Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Richard 1. Variance in the Popes Church. The viage of king Richard.

was determined by a sore battaile betwen Lotharius Emperour, and Rogerius duke of Apulia. an. 1137. Also betwene Pope Innocent 4. and Fridericke Emperour 2. betwene kyng Henry 3. and W. Rale B. of Wint. when the kyng bad the gates of Winchester town to be shut agaynst him. an. 1250. betwene Boniface Archb. of Cant. and Canons of S. Paul. MarginaliaEx. Mat. Paris.Item, betwen þe said Boniface & Monkes of S. Bartholomew, who sat there in harnes in his visitation. an. 1250. betwene the Abbat of Westminster, and Monkes of the same house. an. 1251. Item, betwene the foresayd W. Rale Byshop of Wint. and Boniface Archb. of Cant. for a Priest of the Hospitall in Southwarke. an. 1252. betwene the sayd Boniface, and Canons of Lyncolne after the death of Robert Grosted, for giuyng of Prebendes. an. 1253. betwene the Monkes of Couentry, and Canons of Lichfield, for chusing their Byshop in tyme of kyng Henry 3.

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MarginaliaNo vnitie, in þe Popes Church.And what should I speake of the discord, which cost so much money betwene Edmund Archb. of Cant. and the Monkes of Rochester, for chusing Rich. Wandour to be their Byshop. an. 1238. betwene Rob. Grosted Byshop of Lyncolne, and Canons of the same house, for which both he and they were driuen to trauayle to Rome. an. 1244. betwene Gilbert B. of Rochester delegate to Archb. Baldewyn, and Robert the popes Legate for sittyng on the right hand of the Legate in hys counsell at Westminster. an. 1190. betwene the Abbat of Bardeney, and the sayd Grosted, about visitation of their Abbay. an. 1243. Item, betwene the Couent of Cant. and the sayd Rob. Bysh. of Lyncolne. an. 1243. betwene Hugo B. of Durham, and Hubert Byshop of Sarum: and Geffray Archb. of Yorke. an. 1189. betwene W. Bishop of Ely the kynges Chauncellor, and the Canons of Yorke, for not receauyng him with procession. an. 1190. betwene the Abbat of Westminster, and his Couent of Blacke Monkes, whom kyng Henry 3. had much ado to stil and agree. an. 1249. Item, betwene the foresayd B. of Lyncolne, and the Abbat of Westminster. Likewise betwene Nicolas Byshop of Durham, and Iohn Abbat of S. Albans. an. 1246. Also betwen Hubert Archb. of Cant. and the Monkes there for the house of Lambeth. an. 1196. And what a styrre was betwene the preaching Friers, and the gray Friers mentioned In Math. Paris. for superioritie. an. 1243? Also betwen the sayd gray Friers, and the Prelates and Doctours of Paris about ix. conclusions, condemned of the Prelates to be erroneous. MarginaliaConclusions of the Friers cōdemned for erroneous by þe Prelates of Paris.
Ex Mat. Paris. fol. 167.
1. Concernyng the diuine eßence, that it can not be sene of the Aungels or men glorified. 2. Concernyng the essence of the holy Ghost. 3. Touchyng the procedyng of the holy Ghost, as he is loue. 4. Whether mē glorified shalbe in cœlo Empyreo, or in cœlo Cristallino. 5. That the euill Aungell at his first creatiō was euill and neuer good. 6. That there haue bene many verities from the beginnyng, which were not God. 7. That an Aungell in one instant may be in diuers places. 8. That the euill Angell neuer had wherby he might stād, no more had Adam in his state of Innocencie. 9. That he which hath meliora naturalia, that is to say, more perfect strength of nature working in him, shall haue more full measure, of neceßitie to obtaine grace and glory. MarginaliaMoritum de condigno.To the which Article the Prelates aunsweryng, dyd excommunicate the same as erroneous, affimyng, that grace and glory shall be giuen accordyng to that God hath elected and predestinate. &c. Ex Math. Paris. fol. 167.

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MarginaliaContentiō betwene Friers about the Conceptiō of our Lady.In lyke maner betwene the sayd Dominicke Friers, and þe gray Friers what a braule and tumult was about the Conception of our Lady, whether she was without originall sinne conceaued or not, in the reigne of kyng Henry 7. and kyng Henry 8. an. 1509. Adde moreouer to these the xxiiij. haynous schismes and not so few, which happened betwene Pope and Pope in the Church and sea of Rome. But what do I stand to recite the diuisions and dissensions in the Popes Church, which is as much almost to reken þe sandesof the Sea. MarginaliaContinual variance in the popes Church.For what Church, Chapter, or Couēt was in all that Religion, which either had not some variāce with them selues, or with others? Vppon which continuall strife and variance amongest them, the readers hereof may iudge of them and their Religion as pleaseth them: In the meane tyme my iudgement is this: that where such dissension dwelleth, there dwelleth not the spirite of Christ.

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Marginaliaan. 1190.These thynges thus discoursed touchyng the tragicall dissension betwene Baldewyn Archb. and Monkes of Cant. now to procede (by the Lordes assistence) in continuatiō of our story:  

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Richard I and Third Crusade

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

MarginaliaKyng Richard taketh his iorney toward the land of Hierusalem.After king Richard had thus, as is declared, set the Monkes and the Archb. in some agreement, and had composed such thinges as were to be redressed within the realme, he aduaunceth forward his iourney, and came to Turon, to mete with Philip the French kyng: and so after that went to Vizeliace, where the French kyng and he ioynyng together for the more continuance of their iourney, assured them selues by solemne othe, sweryng fidelitie one to the other: the forme of whose othe was this: MarginaliaThe othe of fidelitie betwene Philip second French kyng, and kyng Richard the first, goyng to the holy land.That either of them should defend and maynteine the honour of the other, and beare true fidelitie vnto him, of life, members, and wordly honour, and that neither of them should fayle the other in their affaires: but the French king should ayde the king of England in defendyng his land and dominions, as he would hym selfe defend his owne Citie of Paris if it were besieged: and that Richard king of England likewise should ayde the French king in defendyng his land and dominions, no otherwise them he would defend his owne Citie of Roan, if it were obsieged. &c. But how slenderly this othe dyd hold betwene these ij. kynges, and by whose chief occasion first it fell asunder, the sequele of the story (the Lord willyng) shall declare hereafter.

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MarginaliaDiscipline and orders set by kyng Richard for malefactors.Furthermore, touching the lawes and ordinaunces appointed by kyng Richard for his nauy, the forme therof was this.

1. That who so kylled any person on shypbord, should be tyed with hym that was slayne and throwen into the Sea.

2. And if he kylled hym on the land, should in lyke maner be tyed with the partie slayne, and be buryed with hym in the earth.

3. He that shalbe conuicted by lawful wytnes to draw out his knife or weapon, to the entent to strike any man, or that hath stricken any to the drawing of bloud, shall lose his hand.

4. Also, he that striketh any person with his hand, without effusion of bloud, shalbe plunged three tymes in the Sea.

5. Itē, who so speaketh any opprobrious or contumelious wordes, in reuilyng or cursing one an other, for so oftentymes as he hath so reuiled, shall pay so many vnces of siluer.

6. Item, a theefe or felon that hath stolne, beyng lawfully conuicted, shall haue his head shorne and boylyng pitch poured vppon his head, and fethers or downe strawed vppon the same, wherby he may be knowen, and so at the first landyng place they shall come to, there to be cast vp. &c.

MarginaliaThe French kyng and kyng Richard come to Lyons.These things thus set in a readynes, kyng Richard sendyng his nauy by the Spanishe Seas, and by the straites of Iubaltarie betwene Spayne and Africa, to mete hym at Marsilia, he him selfe went (as is sayd) to Vizeliace, to the French kyng. Which two kynges frō thence went to Lyons, where the bridge ouer the floode Rhodanus, for presse of people brake, and many both men and wemen were drowned. By occasion wherof the two kynges for the combraunce of their traynes, were constrayned to disseuer them selues for tyme of there iorney, appointyng both to meete together in Sicilie: and so Philip the French kyng tooke his way to Genua, MarginaliaKyng Richard commeth to Marsilia.and kyng Richard to Marsilia, where he remayned eight dayes, appointyng there his nauy to meete him. From thēce crossyng ouer to Genua, where

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