Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Edward. 1. The appeale of the French K. and bishops frō the pope. Actes and Mon. of the church.

writinges followyng, and were red to them that heard it, whose tenour is such.

MarginaliaThe appeale of Phillip the French kyng from the pope.We Philip by the grace of God, hearing and vnderstanding þe obiections propounded by our beloued faithfull knight William of Nagareta, agaynst Boniface now hauing the regiment of the Romishe church: although we would gladlye couer with our owne cloke, the filthy partes of such a father: yet for the loue of the catholicke fayth and great deuotion that we beare to the holy Romishe and vniuersall church our mother, and all faythfull men and spouse of Christ, following the steppes of our auncestors, which doubted not to shed their own bloud for the encrease and defence of þe churches libertie and the fayth: and coueting to prouide for the puritie of fayth and the state of the church, as also to auoyde the hurt of the generall slaunder, being not able to passe ouer any longer þe premisses with wincking and dissembling, and my conscience driuing to þe same: seing this estimat and opinion of hym in these matters, is not rashlye of vs conceaued, but vehemently & playnlye increased by many and continuall cryengs of credible men, and greate authoritie oft and often tymes beaten vnto vs, fearing moreouer the destruction of þe faith, both of vs, and of all other subiectes, and speciallye of kings and princes of the world, which ought to reproue negligence, which acknowledge that we haue receaued power geuen vs from the Lorde, to the promoting and increasement of it, we agree to your requestes in thys behalfe, and to the calling and assembling of a councell for the glorye of God (sauyng the honour and reuerence that is due to the holy Romyshe church in all thynges) wherby the truth may appeare in the premisses, and all errour auoyded: that the state of the vniuersall church & all christianitie and the matters of fayth, and the holy land may be prouided for, and the slaunders and ieoperdies hanging ouer vs may be withstanded: we be ready & offer our selues gladly, as much as in vs is, to bestowe our labour and diligēt payne therabouts. Earnestly requiring and beseching in the mercifull bowells of Iesu Christ, you Archbishops and other prelates here presente, as children of the churche and pillers of faith, called of the Lorde to the promoting, encrease, and preseruyng thereof, to care for the same: that with all diligence ye woulde geue heede, as becommeth you, and effectually ye would labour by alwayes and fit meanes, to the calling and assemblyng of this councell, in whiche we intend to be personally present. And least the said Boniface, whiche hath boldely and wrongfully many times threatned to procede against vs, stoppyng & hindring our purposes & intent: least any of his workes of darkenes (if there be any) should come to light, directly or indirectly hinderyng the callyng and gathering of this councel: or least any state being in the same realme þt will in dede procede agaynst vs, or our state, churches prelates, Barones and other faithfull vassals, our subiectes, our landes, or our realme, and the state of the realme: by abusing any spirituall sword, in excommunicating, suspendyng, or otherwayes by any meanes for vs and our welwillers, & them that will follow vs: we prouoke and appeale in writing to the foresaid general coūcel (which we instantly desire to be called) and to one lawful chief bishop þt shalbe, or to any other to whō we shuld appeale: and yet not going from the appellatiō made by maister William of Nagareta, to whō we sticked then, and also yet sticke: requiring earnestly, a witnes of our appellation of you prelates and notaries, expressedly to renewe such prouocation and appellation, when and afore whom it shall be thought mete to you.

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Than the Archbyshops within written, Bishops, Abbots, and Priors, aunswered the premisses (as it is founde in the actes) prouoked, and appealed, agreed to, and protested, and made prouocation, and appellation,agrement, and protestation, as is contayned more fully in a certayne paper there openly and playnly red, whose tenor followeth with these wordes.

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MarginaliaThe protestation of prelatesWe Archbishops of Nicosien, Remen, Senoren, Narbonen, turonen, and bishops of Landuiren, Belnacen, Catolacen, Antisiodoren, Meldimen, Nurmen, Carnoten, Aurelianen, Ambiauen, Morinen, Silanen, Andeganen, Abricen, Constant, Ebroicen, Lexonicen, Sagien, Caloromont, Lemonicen, Auicen, Masticoren, And we Abbots of Cluniac, premostraten, of the greatest monasterie of the court of S. Dionise in Fraunce, Camped S Victors. S. Genoueue, S. Marten, Landmoon. Figiacem and Bellicem in Lemocinio, and Fryer Hugh visiter of the houses of the order of knightes of the temple of S. Iohn in Ierusalem in Fraunce, and the father Prior of S. Martyn in the fieldes, hearing these thynges which were sayd propounded, and obiected yesterday, and to day, by you the Lordes, Earles, and William aforesayd, agaynst the Lorde Boniface the 8. and Pope, being moued with such sayengs, purposes, assertations, and your othes, your request and other lawfull causes: and were compelled by neede, considering that the matter of our fayth which is Christes, is handled in the premisses. We that be called to parte of thys care, to the defence and maintenaunce of the fayth and soules of the realme, althoughe vnworthye, yet coueting to withstand the ieoperdies that hange ouer vs by reason of the premisses and other causes, thinking the calling and gathering of the sayd councell profitable and necessarye, that the innocencie of the Lorde Boniface himselfe may clerely be discussed, as we desyre (our consciences bearing witnes) that it may be determined on hym by þe councel, touching such things as are laid against him, & that may bee done which they decree according to the canons. We aunswere you our Lorde kyng, and you our Lordes, Earles, and William, that (the honour and reuerēce of þe holy Romish church salued in all poyntes) we agree to your due requestes in thys behalfe for the calling of the councell, and are readie to geue helpe and diligent labour to the calling and gathering of the sayd councell, according to the decrees of the holy fathers, and to the lawfull orders of the canons: not intending by any meanes, to make parties of thys matter, nor to stick to any that maketh parties. Yet least the sayd Boniface being moued or prouoked by these things, as we feare by likely coniectures & threatnings made, against vs for the foresayd thynges, that he will procede against our parish churches and our subiectes by some meanes, or cause to procede agaynst vs by some authoritie of his owne or others by excommunication, suspension, interditing, deposing, depriuing, or by some other meanes and colour sought to some impeachment or trouble of the sayde councell, MarginaliaThe bishops of Fraunce appeale for P. Boniface to a general coūceland that we maye sitte in the same councell to iudge and doe all other thynges, that belong to the office of prelates: that our frendes that sticke to vs and would sticke to vs in all thynges maye remayne safe, for our selues, our paryshe churches, our subiectes and them that sticke to vs, or woulde sticke to vs, in this behalfe: we prouoke and appeale in writing to the foresayd councell, that is to be gathered, and to him that shall be the true and lawfull highest bishop, and to hym or them to whome of ryght we should appeale to, and earnestlye require our appellations, committyng vs, our paryshe churches, oure subiectes, frendes, and them that sticke to vs, our state and theirs, our right and their goods, to the godly defence of the foresayd coūsel, and of him that shalbe the true and lawfull hyghest bishop: and we protest to renewe this appellation, where, when, and afore whom, it shall be thought mete.

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This was done at Paris at Lupara in the chamber of the sayd Lord our kyng, Indictione prima þe 9. yere of his Popedome, the dayes of thursday and friday afore-
