Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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K. Edward. 3. Marsilius Patauinus. W. Ockam. Ariminēsis. Dantes.

In writing the storie and the actes of Ludouicus the emperour, a litle aboue mention was made, Pag. 466. of certaine learned men which tooke þe Emperours part agaynst the pope. In number of whom was Marsilius Patauinus, Guliermus Ockam, Ioānes Gandauensis, Luitpoldus, Andreas Landensis, Vlricus Hangenor treasurer to the Emperour, Dantes, Aligerius, &c. MarginaliaMarsilius Patauinus, autor of the booke called defēsor pacis. Articles of Marsilius against the pope.Of whom Marsilius Patauinus compiled and exhibited vnto the Emperour Ludouicke, a worthye worke intituled Defensor pacis: written in the Emperours behalfe agaynst the pope. Wherin (both godly & learnedly disputing against the pope) he proueth, all bishops and priests to be equall: And that the pope hath no superioritie aboue other bishops, much lesse aboue the Emperour. That the worde of God ought to be only the chiefe iudge in decising and determining causes ecclesiasticall: That not onely spiritual persons, but lay men also being godly and learned, ought to be admitted into generall councells: That the clergie & the pope ought to be subiect vnto Magistrates: That the church is the vniuersitie of the faythfull, and that the foundatiō and head of the church is Christ, and that he neuer appoynted any vicar or pope, ouer hys vniuersall church: That bishops ought to be chosen euery one, by their owne church and clergie: That the mariage of priestes may lawfully be permitted: That S. Peter was neuer at Rome: That the clergie & Synagoge of the pope is a denne of theeues: That the doctrine of the pope is not to be followed, because it leadeth to eternall destruction: And that the corrupt matters of þe christians doe spring and flowe out of the wickednes of the spiritualtie, &c. MarginaliaMerites cause of saluation, sine qua non.He disputeth moreouer in an other work of free iustification by grace: And extenuateth merites, saying that they are no causes efficient of our saluatiō, but onely sine qua non, that is to say, that workes be no cause of our iustification, but yet our iustification goeth not without them. MarginaliaMarsilius condemned of the pope
Extrau. cap. Licet intra doctrinam.
For þe which his doctrine most sounde and catholike, he was condemned by the pope an. 1324. by the popes decree extrauagāt. cap. Licet intra doctrina. Concerning the which man and hys doctrine: I thought good thus much to commit to historie: to the intent men may see, þt they which chardge this doctrine now taught in the church with the note of noueltie or newnes, how ignorant and vnskilfull they be in the historie and order of tymes forepast.

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MarginaliaIoannes Gandanensis condemned by the pope.In the same part of condemnation at the same time, also was Ioannes de Ganduno. an. 1330. and contained also in the foresayd Extrauagant, with Marsilius Patauinus. Which Ioannes wrote muche vpon Aristotle and Auerrois, and are yet remayning. And no doubt but he wrote also of diuinitie, but not vnlike that these workes haue been abolished.

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MarginaliaGuillermus Ockam, wrote against the pope.In the same number and cataloge, cōmeth also Guillermus Ockam, who was in the yeare of our Lord. 1326 as is afore mentioned Pag. 466. and wrote likewise in defence of Ludouicus the emperour agaynst the Pope: MarginaliaMichael general of the gray friers, excōmunicated of the pope for an heretike.and also in defence of Michael Generall of Grayfryers, whom the pope had excommunicated and cursed for an heretike. Diuers treatises were by the saide Ockam set forth, whereof some are extant and in print, as his questions and distinctions: MarginaliaAscentioni in præfatione eius autoris.some ar extinct and suppressed (as Ascentius reporteth) quod essent aliquando asperiora. MarginaliaThe dialoge betwene the souldiors and the clarke, of Ockams makyng.Some againe be published vnder no name of the autor, being of his doing: as the dialoge betwene the soldiour and the clarke: wherein it is to be coniected, what bookes and workes this Ockam had collected against the pope. Of this Ockam Iohn Sledane in his history inferreth mention, to his great commendation, whose wordes be these: William Ockam in time of Ludouicus. 4. emperour did floorish, about the yeare of the Lorde. 1326. who among other thinges wrote of the authority of the bishop of Rome. In the which booke he handleth these. 8. questions very copiously: Whether both the administrations of the bishops office, and of themperours maye be in one man. 2. Whether themperour taketh hys power and autoritie onelye of God, or els of the pope. 3. Whether the pope & churche of Rome haue power by Christ, to set and place kinges and emperours, and to commit to them their iurisdiction to bee exercised. 4. Whether themperour being elected, hath full autoritie vpon the said his election, to administer his empire. 5. Whether other kinges beside themperour and king of Romanes, in that they are consecrated of priestes, receaue of them any part of their power. 6. Whether the sayd kynges in any case be subiect to their consecrators. 7. Whether if the said kinges shoulde admit anye newe sacrifice, or shoulde take to them selues the Diademe without anye further consecration, they should thereby lose their kingly right and title. 8. Whether the seuen princes electors geue as much to the election of themperour, as succession rightfull geueth to other kinges. Marginalia2. questions disputed by Ockam.Vpon these questions he disputeth and argueth with sundry argumentes and sundry reasons on both sydes, at length deciseth the matter on the part of the ciuill magistrate: and by occasion thereof, entreth into the mention of the Popes decrees Extrauagant, declaring how litle force or regard is to be geuen thereunto.

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MarginaliaGregorius Ariminensis mainteineth the same doctrine now receaued.
Ex Trithemio
Trithemius maketh mention of one Gregorious Ariminensis a learned and a famous and righte godlye man: who not much differing from the age of this Ockam, about the yeare of our Lorde. 1350. disputed in the same doctrine of grace and free wyll as we do now, and dissented therein from the Papists and Sophisters, coūting them worse then Pelagians.

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MarginaliaAndreas de Castro, and Buridianus both gospellers 100. yeres ago.Of the like iudgement and in the same tyme was also Andreas de Castro, as appeareth super lib. 1 Sentent. dist. 45 and Buridianus vpon the Ethiques of Aristotle: Which both, mayntayned the grace of the Gospel, as is now in the church receaued, aboue. 200. yeares synce.

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MarginaliaEudo duke of Burgundie against the popes decrees about. 200. yeres since.
Ex Charolo Molinæo.
And what should I speake of the Duke of Burgundie named Eudo, who at the same tyme, an. 1350. disswaded the French king not to receaue in his land the new found constitutions, decretall and Extrauagant, wythin his realme: whose sage counsaile then geuen, yet remayneth among the French kinges Recordes, as wytnesseth Charol. Molinæus.

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MarginaliaDantes an Italian writer against the popeDantes an Italian writer a Florentine, lyued in the tyme of Ludouicus themperour, about the yeare of our Lord. 1300 and tooke his part with Marsilius Patauinus agaynst three sortes of men, which he said were enemies to the truth: That is, the Pope: Secōdly, the order of religious men, which count them selues the children of the church, when they are children of the deuyll theyr father: Thirdly the Doctours of decrees and decretals. Certayne of his writinges be extant abroade, wherein he proueth the pope not to be aboue the Emperour, nor to haue any right or iurisdiction in the empyre. MarginaliaDonation of Constantine a thyng forged.He refuteth the Donation of Constantine to be a foreged and a fayned thing, as which neither dyd stand with any law or ryght. For the which, he was taken of manye for an hereticke. He complayneth moreouer verye muche, the preaching of Gods word to be omitted: and in stede therof, the vayne fables of Monkes and Friers to bee preached and beleued of the people: and so the flock of Christ to be fed not with the foode of þe Gospel, but with winde. The Pope saith he, of a pastor is made a woolfe, to wast the church of Christ, and to procure with hys Clergye not the word of god to be preached, but his own decrees. MarginaliaThe pope the whore of Babylon.In his canticle of purgatory, he declareth the Pope to be the whore of Babilon. And to her ministers, to some he applieth ii. hornes: to some. iiii. As to the patriarches, whom he noteth to be the tower of the said whoore Babilonicall. Ex libris Dantis Italice.

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MarginaliaEx lib. Iornandi.
Pope Antichrist
Hereunto may be added the saying out of the boke of Iornandus inprinted, with the foresayd Dātes: that for

T. iii.