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K. Richard. 2. The proces against W. Swinderby.

men, for that men will not do their singular will, vnreasonable bidding, with highnes of hart and cruelty (standyng pacience and charitye in them that they cursen wrongfully) he is blessed of almightye God, and they thē selfe ben cursed. Math. 5. Beati eritis cum maledixerint homines, &c. Et in Psalmo: Maledicent illi, et tu benedices. Et Augustinus. xi. q. iii. cap. illud.

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Marginalia6. Conclu.The sixt conclusion is this, that Friers and priestes putten vpon me falsely: that eche priest may assoile hym that sinneth, contrition had: and not withstanding forbiddinges of the Bishop, is Marginalia* Holden, that is, bound.* holden to preach to the people the Gospell.

MarginaliaAūswer.Thus I sayd not, but thus I sayd, and yet say with a protestation made before: that yche true priest maye counsaile sinfull men, that shewen to hem her sinnes, after the witte and cunning that God had geuen hym, to turne fro sinne to vertuous lyfe. And as touching preaching of the Gospell, I say that no B. owes to let a true priest, that God had geuen grace, witte, and cunning to do that office: for both priestes and deacons, that God had ordeynet deacons and priestes, ben holden by power geuē hem of God to preach to the people the gospell, and namely and somely, popes, byshops, prelates, & curates: For this is due to the people and perochiens, for to haue and aske of hem, and they dulie & freely owen to done it. Math. 5. Luc. 5. Ite, ecce ego mitto vos. Et Math. 16. Eutens in mundum vniuersum. Et Math. 5. Euntes autem predicate. Et dist. 21. ca. In nouo testamēto. Et ysidor. de summo bono. 44. Et Chriso9. distinc. 34. ca Nolite. Et Aug9, distinc. 34. ca. Quisquis. Et Greg. in suo pasturalj, ca. 38. Et in Tollitano. ca. ignorantia. Et Iero9. distin. 95. cap. Ecce Ego.

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Marginalia7. Conclu.The vij. conclusion is thys, that friers and priestes falsely putten vpō me, that a priest taking any thyng for annuell, through couenaunt: in that, hy is scismaticke and curset.

MarginaliaAnswer.Thus said I, neuer in these termes: But thus I said, and yet say with protestation put before: that no priest owes to sell by bargayning and couenaunt, hys gostlye trauaile, ne hys masses, ne hys prayers, ne Gods word, ne halowinges, baptisme, ne confirming, order geuing, for weddinges, for shryfte, for housell, or for enoyning, any worldly mens reward to aske or tale for these or for any of these, or for any gostly thing, he eres, and does simonie. Vt patet 1. q. 2. ca. Nullus. Et ex cōsilio Triburenti, capit. Dictum est. Et Christus in euangelio vendentes, et ementes eiecit de templo. Math. 22.

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Marginalia8. Conclu.The viij. conclusion is this, that fryers and priestes putten vnto me falsely, saying that I beleue sadlye as my sell sayes: that yche priest being in deadly sin yet he put hym to make Christes body, rather he dos idolatrye then makes it.

MarginaliaAunswer.Thus sayd I not, but thus I sayd, and yet say with a protestation put before: that what preist that puts him self presumptuouslye & vnworthely in deadly sinne, wittingly to minister and to receaue that holy sacrament, & so recordes hit cursedly & damnablye, he receaues hys dome. Qui manducat et bibit indigne, iudicium fibi manducat & bibit. 1 Corin. 11.

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Marginalia9. Conclu.The ix. conclusion is this, that friers and priests falsely putten vpon me: that no priests entres into any house but euill for to treate the wife, the daughter, or þe wenche and therefore they sayden, that I prayed the people that their husbandes should beware, that they suffer no priest to enter into her house.

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MarginaliaAunswer.And if I had sayd thus, then had I prayed agaynst my self, for I come oft into mens houses: But thus I said, and yet I do, praying Christenmen to beware that they norishe nor maintaine no lecherous priests in their sinnes: for there be where (as men wel knowen) they ben maintayned in many places, continueng homely with her women. And iche men there sayn they payen therfore a certayne to the B. almes. Et deo ait ysodo9. xj. q. 4.Qui consentit peccantib9 et defendit alium delinquentem, maledictus erit apud deum et homines.

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Marginalia10. Conclusion.The x. conclusion is this, that friers and priestes putten vpon me falsely: that a childe is not verely baptised, if the priest that baptiseth, the godfather, or the godmother, ben in deadly sinne.

MarginaliaAunswer.God wot in heauen they sayd full false: but thus I sayd, and yet I say: that the prayers that an euill priest prayes (liuyng in lechery or other deadly sinne) ouer the childe when it shalbe folowed, ben not acceptable to God as ben the prayers of a good priest. And the better and clenner the priest is, the Godfather, and the Godmother: the more gratiously God will heare hem, yf all they been not greatest nor most riche in this world. Vnde gg. xiij. q. vij. cap. in grauibus. Cum is qui displicet ad intercedendū peccator admittitur, nati animus procul dubio ad deteriora prouocatur.

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Marginalia11. Conclusion.The xi. conclusion is this, that Freers and priestes putten vpon me falsly: that no man, liuyng agaynst the law of God is a priest, how euer he were ordeyned priest of any Bishop.

MarginaliaAunswer.Certes this is false, for I sayd neuer thus in thes termes: but thus I sayd, and thus I say with a protestacion put before, that what euery pope, or Cardinall, Byshop, or priest, or any prelate of the churche comes to his state or dignitie by Simony, and in Simonie occupies that office, and holy churches goodes: I say that he is a theef, & that by the dome of god, and comes but to steale and kil. Iohn. 10. Fur non venit nisi vt surent, & mactet, & perdat. And furthermore I say, that what Pope, Cardinall, byshop, prelate, or priest, in maner of liuyng, or teachyng, or lawes makyng, contrary to Christes lyuing & his lawes, or any other grounde putte in rulyng of the church of Christ, but by Christ & his lawes: is very Antichrist, aduersarie to Iesus Christ & his Apostels. MarginaliaThe true description who was AntechristAliudiū dunētū nemo potest ponere, preter id ф positū est, quod est christ9. Et patet 1. q. 3. c. Si quis. Et 1. q. 6. c. Ego autē. Quicūq;

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But this worshipfull father B. of Hereford, that here is, sayes thus in his writing: that I William of Swinderby, notwithstandyng the foresaid reuocation and abiuration (not settyng at hart, but from euill to worse he sayes, peruerted, so hys dioces) he says I come running about by diuers places: and by myne owne folly he says that I haue presumet to preach many heresies, errours, blasphemies, schismes, and other defames, and to holye Canons and determination of holy church contrarye & repugnant, which where and when within for the more specially it shal be shewed, þt ye bene falsly enformed þt I haue presumed in diuers places in your dioces to preach heresies, errors, blasphemies, schismes, & other diffames. And sire all the countrey knowes whether thys be sooth or not: for sire I presume not, sythen it is the office of a priest, by the law of Christ to preach þe gospel: ne nought I dyd it for presumption, but for the charge that I haue of God by priesthoode (if all I be vnworthye) and to the worshyp of God and helpe of Christen soules, frely with out gatheryng of here goods for my preaching. If I erred in this, I wyll be amended. And sire touching your maundement that ye senden to me, there was sent none. And sire I made neuer yet disobedience vnto you, ne to your ministers and yef all I had, me owes more to obeyche to God then to you, in that that ye bidden contrary to Christes biddyng. And sire as ye sayne, that I had no mynde of my hele, it is to lyghtly demet: for God forbyd, but yef there lye hele more than in your biddyngs. For God wot for hele I dyd it, of myne and of the people, and that was in my mynde. But sire it semes me, þt ye charge not by euidence of the punishing so greatly þe breaking of gods hestes, as ye done of your owne. And sire if it be your wil, in defaulte that the people wanted, you to teach hem (and her curates did not) by the desire of the people that werne hungry and thirsty after gods

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