Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Edward. 2. Notes answering to Bishop Eduens reasons. Actes and Mon. of the church.

MarginaliaPag 447. col. 2 lin. 60Pag. 447. col. 2. Abell offered of the best to the Lord, & was blessed of god. Ergo. euery great mā, þt would be blessed of God, must offer of the best he hath vnto the church. Answ. This argument as it is farre fet: so it is sooone aunswered. Wherin three notes are to be obserued.

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Marginalia3 Things to be noted, in offring to God & to the church.First, that he which offereth vnto the churche of God, doth not therin offer vnto God immediatly as Abel did.

Secondly, neither is this to be graūted, that he which offereth to all churchmē, offereth by and by to the church of God. For many tymes the churchmē are one: and the church of God is an other. Laurēce the martyr shewing forth the churche of God, brought out the poore of the parish, and not the priests of the church. pag. 102. col. 1.

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The thyrd note is this: that if noble persons should offer vnto God (by the example of Abell) that whiche is the best and fattest of the flocke: then should they offer vnto the Lord, of their flocke onely, and not of their lands. Yea and to note the very truth, they are taught thereby to offer to God, neither cattel nor landes, but that which is the very best, that is, theyr own bodies for a lyuely sacrifice to God. MarginaliaRom. 12.He that offered vp to God a proude hart, and kylleth it with the axe of humilitie, geueth vnto him the best and fattest bullocke he hath in all hys flock. With like reason I answer also the place of Numeri. 18. and of Paral. cap. vlt.

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MarginaliaPag 447. col. 2. lin. 66.that to offer vppe, or to separate vnto the Lordes treasury, is not now to geue to priests and chaplens of the church, whych peraduenture haue more then they do well occupy: but to geue liberallye to the cōmunion of sayntes, which are needy & are the true treasurye of the church in dede, as Laurence þe true treasurer sayd. supra pag. 102.MarginaliaPag. 448. col. 1. lin 48.Pag. 448. col. 1. lin. 48. By Gods commaūdement were are boūd of duty to honour our temporal fathers. Ergo, by the same duty we are bound muche rather to honour our syirituall fathers, that is priestes and prelates. Answer. A father in common speche is diuersly taken as by age, by nature, by office. And to all these we of dutye, are bound to yelde honour, reuerence, obedience and submission, albeit not all after one sort, nor in lyke degree. For as we are bound to honour our father and mother: so aged men and elders haue also their honour and name of fathers. So Magistrates and spirituall teachers in their kynd, haue theyr honour & reuerence. And S. Paul saith, Marginalia1. Tim. 5.that such are worthy of double honour, qui bene præsunt, & qui laborāt in sermone, Marginalia2. thinges to be noted in geuing honour, wherin consisteth honour geuyng to priestes.But in thys two things are to be noted wherin thys honour cōsysteth, & how fare it extēdeth. These spiritual fathers of the church, thynke they be not honoured inought, vnles kyngs and Emperours geue and surrender vnto them all the temporall rule and gouernment, to do what they list, and none to controle thē. And vnles noble men and subiectes indue them with temporall landes and possessions, so muche as they woulde haue. And thys they can honour, which they defyne onely by geuing temporally where in deede it rather consisteth in geuing spiritually, as to haue a reuerent opiniō of their ministratiō, to yeld a prompt obedience to theyr doctrine, to reuerence them as the ministers of god, and not to despise, diffame, or molest theyr persons, whereof S. Paule also about the same place speaketh, writyng to Timothe. Let no man despise thy youth. &c. Marginalia1. Tim. 5.Also to Titus. 2. Let no man despise thee. &c. And this is to honour our spirituall fathers.MarginaliaTitus. 2.

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Secondly to consider how far this honour extendeth: as no man doth deny, but thse pastors are worthy their double honour, which rule wel: MarginaliaQui bene præ if they administer not their office well, they are vnder the ouersight of the king bearing the temporall sword, worthy of double punishment. And yet to consider this double honour in thē that rule wel, how far it doth extend: MarginaliaHow far honor geuē to prieste extendeth.if it be compared to the honour due to our parentes, case of necessity wyll soone decide it. For be it, that our parents, on the one syde, and pastor on th eother, stand in exteme neede of the sonnes supportacion, wherin he can helpe but the one: nature, I suppose, wyll and ought sooner runne, and the worde of Christ wyll and ought sooner runne, and the worde of Christ wyll sooner dryue vs to oure father, then to the priestes Corban. Marc. 7. MarginaliaMark. 7.So that thys distinction here may haue place: that as the one standeth vpon merite of vertue: so that other stādeth vpon mere duty of necessity.

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MarginaliaPag. 449. col. 1. lin. 7.Pag. 449. col. 1. lis. 7. these iurisdictions temporall and spirituall are cōpatible in one person. Aunswer, I graūt pro ratione subiecti. That is, in the subiect it selfe there is no cause to the contrary, but these two vocatiōs may be exercised both of one person, as they haue been of the pope, one after the other (and so may contrary formes also) and yet the popes persō hath been able to susteine them bothBut now here is to be cōsidered, not what the nature of the subiect is able to beare by logicke, but what order is takē herein by the wil of God, whose order is this: That they, whiche with Peter, are called to the fedyng of the flock, should leaue their fishing nettes, and fish for men: and that they whiche labour in the warfare of the Lord, should not intangle thē selues with the busines of thys life, wherby they may be more free to please hym, whose souldiours they are. Tit. 2. &c.MarginaliaTit. 2.

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MarginaliaPag. 449. col. 1. lin. 31.
2. formes not contrary, may be compatible in one subiect.
Pag. 449. col. col. 1. lin. 31. The iurisdictions temporal and spirituall are so distincted that they are not contrary &c Aunswere. And what let is there then,but our quene now, & other kings hereafter may haue the gouernemēt of both states as well ecclesiasticall, as temporall? Seing both the formes being cōpatible, may cōcurre both in one subiect: why not as wel in the person of the kyng, within the realme, as in the persō of þe pope wtout the realme?

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MarginaliaPag. 449. col. 1. lin. 65.Pag. 449. col. 1 lin. 65. God after the creatiō of þe world, &c. vnto Noes tyme. &c. Aunswere. Yf God vnto Noes tyme gouernynge the worlde as kyng, gaue sentence himselfe agaynst Cam (as he say) how then did he that by the ministery of angels? Yf he did it by the angels his ministers: Whether is more like thē that to make for the pope, or rather for kings & princes, whom the scripture thrise in one chapter, calleth the ministers of God to execute punishment to him, that doth euill. Rom 13.MarginaliaRom. 13.

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MarginaliaPag. 449. col. 1. lin. 70
Noe was priest, and had both iurisdiction in the Arke
Pag. 449. Noe also whiche offered. &c. Answ. Yf offering of burnt sacrifices to God do make a priest, thē was Cain also, Abell, Abrahā, Isaac, & all patriarches priests. Yf he had both tēporall & spirituall iurisdiction vpō thē, which were in his Arke: I meruel why he did not curse thē the disobedient crow þt returned not to him agayne.

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MarginaliaPag. 449. col 2. lin. 2Pag. 449. col. 2. 2. Melchisedech likewise. &c. Aunswere Melchisedech properlye dyd beare a figure of Christ, both kyng and priest, and of none other.

MarginaliaPag. 450. col. 1. lin. 1.Pag. 450. col. 1. A. I haue geuē to me. &c. Answere that Christ had all power geuen hym, no man doubteth: but yet þe same Christ sayth, that his kyngdome is not of thys worlde. Neither would he be made a kyng in thys world. &c. Nec eripit mortalia, qui regna dat cælestia, bymn.

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MarginaliaPag. 450. col. 1. lin. 26.
Pag. 450. col. 1. B. Whom Christ made his vicar. &c. Answ. Here in one lyne be. ij. lyes. For neyther had Peter the very same power in heauen and earth, as Christ had, neyther was he the vicar of Christ.

MarginaliaPag. 450. col. 1 lin. 28
Pag. 450. col. 1. C. As the offence of Ananias & Saphyra was not temporall but spirituall: so dyd Peter kill them not iudicially that is, as a temporall iudge. but spiritually, that is, by the power of the spirite, which spirite wrought by him, not as by a iudge, but as a minster. And although this acte of Peter was extraordinary, for a singular example: yet notwithstanding let any prelate with the lyke power of spirit, so do, and none will blame hym.

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MarginaliaDPag. 450. col. 1. D. And so likewise the condemnation of Paule agaynst the Corinthian was onely spirituall & not temporall.

MarginaliaPag. 450. col. 1. lin. 47.
Pag. 450. col. 1. lin. 47. E. must be referred to þe hearīg of þe church, for spiritual admonitiō, but not for tēporall iurisdictiō of the prelates.

Pag. 450. col. 1. F. All thinges that the true church doth truely bynde are bound. I graunt: but first let the pope proue hys church to be the true church, & himselfe to be the vniuersall head therof, and then let him claime the keyes.

Ibid. The ij. swordes do as much signifie the ij. regiments: as to the ij. fishes wheriwth Christ did feede 4000. persons.

Ibid. Christ had Peter put vp his sword & not to cast it away. Ergo, the church may haue the temporall sworde. Aunswere. God geue you good morowe, I haue brought you a capon.

MarginaliaPag. 450. col. 2.Pag. 450. col. 2. I. Know ye not the sainctes. &c. Aunswere. S. Paule here willing the Corinthians to pleade their matters not before the heathen, but before the sainctes: meaneth the faythfull of the congregation, not onely prelates.

K In them was not the lyke reason. &c. Answere. I graunt, for Christ and true Christians is oneo thyng: Antechrist and hys church is an other thyng.

Ibid. As ye say, the Apostles had no laysure to take lands and possessions, for preaching: but now, for lordlye loytring you haue laysure ynough.

MarginaliaPag 451. col. 1. lin. 8.Pag. 451. col. 1. M. They are most fittest to beare temporall rule, which follow nearest to God. Prelates of the clergie followe nearer to God. Ergom Prelates of the clergie are more meetest to beare temporall rule.

Resp. If God here be taken for that god, which is called the belly. I graūt they seme to folow nearer. But if it be takē for the true God, not I but their own fruits, life, & doctryne, & Esay also would denie their minor, & say, that this people draweth nere to me with their lips, but their hart is far frō me.

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MarginaliaPag. 451. col. 1. lin. 55.Pag. 451. col. 1. You are a chosen generation, a royall priesthoode &c. Aus. This place of Peter was written not onely to persons ecclesiasticall, but to the whole congregation of the sainctes disparsed, as the wordes following may declare. Qui eratis quodam non populus.

And thus much concernyng French matters, which because they be ecclesiastical, and beare with them some vtilitie to the diligent reader (such as list to search, not and obserue the actes of men, and course of religion) I thought therfore here to place and adioine next after, the other contention before proceadyng betwene Philippe þe

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