Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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Actes and Mon. of the church. K. Edward. 3. Archb. of Cant. Letters betwene the Emp. and K. Edw.

mo, may safly come and resorte: and there also to make search and enquirie, in whose hands after the beginning of your warres, the money and what thyng els so euer, whiche was graūted vnto you in ayde of the same your warres, vntill this present day, doth remaine and is not layd out agayn, as also by whose default you wer so enforced to leaue the sayd siege of Tourney: & those which shalbe found in any point faulty & gilty therein against you as a good Iusticer, your grace wyl cause to be punished accordyng to the law: and in so much as appertayneth vnto vs therin, we aske iudgemēt of our peeres (the state alwayes of holy church, of vs, and of our order reserued inuiolate) according as we haue writtē vnto you herein. And for gods sake Syr, beleue not either of vs or any other your true subiects els, more thē that you shal vnderstande the veritie of: for if men should be punished without makyng aunswere to that, whiche is obiected agaynst them, ther should be then no difference in iudgement betwixte the good dooer and the badde. And Syr, may it please you wel to consider, of the great enterprise you haue in hand, the great good will whiche you haue nede of for thys cause, and of your great enemyes the Scottes, and the great ieoperdie of your realme besides. For, if your prelates, your nobles, & al þe wisemē of your realme, were of one minde and wil (without any discord or diuision amongest them) to dispose & set in order those thinges, whiche are nedefull in so great affaires and busines: they should haue all inough to beat their heades about, for the maintenance of your great enterprise begonne, the honour of you, & sauegarde of your realme. And Syr, may it please your grace, not to be displeased that so rudly and grosly we declare vnto you the veritie: for why, the great loue and affection whiche we beare vnto you and alwayes haue done the same: the preseruation of your honour and sauegarde of your realme, as also for that we are (although vnworthy) the primate of the whole realme of England: which thyng apertaining vnto vs by our office, and beyng your spirituall father, doth incite vs the rather both to say and cōmaunde that, whiche may turne to the benefite of your soule, and profite of your realme and kyngly estate. Thus the holy spirite saue you both body and soule, and giue you victory ouer all your enemies. Written at Caunterbury, þe first day of Ianuary, By your graces chapelein the archbishop of the same.

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MarginaliaThe returne of the kings army from Tourney.And thus stoode the case betwe the king and the archbishop of Canterbury, who comming thus (as is sayde) in secrete wise into Englande, from the siege of Tourney, his army in the meane while, by ships was conueied to litle Britain. Of whom a great number, through vnseasonable & inconuenient meates and drinkes, was there consumed. To whom also no lesse daunger happened by the seas comming out of Britaine into Englād, by tempest, thunder, and lyghtenyng styrred vp, as is thought, by the Necromansers of the French king. Marginalia1341.
Truce takē for 3. yeares, betwene king Edward and the French kyng.
About which season, approaching to the yeare of our Lord 1341,  

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Events of  1341-5

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

were sent from the pope twoo other Cardinals to entreate with king Edward for three yeares truce to be concluded more with the Frēch king, beside the former truce taken before for one yeare, and all by the Popes meanes. For here is to be vnderstande, that as it was not for the popes purpose, to haue the king of England to raigne ouer so many countries, so his priuye supportation lacked not, by all meanes possible both by hys archbishops and Cardinals, and also by the Emperour to maintaine the state of the French king, & to stablishe him in his possession. Ex Rob. Aues. ex Chro. Albanens.

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In the sayd histories where these thinges be mencioned, it is also noted, that the same yeare suche plentye there was here in the realme of vitails, that a quarterof wheate was sold for. vij. s. a fat oxe for a noble, and as some say a sheepe for. iiij.d. And thus far endureth the history of Ranulphus Cestrensis called Polychronicon.

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Marginalia1342The next yeare folowing, which was. 1342. Ludovicus Bauarus the Emperour, who before had shewed great curtesy to king Edwarde as in his firste viage ouer, in somuch that he made him his Vicar or Vicegerent generall, and offered hym also ayde agaynst the the French king: nowe (eyther turned by inconstancye, or seduced by the Pope) writeth to hym contrarye letters, wherein he reuoketh agayne the Vicegerentshyp graunted to him, and seeketh all meanes in the fauour of the French king, against king Edwarde: as by hys letters here vnder written, may better appeare.

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¶ The letter of the Emperour vnto the kyng of England.

LUdouicus, by the grace of God Emperour of the Romaines all wayes Augustus, &c. To Edward kyng of England his beloued brother, greeting and vnfayned loue. Although great and vrgent busines of our own do oppresse vs, and aboute the same our waightie affayres are daylye incombred: yet with the discorde & variance betwene your kingly dignitie and the renowmed Philip þe king of France our cosen, for your sake we are not a litle troubled. And the rather the great charges which may hereafter grow both to you & to your kingdō, therby considered both of men & mony vnles the same be taken vp: doth more earnestly prouoke vs to geue our self, to the carefull studie of your affayres. Wherefore, we geue you to vnderstand, that the foresayd Philip (at our request) hath geuē vnto vs by his letters, authoritie and power to entreate & conclude a peace betwene you, touching the variance begon: which peace (all the state diligently considered both of your self, your kingdome and subiects) we take & beleue to be right expedient for your mouyng therewithall youre charitye and earnestlye exhorting you, that to this also you will geue your consent: wherby we may bring you both to concorde & vnitie, and establishe betwene you a firme peace to endure, wherunto with willing minde we would applie ourself and bestow our painfull labour in prosecuting of þe same. And herin if you wil condescend & agree vnto our counsell, as we trust you will, It may please you by your letters to geue vnto vs the like authoritie as is abouesaid, to entreate a peace or ordering of a truce for one yeare or two at least to continew. Neither let it moue you, that betwene vs and the said Phillip of Fraūce a truce is taken. For seing that you without our consent tooke truce with him: we by the aduise of our princes which know þe bonds, dedes, & couenātes betwixt vs, who also thought no les but that sauing our honor we might do the same, haue also made a leage with þe said Philip K, of Fraūce, & for certaine causes doe reuoke and call backe the Lieftenātship which we assigned vnto you by our leters: Neuertheles geuing you for a certayn to vnderstād, þt in our sayde treaties and peace concluded we haue so brotherly considered you, that if you will agree and condescend vnto our counsell: your cause (by our meane & helpe) shalbe brought to good passe and effecte. About which thinges farther to confer with your brotherhood herein, we haue sent a deuoute and religious man Eliarhardus reader and brother of the order of þe Heremits of S. Augustine and Chapline of our courte: whom aboute the premisses we desire with spedie expedition to be sent to vs agayne. Dated at Franckford the. xiiij. day of Iune in the xxiiij. yeare of our reigne and xiiij. of our Empyre.

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¶ The answer of the king of England to the Emperor.

TO the high and mighty prince lord Ludouike, by the grace of God Emperour of the Romanes, alwayes Augustus, Edward by the same grace kyng of Fraunce, and England, and Lord of Irelande: salutacion & prosperous successe. We haue reuerētly receaued your highnes letters, amongest other thynges contayning, that the noble Philip de Valois (to thintent a peace and concord betwene vs and him might be concluded) hath geuen vnto you by hys letters full power and authoritye thereunto at your highnes request: And that if the same might content vs to do in lyke sorte, your highnes wold trauaile to bryng the concord to passe: And that it would

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