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K. Edward. 3. The history of Iohn Wickliffe Actes and Mon. of the church.

them a certeine priest, who meruelyng at the soden rage and concourse, asked what they sought. To whom aunswere was geuen agayne of some, that they sought for the Duke and Lord Marshall, to haue of them the Lord Peter de la Mare, whom they wrongfully had deteined in prison. To this the priest aunswered agayne more boldely then oportunely. That Peter, said he, is a false traytour to the kyng, and worthy long since to be hanged. MarginaliaA priest in the Duke of Lancasters house cruelly killed.At the hearyng of these woordes, the furious people with a terrible shout cried out vpon him, that he was a traitor, and one that tooke the Dukes part, and so fallyng vpon him with their weapons striued who mighte first stricke at hym. Who after they had wounded him very sore, so being wounded they had him into prison, where within few dayes vpon the sorenes of his woundes he died.

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Neither would þe rage of the people thus haue ceased, had not the bishop of London leauing his dinner, come to them at Sauey, and putting them in remembraunce of the blessed tyme (as they terme it) of Lent, had persuaded them to cease and to be quiet.MarginaliaThe villany of the Londiners against the Duke.The Londiners, seyng that they could get no vantage against the Duke, who was without their reache: To bewreke their anger they tooke his armes, whiche in most despitfull wise, they hanged vp in the open places of the citie in signe of reproche, as for a traitour. In somuch, that when one of his gentlemen came throughe the citie, with a plate conteining the Dukes armes, hangyng by a lase about his neck: the citizens not abydyng the sight therof, cast him from hys horse, and pluckt his scutchyne from him, and were about to worke the extremitie against him, had not the Maior rescued him out of their handes, and sent him home safe vnto the Duke his master. In such hatred was then the Duke among the vulgare people of London.

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MarginaliaThe message of the princes to the Londiners.After this, the princes vnderstandyng the hartes and broyle of the Londiners set agaynst the foresaid Duke, sent vnto London three knightes Syr Albred Lewer,  

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This is Foxe's very garbled version of the name Sir Aubrey de Vere.

sir Simon Burle, and Syr Lewes Cliffort, to entreat the citizens to be reconciled with the Duke. The Londiners aūswered: that they for the honour of the princes, would obey and do with all reuerence, what she would require. But this they required and inioyned the messengers to say to the Duke, by woorde of mouthe, that he shoulde suffer the bishop of Winchester (afore mentioned and also the Lorde Peter de la Mare, to come to their aunswere, and to be iudged by their Peeres. Wherby either they might be quite if they were giltles: or otherwise, if they be founde culpable, they might receaue accordyng to their desertes after the lawes of the realme. What grief and displeasure the Duke conceaued and reteined in his minde hereof: Agayne what meanes and sute the Londiners for their parte made to the old kyng for their liberties: What rightmes and songes in London, were made against the Duke: How the Bishops at the Dukes request, were moued to excommunicate those malitious slanderers: MarginaliaThe duke reuēged of the Londiners.And moreouer, how the Duke at last was reuenged of those contumelies and iniuries: How he caused them to be brought before the kyng: How sharpely they were rebuked for their misdemeanor, by the worthy oration of the Lord Chamberlane, Robert Aston, in the presence of the Kyng, Archbishop, Byshops, with diuers other states, the kinges children, and other nobilities of the realme: MarginaliaThe Londiners caused to beare a taper of waxe in procession, in honor of the Duke.In conclusion, how the Londiners were compelled to this at length, by the common assent, and publicque charges of the Citie, to make a greate taper of waxe, whiche with the Dukes armes set vpon it, should be brought with solemne procession to the churche of S. Paul, there to borne continually before the image of our Lady: And at last, how both the sayd Duke, and the Londiners were reconciled together, in the begynning of the newe kyng, with the kysse of peace, and the same reconcilement publiquely denounced in the churche of West-minster, and what ioye was in the whole Citie thereof. These because they ar impertinent, and make to long a digression from the matter of Wickleffe, I cut of with breuitie, referring the reader to other histories, namely of S. Albans, where they are to be founde at lardge.

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MarginaliaA storye of the B of Noryge.As these aforesaid  

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Hugh Despenser, bishop of Norwich

Foxe drew this account of an altercation between Henry Despenser, the bishop of Norwich and the town of Bishop's Lynn (now King's Lynn) from BL, Harley 3634, a version of Thomas Walsingham's Chronica majora which covered the years 1376-82. (Foxe obtained this manuscript from Matthew Parker). Although Walsingham had little use for Despenser, whom Walsingham depicted as immature, ignorant, arrogant and headstrong, Foxe liberally strewed adjectives and editorial judgements through this account, denigrating Despenser further than Walsingham had done. Foxe's purpose in relating this episode was, as he declared, to portray the temporal pride and claims to secular jurisdiction of the medieval clergy.

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Thomas S. Freeman
University of Sheffield

for breuitie sake I passe ouer, so wil I not be long and yet can not omitte that, whiche happened the same time and yeare, to the bishop of Norwige, to the intent that this posteritie nowe may see, to what pride the clergie then of the popes churche was growne to. MarginaliaExample of pride in the pops clergye.The same time as this broyle was at London, the bishop of Norige a litle after the time of Easter comming to the towne of Lennam,  
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I.e. Lynn.

belongyng to hys Lordship: beyng not contēted with the old accustomed honour due vnto him, and vsed of his predecessours before in þe same towne, required moreouer with a new and vnvsed kynd of magnificence to be exalted: In so much, that when he saw the chief Magistrate or Maior of that town to go in þe stretes with his officer goyng before him, holding a certaine wand in his hand tipped at both ends with blacke horne, as the maner was: He reputyng him selfe to be the Lorde of that towne (as he was,  
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Foxe's syntax is unclear here, but what he is saying is that Despenser took offence that the mayor of Bishop's Lynn was acting as if he was the lord of the city, when, in fact, Despenser, as bishop of Norwich, was just that.

) and thinkyng to be hygher then the highest, commaūded the honour of that staffe due to the Maior, to be yelded and borne before his Lordly personage: MarginaliaThe courtesie of the townse men toward the bishope.The Maior or Baliffe, with other the townesmen, courteslye aunswered to him agayne: that they were righte willyng and contented with all theyr hartes to exhibite that reuerence vnto hym, and would so do, if he first of the kyng and counsaile could obteyne that custome, and if the same myght be induced after any peaceable way with the good wils of the commons and body of the town: Other els, said they, as the matter was daūgerous, so they durst not take in hand any such new alteration of auncient customes and liberties, lesse the people (whiche is alwayes inclinable and prone to euill) do fall vpon them with stones, and driue them out of the towne. Wherefore knylyng on their knees before him, humbly they besought him, that he would require no such thyng of them: that he would saue his owne honour, and their lyues, who otherwise if he intended that way, were in great daunger. MarginaliaThe stout answere of the B. to the townshipe.But the Bishop youthfull and hauty,  
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This is Foxe's characterization, and it is not from Walsingham.

taking occasion by their humblenes, to swell the more in him selfe, aunswered that he would not be taught by their counsail, but that he would haue it done, though all the commons (whō he named Rybals) sayd nay. Also rebuked the Maior and his brethren, for mecockes,  
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I.e. cowards.

and dastardes, for so fearyng the vulgare sorte of people.

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The citizens perceauyng the wilfull stoutnes of the Bishop, meekely answering again, said: they minded not to resiste him, but to let him do therein what he thought good. Onely desired him, that he would licence them to departe, and holde them excused, for not waytyng vpon him, and conductyng him out of the towne with that reuerence, whiche he required. For if they should be seen in his company, all the suspition thereof would be vpon them, and so should they be all in daunger, so much as their lyues were worth. The bishop not regarding their aduise & counsaile, commanded one of hys men to take the rod borne before the Maior, and to cary the same before him. Whiche beyng done, and perceaued of the commons: MarginaliaThe towne of Lennam ryseth against the bishop.the Bishop after that maner went not farre, but the rude people running to shit the gates, came out with their bowes, some with clobbes and staues, some with other instrumentes some with stones, and let dryue at the Bishop and his men, as faste as they might: in such sorte, that both the Bishop and his horse vnder him with most part of his men were hurt and wounded. And thus the glorious pride of this iolye prelate, rufflyng in hys newe scepter, was receaued and welcomed there. That is, was so pelted with battes & stones, so wounded with arrowes, and other instruments fyt for such a skirmish,

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