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55 [33 and 34]

The doctrine of the Church of Rome examined. And compared with the old Church of Rome.

the shadow of Christianitie, wherin remayneth almost nothyng els but þe name onely of Christ, & þe outward forme of hys religion, þe true vayne, and effect wherof is vtterly decayed, as to them which lyst to examine all the partes of this new Romish religion, may soone appeare.

For saue onely that they pretend the solemne forme and wordes of the Crede, and are Baptised, confessing the name of the father, the sonne, and holy Ghost: As touchyng all other poyntes, and true sinceritie of the Christian fayth which they outwardly professe, they are vtterly degenerated from that, which S. Paul and the word of God first haue taught them.

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MarginaliaThe Popes church onely in words Catholicke, in deede hethenishe.First, they confesse the father in word, but hys will in hys word expresed they renounce, hys grace they acknowledge not, hys benefites and promises gyuen vnto vs in hys sonne they receaue not, the vigor of hys law they feele not, the terrour of hys iudgemēt earnestly they feare not, hys commaundementes they obscure by the traditions & commaundements of their owne.

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Likewise the name of Christ his sonne in word they cōfesse, but hys office in deede they deface and diminish: hys glory they seeke not, but vnder hys name they do seeke their owne: the power of hys bloud and Passion they know not or els dessemble it, whom neither they admitte to be the head of hys Church alone, nor Sauiour alone, nor onely to be our patron and aduocate: but match with hym our Lady, and other patrons, so that euery Parish almost in Christendome hath his peculiar patrone besides Christ to hold by.

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MarginaliaThe Religion of the Popes Church procedeth cōtrary to the working of the holy ghost.In lyke maner they confesse the name of the holy Ghost. But God hym selfe knoweth how farre they are from the comfort, knowledge, and tast of the holy Ghost, as wel may appeare by their councels, by their expoundyng of Scripture, by theyr superstitious ceremonies, by theyr outward worshyppyng and Idolatrous inuocation to stockes and stones and dead creatures, by their scrupulous obseruatiō of dayes, times, places, nūbers and gestures: And no lesse also by theyr doctrine, which defraudeth the poore hartes of simple Christians, of theyr due consolation, ioy, and libertie in the holy ghost, and keepeth them still in a seruile bondage, and a doubtfull incerteinly of theyr saluation, contrary to the workyng of the holy spirite of God.

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MarginaliaThe church of Rome pretendeth a fayre face of religiō, but is voyde of þe effect therof.And thus the Church of Rome pretēdyng onely the name of Christ and of hys Religion, is so farre altered from the truth of that which it pretendeth, that vnder the name of Christ, it persecuteth both Christ and hys Religion: working more harme to þe Church of Christ, then euer dyd the open tyrānes and persecutyng Emperours amōg the heathē: MarginaliaThe old Phariseis, and the later Church of Romaines compared together.Not much vnlyke herein to the old Synagoge of the Scribes and Phariseis, who vnder the name of God, crucified the sonne of God, and vnder pretense of the law, fought agaynst the Gospell, and vnder the title of Abrahams children, persecuted the children of Abraham. And as they braggyng so hyghly of the Temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord, dyd in dede destroy the true Temple of the Lord: right so these pretensed Catholickes in these dayes, after they haue raysed vp a Catholicke church of their own, and haue armed the same with lawes, and haue gathered vnto them a power of Priestes, Prelates, Abbats, Priors, of religious men, of Cardinals, & also of secular Princes to take their part, now vnder þe name of the Catholicke Church, MarginaliaThe Popes Church vnder the name of the Catholicke Church, persecuteth the true Catholicke Church of Christ.they persecute the true Catholicke Church, and coloryng theyr procedynges still with In nomine Domini, most cruelly they put to death, which dye pro nomine Domini, condemnyng them for heretickes, schismatickes, and rebels, not which deny any part of the Creede, which they them selues professe, nor such whom they can conuince by any Scripture, but onely such which will not ioyne with theyr errours and heresies contrary to the honour of God, and truth of hys word.

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And lest any should thinke this that we here pro- test agaynst þe corrupt errours & manifold deformities of this later Church of Rome, to procede of any rancor or affectiō, rather then grounded of necessary causes, & demonstrations euident, my purpose is (by the Lordes leaue) to take herein some little payne, that as I haue collected a litle before, the summe and contentes of S. Paules doctrine, wherewith the old Church of Rome was first seasoned and acquaynted, so now as in a lyke summary table, to discrey the particular braunches and contentes of the Popes doctrine now set forth, to the entent that all true Christian readers comparying the one with the other may discerne what great alteration there is betwene the Church of Rome that now is, and the Church of Rome that then was, planted by the Apostles in the primitiue tyme. And to the end to open to the simple reader some way wherby he may the better iudge in such matters of doctrine, & not bee deceaued in discernyng truth frō errour, first we will propounde certeyne principles or generall positions, as infallible rules or truthes of Scripture, whereby all other doctrines and opinions of men beyng tryed and examined as with the touchstone, may the more easely be iudged whether they be true or contrary, and whether they make agaynst the Scripture, or no.

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¶ Certeine Principles or generall verities grounded vpon the truth of Gods word.

MarginaliaCerteine generall principles and rules gathered of the Scriptures. ¶ The first Principle. 1. AS sinne and death came originally by the disobedience of one to all men of his generation by nature: so rightuousnes and lyfe come originally by the obedience of one to all men regenerated of hym, by fayth and Baptisme. Rom. 5. ¶ The 2. Principle. MarginaliaGen. 3.2. The promise of God was freely giuē to our first parentes without their deseruyng, that the sede of a womā should breake the Serpentes head. Gen. 3. ¶ The 3. Principle. MarginaliaGen. 12.3. Promise was gyuen freely to Abraham before he deserued any thyng, that in hys sede all nations should be blessed. Gen. 12. ¶ The 4. Principle. MarginaliaDeut. 4.4. To the word of God neither must we adde, nor take from it. Duet. 4. ¶ The 5. Principle. MarginaliaLeuit. 18.
Gal. 3.
5. He that doth the workes of the law, shall lyue therin. Leuit. 18. Gal. 3. ¶ The 6. Principle. MarginaliaDeut. 27.
Gal. 3.
6. Accursed is he, which abideth not in euery thing that is written in the booke of the law. Deut. 27. Gal. 3. ¶ The 7. Principle. MarginaliaDeut. 6.
Luc. 4.
7. God onely is to be worshipped. Deut. 6. Luc. 4. ¶ The 8. Principle. MarginaliaEsay. 64.8. All our rightuousnes is lyke a defiled cloth of a woman. Esay. 64. ¶ The 9. Principle. MarginaliaEsay. 11. 65.9. In all my holy hill, they shall not kill, nor slay, sayth the Lord. Esay. 11. 65. ¶ The 10. Principle. MarginaliaOsee. 6.
1. Reg. 15.
10. God loueth mercy and obedience, more then sacrifice. Osee. 6. 1. Reg. 15. ¶ The 11. Principle. MarginaliaRom. 3.11. The law worketh anger, condemneth, and openeth sinne. Rom. 3. ¶ The 12. Principle. MarginaliaRom. 10.12. The end of the law is Christ, to rightuousnes to euery one that beleueth. Rom. 10. ¶ The 13. Principle. MarginaliaMat. vlt.13. Who soeuer beleueth and is Baptised, shal be saued. Mat. vlt. ¶ The 14. Principle. MarginaliaGal. 3.
Ephes. 2.
14. A man is iustified by fayth without workes frely by grace, not of our selues. Gal. 2. Ephes. 2. ¶ The 15. Principle. MarginaliaHeb. 9.15. There is no remission of sinnes without bloud. Heb. 9. ¶ The 16. Principle. MarginaliaRom. 14.
Heb. 11.
16. What soeuer is not of faith is sinne. Rom. 14. without fayth it is vnpossible to please God. Heb. 11. ¶ The 17. Principle. Marginalia1. Timot. 2.17. One Mediatour betwene God and man Christ Ie-

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