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K. Richard. 2. The history of John Wickliffe. Actes and Mon. of the church.

sayd busines touching the sayd Nicholas, Phillip, and Thomas, in the same state wherin thē it was, MarginaliaThe 1. day of Iuly an. 1382.till Tuesday next and immediatly ensuyng: that is to say, þe first day of Iuly the yeare of the Lord aboue sayd, and prefixed vnto the sayd Nicholas, Philip, and Thomas Hilman the same day to appeare before him, wheresoeuer within his prouince of Canterbury, he should thē chaūce to bee, to do that whiche vpon the sayd xxviij. day, they were purposed to do together or a parte.

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Which Tuesday being come  

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The condemnation and excommunication of Hereford and Repingdon are taken from Archbishop Courtenay's register; see Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fo. 30v.

, The foresayd Archb. in the chiefe house of his church of Caunterbury, before the houre of nine with the doctoures, whose names are vnder cōtained, and other clerkes a great multitude: Expected the foresayd Nicholas Philip, and Thomas, long tyme by the bedle callyng them and looking after them, who neuerthelesse appeared not before ij. of þe clock after dinner the same day, cōtinuyng the foresaid busines in þe pristine state till þe same houre. At whiche houre the foresayde Lorde Archbishop, hauing assistentes, the doctors and clerkes aboue recited: examined the foresaid maister Thomas Hilman, then and there iudicially appearyng, what his opinion was touching the foresayd conclusiōs: who at them and the meanyng of them somewhat stammering, at last, to all and singular the same conclusions then to him read and expounded, thus aunswered. MarginaliaThe answer of Tho. Hilman.I suppose and iudge all and singlar those conclusions lately condemned by my Lord of Canterbury that now is, together with the counsell and consent of his clerkes: to be hereticall and erronious, euen as the same my Lorde of Canterbury, and other doctours of diuinitie of the Canon and Ciuil law, by cōmon consent and counsail haue supposed and thought. And that the same (beyng for heresies & errours as before is sayd condemned) do as much as in me is condempne: protestyng that I will holde and affirme the contrary of those conclusions and in þe same faithe lyue and dye. MarginaliaNic. Hereford and Phil. Repington for not appearyng excommunicate.Then the sayde Archbishoppe of Cāterbury, then and ther sitting as Tribunall or iudge, pronouncyng the sayd maisters Nicholas and Philippe (long in court called before & taried for, and yet not appearyng) gilty of contumacie and disobedience: excōmunicated them for the penalty of this their contumacie in tenour of these wordes folowyng.

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We William, by the grace of God Archbyshop of Canterbury, primate of England,  

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This letter is taken from Archbishop Courtenay's register (Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fos. 26v-27r).

Legate of the Apostolicall see, and through all our prouince of Cāterbury, of all hereticall prauitie chief Inquisitour: MarginaliaExcommunication pronounced by the Archb.Do pronounce maister Nicholas Harford, and maister Philip Reppingdon, professours of diuinitie, hauyng this day and place by our prefiction appointed to heare and decree in this busines of hereticall prauitie (beyng in court by our Bedle long called and taried for, and yet not appearyng) to bee stubberne and disobedient persons: and for the penaltie of this theyr contumacie, we do excommunciate them & either of them, by these presentes.

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¶ The denouncyng  
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I.e., announcing, not denouncing in the modern sense of the word. This is an order from Archbishop Courtenay commanding that the excommunications of Hereford and Repingdon be announced at Paul's Cross. It is copied from Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fo. 30v.

of the excommunication against Nicholas Herford and Philip Reppington.

MarginaliaThe 12. day of Iuly an. 1382. Excommunica to be denounced at Paules crosse.WIlliam by Gods permission Archbyshop of Canterbury. &c. To our beloued sonne in Christ, whosoeuer he be that this instaunt Sonday, shall preach at Paules crosse in Londō, Salutacion grace and blessing. For as much as we prefixed a certeine competent day and place to maister Nicholas Herford, and maister Philip Reppington, Chanon Regular of the Monasterie of oure Lady of Leceter, beyng doctours of diuinitie and of hereticall prauitie, vehementlye suspected: After certeyne aunsweres not fully made, but impertinently and nothyng to the purpose, as also heretically and erroneously made vnto diuers conclusions, heretical and erroneous: In diuers places of our sayd prouince commonly, generally, and publiquely taught and preached, and therfore that they should iudicially appeare before vs, to do andto receaue peremptorily in that behalfe, what thyng soeuer the qualitie of that busines should moue vs vnto: & that we haue for their contumacie, in not appearing before vs at þt day and place, iudicially appoynted as right therin required: We by these presentes commaunde and commit vnto you, firmely enioyning you, that when all þe multitude of people shalbe gathered together to heare you sermō: that in the day and place appointed, you publiquely and solemnely denounce, the foresayd Nicholas and Philip holdyng vp a crosse, and lightyng vp a candell, and then throwyng done the same vpon the groūde, to haue been so & in such maner excōmunicated & still be.

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Fare ye well. In our Manour house at Lamheth the xij. day of Iuly, the yeare of our Lord. 1382. & first yeare of our translation.

¶ The Citation agaynst the said Nicholas and Philip.

WIlliā by the grace of God.  

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This order is copied from Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register,fo. 32r.

&c. To our beloued sonne maister Robert Rigge chaūcelor of the vniuersitie of Oxford Salutacion. &c. For as much as we haue prefixed a competent day and place to maister Nicholas Herford, and maister Philip Reppingtō &c. as before. We straictly chardge and commaund you, that you publiquely and solempnely denounce in the church of our Lady and in the scholes of the vniuersitie, the foresayd Nicholas and Philip to haue been by vs excommunicated and still is. And that you further Cite or cause to bee cited peremptorily, the foresayd Nicholas and Philip, that they and euery of them appeare before vs, within xv. dayes after the date of this Citacion, whersoeuer it shall fortune vs, within our sayd prouince of Canterbury then to be: To heare & see how we meane to procede agaynst them, and euery of them concerning the foresaid hereticall and erroneous cōclusions, accordyng to the forme of retroactions and qualitie of the busines in this behalfe had and vsed. And that both of the day of the receate of this present Citacion, of the maner and forme therof, or that if you shall apprehēd by personall Citacion the sayd Nicholas and Philip, or either of them, or whether they shall absēt and hide them selues, as of euery thyng els, whiche in this behalfe you shall thincke meete to be done: that betwene this and the feast of S. Laurence, you clearely certifie vs by our letters patentes contaynyng the effect of these thynges.

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Fare ye well. At our Manour of Lam
heth the xiii. daye of Iuly the yeare of
our Lorde. 1382. and first yeare of our

¶ The names of the Doctours and Friers assistentes at this settyng.

Seculars, maister William Blankpayne, M. William Bartō.

Friers Carmelites, Robert Euery, priour, Ihon Keningham, priour, and Ihon Lunne.

Friers Minors, William Barnewell, Ihon Ryddin, and William Brunscombe.

Friers Augustines, Ihon Court, Patrington, Tomson, and Reepes.

MarginaliaThe excommunicatiō of Herford, & Repyngton, denoūced at Paules crosse.Agaynst this blind excommunication of the Archbyshop, the parties excommunicate: cōmenced and exhibited their appeale vnto the byshop of Rome. Whiche appeale of theirs, as insufficient, or rather to hym vnpleasaunt, the said Archbishop vtterly reiected (as might many times ouercommeth ryght) procedyng in his preconceaued excōmunicatiō agaynst thē, & writyng moreouer his letters, to hym þt should prech next at Paules crosse, as is aforesaid, to denounce and to publish openly the sayd Nicholas Herford, and Philip Repyngton to be excommunicate, for there not appearing and their & terme assigned. MarginaliaXiii. day of Iuly. an. 1382.Which was in þe xiij. day of the moneth of Iuly.MarginaliaOther letters of the Archb. to the Chaūcelour of OxfordWhiche Archbishop moreouer the said yeare, moneth and day aforesayd sent also an other letter to M. Rygge Commissary of Oxford, straitly inioining and charging him, not onely to denounce the sayd sentence of excōmunication, & to geue out publique Citation against them, but also to make diligent search and inquisition through all Oxford for them, to haue them apprehended, and sent vp to hym, personally before hym to appeare, at a cer-

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