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world, but also in þe world to come. Ephes. I. In whose name euery knee hath to bend both in heauen and in earth, and vnder the earth, and euery toung to confesse our Lord Christ Iesus to bee the glory of God the father. Phil. 2.MarginaliaPhil. 2. In whom and by whom all thinges are made both in heauen and in earth, thinges visible, and inuisible, whether they be thrones, or dominations, or principates, or potestates, al are by him, & for him created, & he is before all, & all thinges consiste in him: who is the head of his body þe Church, the begynnyng & first borne frō the dead, in whom dwelleth al fulnes. Col. I. MarginaliaColos. 1.To whom the father hath giuen all iudgement, & iudgeth no mā him selfe any more. Ioan. 5. MarginaliaIoan. 5.To whom the father hath giuen all thinges to his handes. Ioan. 13. MarginaliaIoan. 13.To whom the father hath giuen power of all fleshe. Ioan. 17. MarginaliaIoan. 17.To whom all power is giuen in heauen and in earth. Mat. vlt. MarginaliaMat. vlt.In whom be all the promises of God Est et Amen. 2. Cor. 1.Marginalia2. Cor. 1.

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MarginaliaThe thyrd braunch.
The vertue and effect of Christes death, and what excedyng benefites procede therof.
3. Thirdly, hee declareth the vertue of hys Crosse and Passion, and what excedyng benefites procede to vs by the same. By whose bloud we haue redemption and remission of our sinnes. Ephes. 1. MarginaliaEphes. 1.By whose strypes we are made whole. Esay. 53. MarginaliaEsay. 53.By whose Crosse all thynges are pacified both in heauen and in earth. Col. 1. MarginaliaColos. 1.By whose death we are reconciled. Rom. 5. MarginaliaRom. 5.Who hath destroyed death, and brought life to light. 2. Timot. 1. Marginalia2. Timot. 1.Who by death hath destroyed hym, which had the power of death, that is, the deuil, and hath deliuered them which lyued vnder feare of death all their lyfe in bondage. Hebr. 2. MarginaliaHebr. 2.By whose obedience we are made iust: by whose rightuousnes we are iustified to lyfe. Rom. 5. MarginaliaRom. 5.By whose curse we are blessed, and deliuered from the maledictiō of the law. Gal. 3. MarginaliaGal. 3.By whose bloud we that once were farre of, are made nere vnto God. Ephes. 2. Who in one body hath reconciled both Iewes and Gentles vnto God. Ephes. 2. MarginaliaEphes. 2.Who by his flesh hath takē away the diuision & separation betwen God and vs, abolishing the law which was set against vs in preceptes & decrees. Ephes. 2. Who is our peace, our aduocate, & propitiation for the sinnes of the whole world. 1. Ioan. 2. Marginalia1. Ioan. 2.Who was made accursed for vs, and sinne for vs, that we might be the righteousnes of God in hym. 2. Corinth. 5. Marginalia2. Cor. 5.Who is made of God for vs, our wisedome, and righteousnes, and sanctification, and redemption. 1. Cor. 1. Marginalia1. Cor. 1.By whom we haue boldnes, and entraunce with all confidēce through faith in him. Ephes. 3. MarginaliaEphes. 3.Who forgiueth al our sinnes, and hath torne a peeces the obligation or hand writyng, which was agaynst vs in the law of commaundementes, and hath crucified it vpō the Crosse, and vtterly hath dispatched and abolished the same, and hath spoyled principates and potestates, as in an open shew of conquest, triumphyng ouer them openly in him selfe. Col. 2. MarginaliaColos. 2.Who iustifieth the wicked by fayth. Rom. 4. MarginaliaRom. 4.In whom we are made full and complete. Col. 2. MarginaliaColos. 2.&c.

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MarginaliaThe 4. braunch.4. The fourth braunch is, to teach and informe vs to whom these benefites of Christes Passion and victory do apperteine, and by what meanes þe same is applyed and redoundeth vnto vs: MarginaliaFayth onely þe meane cause of saluation & nothyng els.which meanes is onely one, that is, onely fayth in Christ Iesu, and no other thyng. Which fayth it pleaseth almyghty God to accept for righteousnes. And this righteousnes it is, which onely standeth before God and none other, as we are playnly taught by the Scriptures, and especially by the doctrine of S. Paul. Which righteousnes thus rising of fayth in Christ, S. Paul calleth þe righteousnes of God, where he writyng of hym selfe, vtterly refuseth the other righteousnes which is of the law, that hee might be found in hym, not hauyng his owne righteousnes, which is of the law, but the rightuousnes of Christ, which is of fayth. Phil. 3. MarginaliaPhil. 2.
The rightuousnes of the law.
Againe, the sayd Apostle writyng of the Iewes, which sought for righteousnes and found it not: and also of the Gentles which sought not for it, and yet found it, sheweth the reason why: because (sayth he) the one sought it as by workes and the law, and came not to it, who not knowyng the righteousnesof God, and seeking to set vp their owne righteousnes, did not submit them selues to the righteousnes which is of God: Marginalia The rightuousnes of the Gospell.The other, which were the Gentles, and sought not for it, obteyned righteousnes, that righteousnes which is of fayth. &c. Rom. 9. MarginaliaRom. 9.Also in an other place S. Paul in þe same Epistle writyng of this righteousnes which commeth of faith, calleth it the righteousnes of God, in these wordes: Whom God (sayth he) hath set vp for a propiciation by fayth in his bloud, whereby to make manifest the righteousnes, which is of him selfe in toleratyng our sinnes. &c. Rom. 3. MarginaliaThe place of S. Paule. Rom. 3. expounded.
Rom. 3.
By þe which righteousnes it is euident, that S. Paul meaneth the righteousnes of fayth, which almighty God now reueleth and maketh manifest by preachyng the Gospell. MarginaliaThe rightuousnes of faith, why it is called Gods rightuousnes.Wilt thou see yet more playnly this rightuousnes of God how it is takē in S. Paule, for the righteousnes of fayth, and therfore is called the righteousnes of God, because it is imputed onely of God to faith, and not deserued of man? In the same Epistle to the Romanes and in the 3. chapter aforesayd, his wordes be manifest: MarginaliaRom. 3.The righteousnes of God (sayth he) is by fayth of Iesus Christ, in all, and vppon all that do beleue. &c.

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MarginaliaA lesson out of S. Paules doctrine, of all Christians to be obserued.Wherfore who soeuer studyeth to be accepted with God & to be foūd rightuous in his sight, let him learne diligently by the doctrine of S. Paule to make a difference and a separation, as farre as from heauen and earth, betwene these two, that is, betwen the righteousnes of workes, and righteousnes of fayth: and in any wise beware he bryng no other meanes for hys iustification, or remission of his sinnes, but onely fayth apprehendyng the body or person of Christ Iesus crucified. For as there is no way into the house but by the doore, so is there no cōmyng to God but by Christ alone, which is by fayth. And as the mortall body, wtout bodely sustenaunce of bread & drinke can not but perish: so þe spirituall soule of man hath no other refreshyng, but onely by fayth in the body & bloud of Christ, whereby to bee saued. With this fayth the Idolatrous Gentles apprehended Iesus Christ, & receaued therby righteousnes. MarginaliaRom. 9.Cornelius the first Baptised Romane so soone as hee heard Peter preach Christ, MarginaliaAct. 10.
Saluation cōmeth onely by fayth.
receaued straight way the holy Ghost. Peter him selfe confessed, and for his confession had the keyes of heauen. Mat. 16. MarginaliaMat. 16.Zacheus receaued the person of Christ into hys house, and withall receaued saluation both to hym and hys whole houshold. Luc. 19. MarginaliaLuc. 19.What a sinner was Mary, which had no lesse in her thē vij. deuils, and yet because she set her hart and affection vppon that person, many sinnes were forgiuē her. Luc. 7. MarginaliaLuc. 7.The right hād theefe, how farre was he from all workes of the law, and yet by fayth entred he iustified into Paradise the same day with Christ. Luc. 23. MarginaliaLuc. 23.In lyke maner, although & poore, Publicane came to the Church with lesse holynes after the law, yet went he home to his house more iustified thē the Pharisey, with all his workes, and all by reason of fayth. Luc. 18. MarginaliaLuc. 18.The Parable of the prodigall sonne which was lost, yet reuiued agayne: Also of the lost groat, & of þe lost shepe which went astray & was found agayne, MarginaliaThat which is lost by the law, is recouered by fayth.what do these declare but that which is lost by the law, to be recouered by fayth and grace? And how oft do we read in the Gospels: Thy fayth haue saued the &c. Iesus seyng their belief &c.MarginaliaLuc. 18.
Mat. 9.
He that beleueth in me I will rayse him vp in the last day &c. Beleue also in me &c. MarginaliaIoan. 14.He that beleueth in me hath euerlastyng lyfe &c. Without me ye can do nothyng &c. He that is in me &c. He that loueth me &c. He that heareth me &c. He that abydeth in me &c. He that receaueth me &c. Onles ye eate my fleshe, and drinke my bloud &c. MarginaliaIoan. 14.
Ioan. 15.
Ioan. 6.
That they may receaue remißion of sinnes by their fayth in me &c. Act. 26.MarginaliaAct. 26. To him all the Prophetes giue witnes, to haue remißion of sinnes, whosoeuer beleueth in his name &c. Act. 10. MarginaliaAct. 10.He that beleueth, and is Baptised. Mat. vlt. MarginaliaMat. vlt.He that beleueth in me shall do the workes that I do, and greater then these &c.MarginaliaIoan. 14.

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MarginaliaThe writings of S. Paul, full of þe name of Christ Iesus.And lykewise in the writynges of S. Paule, how often do we heare the name of Christ almost in euery
