Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry. 3. Guliel. de Sanct. Amore. agaynst the Pope. Actes and Mon. of the church.

men, that haue thys worlde at will: to the entent that those preachers maye couer and hyde their faultes, and get of others what they canne by subtiltie, which geue in deede, rather to remoue the shameles importunitie of the crauer, or els for auoyding of present shame, thē for any loue they haue to God: are not true Apostles, but false prophets, according to that in the. 2. to the Corinthiās þe 9. chapter. The Lord doth loue a willing geuer. Glose. He þt geueth for present shame, or els for that he may be free from the importunacie of hym that asketh, doth loose both hys substance and merit: wherefore he that hath respecte to these thyngs, doth not seke the fruit and profitte of the geuer but the gifte it self, as the Apostle to the Philippians the. 4. chapiter sayth. Seeke not the gift but the fruite or benefit of the geuer.

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MarginaliaSigne 27. is that those that be false prophets their belly is their god.The. xxvii. signe is, that true Apostles do not endeuour them selues to seeke and enioye the fruite of other mens labours that they may be fedde therby: because that the belly is such mens God, according to that in the 2. to the Thessa. the. 3. chapiter. We haue heard of some amongst you which walke vnordinately: not labouring at all, but liuing delicatly or idelly. Glose. of other mens labours: and deserue they to be fedde? The disciplyne of the Lord can not away with that doing: for the bellie is their God, which prouide for to haue more then necessarye dyshes of meate. Therfore those preachers which so do, are not true Apostles but false.

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MarginaliaSigne. 28. is that true prophets reioyse not in miracles as false prophets do.The xxviij. signe is, that true Apostles do not reioyse onely of the miracles, or other excellent workes, whiche the Lord doth by them: but they reioyse rather of the saluation whiche they looke for from the the Lorde, then that by doyng those miracles they desire any honour. Accordyng to that whiche is written in Luke 10. saying, Reioyse ye not for that the spirites be subiect vnto you, but because your names are registred in heauen. They therfore that boast of their owne miracles, or of any that belong vnto them, for this cause that they are saued by the doyng of them, as many do say, seme not to be true Apostels but false.

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MarginaliaSigne. 29. is that true prophets seeke not their own glory as false prophets do.The xxix. signe is, that true Apostles do neuer seeke their own glory in this lyfe, but the glory of Christ, as in Ihon. 7. He that speaketh of him selfe dothe seeke his owne glory: But he that seeketh the glory of him whiche sent hym (that is of whome he is sent) is a true Apostle. Therfore those whiche seeke the thyngs that pertayn to þe glory of this world, of the which one is: To be assistent to those that beare rule & authoritie, accordyng to that saying of Boetius De consolatione. Those that do desire to be extolled either they raigne, and beare rule them selues, or els do desire to be neare about them, that haue such dominion. An other is, they desire to haue the fame and victorye, of that whiche they haue nothyng at all deserued before God. Wherupon is written that saying of the Apostle in the. Galath. 5. Let not vs become desirous of vaine glory. Glose. To be desirous of vayne glory is, to haue victorye without any merite or desert: and those I say that such thinges do seame not to be true Apostles but false.

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MarginaliaSigne. 30. is that true prophets do not force vpon, is, the solemn salutations of men as false prophets doe.The xxx. signe is, That true Apostles care not for the solemnities of men, neyther their salutations, nor feastynges, nor any other benefite of theirs. They therfore which loue and seeke the company and felowshyp of mē, their feastynges, and other their commodities, do not seme to be true Apostles but false.

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MarginaliaSigne 31. is that false prophets do resort to other mens boordes, and flatter thē for a meales meate which true prophets doThe xxxi. signe is, that true Apostles do not commonly, resort to other mens tables, least that they should, for a meales meate become flatterers, as in the 2. Thess. 3. That we should giue you in example to folow vs. Glose He that commeth often tymes to an other mans table, beyng giuen to Idlenes, cannot chuse but flatter hym, whiche feadeth hym: but Christes religion calleth men to libertie, and to no such bondage. They therfore thatresorte often tymes, & that of their own myndes to other men tables (liuing idellye) are not true apostles but false.

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MarginaliaSigne 32 is that true prophets do not loue their enemies as false prophets do.The xxxij. signe is, that true apostles do not hate their enemies, and such as hate thē: whiche doctrine the Lord taught Mathew. 5. saying. Loue your enemies, doe well to them whiche hate you. But false Prophetes do both hurt & defame their neighbors, accordyng as S. Ierome. 14. sayth. The Prophetes of Ierusalem haue defiled the hole earth. Glossa. They are not contented onely to hurt their neyghbours, but also whō they before this tyme haue hated: they diffame and speake euil of, in euery place they came. Therfore those preachers which hate them whom they thincke are their enemyes, and do diffame them, are not true Apostles but false preachers.

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MarginaliaSigne 33 is, that true prophets do not prosecute men as the false prophetes do.The xxxiij. signe is, þt false Prophetes when they are examined, and proued whither they bee true Apostles or lyers, take that verye greuously. And persecute all those that can proue them to be so. And also do stirre vp and prouoke other to persecute the same men. Whiche also ioyne them selues together by secular power euen as certeine false Prophetes dyd in the primatiue Churche, agaynst the bishop of Ephesus: to whom the Lord sayd in the, Apoc. 2. I know, that is to say. I do alow thy works and thy labour: that is thy tribulation, because thou cāst not away with those that be euill men. Glossa. But that thou hast a desire to amende them, or els to expell them, and hast examined those, whiche say that they are Apostles, and are but lyers: and also hast suffered this patiētly. Glossa. The euils, whiche these false Prophets (ioyned together by secular power) doo bring in: Are not the doinges of true Apostles but false Prophetes.

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MarginaliaSigne. 34 is, that true prophets preach to those which bee not yet conuerted, which the false prophets do not.The. xxxiiij. signe is, þt true Apostels go not to preach to those which are conuerted already by other men, but rather do conuert those whyche are not yet conuerted: least that they should builde vpon an other mans foundation, as S. Paul Roma. 15. sayth: I haue laboured so, that from Ierusalem to Iliricus I haue replenished the Gospell in euery place. Glose. That is, I haue preached the same abundantly, in whom the great vertue of the holy ghost appeareth: because so many nations, that is the Gentils haue receiued the Gospel by my preaching. But I haue preached þe Gospell there, where Christ was not preached before, lest I shuld build vpō an other mās foundaciō. Glose. I should not preach to those that were conuerted by an other man. Also. 2. Corinth. 10. we are not such as boast & glory in other mens labours. Glose. Where an other man layde the foundation: for that should be to boast, inordinatelye. Also in the same place: not thinking to boast, where an other man hath gouernment, but in those thinges which are put in experience. Glose. Of other preachers. Because the Apostles dyd preach vnto those to whom the Gospell was neuer preached, that he might get prayse by his own proper labor. Therfore, those preachers which go not to that people which haue nede to be conuerted, but to those which are conuerted already, which haue Apostles of their owne: that is to saye, bishoppes, and priestes, and yet do boast ouer an other mans flocke: are not true Apostles, but false prophetes.

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MarginaliaSigne 35. is, that true prophets chiefly preache in their owne dioces, and not in other mens.The. xxxv. signe is, because true Apostles when they are sent, go to their own dioces, and not to an other mans dioses: euen as Paule being sente, wente to the Gentiles when he purposed to preache: Actes. 13. Separate Paule and Barnabas, for the busines whiche I haue chosen them vnto. Glose. Accordyng to the apoyntment and decre of Iames, Cephas, and Iohn, wente he foorthe to bee a teacher vnto the Gentiles. But those preachers that stande vppon their feete: That is to saye, those preachers which haue but small worldly substance, for which cause they are more readier to go which way so euer it shall please the Lorde to send them: I say, the Lord hath sent them to preach not

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