Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Edward. 1. Proceße of Fraunce against the pope.

deth both God and all men, I aske and require, as instātly as I can, and beseche you my Lorde and king aforesayd, that ye would declare to the prelates, doctors, people, and princes your brethren in Christ, and chieflye to the Cardinals and all Prelates, and call a councell. In the which (when this foresayd wicked man is condempned) by the worshipfull Cardinals: the church maye be prouided of a shephearde, and for that councell I offer my selfe ready, lawfully to pursue the foresayd things. And where as the sayd man being in highest dignitie in the meane time cannot bee suspended of his superiour, therefore he ought to be taken suspended in deede for the thinges aforesayd, seing his state is called into iudgemēt by the meanes aforesayd.

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I beseche and require the sayd Cardinals by you, & I presently require them and the churche of God, that this wycked man beyng put in pryson, the Churche of Rome may be prouided of a Vicar, which may minister those thinges that shall appertayne, vntill the church of God be prouided of a bishop, vtterly to take away al occasion of a schisme. And least the sayde wicked man should let and hynder the prosecuting thereof, I require these thinges of you my Lord king aforesaid, affirming you to be bound to do thys for many causes. First for faythes sake. Secondlye, for your kinglye dignitye, to whose office it belongeth to roote out such wicked men. Thirdly, for your othe sake, which ye made for the defence of the churches of your realme, which the foresaid rauener vtterly teareth in peeces. Fourthlye, because ye be the patron of the churches, and therfore ye ar not bound onelye to the defence of them, but to the callyng for agayne of their goods, which the foresayd man hath wasted. Fyftly, ye following the footesteps of your auncetors, ought to deliuer your mother the romish church, from so wicked a band, wherein by oppression she is tyed bound. I require that a publicke instrument may be made of these requestes by the Notaries here present, vnder the wytnes of the woorshipfull men that be here present. These thinges were done & spoken as is aforesayd at Paris in the kinges house of Lupara.

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After this protestation of maister Nagareta, immediately insued the appeale of the kyng, pronounced and published against þe said Boniface, in forme as foloweth

¶ The appeale made by the king and the louers of the realme agaynst Boneface.

MarginaliaThe appellation of the French kyng and nobles against pope Boniface 8.JN the name of God Amen. In the yeare of our lord 1303. indictione prima. 13. day of Iune, and the. 9. yere of the popedome of Boniface pope the. 8. By the tenour of this present publique instrument, be it vnto all men knowen: that the most noble prince and Lord Philip by the grace of God, king of Fraunce, the famous and reuerend fathers in Christ, archbishops and bishops, religious men, abbots and priors here vndernamed, in the presence of vs common Notaries here vnder wrytten, specially called and required for this purpose, as it is cōtayned in the subscriptions here vnder, the famous and noble men, the Lorde Lewes, sonne of the French king Gwido of saint Paule, and Iohn Drocem earles, and William of Plesiano Lord of Vitenob. knight: Moued as they sayd with a feruent fayth, with affection of syncere loue and zeale of charitye to be shewed to the holye Romishe churche, and hauing pitye from their hart on their mother the vniuersall church, which as they sayde is oppressed daungerously vnder the rule of the said lord Boniface, and suffereth outragious defasing and losse: and piteyng the right faith (as they say) in which stands the saluation of soules, and which (alas for pitie) in theyr times miserably pyneth away, & perisheth for the lacke of wholsō gouernment of the church through all christēdome: and earnestlye taking paynes, as they sayde, for the repayring and inhaunsing of the catholicke fayth: specially, seing it was necessary for the same church, forthe foundation of the fayth, and health of the soules, that none should rule the folde of the Lordes flock, but the true and lawfull shepehearde: and also because the same church was the spouse of Christ that hath no spot nor wrincle, all errour, offence, wyckednes and wrong should be put away, and saluation, peace, and quietnes through Gods mercye might bee procured to the whole world, which they say lyeth in warres and darknes by the wicked dedes, cursed workes, and hurtful examples of the sayd Boniface: They sayde and layd agaynst the sayd Boniface, heresie, and other diuers horrible & cursed faultes, wherein they affirmed hym to be tangled, & commonly and notoriously reported, the king him selfe being present, with archbishops, bishops and other Prelates and churchmen (whiche were assembled for to entreate of their own matters, and matters of theyr churches) besyde Barons, Earles, and other noble men, whose names are vnder wrytten.

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The sayd William propounded, and obiected agaynst him, swearing by the holy Gospell of God, which he corporallye touched, that he coulde proue all and euery the premisses to be true. And the sayd William of Plesiano sware further thys othe, that he beleued he coulde proue the premisses, and that he would pursue to the fufll ende agaynst the sayd Boniface in the generall counsell, where, whan, and afore whom soeuer of ryght it ought to be done: requyring earnestlye the sayd Lorde king as a champion of the fayth, and defendour of the church: that for declaring of thys truth to the prayse of Gods name, to the increase and promoting of the catholike fayth, to the honour and wealth of the vniuersall church and of all christian people, and the congregation of the sayd generall councell: that he would helpe and bestowe hys profitable labour, with souldiors and other lyke, for the loue of men, and zeale to iustice (because his kinglie house was euer a ruler of the truthe) and that he woulde earnestlye requyre the Archbishops, Bishops, and other prelates, and that he would be effectuallye instante with them. The Earles and knightes them selues besaught earnestlye many of the same prelates (as they were pillers of the church and þe fayth) that they would helpe and effectually bestowe their labour to the calling, and assembling of the sayd councell, by all wayes and meanes lawfull according to the ordinaunces of the holy fathers and decrees of the canons. But when the prelates heard and fully vnderstoode such obiections, oppositions, and requestes, as is aforesayd: and considered that such a matter not onely was most harde but neded wyse counsel: they departed out of the same place. But on the Friday next following. i the 14. daye of the same moneth of Iune, the foresayd Lorde king being present and also the Lordes, Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, & many witnes here vnder writtē the same time being present, and in the presence of vs cōmon notaries here subscribed, and being specially called and required for thys purpose: the foresayd William of Plesiano knight sayd, propounded, affirmed, obiected, and red, as was contayned more fullye in a certaine paper which he helde in hys hand, whose tenor was after this sorte.

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I William of Plesiano knight, say, propound, and affirme, that Boniface which now ruleth the Apostolicall see is a rancke heretike in heresies, and by heresies, outragious dedes, and wicked doctrines hereafter to be declared, which thynges to be true I beleue I am able to proue: or els, such thynges as these shall be sufficient to proue hym a full hereticke, in a conuenient place and tyme, and afore whom of ryght thys can or ought to be done. Thys thing I sweare on the holy gospell of God presently touched of me.

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First that he beleueth not the immortalitie of men and of Christen soules, but thinking much lyke as the
