Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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438 [417]

K. Henry. 3. Ciuile dißensiō betwene the king and the nobles.

losse as our own, and their enemies as ours. And seing these my aforesaid faithfull subiectes for the keeping of their fidelity, do assist vs māfully and faithfully against your vnfaythfulnes, we therefore care not for your fidelity or loue, but defye you as our & their enemies. Witnes my selfe at Lewes the day and yeare abouesayd.

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MarginaliaThe letter of Richard king of Almaine and prince Edward to the Barons.Also Richard kyng of Almaine, and Lord Edward the son of kyng Henry writ also to the Barons in thys wyse. Richard by the grace of God, kyng of the Romaines alwayes Augustus, and Edward the eldest sōne of the noble kyng of Englād, and all the other Barōnes and nobles constantly and faithfully in harte and dede cleauyng to the foresayde kyng of Englande: to Simon Mountfort, and Gilbert declare and to all and singular other their adherentes in their conspiracie. By your letters whiche you sent to our Lord the noble kyng of England we haue vnderstanding þt you defie vs, although before any such worde, your defiaunce towardes vs was apparaunt inough by your cruell persecutiō in burning our possessiōs and spoyling our goodes: we therfore geue you to witte, that we all and euery one of vs, as your enemies, doo defye you all as oure open ennemies. And farther that we wyll not cease where so euer it shall lye in our power, to the vttermost of our force and might, to subuerte your persons and all that you haue. As touchyng that you lay to our charge, that we geue neither faithfull nor good counsel to our Lord the kyng, you say not the truth. And if your Lord Simon Mounteforte, or Gilberte de Clare, will affirme the same in our Lord the kyngs courte: we are ready to get saifecondit for you to come to the sayd court to trie, & declare the truth of our innocēcie and the falsehood of you both, as forsworn traitors, by some man equal with you in nobilitie and stocke. All we, are contented with the seales of the aforesayd Lordes, the Lord Richard, and the Lord Edward. Dated the day aforesayd.

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MarginaliaThe battail of Lewes betwene the kyng and the Barons beginneth.Both which letters beyng read, they drew nearer to þe kyng for they were not far distaunt frō the place which is called Lewes.  

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Battle of Lewes

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

And for that there wanted to the kyngs store prouision for their horses, it was cōmaunded thē, on twesday to go forth to seake for hay & prouender. Which whē they were gone forth, were preuēted most of thē, of their enemies and killed: but the residue returnyng, sawe their enemies cummyng very earely, on the wednesday mornyng, and making outcries stirred vp the kyng, and his host to arme them selues. Then the baronnes comming to the full plaine descended there, and girding and trimmyng their horses made fitte their harneis to them. And there the earle Simon made the earle of Glocester, and Robert Deuer, & many other new knights. Which beyng done, he deuided and distincted his host into foure seuerall battails. And he appointed noble men to guide and gouerne euery battaile. And ouer the first battayle were ordeyned captaynes, Henry Mounteforte the eldest sonne of the earle Simon and Guido hys brother, Lord Ihon de Bruich the yonger, and Lord Humfrey de Boun. Ouer þe second battail, lord Gilbert Clare earle of Glocester, Lord Ihon the sonne of Lord S. Ihon & Lord Williā of Mouncherisi. And ouer the third, in which the Londiners were at their request, the Lorde Nicholas Segraue was assigned. Whiche required also very instauntly, that they might haue the first stroke in the battaile, at the aduenture come what come woulde. But ouer the fourth battaile, the earle him selfe was captain with the Lord Thomas of Pilnestone. In the meane season came forth the kynges host, preparyng them selues to the field in three battails: of which Edward the kyngs sonne led the first, with the earle of Warwicke and Valence the kynges brother: and the second the kyng of Almain guided, with his sonne Henry: but the kyng with his nobles guided the third. And the forth legiō the kyng appoynted not, by reason that he had left many of hyschief souldiers behind him, to kepe the castell & towne of Tunebridge against the earle of Glocester. And the most part of the kynges armie were but younge men, for the kyng thought not that his baronnes, had been come so nigh hād. Their armies being on both sides set in aray & order, they exhorted one another on either partie to fight valiauntly: and after they buckled together, the battaile was great and many horsemen were ouerthrowne euen in a momente. But by and by Edward the kyngs sonne with his bande, as a fierce young gentleman, and valiant knight fell vpon his enemies with such force, that he compelled them to recule backe a great way: so that the hinmost (thinckyng by reasō of their geuing backe, that the foremost were slain) ran many away of thē & taking water to passe ouer, were almost threscore souldiers drowned, and a fewe of them beyng slayne, all the rest fled. Straight way the Londiners whiche had asked the first fight, knowyng not how þe battaile went toke them to their heales: Whom Edward pursued with his band killyng the hynmost of them, by the space of two or three miles. For he hated them because they had, rebelled agaynst his father, and disgraced hys mother when she was caried by barge vpon the Temse, from Westminster to the tower, as is aboue touched, pag. 415.

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MarginaliaRichard K of Almain, wyth his sonne takē prisoners.Whylest that prince Edward was thus in the chase of the Londoners, who had the vawward of the Barōs battel: In the meane time the mayn battaile of the Barons set vpon the kinges mayn battell, of the which the king of Almayne the brother of king Henry had the leading: MarginaliaThe Kings mayne Battell at Lewes discomforted and the King fayne to take the Abbey.Which being soone discomforted, and he with his sonne Henry and Robert de Brus, Iohn Couen with diuers other captaines taken prisoners: the rearewarde wherin the king himselfe fought, being immediatlye so hardly beset, and seing his knights and soldiers on euery syde about him beaten downe and slaine, and diuers other of his soldiours to forsake the field and shyfte for them selues: thought good to take agayne the towne, & so retired into the Abbey from whence hee came, shutting and rampering vp the gates, & caused the same to be strongly warded with soldiours. To be briefe, the barons thus getting the field after long fight, and manye men on either side slain: entred also the town of Lewes, pursuing in chase such soldiors as thether fled for succor.

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MarginaliaPrince Edward returning from the first chase fyndeth all together loste.In the meane tyme, Prince Edward returning from the chase of the Londoners as ye heard, who desired to geue the first onset: and first espieng the Chariot of the Earle Simon (which he caused purposelye to bee made for him) and the horses in the same, without either waggener or any other to gouerne the same: fel immediatly vpon the chariot, and brake it all in peeces, and slew two Burgeses that wer within the same. But when he cam nearer to the place where the bloodye battell had been fought, and saw the great discomforture & ouerthrowe which in his absence with great mortalitye and slaughter had happened: his hart was much dismayde, and his countenance altered. Yet notwithstanding, comforting and couraging his knightes and soldiours, of whom he had a valiant company, in battel aray marched toward the towne. Against whom, came the Barons agayne wt all their power. MarginaliaThe :Prince fyghteth a new battell.And thus was begonne betwixt them a fresh field and new battayle, and manye men slayne on either syde. But at length, the Earle de Warenia wyth the kings two brethren, forsooke the field and fled: after whom went more then seuen hundred chosen soldiours, which were of their house and family: who the same day came to Penensye, and there tooke shypping ouer the sea. Also Hugh Bigot with diuers others fled, and lefte the valiant prince fighting in the field: which thing he also perceauing, tooke the towne. And when he founde not the king his father at the castel, he went from thence to the Abbey wher he was. In the meane season the town was deuided in partes: some fighting, some spoylyng,

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