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K. Richard. 2. The proces against W. Swinderby.

Marginalia9. Article.The ix. Article is this that I shoulde haue sayd: that it is not in the Popes power to graunt to any man (doyng penaunce) remission from payne, ne from blame.

MarginaliaAunswer.Leude I am, but this Article sayd I not thus leudly: But thus I say, that sithen it is only due to God to geue and to graunt plenary remission from paynes and from blame: MarginaliaThe pope proued a blasphemerthat what euer he be, pope or other, that presumptuously mistakes vpon him that power that is onely due to God: in that (in as much as in hym is) he makes hym selfe Christ, and blasphemeth in God, as lucifer did, whē he sayd: Ascendam et ero similis altissimo. Farther I say, if the pope hold men of armes, in maintainyng his temporalties and Lordship to venge him on hem that gilten and offenden hym, and gyues remission to fight and to slay hem that contraryen hem, as men sayden he did by the Bishop of Northwiche  

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This is a reference to Henry Despenser, bishop of Norwich, who led an expedition against the French; see 1570, pp. 528-9; 1576, pp. 424-5 and 1583, p. 428.

, MarginaliaOf this Henr. Spenser B. of Norwich see the pag. 545.not puttyng his swerde into his sheath, as God commaunded Peter. Mitte &c. he is Antichristus, for he dos contrary to the commaundementes of Iesus, that bad Peter forgeue to his brother seuenty sithe seuen sithe. Si peccauerit in me frater meus, quotiens dimittam ei? Septies &c. Et Christus: nō dico tibi septies, sed septuagesies septies.

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Marginalia10. Article.The x. Articles is this, that our Byshop puttes to me þt I should haue said: þt a man geuing his almes to any mā after his dome (not hauyng nede) sinnes, in so geuing.

MarginaliaAunswer.This article sothly I said not in these termes: But of this matter I haue spoken, and will with protestacion made before on this wise: þt it is medefull to geue almes to yche man that asketh it bodely or gostly, but not to geue to yche shameles begger, strong and mighty of body, to get his lyfeloode leuefull and will not, MarginaliaHe meneth of begging what degree so he be, men owen not to geue it to such a one, that he vnresonably asketh, for if he geue it to him wittingly, he sinnes as fautor of his idlenes. Vnde Sap. 12. Si benefeceris, scito cui benefeceris, et erit gloria in bonis tuis multa.

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Marginalia11. Article.The xi. Article is this, that is put to me, that I should haue sayd, that it is not in the power of any prelate of what euer priuate religion, to graunt letters of the good dedes of her order, ne such benefices grauntet profites not to hele of soules to hem that they ben grauntet to.

MarginaliaAunswereI sayd neuer thus in these termes: but thus I say with protestation, that prelates of priuate religion mowen graunt letters of the good dedes of her order: MarginaliaGood dedes of the order profite nothing.But the gostly mede that comes of good dedes, they mowe not graunt, for þt is onely propriet to God. And if they blinde the people in misbelefe for her worldly winning, witingly beheting hem of her owne graunt gostly medes in heuen by her letters and her seale (vncerteine, who shalbe damned) but make the people bolder to sinne by trust of here prayers: hit is none heal to the soules, but harms to that one and to that other. For God shall yeld to echone after here werks. Ipse reddet vnicuique secūdū opera sua.

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Marginalia12. Article.The xij. Article is this: that our byshop puttes to me, that I mony tymes and oft haue come (he sayes) to a deserte woode, cleped Derwaldswode of his dioces: & there in a chappel not hallowed, but accurset Marginalia* Or shepcotte.* sheperds hulke: by mine owne folly he sayes haue presumed to sing (but rather to curse) in contempt of the keyes.

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MarginaliaAunswere.Hereto I say, that this is falsly put vpon me of hem that tolde you this. MarginaliaThe accusers proued with a lye.For it is a chappell where a priest singes certaine dayes in the yeare, with great solemnitie: and certes I neuer song therin seth I was borne into this world.

Marginalia13. Article.The xiij. Article is this, that I should also presume to sing in an vnhallowet chappel, that stondes in the parke of Newton, MarginaliaAn other lye.besides the towne of Leyntwardy of thys same dioces.

MarginaliaAunswereTruly I wote not where that place stondes.

Marginalia14. Article.The xiiij. article is this, that I should say that no mā owes to sweare for any thyng, but simply withouten oth to affirme or to deny, and if he sweare he sinnes.

MarginaliaAunswerThis article sayd I not that I haue mynd of, in thismaner. But oft I haue sayd and yet wil, MarginaliaTo swere by no creature.that mē should not sweare by any creature by the law of God, and that no man should swere in idell, as well nygh all the people vseth, and therefore me thinkes it is no nede to comforte the people in swearing. For from the old vnto the yong, and namely men of holy churche, breken this heste, and fewe byshops pursuen hem therefore.

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Marginalia15. Article.The xv. Article is this, that I should haue taught to true men of Christ, that on no maner they should worship the image of him that was done on the crosse, or the image of the blessed maide his mother, or of other saints in to honour & worship of the same ordeinet in the minde of them. And oft sithes, the worshipper of such image, he has reprouet, saying and strōgly affirmyng, that churchmen sinnen and done idolatry.

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MarginaliaAunswereThis conclusion haue I not said in these termes. But this I say with protestation, that God commaundes in his law in diuerse places, Exodi. 20. Leuit. 19. & 26, Deute. 5. &. 7. Tobiæ. 1. Baruc. 6. 2. ad Corinth. 10. Esai. 45. Ier, 2. 6. 8. & 10. 22. & vlumo. Sapient. 13. & 14. & 15. Mac. 5. & Threnorum 4. & postiemo: MarginaliaImages not to be worshippedthat mē should not worshippē grauē images that ben the werkes of mens handes: And also he biddes that men should not make to hem grauē images in likenes of the thynges that been in heauen, to that ende to worshipen hem: sethen neither God ne Christ by hys manhode gaue neuer cōmaundement to make thes images, ne expresse counsail, ne his Apostles in all hys law, ne to worship such that bene made. But wel I wote, that by mens owne relatiō that haue misbeleuet in hem, that many men sinnen in maumetrie worshipping such dead images: Marginalia* Not for thy, notwithstanding.Not for thy, to the men ben images good to whom they ben but kalendars, & through the sight of hem they knowen the better and worshipen oft God and his saints. And to such men they done harme that setten her hope and trust in hem or done any worship to hem agaynst Gods law and his hest. Vnde ait Gregorius in Registro libro. 10 in Epistola ad Serenum Episcopum. Si quis imagines facere voluerit, minime prohibe: adorare omnino prohibe. Sed hoc sollicite fraternitas tua admoneat, vt ex visione rei gestæ, ardorem compunctionis percipiant, vt in adoratione totius trinitatis prosternantur.

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MarginaliaGreg. Regist. lib. 10.These conclusions, pointes, and articles that I haue vnder protestation, in this booke affirmed: I will stande by hem, and maintayne hem (with the grace of almighty God) to the tyme that the contrary be prouet deuly by Gods lawe: And this protestation I make for my fayth and my beleife as I did the begynnyng: that when soeuer this worshipfull, or any other Christen man shewes me verayly by Gods law the contrary of this, I will holy forsake hem, and take me to the veray trouth and better vnderstandyng of wiser men, redy to be amended by the law of Iesu Christ, and be a true Christen man and faithfull sonne of holy church: And of these I besech you all to bere witnes where ye commen.

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MarginaliaW. Swinderby keping him self from the B. was cited as foloweth.Subsequenter vero, quia fide dignorum relatione recepimus, quod idem Gulielmus Swynderby latitabat quo minus posset in propria persona citari ipsum Gulihelmum vijs & modis per Edictum publicum ad instar albi prætoris in ecclesia nostra cathedrali Herfordensi & parochialibus ecclesijs de Kington Croste, et VVhitney nostræ diocesis: vbi idem Guilhelmus solebat commorari citari fecimus, prout et quemadmodum in modo citatorio continetur, cuius, tenor sequitur in hæc verba.

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¶ The Citation.

MarginaliaThe tenor of the citation.IOhn by Gods permission bishop of Hereforde  

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The following five documents are citations for Swinderby to appear before Bishop John Trefnant from 5 July to 16 August 1391. These documents are all taken from Trefnant's register; see Registrum Johannis Trefnant Episcopis Herefordensis, ed. W. W. Capes, Canterbury and York Society 20 (London, 1916), pp. 251-55.

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, to hys deare sonnes our Dene of Leamster, and to the persons of Croft, Almaly, and Whytney, and also to the vicars of Kinston, Iardesley, wyggemore, & Monmouth Clifford, & of S. Iohns Altar in our Cathedrall churche of Hereford, and to the rest of the Deanes, Persons, vicars, Chaplens, parish priestes, and to other, whosoeuer in any place are apointed throughe our Citie and dioces of Hereford: sendeth greting, grace, and benediction.

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We byd and commaund, charging you straitlye, in the
