Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Edward. 1. Wales subdued Warre with Scotland beginneth.

MarginaliaPietie to parents, rewarded of godEdward as he had alwayes before been a louing and naturall child to his father, whom he had deliuered out of prison and captiuitie: and afterward hearing both together of the death of his sonne, and of his father, wept and lamented much more for his father, then for his sonne, saying to the French kyng (whiche asked the cause therof) that the losse of hys childe was but light, for children might after encrease and be multiplied, but the losse of his parent was greater, whiche could not be recouered: Robert Auesbury. MarginaliaEx chron. Rob. Auesburiensis.So almighty god for the same his pietie to hys father shewed, rewarded hym agayne with great successe, felicitie, and long reigne. MarginaliaA miracle of God in preseruyng K. EdwardIn so much, that he beyng young as he was playing at Chesse with a certein souldier of his, sodenly hauyng no occasion geuen: rose vp and went his way, who was not so soone voyded the place, but incontinent fell downe a mighty stone frō the vawte aboue directly vpon the place where he sat, hable to haue quashed him in peeces, if he had taried neuer so litle more. In the preseruation of whom, as I see the present hand and mighty prouidence of the liuyng God: so in the kynges order agayne, I note a faulte or errour worthy of reprehension: MarginaliaFalse worship reprehended.
God geueth the benefit and a dōbe blocke hath the thanks.
For that he receauyng such a lyuely benefite at the hand of the lyuing Lord, going therfore on pilgrimage to Walsyngham, gaue thankes not onely to our Lady, but rather to a roten block. Ibidē. Of þe gentle nature of this couragious prince, sufficiēt profe is geuen by this one exaumple: that what tyme he being in his desport of haukyng, chaunced sharply to rebuke þe negligence of one of his gentilmen, for what fault I can not tell about his hauke: the gentilman beyng on the other side of the riuer, hearyng his manassyng wordes was glad, as he sayd, that the riuer was betwene them. With this aunswere þe couragious bloud of this prince beyng moued, vppon presente heate he leaped strait into þe floode, both of a swift streame and of a daungerous deepenes, and no lesse hard in gettyng out. Notwithstandyng either forgettyng his owne lyfe, or neglectyng the daunger present, but hauyng a good horse, ventreth hys own death, to haue the death of his man. At length with much difficultie recoueryng the bancke, with his sword drawen persueth his prouoker. Who hauing not so good an horse, and seyng him selfe in daunger of takyng, reyneth his horse: and returnyng backe bare head vnto the prince, submitteth hys necke vnder his hande to strike. MarginaliaExample of princely clemencie to be learned of kings & princes.
Ex chroni. Nic. Triuet. & R. Auesb.
The prince, whose feruent stomacke the water of the whole riuer could not quenche, a litle submission of hys man did so extinct that the quarell fell, his anger ceased, and his sword put vp, without any stroke geuen. And so bothe returned to their game, good frendes agayne. Auesb. Nich. Triuet.

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MarginaliaWales subdued.In the first begynning of his reygne, this kyng had much a do in Walles, where he had diuers cōflictes with the Welshmen: whom at last he subdued and cut down their woodes, suppressed rebellions, and vanquishyng their kynges Lewline and his brother, MarginaliaThe kings sonne fyrst prince of Wales.ordayned his eldest sonne Edwarde, borne in the same countrey to be prince of Wales. This Lewline captaine of þe Welshmē here mētioned, rebellyng against kyng Edward: asked coūsel by way of cōiuratiō, what euent should come vpō his attempt. To whom it was told, that he should go forward boldly: for doubtles, he should ride through Chepeside at London, with a crowne on his head. Whiche so came to passe. For he beyng slayne, his head was caryed through Chepe, with a crown of siluer to Lōdon bridge: MarginaliaVayne prophesies not to be soght to.whereby men may learne not to seke nor sticke to these vayne prophesies: Whiche though they fal true, yet are but the traynes of the deuill to deceaue men.

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MarginaliaEdward. 1. prince of Wales born in Karnarnan.About this tyme was a great earthquake, and such a rotte, that consumed a great multitude of shepe, in the land, through the occasion as they say, of one scabbed shepe that came out of Spaine. The kyng returnyng from Wales to England, ordered certeine new lawesMarginaliaAn 1274
Punishment for bakers and milners.
The statute for Mortmayne fyrst enacted.
for the wealth of the realme. Among many other thys was one: that authoritie was geuen to all Maiors, baliffes, and other officers, to see execution and punishment of bakers makyng bread vnder þe siese, with pillery. Of Milners stealing corne with the tumbrell. &c. And within ij. yeares after, the statute of Mortmaine was first enacted, which is to meane that no man should geue vnto the churche any landes or rentes, without a speciall lycence of the kyng.

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Blacke Friers by Ludgate builded
Bosten belmished with fyre
The great conduit in cheape.
About whiche tyme also, beyng the vij. yeare of hys reigne. CCXC. vij. Iewes for money clippyng were put to execution. In which same yere began first the foundation of þe black friers by Ludgate. And the town of Bostē was greatly wasted the same yere wt fire. The halfe peny & farthings, began first to be coyned the selfe time, whiche was the viij. yeare of his reigne. The great conduict in Chepe began the fourth yeare after to be made. an. 1284. MarginaliaWestminster church finishedAnd the yeare next folowyng the new worke of the church of Westminster (begon, as is afore premonished in þe third yeare of Henry. iij.) was finished, which was lxvi. yeres in edifiyng. MarginaliaThe Iewes banished the realmeThe Iewes wer vtterly banished this realme of England the same tyme, for which þe commons gaue to the kyng a fiftene. an. 1291.

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After that the countrey of Wales, was brought in a ful order & quiet, by the hewyng downe of their woodes, and casting down their old holdes, and building of new, which all was brought to a perfect end, about the xxiiij. yeare of this kynges reigne: then ensued an other broyle as great or greater with Scotland:  

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War with Scotland

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

to the great disquiet of the kyng and the realme of Englād, many yeares after. This trouble first began, by the death of Alexander kyng of Scottes, who dyed without issue left alyue behynd him. Although Fabiane in the vij. booke of his Chronicle affirmeth, that he left iij. daughters, the eldest maried to syr Ihon Baliol: the second to Robert Bruze, the third to one Hastynges. MarginaliaA place in Fabian corrected.But this in Fabiane, is to be corrected as whiche neither standeth with it selfe, & is clearely reuinced by the witnes and history of Robert Auesbury, and also of Gisburne.

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For fyrst, if king Alexander had left his eldest daughter maryed to syr Iohn Bailol, then what controuersie might ryse among the Lordes about succession, needing so diligent and anxious decising by the king of Englād. Secondly, what clayme or title could the king of Norway haue to the crowne of Scotland, which was one of the chalengers, clayming the sayd crowne in the behalf of Margaret the Neece of the foresayd king Alexander her grandfather, if the eldest daughter of the father had bene left alyue? MarginaliaEx Roberto Auesbury, & Gualtero Gisburnensi.Thirdly, what can be more playne, whē by the affirmance of the foresayd story it is testified, that king Alexander had two wyues. Of the second wherof he had no issue. Of the first he had two children: Alexander which dyed before his father, and Margaret maried to the king of Norway, whiche dyed also before her father, of whō came Margaret the Neece of Alexander, & daughter of the king of Norway afore mencioned. And she also dyed in the iourny betwene Norway and Scotland, the fourth yeare after the decease of her graundfather. Wherefore, as thys matter standeth most cleare, so let vs now returning from whence we digressed, prosecute the rest that foloweth. MarginaliaLacke of succession, what disturbance it worketh in a realme.After that Alexander thus as is sayde, departed without issue, and also Margaret hys Neece in Norway was deceased: þe matter came in a great doubt among the nobles of Scotland (especially xij. by name) to whom the ryght of the crowne shoulde next pertayne. After much variance among parties, at length the election and determination of the matter was committed to the iudgement of king Edwarde of Englande: MarginaliaThe kyng of England proued by old recordes, chief head and soueraigne of Scotland.who after sufficient proofe made to the Scots and firme euidence, brought out of all the auncient histories both of England and Scotland, testifying from time to tyme that he was chiefe head & soueraygne of the realme

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