Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Henry. 3. Guliel. de Sanct. Amore. agaynst the Pope.

to those which be sufficiently learned, but to those that are infidels, as we reade in Ezechiel. 2. After that, the spirit of þe Lord set Ezechiel vpon his feete, in qua spem fitus vnus tangitur, and he sayd vnto him: O sonne of mā behold I send thee to the nations which haue start back from their professiō: Which haue gone from me, that is to the Iewishe heretickes, and to those nations whyche sometyme haue bene Christians: as the Egiptians, the Babilonians, and all those that obserue the law of Machomet. Therefore, if such go to those that alreadye instructed, and hauing both Apostles, bishops, & priestes of their own: they go not into theyr own dioses, but into an other mans dioses: and are not true Apostels, but false preachers. And it is greatlye to be feared, least the church be in hazard and daunger by such, vnles they be thurst out of the same betime: Euen as Ionas whyche when he was sent to Niniue of the Lord, which is interpreted large or wyde, and leadeth to the hyll: that is to the Infidels we spake of before. Thei go not to those infidels according to the commaundement of the Lorde, but they turne an other way, taking their iourney into Tharsis, which is interpreted seeking after ioye & pleasure: That is, they go vnto those whiche receaue them with ioy and gladnes, and do wel prouide for them, that is to say, to godly and deuout Christians: And therefore it is to be feared least the shyp in which they be (that is the church) be in great peril, vnles they be thrown forth. And therefore the Apostle spake of such false prophetes, not wythout good cause. 2. Timoth. 2. And shonne thou those. Glose. That is, such men as those be.

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MarginaliaSigne 36. is, that false prophetes do atribute vnto them selues that which they neuer dyd.The. xxxvj. signe is, because true Apostles doo not boast, neither do they attribute vnto them selues anye other thing, but in þt God hath wrought the same by thē. Paul, Roma. 15. sayth: I dare not say anye thyng, but þt which Christ has wrought & accōplished by me. Glose. That is, I speake onely those thinges (which by me) that is by my ministery, Christ has wrought. They therfore that boast of many thynges, and do attribute much vnto them selues, which they neuer did, are not true Apostles, but false prophetes.

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MarginaliaSigne. 37. is, that false prophets do cleaue and leaue logical and philosophical reasons.The. xxxvij. signe is, that true Apostles do not apply them selues, or leane to logicall or philosophical reasōs. Therefore those preachers which do indeuour them selues to such kynde of reasons, are not true Apostels, but false prophetes.

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MarginaliaSignum, 38 is, that false praphets co loue carnally and not spiritually.The. xxxviij. signe, is that true Apostles do not loue carnally or after the flesh, but hate what thyng so euer doth resiste them in the seruice of God, as Luke 14. He that doth not hate hys father and mother, hys sonne, & sister, and also hymselfe, he cannot be my disciple. Glose. That is, he that doth not hate what soeuer doth resiste or let hym in the seruice of God, is not woorthy to be a disciple, neyther can he abyde in that office. Therefore, for as much as true preachers are the true disciples of the Lorde, it must needes followe: that those preachers which do promote their nephewes, and kinsfolkes (how vnworthy so euer they be) to ecclesiasticall promotions and liuinges, contrary to the wyll of God: or do any other thing that letteth or hindreth them in the seruice of God, are not true Apostles, but false prophetes.

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MarginaliaSigne. 39 is, that false prophetes do hunt after the frēdship of the world.The. xxxix. signe is, that true Apostles doo not hunt for the frēdship of thys world: for he that is the frend of thys world, is the enemye of God. Therfore, those preachers which purchase the frendship of thys worlde, are not true Apostles but false Prophets. Therfore, for as much as the Scripture is infallible, as in the. 24. chap. of Mathew, saying: heauen and earth shall perishe, but my wordes shall indure for euer. And the holy ghost which spake in the Apostle can not lye: for prophecie (for the most part) is not spoken by the will of man, but the holy men of God spake by the inspiration of the holy ghost, as it is red in the fyrst epistle of Peter the. 5. chap.It remayneth, that all men which are bound to defende the church, maye ryse vp in the defence of the same, according to that in the. 24 chapiter of the Prouerbes. Deliuer those that are led to death, and cease thou not to rescue those which are drawen to destruction. Neyther may he alleage vaine accusatiōs, because it is sayd in the same place: If he saye he is not able, or stronge inough, he that beholdeth the thoughtes of mens harts, shall know it, &c. MarginaliaWhatsoeuer doth perishe in the church of God for wante of preachers shall be required.What soeuer perisheth in the church of God for wante of preachers: all that shall be demaunded of them at the day of iudgement: As Iacob confesseth to Laban, whose sheepe he fedde. Genesis. 31. I did restore all thy losse, and that which was stollen I made answere for. I will demaunde hys bloud at thy handes. Ezechiell. 3. Thys is sayd, to the pastor or prelate. But if the other thinges which we haue spokē of before could not moue the prelates, and Cardinalls: thys at the least should moue thē. Because þt then, the spirituall power of the church which doth consiste for the most parte in the exercise of preaching, in hearing confessions, and enioyning of pennance: shall be taken awaye from them by litle and litle. For, by pece meale doth the wolfe deuour the poore & nedie man. 3. q. 1. cap. 1. When the authoritie ecclesiastical therfore shal be quite taken frō them, & disposed to other: such as either by their order, or apostolicall graunt, do chalenge to haue the same: Then doubtles, shall neyther the iurisdiction of ciuile causes & pleadinges, nor any authoritie that such prelates haue yet remayning, neyther yet the possessions of the temporall goods of þe church, any longer remayne amongst them. Such shall haue the temporall goods of þe church which minister not the spirituall threasure therof? 1. Cor. 9. Knowe ye not that they which kill the sacrifice ought to eate of the sacrifice, and they that serue at the alter are partakers of the alter? For as the bodye without the soule can not stande, so corporall thinges without spirituall thynges can not continue. 1. q. 1. if any shall take away the same. Thus haue you had þe 39. argumēts, for the which both he was condemned, & his bookes burned.

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MarginaliaA detestable booke of the Fryers called Euangelium eternum.In the dayes of this Gulielmus, there was a most detestable and blasphemous booke set forth by the friers, (mentioned also in Mat. Parisi.) whiche they called Euangelium æternum, or Euangelium Spiritus sancti. That is, the euerlastyng gospell, or the Gospell of the holy ghost. In whiche booke, many abhominable errours of the friers were conteyned (so that the gospell of Iesus Christ was vtterly defaced: whiche this booke sayd, was not to be compared with this euerlasting gospell, no more then the shell is to be compared with the carnell: then darkenes to light. &c. Moreouer that the Gospel of Christ shall be preached no lēger but fifty yeares, and then this euer lastyng Gospel should rule the Church. &c. Item, þt what soeuer was in the whole Bible, was in the sayd Gospell conteyned. At length, this friers gospel was accused to the pope, and so vi. persons chosen of the whole vniuersitie to peruse and iudge of the boke: as Christianus Canonicus, Beluacensis: Odo de doaco: Nicolaus de Baro: Ioannes de Sicca Vella, Anglus. Ioannes Belim, Gallus: Among whom, this Gulielmus also was one, who mightely impugned this pestiferous and deuilish booke. These vi, after the perusing of the booke, were sent vp to Rome. MarginaliaThe eternall & spirituall Gospell of the Friars cōdemned with much ado of the popeThe friers likewise sent their messengers withall: where they were refuted, and the errours of the booke condemned: but so, that the pope with the Cardinals commaunded þt the sayd booke to be abolished and condemned not publiklye (tenderyng the estimation of the religious orders, as of his owne most chief champions) but that they should be burned in secret wise: and þe bookes of the foresayd Gulielmus, to be burnt with all.

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Besides other his bokes, ij. sermōs we haue of his yet remayning, one vpon the gospell of S. Luke, of the pharisie and the publicane: the other vpō the Epistle read in
