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K. Richard. 2. The history of Iohn Wickliffe.

vnto the same in writing. And also required to haue a copy of the sayd conclusions to be deliuered vnto them. The which copy, the sayd Nicholas and Philip (beyng openly red vnto them) receaued. MarginaliaM. Iohn Asheton examined.Also the foresayd mayster Iohn Ayshton lyke wyse examined, and iudicially admonished by the sayde Archb. by vertue of hys othe, that he setting aside all sophisticall wordes and suttelties, he fully and playnly would say hys mynde vpon the conclusions aforesaid. And beyng asked moreouer by the sayde Archb. whether he woulde haue a further day to deliberate vpon his answers, as the foresaid Nicholas and Philip had before: sayd expresly that he wold not, but would answer presentlye to those conclusions. MarginaliaThe aunswer of I. Ashton.And so for finall answer sayde, as concerning all these conclusiōs (contayning them al together) that his iudgement was in this behalfe to hold his peace. Wherefore the foresayd archbishop reputing the sayd Iohn herein to be suspected, admonished hym in forme of wordes as foloweth: We admonish thee Iohn Ayshton, whom we repute to be defamed, and notoriouslye suspected of heresy, the first, the second, and third time: that in our prouince of Canterbury hereafter, thou do not preach publikely or priuately without our speciall lisence, vnder payne of the greater curse, which we denounce here by these presentes agaynst thy person, if thou obey not our monitions, for now as for then. And consequently, for as much as the sayd Iohn being asked of the Archbyshop, confessed that he had hearde before of the publication of the Archbishops Mandate, wherein was inhibited that no person prohibited or not sent, should preach hereafter: MarginaliaI. Ashton admonished agayne to appeare.the foresayd Archbishop assigned to hym the Friday next following, which was the. xx. daye of the same month, after diner to appere before him, either at Lāheth, or in the same place: to saye for him selfe, wherfore he might not be pronounced for an heretieke, & for such a one to be denounced through his whole prouince. Also the sayd archbishop assigned to the foresayd Nicholas and Philip, the sayd day & place to answer peremptorily, and to say fully and plainly to the conclusions aforesayd, all sophistication of woordes and disputation set apart.

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¶ The names of the Friers that sat vpon them.
Friers preachers. 7.

Thom. Barnwell, William Swynherd, William Picworth, Tho. Whatley, Lawrence Grenham, Iohn Leygh, Ih. Haket.

Carmelites. 3.

Walter Disshe, Iohn Kynningham, Iohn Louey.

Augustine friar.

Thomas Ashborne doctour.

Marginaliaxx. of Iune.In the. xx. daye aforesayde of the sayde moneth of Iune, the yere and place aboue prefixed, before the foresayd Archbishop, sitting in his tribunall seate, in the presence of diuers doctours of Diuinitye and Lawyers, both ciuill and Canon: MarginaliaHereford. and Repington agayne appeare.personallye appeared mayster Nicholas Herford, and Philip Repindon, Bachelers of Deuinity, and Iohn Ayshton maister of Arte. Where, the foresayde Nicholas and Phillip, being required by the sayd archbishop to answer and say fully and plainly their iudgements vpon the cōclusions prefixed, wher vnto the sayd archbishop had assigned to the sayde Nicholas and Philip the same terme: did exhibit to the said archbishop there iudicially sitting, certeine answers in writing contayned, after the maner of Indenture, the tenour whereof here vnder is contayned, and after the same forme answered to the sayd conclusiōs. The tenor of which Indenture containing the foresayd conclusiōs vnto them moued as afore, foloweth in these wordes.

¶ The protestation of Nicholas, Philip, and Ihon, with their Articles and aunswers to the same.  
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Foxe is slightly in error here; John Aston refused to provide a written defence of his views. What is printed below is the defence of Hereford and Repingdon from Archbishop Courtenay's register (Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fo. 29r).

WE protest here as before, publiquely in these presēts: that we intende to be humble and faithfull childrenMarginaliaThe protestation of Hereford Repington, and Asheford exhibited to the the Churche and holy Scripture, and to obey in all thinges the determinations of the churche. And if it shall chaunce vs at any tyme whiche God forbyd, to swarue from this our intention, we submit our selues humbly to the correction of our reuerend father L. Archbishop of Canterbury, and primate of all England: and of all other, whiche haue interest to correcte such swaruers. This protestation premised, thus we aunswere to the conclusions aforesayd.

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MarginaliaArticles with the aunswers.That the substaunce of material bread and wine, remayneth in the Sacramēt of the aulter after cōsecratiō.

After the sense contrary to the Decretall, begynnyng Firmiter credimus, we graunt that it is heresie.

That the accidences doe not remayne without the subiecte after consecration in the same Sacrament.

After the sence contrary to that Decretall Cum Marthe, We graunt that it is heresie.

That Christ is not in the Sacrament, the selfe same truly and realy in his owne corporall presence.

Although this conclusion as the wordes stand sounde to be probable and intelligible: yet in the sence contrarie to the Decretall in Cle. Si dudum We graunt that it is heresie. And briefly concernyng this hole matter of the Sacrament of the aulter as touching also all other thinges, we professe that we will both in woorde and sence, holde with the holy Scripture, with the determination of the holy churche and sayings of the holy doctours.

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Obstinatly to affirme that it hath no foundation in the Gospell that Christ ordayned the Masse.

We graunt that it is heresie.

That God ought to obey the deuill.

In this sence that God in his owne person or essence, ought to obey the deuill with the obedience of necessitie. We graunt that it is heresie.

If a man be duely contrite, that all externall confession is to him superfluous and vnprofitable.

We graunt that it is heresie.

If the pope be a reprobate and an euill man, and consequētly a member of the deuill: He hath no power ouer the faythfull of Christ, giuen to him of any, vnleast it be of Cesar.

We graunt that it is heresie.

That after pope Vrbane the. 6. none is to be receyued for Pope, but that we ought to lyue after the maner of the Grecians vnder our own lawes.

We graunt that it is heresy.

To say that it is agaynst the holy scripture for ecclesiasticall persons to haue temporall possessions?

If obstinacye be ioyned wythall: we graunt that it is heresy.

That no prelate ought to excommunicate any mā, vnles he know him before to be excōmunicate of God.

We graūt þt it is an errour. Vnderstanding this knowledge to meane an experimētall knowledge: so that herewith may stād the decree of the church. 11. q. 3 Nemo episco.

That he which doth so excommunicate, is thereby an hereticke or excommunicate.

After the sense agreeyng wyth the other before, wee graunt to be an errour.

That a prelate excommunicating a clerke, whych appealeth to the kyng or councell of the realme, in so doing is a traitor to God, the king, and the realme.

We graunt it is an errour.

That they whiche leaue of to preache, or to heare the worde of God and the Gospell preached, for the excommunication of men, are excommunicate: and in the day of iudgement shalbe counted for traitours to God.

Vnderstāding this conclusion vniuersally so, as scripture and lawes do vnderstand such indefinite propositions: We graunt it is an errour.

To affirme that it is lawfull for any deacon or priest, to preache the worde of God without the authoritie of the see apostolicque, or catholicque Byshop, or of any other whose authoritie he knoweth sufficient.

We graunt it is an errour.

To affirme that there is no Ciuile Lord, no byshop,
