prior of Christes Church appealeth þe Archb. vp to Rome.he stepped straight to the Archb. and eftsoones appealeth him vp to Rome, for the great iniurie wrought agaynst the Church of Cant. forbiddyng him in þe name of him to whom he appealed, not to procede any further. And so this holy cōsecration was for that present tyme stayd. MarginaliaSyluester trudgeth agayne to Rome.For the which Siluester with a new purse of money was fayne to trauaile and trot agayne to Rome. Where he complainyng of the Archb. and accusing him of contempt to the Pope in not executyng the commaundement sent downe, obteineth agayne new letters with more effectuall charge to the foresayd Archbyshop that he without any profession, MarginaliaSiluester consecrated Abbat in hys owne Church, whether þe Archb. would or not.simply should giue to Siluester his consecration in his own Church: omni occasione & appellatione remota, all maner of stay, or let, or appellation to the contrary notwithstādyng, and so in conclusion the Abbat contrary to what soeuer the Archbyshop and all the Monkes of Cant. could do, was in his owne Church made Abbat, and had the victorie for that tyme. Notwithstandyng the Archb. left not the matter so, but within fiue yeares after obteined of Pope Adrian, that Siluester should make profession of his obedience to the Archb. and so did. Ex Geruas.

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In few yeares after this dyed kyng Stephen. an.
