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K. Richard. 2. John Wickleffe Repington. Asheton. Herford.

of þe archbishops letters, when as he perceaued and saw, that no excuse would preuaile to auoyde that daūger, hūblyng him selfe vpon hys knees, he desired pardon. The whiche when he had, nowe agayne (as is aforesayd) albeit very hardly obtayned: By the helpe of the byshop of Winchester, he was sent awaye agayne with certaine commaundemētes, and suspensions of heretickes. MarginaliaReligious men fyrst causers of this troubleThē began the hatred on either part somewhat to appeare & shewe, and specially all men were offended, and in the toppes of these Friers & religious men, vpō whom what soeuer trouble or mischief was raised vp, they did impute it as to the authours and causers of the same. MarginaliaHenry Crompe first an accuser of other, after accused himself for heresy.Amongst whom there was one Henry Crompe, a monke Cistercian, a well learned diuine, whiche afterwarde was accused by the Bishops, of heresie. He at that tyme was openly suspected by the Commissary, MarginaliaRigges the commissary called for before the bishops.because in his lectures he called the heretikes lollards, from his acts (as they terme them in the schole.) Thē he commyng by and by vp to London, made his complaint vnto the Archbishop, and to the kynges counsell.

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Wherupon he obteining the letters of the kyng, and of his counsail, by the vertue therof (returnyng agayne to the vniuersitie) was released and restored agayne to hys former state: the woordes of whiche letter here foloweth vnder written.

¶ The Copy of the kinges letter.

MarginaliaThe kinges letter to the vicechauncelour and procuratours of Oxford. Henry Crompe complaineth to the kinges coūsayle of gthe most seculer maisters of Oxford.THe kyng to the vicechauncelour and procuratours of the vniuersitie of Oxford, greting  

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Richard II's second letter to Rygge is copied from Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fo. 31v.

. Where as wee alate vnderstanding by the greuous complaint of Henry Crompe monke and regent in diuinitie, within the sayd vniuersitie, how that he, beyng assisted by the reuerēd father in God the Archbishop of Canterbury, and by other clerkes and diuines in the citie of Londō, to procede in þe condēnatiō of certayn cōclusions erroneous & heretical, hath been therfore molested by you: And þt you, through sinister suggestion of some aduersaries (pretendyng the peace of the sayd vniuersitie) to haue been broken by the sayd Henry in his last lecture, did therefore call hym before you to appeare and aunswere: and for his not appearyng, did therfore pronounce him as obstinate, and conuicte of peace breakyng: also haue suspended the said Hēry frō his lectures, and all scholasticall actes. And where as we, by our wrytte did call you vp for the same, to appeare and aunswere before our counsayle, vnto the premisses: so that all thyngs being well tryed and examined by the sayd counsaile, it was founde and determined, that all your processe agaynst the sayd Henry, was voyde and and of none effecte: and commaundement geuen, that the sayd Henry should be restored & admitted agayne to hys former lectures and scholasticall actes, and to his pristine state as you know. To the intent therfore that this decree aforesayd shuld be more duely executed of your part, we heare by these presentes straightly chardge and commaund you: That you spedely reuokyng agayne all your proces agaynste the sayd Henry in the vniuersitie aforesayd, withall other that folowed therof: do admit & cause to be restored agayne the sayd Henry to hys scholasticall actes, his accustomed lectures, & pristine estate, without all delay, accordyng to the forme of the decree and determination aforesayd. Enioinyng you moreouer and your commissaries or deputies & your successors and all other maisters regent and not regent, & other presidentes, officers, ministers, and scholers of the vniuersitie aforesayd vpon your fayth and legeance you owe vnto vs: MarginaliaHenry Crompe, Peter Stokes Carm. Steaphen Packingtō Carm. restored by the K. to theyr scholastical artes.that you do not impeache, molest, or greue, or cause to be greued (any maner of way, priuily or apertly) þe sayd Frier Henry for the causes premissed, or Frier Peter Stokes Carmelite, for the occasion of his absēce from the vniuersitie, or Frier Stephen Packyngton Carmelite, or any other religious or secular person fauouring them vpon the occasion of any eyther worde or deede what soeuer, concernyng the doctrine of maister Ihon Wickleffe, Nicholas Herford and Philip Repyndon, or the reprofe and condēnation of theyr heresies and errours, or the correction of theyr fauourers: But that you do procure the peace, vnity, and quiet, within the sayd vniuersitie, and chiefly betwene the religious and secular persones: and that you withall diligence nourish encrease and preserue the sameto the vttermost of your strēgth. And that you in no case omitte to doe it accordinglye, vppon the forfacture of all and singular the liberties and priuiledgies of the vniuersitie aforesayd. Witnes my selfe at Westminster the xiiij day of Iuly.

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Mention was made as you heard a litle before, howe M. Rigges vicechauncel of Oxford comming vp with M. Bryghtwell to the Archb. of Cant. was there straitly examined of the conclusions of Wickleffe. Where he notwithstanding through the helpe of the B. of Wint. obtayned pardon, and was sent away again with commaundementes and charges, to seeke out all the fauourers of Iohn Wickleffe. MarginaliaHerford and Repington fled to the Duke of Lancaster.This commaundement being receaued Nicholas Herford, and Phillip Repyngton: (being priuely warned by the sayd vicechancelor) in the meane season conueyed them out of sight, and fled to the Duke of Lancaster for succour & help. But the Duke, whether for feare, or for what cause els, I can not saye, in the end forsoke hys poore and miserable clients.

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MarginaliaLetters of the archb. to the Vicechauncellor.In the meane tyme, while they were fled thus to the Duke, great search and inquisitiō was made for them, to cite and to apprehend them wher soeuer they myght be found. Wherupon, the Archbishop W. Courtney directed out hys letters first to the vicechauncelor of Oxford, MarginaliaLetters of the Archb. to the bishop of Londō. R. Braybroke Bish. of Londō.then to the byshop of London named Rob. Braybroke: charging them not onely to excommunicate the said Nicholas and Phillip, within their iurisdiction, and the sayd excommunication to be denounced likewyse throughout all þe dioces of his suffragans: but also more ouer, that diligent search and watch shoulde be layd for them, both in Oxford and in London, that they myghte be apprehended: requiring moreouer by them to be certified again, what they hadde done in the premisses. MarginaliaThe 14. day of Iuly. an. 1382.And this was writtē the 14. day of Iuly, an 1382. Ex Registr.

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Vnto these letters receaued from the Archb. diligent certificat was geuen accordinglye, as well of the bishop of London his part, as also of the vicechauncelor, the tenour wherof was thys.

¶ The letter certificatorie of the Vicechauncelor to the Archbishop.

MarginaliaThe letter of Robert Rigges Vicechanc. to the Archb.TO the reuerend father in Christ, Lord W. Archbishop of Cant. Primate of all England, and Legate of the Apostolique see, Rob. Rygges professour of Diuinitie, and Vicechauncelor of the Vniuersitie of Oxford, greeting with due honour  

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This letter is copied from Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fo. 32r.

. your letters bearing the date of the xiiij. of Iuly I haue receaued: By the autority wherof, I haue denounced and caused to be denounced effectually, the foresayd Nicholas, and Philip, to haue been and to be excommunicate publiquelye and solemnlye in the church of S. Mary, and in the scholes, and to be cited also personallye, if by any meanes they myght be apprehended, according as you commaunded. But after diligent search layd for them of my parte, to haue them personally cited and apprehended, I coulde not fynde neyther the sayd M. Nicholas, nor M. Philip: Who haue hyd or conueyed themselues, vnknowing to me, as here is well knowen, wherof I thought here to geue signification to your Fath. Sealed and testified with the seal of myne office. MarginaliaThe. 25. day of Iuly. an. 1382  
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The date of this letter is actually 30 July 1382. The letter is in Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fo. 32r..

From Oxford the xxv. day of Iuly.

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MarginaliaHerford and Repington repulsed from the Duke of Lanc.In the meane time Nicholas Herford, and Repyngton beyng repulsed of the Duke, and destitute (as was sayd) of his supportation, whether they were sent, or of their owne accorde went to the Archbishop, it is vncertaine. This I finde in a letter of the foresayd Archbishop, conteyned in hys register:MarginaliaThe 24. day of October.that Repyngton in the xxiij. day of October the same yeare. 1382. was reconciled agayne to the Archbyshop, MarginaliaRepington released by the Archb.and also by hys generall letter was released and admitted to his scholastical actes in the vniuersitie. MarginaliaIohn Ashton reconciled by the Archb.And so was also Ihon Ashton, of whō (Christ willing) more shall folow hereafter  

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Foxe is refering to a description of Repingdon's abjuration in Lambeth Palace Library, Courtenay Register, fo. 32v.

. Of Nicholas Herford all this while, I finde no speciall relation.

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In the meane tyme, about the xxiij. of the moneth of September the sayd yeare, the kyng sent his mandate to
