Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry 3. The Pope and Romans in warre. Diuision betwen the Greke church and Latin.

MarginaliaThe Popes aunswere.To this the Pope agayne made aunswere, that certaine Lordshyps and Cities and Castles be conteined within the compasse of the said limites, as the Citie Viterbium, and Montcastre, which they presume to appropriate within their precinct: but to ascribe to them and vsurpe that which perteineth to other, is agaynst right and iustice.

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MarginaliaThe Pope flyeth the Citie of Rome.For these and such other controuersies risyng betwene the Pope and þe Romanes, such dissēsion kyndled, that the Pope with his Cardinals leauyng the Citie of Rome, remoued to Perusium (as partly before is recited) thinkyng there to remaine and to plant them selues: but the Romanes preuailyng agaynst him, ouerthrew diuers of his houses in the Citie. MarginaliaExcommunication abuses.For the which, he did excommunicate them. The Romanes then flying to the Emperour, desired his ayde and succour: but he, belike to pleasure the Pope, gathering an armey, went rather agaynst the Romanes. MarginaliaThe Pope warreth agaynst the Romans.Then the Popes armey, whose Captaines were the Earle of Tholouse (to purchase the Popes fauour) and Peter the foresayd Byshop of Winchester (whom the Pope for the same had sent for from England, partly for his treasure, partly for his practise and skill in feytes of warre) and the Emperours host ioyned altogether, and borderyng about the Citie of Rome, cast downe the casalles or mansions belongyng to the Citizens round about the Suburbes, to the number of xviij. and destroyed all their vines and vyneyardes about the Citie. Wherat the Romanes beyng not a litle offended, brast out of the Citie with more heate then order, to þe nūber of C. thousand (as the story reporteth) to destroy Viterbium the Popes Citie, with sword and fire. MarginaliaA great slaughter of the Romans by the Pope.
Ex Parisiens. pag. 92.
But þe multitude being vnordered and out of battaile ray, & vnprouided for ieoperdies which by þe way might happen, fell into the handes of their enemies, who were in waite for them, and of them destroyed a great number, so that on both partes were slayne to the vewe of xxx. thousand, but the most part was of the Citizens. And this dissension thus begon was not soone ended, but continued long after.

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MarginaliaThe church of Rome degenerated from the image of the true Church.By these and such other stories who seeth not, how farre the Church of Rome hath degenerated from the true image of the right Church of Christ, which by the rule and example of the Gospell ought to be a daughter of peace, not a mother of debate, not a reuenger of her selfe, nor seeker of warres, but a forgeuer of iniuries, humbly and paciētly referring all reuenge to the Lord, not a raker for riches, but a wynner of soules, not contendyng for worldly mastershyp, but humblyng thē selues as seruaūtes & not Vicares of the Lord, but ioyntly like brethren seruyng together. Byshops with Byshops, Ministers with Ministers, Deacons with Deacons, and not as masters separatyng them selues by superioritie one from an other, and briefly communicatyng together in doctrine and counsell, one particular Church with an other, not as a mother one ouer an other, but rather as a sister Church one with an other, seekyng together þe glory of Christ, and not their owne. MarginaliaDifference betwen þe church of Rome that was, and the Church of Rome that is now.And such was the Church of Rome first in the old auncient begynning of her primitiue state, especially while the crosse of persecution yet kept the Byshops and Ministers vnder in humilitie of hart & feruēt callyng vpō the Lord for helpe: so that happy was that Christian then, which with libertie of consciēce onely, might hold his life, how barely soeuer he liued. And as for þe pride and pompe of þe world, striuyng for patrimonies, buying of Byshoprikes, gapyng for benefices, so farre was this of from them, that then they had litle laysure and lesse lyst yea once to thinke vpon them. Neither did the Byshops then of Rome fight to be cōsuls of the Citie, but sought how to bryng þe consuls vnto Christ, beyng glad if the Consuls would permit them to dwell by thē þe Citie. Neither did they then presume so hye, to bring the Emperours neckes vnder their gyrdles, but wereglad to saue their neckes in any corner from the sword of Emperours. Then lacked they outward peace, but abounded with inward consolation, Gods holy spirite mightely working in their harts. Thē was one Catholicke vnitie of truth & doctrine amongest all Churches, agaynst errours and sectes. MarginaliaEastchurch Westchurch.Neither did the East and West, nor distance of place diuide the Church, but both the East Church and West Church, the Grekes and Latines, all made one Church. And albeit there were then v. Patriarchal Seas appointed for order sake, differing in regions, & peraduēture also in some rites one from an other, yet all these consentyng together in one vnitie of Catholicke doctrine, hauyng one God, one Christ, one fayth, one Baptisme, one spirite, one head, & linked together in one bonde of charitie, and in one equalitie of honour, they made all together one body, one Church, one Communion, MarginaliaCatholike.called one Catholicke, vniuersall, and Apostolical Church. And so long as this knot of charitie and equalitie did ioyne them in one vnitie together, so long the Church of Christ florished, and encreased, one ready to helpe & harbour an other in time of distresse, as Agapitus and Vigilius flying to Constantinople were there ayded by the Patriarch. &c. so that all this while neither foreine enemy, neither Saracene, nor Soldan, nor Sultan, nor Calipha, nor Corasmine, nor Turke had any power greatly to harme it.

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MarginaliaThe Shisme betwene the Greeke church and the church of Rome.But through malice of the enemy, this Catholicke vnitie did not long continue,  

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Schism between the Greek and Latin Church

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

and all by reason of the Bishop of Rome, who not contented to be like his brethren, began to extend him selfe, and to claime superiotie aboue the other iiij. Patriarchall Seas, and all other Churches in the world. MarginaliaEqualitie mother of concorde.And thus as Equalitie amōgest Christian Byshops was by pride and singularitie oppressed: so vnitie began by litle and litle to be dissolued, and the Lordes coate, which the souldiours left whole, to be deuided. Which coate of Christian vnitie, albeit of lōg it time had bene now seame ript before by the occasion aforesayd: yet notwithstandyng in some peece it held together in some meane agreement, vnder subiectiō to the sea of Rome, till the time of this pope Gregory 9. an. 1230. at which time this rupture & schisme of the Church brake out into a plaine diuision, vtterly disseueryng the Eastchurch from the Westchurch vpō this occasion.

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MarginaliaThe cause and occasiō why the Greeke church vtterly brake from the Romans.There was a certein Archb. elected to an Archbyshopricke among the Grecians, who commyng to Rome to be confirmed, could not be admitted, vnless he promised a very great summe of money. Which when he refused to do, and detested the execrable simonie of the Court of Rome, he made his repayre home agayne to hys countrey vnconfirmed, declaryng there to þe whole nobilitie of that lād, the case how it stode. For the more cōfirmation wherof, there were other also, which commyng lately from Rome, & there had proued the same, or worse, came in and gaue testimonie to his saying. Whereupon all the Church of the Grecians the same tyme hearyng this, departed vtterly away from the Church of Rome, which was in the dayes of this pope Gregory 9. MarginaliaMat. Par. fol. 112.In somuch that the Archb. of Cōstantinople cōmyng afterward to þe general Councell at Lyōs, there opēly declared, that where as before tyme he had vnder hym aboue xxx. Byshoprikes and Suffraganes, now he had not iij. MarginaliaAl Grecia gone from þe obediēce of þe church of Rome.addyng moreouer that all the Grecians and certein other, with Antioch and the whole Empire of Romania, euen to the gates almost of Cōstantinople, were gone from the obedience of the Church of Rome. &c. Math. Pariens. fol. 112. &c. fol. 186.MarginaliaEx Mat. Parisiens. fol. 186.

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By the occasion of which separation aforesayd, of the Grecians from Pope Gregory, it happened shortly after, MarginaliaGermanus Patriarch of Constantinople writeth to Pope Gregory 9.beyng the yeare of our Lord. 1237. that Germanus Archbyshop and Patriarch of Constantinople, wrote to the sayd pope Gregory 9. hūbly desiryng him to study, and seeke some meanes of vnitie, how the

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