Thematic Divisions in Book 4
1. Lanfranc2. Gregory VII3. William the Conqueror4. William Rufus5. Henry I6. Stephen and Henry II7. Frederick Barbarossa8. Thomas Becket9. Becket's letters10. Becket's martyrdom and miracles11. Events of 1172-7812. Waldensians13. Other incidents of Henry II's reign14. First year of Richard I's reign15. Strife at Canterbury16. Richard I and Third Crusade17. William Longchamp18. King John19. Henry III's early reign20. Innocent III and mendicant orders21. Papal oppression of the English Church22. Albigensian Crusade23. Hubert de Burgh24. Gregory IX25. Schism between Greek and Latin Church26. Papal exactions from England27. Louis IX on Crusade28. Frederick II29. Opponents of Papacy30. Robert Grosseteste31. Aphorisms of Robert Grosseteste32. Persecution of Jews33. Papal oppression and Alexander IV34. Conflicts in universities and mendicant orders35. Henry III and the barons36. Battle of Lewes37. Battle of Evesham38. End of baronial war39. Ecclesiastical matters and Edward prince of Wales goes on crusade40. Foreign events in Henry III's reign41. First seven years of Edward I's reign42. War with Scotland43. Philip IV and Boniface VIII44. Events of 1305-745. Cassiodorous's letter46. Pierre de Cugniere47. Death of Edward I48. Piers Gaveston49. The Despensers and the death of Edward II50. John XXIII and Clement VI51. Rebellion in Bury St. Edmunds52. Edward III and Scotland53. Edward III and Philip VI54. Edward III and Archbishop Stratford55. Events of 1341-556. Outbreak of the Hundred Years War57. Anti-papal writers58. Quarrel among mendicants and universities59. Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury
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Actes and Mon. of the church. K. Edward. 3. A table of the Archbishops of Cant.

son of the townesmen &c.

About the yeare of our Lord. 1354. The kyng with the consent of his coūsaile, reuoked home agayne out of Flaūders the Staple of Wulle, withall things thereūto appertayning, and stablished the same in sondrye places within the realme, namely in Westminster, Canterbury, Chichester, Bristow, Lincolne, and in Hulle. Which Staple after. an. 1362. was trāslated ouer into Calyce.

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MarginaliaAn holsome decree of a good Archb not to abstaine from bodely labour vpon certaine holydayes.Of Simon Islype archbishop of Cant. mentioned a litle before, pag. 487. I read in the said author aboue specified, that he by his letters patent directed to all persons & vicars within his prouince: straitly charged them and their parishioners vnder paine of excommunication, not to abstaine frō bodely labour, vpō certain saintes daies, which before were wonte to be hallowed and consecrated to vnthriftie idlenes. Item, that to priestes should be geuē no more for their yearly stipend, but iij. . vj. s. viij.d which made diuers of them to rob & steale. &c. an. 1362. MarginaliaA parliament.The next yeare following, which was. 1363. the foresayd king Edward kept his Parliament at London in the moneth of October: wherin was prohibited, no gold nor siluer to bee worne in kniues, gyrdles, brouches, ringes, or in any other ornament belonging to the body, excepte the wearer might dispende x. pound by yeare. Item, þt none should weare either silkes or costly furres, except such as might dispend C. pound by yeare. Also that marchaunt venterers shoulde not exporte ouer any marchaundyse out of the realme, or seeke for wynes in other countrey: wherby other nations shoulde be constrayned rather to seeke to vs. &c. But none of thys dyd take any great effecte.

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MarginaliaSimon Sudbury archb. of Cant.After this Simon Iselip as is aboue recorded, folowed Simon Langham, then W. Wyttelesey, after whō next in the place succeded Symon Sudbury.

MarginaliaThe Nuns of S. Bridgets order.Much aboute the same time, the Nunnes of S. Brigittes order beganne first. About which time also was builded þe Queenes college in Oxford, by Queene Phillipe of England, wife to kyng Edwarde the thyrd. circa an. domini. 1360.

Moreouer in the time of thys pope Innocent, Fryar Iohn Lyle bishop of Elie, moued with certayn iniuries (as he thought) done to him by the Lady Blanche, MarginaliaThis Lady Blanche was duchesse of Lācaster.made hys complaint to the Pope. Who sendyng downe hys curse to the bishop of Lincolne, and other prelates to be executed vpon the aduersaries of the bishop of Ely commaunded them, MarginaliaDead men excommunicated by the pope.that if they dyd know anye of the sayde aduersaries dead and buried (þt notwythstanding) they should cause the same to be taken vp: which also thei performed accordinglye, of whome some had beene of the kynges counsayle. Wherefore the king being dipleased and not vnworthely, did trouble and molest agayne the sayd prelates. This comming to the popes hearing, certaine were directed downe from the court of Rome, in the behalfe of the foresayd bishop of Ely: who meeting, with the bishop of Rochester the kinges treasurer, delyuered vnto him being armed, letters from the byshop of Rome, the tenour whereof was not knowen. Whych done, they incontinent auoyded away. But certayne of the kinges seruauntes pursuing, did ouertake them: MarginaliaThe popes messengers hanged in England.of whom some they imprisoned, some they brought to the Iustices, and so were condemned to be hanged. Wherin may appeare what reuerēce the popes letters in thys kinges dayes had in this realme of England. Ex chron. Auesb. MarginaliaThe feast of the speare and of the holy nailes.This pope Innocent ordeined the feast of the holy speare, and of the holye nayles.

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And here to make an end of this fourth booke, now remayneth after our order and custome before begon, to prosecute the rase of the Archbishops of Canterbury, in this foresayd fourth booke conteyned, begynnyng where before we left pag. 221. at Lancfrancus.  

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Table of the Archbishops of Canterbury

The Foxe Project was not able to complete the commentary on this section of text by the date by which this online edition was compiled (23 September 2008). This commentary will become available in due course from the 'Late Additions and Corrections' page of the edition.

¶ A table of the Archbishops of Cant. in this fourth booke conteined.
34 Lancfrancus. 19
Pol. Virg. lib. 9. numbreth this Lācfrancus to bee the 33. archb. But by the count of other autors (namely by þe chron. of the mōke of Douer) semeth to be deceaued as he was in the eight & twenty yeares of Dunstane, whiche in dede did sit but 19. or 20. at the most. This rrror of Pol semeth to come by leuyng out either Elsius, whiche was the 23. or by leauyng out Elfricus, which was the 26. as in some autors I finde.
Moreouer here is to bee noted, that although the sayd Elfricus wer left out, yet Lancfrancus can not be 23.
Note also, that in the table of the iii. booke before, after Siricius to put in Sāctus Aluredus. Whiche in the order of archb. I left out in the end of the iii. booke. pag. 221.
This Lancfrancus was an Italian, and and a stout champion of the pope. After his stubburne dissention with Thomas archb. of Yorke, he wrote agaynste Berengarius, intitulyng hys booke Opus Scintularum. pag. 225.
Also the same Lancfrancke buylded the new churche at Canterburye, and pluckt downe the old. By hym was buylded the church of S. Gregory. At length he was expulsed by kyng Wylliam Rufus.
35 Anselmus. 20Of this Anselmus, and the stryfe beewene him and the king, looke in the. pag. 239.
36 Radulphus. 8Vnder Rad. þe order of Cisterniās begā.
37 Gulielmus Curboil. 13By this W. the new worke of the church of S. Martins at Douer was builded.
38 Theobaldus. 24By this Theobald, monkes were fyrst brought into the church of Douer. He was expulsed by kyng Stephen. In hys tyme the Churche of saynt Gregory was burned at Canterbury.
39 Tho. Becket. 9
Of the lyfe and death of thys Becket, see the pag. 263.MarginaliaEx histor. Crikladensis.
Ex Crikladensi, Magnates in Anglia interdixerunt, ne quis martyrem Thomam nominaret, ne quis eius miracula prædicatet, interminantes minas mortis seu maximarum pænarum omnibus confitentibus eum fuisse martyrem, et miracula eius prædicantibus &c.
40 Richardus. 10This Richard was a monk: in his time, Christes churche at Canterbury was burned.
41 Baldwinus. 7Betwene thys Baldwyn and the Monkes was great discord. He susspended the Prior frō his priorship, and. xxii. moonkes from all seruice. He caused the superior with all hys adherentes to bee excommunicate through all Kent.
42 Hubertus. 14In the tyme of thys Hubert, the chappell of Lāhes was plukt down. Also the churche of Douer was burned.
43 Stephanus Lāghton. 22
This Stephen with the monkes of Cāterbury were expulsed by kyng Ihon.
This Stephen intēdyng to geue orders in the chappel of Lambeth, was stopped by the monkes of Cant. through their appeale and prohibitiō. Wherfore he required Eustace bishop of London, to minister the same orders in the churche of S. Paule.
In his tyme fell great variance betwene the monkes of Rochester, & the monkes of Cant. for the election of their bishop, which election the monkes of Canter. would not admitte, before the Rochester monkes had presented the byshops staffe in the churche of Cāt. so that both the churches sent their messengers to the court of Rome.
44 Richardus Magnus. 4
At the consecration of thys Richard cōtention rose betwene the bishop of Rochester, and bishop of Bathe, who should consecrate hym.
Item, betwene the sayd Richard and the monkes of Canterbury fell a greuous discord about certayne liberties belonging to the Archbishop.
The sayd Archbishop for certayne quarels agaynst the king, went vp to Rome, who dyed in Tuscia.