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K. Edw. 3. Notes out of the Parliament Rolles gainst the pope. Actes and Mon. of the church.

MarginaliaThe popes practise in England to make mony. tit. 108.19 That the pope for more gayne maketh sundry trāslations of all the Bishoprickes and other dignities within the realme.

MarginaliaThe popes Collector taketh the first fruites tit. 10920 That the popes collector hath this yeare taken to his vse the firste fruites of all benefices, by collation or prouision.

MarginaliaThe law of premunire to be renued. 30 Cardinals, wher was vsed to be but 12. and all the kings enemies saue 3. tit. 110.21 To renue all the statutes agaynst prouisors from Rome, sythe that the pope reserueth all the benefices of the world for his owne proper gyft, and hath this yeare created xij. new Cardinals, so as now there are thirty, where was wonte to bee but. xij. & all those Cardinals, except two or three, are the kings enemyes.

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MarginaliaAgainst the popes vsurpation. tit. 112.22 That the pope in time, will geue the temporall manors of those dignities to the kinges enemies, sithe he so dayly vsurpeth vpon the realme, & the kings regalities.

23 That all houses and corporations of religion, who vnto the kinges raygne nowe had free election of their heads, now the pope hath encroched the same to himself.

MarginaliaEnglish money paith the popes legacies, tit. 11324 That in all legacies from the pope, whatsoeuer: the English Clergy beareth the charge of the Legates, and all for the goodnes of our money.

MarginaliaNo good money in the realme for the pope and Card. tit. 114.25 And so it appeareth, that if the money of the realm were as plenteous as euer it was: the Collectors aforesayd, wyth the Proctors of Cardinals, would soone conuey the same.

MarginaliaThe popes collector or proctor dryuen out of the realme. tit. 115.26 For remedye hereof it maye be prouided, that no such Collector or Proctor do remayne in Englande, on payne of lyfe and mēber. And that no Englishe man on the lyke payne, become any such Collector or Proctor, or remayne at Rome.

MarginaliaThe popes collector to be examined.27 For better information hereof, and namelye touching the popes Collector, for that the whole Clergy being obediēt to him, dare not displease him: It wer good, that syr Iohn Strensale, person of S. Botulphes in Holborne, may be sent to come before the Lordes and commons of this parlament. Who being straytlye charged, can declare much more, for that he serued the same Collector in house fiue yeares.

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MarginaliaEnglish men good asses.¶ And thus much of this byll touching the popes matters, whereby it may appeare: not to be for nought that hath bene vpō vs reported by the Italians & other strangers, which vsed to call English men good Asses: for they beare all burdens that be layd vpon them.

MarginaliaOrder taken in London against vsury tit. 158.Item, in the saide parliament it was prouided also, that such order as is made in London agaynst the horrible vice of Vsurye, maye be obserued throughout the whole realme.

MarginaliaComplaint against the B. of Yorke and hys officers for their excessiue taking for admissiōs. tit. 171The commons of the dioces of Yorke complayne of the outragious taking, of the Bishop and his Clarkes, for admission of priests to their benefices.

¶ To these recordes of the parlament aboue prefixed of the. 50 yeare of this king Edward: we wil adioyn also other notes, collected out of the parliament, in the yeare next followyng, whych was 51. and last yeare of this kyngs life and raigne, an. 1377. the 27. of Ianuary: MarginaliaEx Archiuis Reg. Edouar. 3. an. regni. 51. tit. 36.
Against the popes prouisions frō Rome. an reg 51 tit. 36
Although in the printed booke, these statutes are sayd to be made at the parlament holden, as aboue, in the 50. yeare whiche is much mistaken, and ought to be referred to the 51. yeare, as by the recordes of the sayd yeare, manifestly doth appeare.

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In which parlament, the byshop of S. Dauids being Lord Chaūcelour, makyng a long Oration, takyng his theame out of S. Paul: Libenter suffertis insipientes. &c. MarginaliaThe effect of the Chauncellours Oration.Declaryng in the sayd Oration many thynges, as first in shewyng the ioyfull newes of the old kings recouery: then declaryng the loue of God toward the kyng and realme, in chastising him with sickenes: Afterward shewyng the blessing of God vpon the kyng, in seyng his childrēs childrē: Then by a similitude of the head & mēbers, exhorting the people as members to conforme thēselues to the goodnes of the head. Lastly, he turned his matterto the Lordes and the reste, declaryng the cause of that assemble: that for somuch as the Frēch kyng had allyed him selfe with the Spaniardes and Scottes the kynges enemies, whiche had prepared great powers conspiring to blotte out the English tongue & name: the kyng therfore was willyng to haue therin their faithfull coūsaile.

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MarginaliaThe cause of this parliament chiefly for the popes vsurpation against the kyng.Thys beyng declared by the Byshop: Syr Robert Ashton the kynges Chamberlan, declared that he was to moue thē frō the king, for the profite of the realme (the which wordes percase lay not in the byshops mouth, for þt it touched the pope) vz. By protestyng first that þe kyng was ready to do all that ought to be done for the Pope. But for that diuers vsurpations were done by the pope to the kyng hys crowne and realme, as by particular billes in thys parlament should be shewed, he required of them to seeke redresse.

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MarginaliaAgainst the popes prouisions frō Rome, an. reg. 51. tit. 38.In this present parlament petition was made by the commons, that all prouisors of thinges from Rome, and their ministers, should be out of the kynges protection.

MarginaliaThe kings aunswer.

Whereunto the kyng aunswered, that the Pope had promised redresse, which if he dyd not, the lawes then should stand.

MarginaliaAgainst the popes dispēsations, tit. 62.

It was also in that parlament required, that euery person of what sex soeuer, being professed of any religiō continuyng the habite of xv. yeares, may vpon the triall of the same in any of the kynges court, be in law vtterly forbarred of all inheritaunce, albeit he haue dispensation from the Pope. Agaynst whiche dispensation, is the chief grudge. Wherunto the kyng and Lordes aunswered, saying that they would prouide.

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Item, in the sayd parlament was propounded, that the statute of prouisors made at any time may be executed, and that remedy may be had agaynst suche Cardinals, as haue within the prouinces of Canterburye and York, purchased reseruations, with the clause of Anteferri,  

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That is a clause guaranteeing that one reservation to a benefice tookprecedence over all others.

MarginaliaBy this Anteferri that is, premunire is ment, the preeminence aboue the the value of. xx. or. xxx. thousand Scutes of golde against the Popes Collector: who was wont to bee an English man, and now is a mere Frenche, residing at London, and conueieth yearely to the pope. xx. thousand markes, or. xx. thousand poūd, who this yeare gathereth the first fruites whatsouer. MarginaliaThe popes law of preeminere, which mow we corruptly call premunire debarred by the K. tit. 78Alledging, the meanes to meete with these reseruations and nouelties, are: to cōmaund all straungers to departe the realme during the warres, þt no English man to become their farmour, or do send to them any money without speciall lycence, on payne to be out of the kynges protection: Whereunto was answered by the king, that the statutes and ordinances therefore made, should be obserued.

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MarginaliaEx Actis parlamētū in an. reg. Ed. tertij. 15. tit. 24In these rolls and recordes of such parlaments as was in this kinges tyme continued, diuers other things are to be noted much worthye to be marked, and not to be suppressed in silence. Wherin the Reader may learne and vnderstand, the state of the kinges iurisdiction here within this realme, not to be straightned in those dayes (although the Pope then seemed to be in his chiefe ruffe) as afterward since in other kinges dayes was sene. As may appeare in the parlament of the. xv. yere of this K. Edward the third, and in the. 24. article of the sayd parlament: where it is to be red, MarginaliaPunishmēt of the clergy in the temporall mens hāds.that the kyngs officers and temporall Iustices did then both punish vsurers, and impeached the officers of the church for bribery, and for taking money for temporall payne, probate of wylles, solemnitie of mariage. &c. all the pretensed liberties of the popish church to the contrary notwithstanding.

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MarginaliaClarks subiect to temporal law.Furthermore, in the parlament of the. 25. yeare, appeareth: that the liberties of the Clergy and their exemptions, in clayming the deliueraunce of men by theyr booke vnder the name of clarkes, stood then in litle force, as appeared by one Haukeryne Honby Knight: who for inprisoning one of the kinges subiectes, till he made fine of. xx. pound, was therefore executed, notwithstandyng the libertie of the Clergy, which by hys booke wold haue

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