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K. Edw. 3. The history of John Wickleffe.

kept in the church, he would haue stopped him out, from comming there.

MarginaliaThe words of the B. of London to the Lord Percy.At whiche wordes of the bishop, the duke disdainyng not a litle, aunswered to the bishop agayn and sayd: that he would kepe such mastrie there, though he sayd nay.

At last, after much wrastlyng they perced through & came to our Ladies chapell. Where the Duke and Barons were sytting together with the Archbishops and other bishops. Before whom the foresayd Ihon Wicleffe according to the maner, stode before thē, to know what should be layd vnto him. MarginaliaIohn Wickliffe bid to sit downe before the bishops.To whom first spake the Lord Percy, bidding him to sit downe, saying: that he had many thynges to aunswere to, and therefore had neede of some softer seat. MarginaliaWickliffe denied by the B. of Lōdon to sit downe.But the bishop of London cast eftsones into a fewmish chafe with those wordes, sayd: he should not sit there. Neither was it said he, according to law or reason, that he whiche was cited there to appeare to answere before his ordinarie, should syt downe, duryng the time of his answer, but should stand. MarginaliaStrife betwene the L. Marshal and B. of London. The people set in a stir.Vpon these words a fire began to heat and kindle betwene thē. In so much that they began to rate and to reuile one the other, that the whole multitude therwith disquieted, began to be let on a hurrey.

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MarginaliaStrife betwene the duke of Lancaster and bishop of London. The bishop ouergoeth the duke in skoulding.Then the Duke taking the Lord Percies part with hasty words, began also to take vp the Bishop. To whō the Byshop agayne nothyng inferiour in reprochefull checkes and rebukes, did render and requite not onely to him as good as he brought: but also did so farre excell hym, in this raylyng  

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This is a good example of Foxe taking his material from Walsingham, but reading a different interpretation into events.

arte of skoldyng, that to vse the wordes of mine autor, Erubuit Dux quod non potuit preualere litigio. i. þt the duke blushed & was ashamed, because he could not ouerpasse the bishop in brawling and rayling, and therfore fell to plaine threatning, minasing the Byshop, that he would bring downe the pride not onely of him, but also of all the prelacie of England. And speaking moreouer vnto him: MarginaliaThis B. of London was William Courtney sonne to the earle of Deuonshyre.Thou (sayd he) bearest thy selfe so bragge vppon thy parentes, whiche shall not bee able to helpe thee: They shall haue enoughe to doo to helpe them selues. For his parentes were the Earle and countes of Deuonshire. To whom the bishop again aunswered, that to be bold to tell truth hys confidēce was not in his parēts, nor in any man els, but onely in God in whō he trusted. MarginaliaThe duke threatneth to draw out their B by the heare out of the church. Londiners take part with their bishop.Then the duke softly whyspering in the eare of him next by him, said that he would rather plucke out the bishop by þe heyre of his head out of the church, thē he would take this at his hād. This was not spoke so secretly, but that the Londiners ouer heard him. Whereupon being set in a rage, they cried out, saying: þt they would not suffer their Bishop so contemptuously to be abused. But rather they would loose their lyues, then that he should so be drawen out by the heyre. Thus that councel being broken with skolding and brawling for that day, was dissolued before ix. of the clocke. And the duke with the Lord Percy went to the parlamēt. MarginaliaPetitions put vp in the Parliament against the citie of London.Where the same day before dyner a bill was put vp in the name of the kynge by the Lorde Thomas Wostocke, and Lorde Henry Percy, that the Citie of London should no more be gouerned by a Maior, but by a Captaine: as in times before. And that the Marshall of England should haue all the ado in taking the Arestes within the said citie, as in other cities beside, with other petitions mo, tending to the like derogation of the liberties of Londō. Which bill being read, stādeth vp Ihon Philpot burges thē for þe citie, saying to thē which read the bill, that was neuer seen so before: and adding moreouer that þe Maior would neuer suffer any such thinges or other areste to be brought into the citie, with mo such wordes of like stoutnes.

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MarginaliaHasty counsail of the Londiners.The next day folowing, the Londiners assembled thē selues in a counsaile, to consider among them vpon the bill for chaunging the Maior, and about the office of the Marshall, also concerning the iniuries done the day before to their Bishop. In whiche meane time they beyngbusy in long consultation of this matter, sodenly and vnawares entred in the place two certaine Lordes, whether to come to spye, or for what other cause, the autor leaueth it vncertain, the one called Lord Fyzwalter: the other Lord Guy Bryan. At the first comming in of thē, the vulgare sorte was ready forthwith to flee vpon thē, as spyes, had not they made their protestation with an othe, declaring that their comming in was for no harme toward them. And so were compelled by the citizens to sweare to the citie their truth and fidelitie, contrary to the whiche othe if they should rebell, contented to forfeyt what so euer goodes & possessions they had wtin the citie.

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MarginaliaThe Oration of lord Fizwalter to the Londoners.This done, then began the Lord Fizwalter in this wise to persuade and exhorte the citizens: first declaring how he was bounde and obliged to them and to their citie, not for the othe onely now newly receaued, but of old and auncient good will from hys great graundfathers time. Beside other diuers dueties, for the which he was chiefly bounde to be one of their principall fautors: for so much as what soeuer tended to their damage and detriment, redoūded also no les vnto his owne, for which cause he could not otherwise chuse, but that as he did and vnderstand to be attempted against the publike profite and liberties of their Citie, he must needes cōmunicate the same to them. Who vnles they with spedy circumspection, do occurre and preuente perils that may & are like to ensue, it would turne in the end to their no small incōmoditie. And as there wer many other things, which required their vigilant care and diligence: so one thing there was, whiche he could in no wise but admonish them of: whiche was this, necessary to be considered of thē all, how þe lord Marshal Henry Percy in his place within him selfe had one in warde and in custodie, whether with the knowledge, or without the knowledge of them, he could not tell: this he could tell, that the sayd L. Marshall was not alowed any such warde or prison in his house, within the liberties of the citie. Whiche thyng if it be not seen to in time, the exāple therof beyng suffered, would in fine brede to such a preiudice vnto their customes and liberties, as they should not hereafter, when they would, reforme the iniurie therof.

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MarginaliaThe citizens of London break vp the L. Percyes house at Sauoy.These wordes of the Lord Fizwalter wer not so soone spoken, but they were as soone taken of the rashe citizēs, who in all hasty fury running to their armour and weapons, went incontinent to the house of the Lorde Percy, where breaking vp the gates, by violence they tooke out the prisoner, and burned the stockes wherin he sat, in the midst of London. Thē was the Lord Percy sought for (whom sayth the story) they would doubtles haue slayne if they might haue found him. With their billes and iauelens, all corners, and priuey chambers were searched, beddes & hangynges torne a sunder. MarginaliaGods prouision in sauyng hys seruauntes.But the Lord Percy (as God would) was then with the duke, whom one Ihon Yper the same day with great instance had desired to dinner. The Londiners not finding him at home, and supposing that he was with the duke at Sauoy, in all hasty heate turned their power thether, runnyng as fast as they could to the dukes house. Where also in lyke maner they were disapoynted of their cruell purpose. MarginaliaThe house of the duke of Lancaster searched of the Londiners.In the meane as this was doyng, commeth one of the Dukes men running, post hast, to the duke and to the Lord Percy, declaring what was done. The duke beyng then at his oysters, without any farther tareyng, MarginaliaThe duke and L. Percy flye to the Prince.and also breaking both his shinnes at the forme for hast, tooke boate with the Lord Percy, and by water went to Kyngston, where then the princes with Richard the young Prince did lye. Who there declared vnto þe princes all the whole matter, concernyng the outrage of the Londiners as it was. To whom she promised againe, such an order to be taken in the matter, as should be to hys contētation. At what tyme the commons of London, thus, as is sayd, were about the Dukes house at Sauoy, meeteth with

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